Cat on Water

Chapter 30 – Cat Vandalizes Library and Gets BDSM As Consequence

Hey All! Sorry for leaving this one for a few days. I am currently in the process of moving back out of my current housing for the summer, so I have spent most of the time I would spend writing packing instead. I also have about a week off before I have to get back into the swing of things, and I was planning on doing a mass edit of the previous chapters, as I personally feel like I have started swaying away from the original comedic one piece type feel I wanted for the story. Hopefully rereading my previous stuff will help me get in line with where I want this thing to go.


Chapter 30

Big Mom POV

Big Mom was hungry. Then again, she was always hungry. Fortunately, Charlotte ‘Big Mom’ Linlin was at the head of one of the most powerful groups on the planet.

That was why she was utterly furious when one of her pawns showed up with only half of his crew, dragging his brother behind him who was supposed to be bringing her back Seaking meat so she could have a supply to eat.

“Mamama, Perospero, where is my food? I thought I told you to get something from the chef for me.” She said, her beady eyes glaring into Perospero’s soul as he dragged his brother behind him like a wet rag.

Big mom then noticed her minion’s rather harried look, along with the fact that Daifuku was in fact unconscious and wrapped in bandages. “Daifuku! What are you doing?! Get up.” Big Mom cried, her voice shaking the room she was in.

They were currently in the third-floor courtyard, where Yoruichi had found her first door. Charlotte Linlin was sitting at one of her white tables, peering out the window and sipping tea out of a massive cup while she waited for food.

“Ah, Mama?” Perospero tentatively asked, taking note of Big Mom’s foul mood. He was his Mama’s eldest, so he would get some leeway with her moods. “Daifuku has been attacked on his own island no less. The perpetrator even killed one of your incarnations!”

Big Mom frowned. She didn’t remember one of her incarnations dying recently.

Big Mom sat in silence for a moment, only for an event a few days ago to flash through her mind. One of her incarnations did in fact get destroyed, and Big Mom got vague notions of a tiny purple haired woman, but that was four days ago, so she didn’t really think much of it.

It wasn’t the first time her incarnations had died. They weren’t particularly powerful compared to a lot of people in the New World, since all they could do was take souls from people. They usually died every few years in some sort of dispute or attack on her territory by another Yonko crew, or some of the stronger fleet members.

“Mamama. Is the ‘perpetrator’ a tiny purple haired woman?” Big Mom asked. She turned and put her teacup down, the size of the thing taking up at least a quarter of the table with its size.

Perospero looked pensively at his mother, but nodded, his tongue swinging along as he did so with a slight wince. The delicate muscle was still hurting from when his newly found Mr. Bonbon scratched him.

Big Mom narrowed her eyes. For however childish she acted, she was still an extremely wily person, having dragged herself to power with her own two hands. ‘I may need to set an example with this woman.’ She thought, plans already circulating in her mind. ‘If she is able to beat Daifuku, then she would gain enough publicity to rally behind. I do not want any ‘supernova’ forming in my territory, even if she would be in the new world’

Big Mom suddenly stood up, and started walking toward the door. When she walked by Perospero, she said, “Bring Daifuku to the infirmary and then meet me in the meeting room.”

Perospero nodded his head, and said differently, “Of course, Mama. Should I bring any of my siblings? Smoothie, perhaps? She is always looking forward to a hunt.”

Big Mom paused for a moment in contemplation. “Hmm, yes. Send Smoothie out searching for the attacker. I will send Randolph and Crane with her as assistance in searching.”

Big Mom turned around again to head out the door. However, as soon as she reached for the door handle, she froze. Cascading over her, and everyone else’s senses was a stifling presence reminiscent of Conqueror’s Haki. The only thing different about it was that it felt like death itself, instead of the pure pressure that comes with Conqueror’s Haki.

Big Mom tuned around again, this time looking up at the ceiling, or rather through it. Her devil fruit allowed her to see the souls of people in her vicinity, which combined with her Observation Haki, allowed her to have an almost all-encompassing awareness of who was on her island. It was one of the ways she generated her homies, by identifying the people who are in her territory with the strongest soul power and taking more from them than the rest.

