Celestial Mage

Chapter 39 Chapolet's Beautiful Friend

Chapter 39 Chapolet's Beautiful Friend
late at night.

House of Selendis.

Rosen woke up instantly, pricking up his ears to listen.

'Squeak~squeak~click! '

An imaginary picture emerged in Rosen's mind.

Someone pulled the wooden bolt of the window, pushed the window open, closed the window again, and pushed the wooden bolt again.

"It's so late, is the tutor still asleep?" Rosen was slightly curious.

But this was Serendis's private life after all, and opening the windows might just be to let the wind out, and it wasn't a big deal.

Rosen did not continue to pay attention.

But in this way, the drowsiness dissipated again, and he continued to review the knowledge of spells.

About half an hour later, the sound of opening and closing the window came from upstairs again, followed by the voice of a woman talking.

Because of the thick wooden boards, the voice was very vague, and I couldn't hear what was said, but I could distinguish two different voices, one of which seemed to be complaining.

Rosen's heart skipped a beat: "Crazy?"

I pricked up my ears to listen carefully, but the conversation disappeared again, and it hasn't sounded since then.

But Rosen couldn't fall asleep at all, and various thoughts appeared in his mind.

Soon, he thought of a possibility.

"The last time the window was opened, the tutor left the room. And the second time the window was opened, the tutor returned to the room?"

As soon as this thought came out, another thought followed.

"The murder at the market in the south of the city happened near Serrandis's hut. The appearance of the mentor almost completely matches Xia Bolai's description of the murderer. Now she goes out quietly in the middle of the night. Could it be?"

"No, it's absolutely impossible. Unless the mentor is hiding a crazy third personality, she can never be the murderer."

Over the past week or so, each other's every move, every frown and smile has been constantly reappearing in my mind.

He didn't believe that someone in the world could hide so deeply that he could completely hide it from his eyes.

However, the superposition of all kinds of coincidences can indeed make up a strong suspicion.

In the eyes of people close to him, this suspicion is naturally not worth mentioning, but to strangers, such as the sheriff, it is completely enough to make it a key investigation object.

Another thought popped into my mind.

"Could it be that someone wants to frame the mentor?!"

If this is the case, then there is a reasonable explanation for the mentor's abnormal behavior.

Maybe she also felt something was wrong, so she went out in the middle of the night to find out the truth.

Thinking about it this way, Rosen felt that this possibility was very high, much more likely than the possibility that the mentor was the murderer.

"Someone wants to frame the mentor, what should I do?"

"The mentor is far stronger than me, and the mentor's opponent must also be a strong one. Since she has already noticed something is wrong, then I don't know anything for the time being."

"Should I tell Uncle then?"

"It doesn't seem to be necessary. The instructor has many opportunities to tell the uncle, but she didn't say it, which shows that she has her own considerations. Naturally, I don't need to be troublesome."

After some weighing, Rosen chose to remain silent.

He simply let go of his thoughts and didn't think about anything.

Soon, drowsiness surged up again, followed by a deep sleep.

Silent all night.

The next day I woke up as scheduled, and after a busy day, I had breakfast with Serendis.

During the dinner, Rosen took the opportunity to observe the other party carefully, and saw that the other party's eyes were bright, his face was ruddy, his complexion was excellent, and there was no trace of lack of rest.

"Maybe I didn't go out at all, I just opened the window to breathe."

He simply put away his doubts, and everything remained the same.

After breakfast, go to the Hound House to paint, and collect the payment for selling paintings by the way.

Recently, at least one painting can be sold every day, and each painting can bring him a huge income ranging from 10 to 25 crowns.

According to Harrick, at least half of the paintings were purchased by the same wealthy businessman.

That guy is in the water transport business. He has more than a dozen large ships under his command, and he has a lot of money.

This person is as lustful as his life, but his taste is very tricky. He can't find a satisfactory beauty in reality, so he pins all his enthusiasm on the virtual world in the painting.

Rosen just listened to these things, and didn't think about the future development for the time being.

It's not that I don't want to, but that I don