“Mamamamama.” Big Mom laughed, “It looks like we have a visitor.” She glanced down at Perospero, and said in an angry tone, “Perospero! Leave Daifuku here and go inform Katakuri that we have a visitor that needs to be calmed down.”

Perospero was shivering slightly, the pressure reminding him of his bad experience a few days prior. “Y-yes mama. May I inform you, that, the pressure is reminiscent of Daifuku’s attacker?” he said, his shivering making his voice stutter a little.

“Ohhh~?” Big Mom smiled cruelly, “Well it would be a bad host for me to just let her wander around aimlessly~” she said in a singsong voice. Without further ado, Big Mom turned and walked out into the hallway, making her way to the stairs.


Yoruichi POV

Yoruichi was angry, truly angry for the first time in a long time. The last true time she was this mad was when Kisuke got himself arrested and they had to put themselves into exile.

But she was also confused. ‘Nothing here is adding up. How are there the uniforms of my family’s guard along with an Asauchi in this dimension? I thought Kisuke was the first to discover dimensional travel. And to be held in an exhibit of all things.’ She growled in her mind, trying to make sense of exactly what was going on.

She was currently standing behind Charlotte Brulee, having to jump up and stand on the air to even be able to reach her, and was holding her Zanpakuto to her neck, the tip reaching slightly past her shoulder. Repeating her earlier question, Yoruichi asked again, “I know it came from somewhere, so where was it?”

She could see Brulee completely tense up in front of her, and ever so slightly turn her head toward Yoruichi’s blade.

She hesitantly responded, her voice stiff, “I…. I am not certain when we got them, but I do know they are from Wano, sometime before the void century. It is one of the few relics that actually exist from that time.”

Brulee was slowly turning around to look at Yoruichi, probably hoping Yoruichi didn’t notice. She did, but it wasn’t something that important. The neck is in fact a circle, so it doesn’t really matter where the blade is, not with Yoruichi’s speed.

Yoruichi’s eyes narrowed a bit, her brain thinking of why that might be important. ‘Wano? Isn’t that Kaido’s territory now? I might have to go look around there at some point. First Yoru, then my clan’s symbol and uniform showing up? Something happened here, and I want to know what.’

Not much is known about the time between when the Soul King was sealed, and the creation of the Gotei 13. Even Yoruichi, a former Captain of said organization, only really knew about the Soul King’s position because of her captaincy and clan head of one of the 5 people who put him there in the first place.

At some point between then and the creation of the Soul King, the 5 people who captured the Soul King created their own clans, bringing some sort of order to the newly created Shinigami, allowing them to make some sort of resistance again the hollows, who had been around for longer, and thus more established.

After the creation of the clans, Oetsu Nimaiya met with Yoruichi’s own clan head at the time to examine the family’s weapon, Yoru. He used it, along with some other effects from at least the Kuchiki and Shiba clans to create the Asauchi.

A while after the signature weapon of Shinigami was created, the then clan head got into a fight with a hollow of some sort, and both eventually vanished, never to be seen again.

Then again, most of this happened within 10,000 years of the soul king being captured, so records from back then were only kept by the 5 clans themselves, and even then, they were guarded piously, and very scarce. The only reason Yoruichi even knew that Oetsu had used their weapon as somewhat of a base, was because the clan heads had a tendency to take notes, or journals, or some sort of record of their deeds.

Of course, most of these were lost, but it was still a requirement for any Yoruichi family member to learn the special coded language the clan used to hide their secrets, just so they could read and learn from their ancestors.

Yoruichi let herself out of her thought, only a scant few seconds having passed in reality. She noticed the floor slightly shook for some reason, though since it had happened at least a few times before, and Brulee did not mention it, it was probably normal.

She tilted her head to the side, giving a pondering look to the taller woman. “So, Wano, huh? Might have to make a trip. Any recommendations for stops on the way?” she said casually, her other hand reaching over and grabbing the admittedly pretty large book, and she pulled it over closer to her.

In a quick movement, Yoruichi flipped the book open, grabbed the items inside, and closed it again, not even taking her eyes off of Brulee, only her spiritual senses for a scant moment to feel the Reishi in the items.

However, when she focused again on the woman, she found herself staring back at her, in an exact mirror, sword held out and all. ‘What the hell? When did that happen?’ she thought a bit incredulously.

When you took your senses off of her, she formed a mirror with her hands and then turned into you. Probably a devil fruit.” Rain helpfully chimed in.

Yoruichi narrowed her eyes in contemplation. “Mah, and here I thought we were off to a pretty good start, Brulee.” She then grinned, a feral glint taking over her eyes. “But, since I am a little incensed right now, I suppose I could have some fun~”

Without waiting for a response, Yoruichi flicked her Zanpakuto’s tip upwards in an attempt to get the other ‘Yoruichi’ to be off balance. It did utterly nothing, as as soon as Yoruichi so much as twitched, so did the mirror.

She then brought her weapon down to her side, eventually sheathing it, with the mirror having followed each and every movement, down to the twitch of Yoruichi’s alternate hand.

‘So, an exact mirror, huh. Haven’t seen this before.’ Yoruichi thought pensively.

‘Lets see what exactly you can mirror then.’ She then put her hands together and cracked her knuckles, ready for an old-fashioned beatdown.

Flash-stepping forward, Yoruichi threw a quick haymaker, with the mirror following suit. Right as they were about to connect, Yoruichi bailed on her attack and attempted to grab onto the mirror’s arm. Of course, the mirror also did this, and they just ended up grabbing each other’s wrist with their offhand, which quickly led to a struggle between the two evenly matched women.

Yoruichi sent a lightning-fast kick to her opponent’s knee, which was obviously mirrored, ending up with them just kicking each other in the calf.

Seeing as her testing was pretty complete, at least for the physical level.

‘Brulee isn’t the one piloting this reflection, at least not directly. I know for a fact that most of my attacks would have done some damage to her if she was just using my body as a ‘guise’ to fight me. It is an actual mirror, where everything I do is reflected perfectly, even the amount of force.’

She then smirked, intending to take her little tests up to the next level.

Pulling her fist back, Yoruichi said, “Hado #16, Ya Ken.” And let the force of the kido take over, sending a straight jab in the shape of a fist flying through the air.

Yoruichi noticed almost immediately something she could take advantage of. The mirror copy did the exact same motions, said the exact same words, (and wasn’t that creepy), but did not make any sort of kido whatsoever.

This led to the mirror image standing there like a loon and taking a blast of compressed air to the face, sending the Yoruichi lookalike flying across the library, eventually crashing into a wall.

Shelves cracked and books tumbled as the mirror broke through the bookcase. Yoruichi stood cautiously, waiting for what the mirror’s next move now that the ‘mirroring’ was broken.

The mirror got up slightly gingerly, pushing books and pieces of wood off of them. Once it had itself steadied, it went back to the mirrored position of Yoruichi, legs slightly apart, arms in a ready position at her sides.

Yoruichi looked interestedly at the copy. ‘Hm, so it seems to only break itself out of the mirroring when acted upon by something else, then immediately goes back to attempting to mirror its target.’

She prepped herself to attack again, hoping to end this as soon as possible, since she had what she wanted, and saw no reason to continue fighting whatever this thing was.

Yoruichi tensed her arms, preparing a Hado #44, Byaku-Banrai at her mirrored clone. However, when she went to raise her arms, she found that she couldn’t move more than a simple twitch.

‘What the hell??!’ Yoruichi cried in her mind, tensing up in an attempt to try and break out of whatever was holding her.

In her distraction, she barely heard the whoosh of a blade swinging through the air, and hurriedly cast a nonverbal Hado #8, Seki next to her neck. Her hurried action paid off, as what she could now see as a scythe bounced off the small ball of energy at record speeds, sending it and it’s wielder, Brulee flying backward.

Yoruichi’s eyes narrowed in annoyance. ‘It has to be one of her abilities. She can walk through mirrors, right? She probably has some ‘reflection’ devil fruit that allows her to manipulate reflections like she’s doing to me.’

The Shinigami quickly got tired of being forced to stay still, so she activated Shunko for an added power boost. Once she did, the Kido swirling around in her body added enough power to her limbs that she could raise her hand and send out a jet of pure kido energy in a conical blast, carving a deep gouge out of the floor, and once the mirror clone was impacted too.

Said clone went flying back once more into a bookshelf, this time followed by a veritable tornado of whirling energy tearing up everything near it. After a moment, the clone simply disappeared, turning into something akin to a mirage.

The tower shook a little, causing Yoruichi to almost fall over until she stabilized herself. Looking around at the damage, she could see a bunch of the large books and bookshelves in tatters, with Brulee embedded into an upper wall, right below the second floor.

She could see a broken mirror at the woman’s feet, with glass strewn over the ground.

After taking stock of the situation, Yoruichi just sighed in annoyance. She dusted herself off and made her way over to the door to go and find a way off this weird ass island, but she did not get very far.

After only a few steps, Yoruichi froze as she felt Conqueror’s Haki roiling out from somewhere outside and below her. She quickly shrouded her presence, hoping to not get into another fight with who was probably Big Mom herself.

“WHO THE HELL PUT HOLES IN MY WALL?!” she heard a voice cry out, it’s high-pitched timber rattling some of the bookshelves still standing. She winced, glancing over at the pretty large hole in the side of the wall where she had hit the clone with a Shunko blast.

‘She is not gonna like that, is she….’ Yoruichi sweat dropped, but after a moment just shrugged it off. Not her problem people decided to attack her.

Headed over to a window, which happened to be near the door, Yoruichi tried to sneak out. She tried, because as soon as she put her hands on the window the wall it was on basically exploded with a wall of the ugliest pink dress she had ever seen right in her face.

Yoruichi backflipped away from the now less than wall and put herself on guard, flattening herself against the bookshelf and erasing her presence.

‘Hey Rain, you feel that?’ she asked pensively.

Yes. How did she get that powerful?” Rain replied gruffly.

Yoruichi pursed her lips in thought. ‘That is Big Mom, right? We know she does stuff with souls, but who is to say she can’t just boost her own power with them?’ she thought, looking up, and up, and up at the woman who had to be 30 feet tall (900cm).

However, what Yoruichi was truly interested in was Big Mom’s Reishi density. Yeah sure, Yoruichi had senses a Lieutenant level of Reiatsu when she first got there, but she wasn’t expecting that to be at a level where Big Mom could rival some of the worse captains in pure amount.

Yoruichi had seen souls of similar size, mostly if not all in Haki users. For instance, Garp and Sengoku reached a low, but solid Lieutenant level, with Tsuru following behind, almost at the same level, but not quite. All of the Admirals Yoruichi had seen had a similar level of soul power, lower level Lieutenant.

That is what made Big Mom a little bit of an eerie sight. Yoruichi could tell that Big Mom had a soul as powerful if not greater than someone like Sengoku, but It looked to be artificially enhanced.

It was like glancing at a puddle than realizing that the puddle is deep. You don’t notice it at first until you realize you can’t actually see the bottom.

To Yoruichi it looked like a patchwork of soul pieces all stuffed into a container, kind of like a jar of cotton balls.

“Who did it?!” The woman roared, “I just had this floor redone for my next tea party!”. She rampaged about the room, looking for the culprit.

Yoruichi pressed herself against the shelf, eyeing the now much bigger escape route. Sliding forward, Yoruichi made for the exit. She vaulted over a piece of the wall, her hands going in between her legs as she jumped, but right as she was about to life her hands off, she found herself stuck.

Yoruichi’s momentum kept her going forward, causing her to do an almost front flip over the debris, but ended up landing hard on the ground with a grunt, the wind getting knocked out of her on impact.

Yoruichi now resembled some sort of kidnap victim, with the hands tied up above their heads and said victim looking disoriented.

‘What the hell just happened?’ she thought as she tried to pry her hands off the debris they were stuck to. She could feel a very sticky, honeylike substance on her hands, obviously what was holding her there.

While that was happening, Yoruichi quickly noticed a presence she had not noticed before in her haste to get out of the room with Big Mom. In front of her stood another extremely tall man, about 3 of her stacked on top of each other, with short cropped maroon red hair and a black and white scarf around his neck. He was completely bare chested except for a black sleeveless biker jacket and pink lined tattoos on his left arm. He wore matching black pants with a grey studded belt with a skull for a belt buckle, along with another belt wrapped around his thigh with bracelets and knee pads matching the belts. He had black wrist gloves on, though only one of them was able to be seen as the other was completely turned into a white, sticky substance that was extended out in the direction of Yoruichi.

Eyeing the man warily, she could see that he was the cause of her current case of problems.

“Oi, what the hell man?” she asked, annoyed. “I get you wanna blow your load on me, but did you have to make it so sticky? I cant even move!”

She was a little put off when the man barely even glanced at her, and chose to walk past her toward his mother.

“Mama.” He called. “I found your culprit.”

Hearing those words, Big Mom stopped her rampage around her own library and turned to face her strongest child.

“Ohh~?” she asked, a teasing lilt to her voice. “You caught a little fly in your trap? How nice.”

Big Mom turned around, a limber feat for someone so large and looked down at Yoruichi.

“Ah, there you are. Aren’t you a pretty one~?” Big Mom crooned, a disturbing smile on her face.

Yoruichi’s face scrunched up in disgust. ‘Oh hell no. I thought Garp was crazy, but this bitch takes it to a whole new level.’

She kept pulling at the sticky substance that was now almost entirely covering her hands, but to no avail. After a few moments, she stopped struggling and relaxed.

Big Mom still had that disturbing smile on her face as she leaned down to get a closer look at her new ‘prisoner’.

“Hmmm. You are so tiny, for someone who caused so much damage to my territory.” The woman mumbled, talking more to herself than anything else.

Yoruichi raised an eyebrow, while looking up and over her shoulder at the Yonko behind her. Yoruichi said in a drawl, “Well, you know how it is. Tinier people can apply more force to a larger area.”

Katakuri mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like “ I don’t think that’s how that goes…” but Yoruichi ignored him in favor of the more pressing issue.

Big Mom narrowed her eyes dangerously. “Mamama. You are the one who destroyed Poripori Island, right~?”

Yoruichi shrugged as much as she was able with her hands stuck. “I don’t know what the place was called, but if it was the home of the guy who liked to rub himself off a lot, then probably.” she said flippantly.

Big Mom pouted slightly; a bit put off. “Mmmmm, you freely admit to it?” she asked rhetorically.

Yoruichi just shrugged again casually. “Don’t really see the point in not. What are you going to do if I say no, torture me?” she replied.

A “Yes.” Immediately came from the tall pink haired man, which caused Yoruichi to glance over at him out of the corner of her eye.

With a pout, Yoruichi whined, “Aww, would you really? Ill have you know I’m not that much into BDSM, but for you I’ll make an exceptionnnn. ~”

Big Mom laughed, a deep thing compared to her normal voice that blended in with her usual laugh. “Hahahahamamama… Such a crass child.” The large woman paused for a moment, visibly thinking. “Oh, what to do, what to do. Oh~!” she mumbled to herself before shouting. “I know just the repayment for you attacking my territory. You shall marry my son Katakuri here. Such a wonderful match.” The woman grinned happily, clearly happy with herself.

Yoruichi froze as her entire brain function shut down.

“Ohohoho~ It is just in time for the Tea Party too! You can get married then! I will have to get invitations written up.” The clearly insane woman shouted jubilantly while Yoruichi, and also Katakuri sat stunned.

It took a few moments but when Yoruichi broke out of her own brain freeze, all she could manage to say was a meek “Huh?”

I'm sure most of the readers who follow along with the chapters as I post them know I kinda like to leave chapters on a cliff hanger. For this, I will say Yoruichi will not be getting a ship or relationship. I just cannot see Big Mom finding someone who can beat up multiple members of her family (remember she isnt stupid, just childish, she 100% saw Brulee knocked out on the bookshelf) not want to get them into a marriage with one of her children.

Anyway, on to the next one!

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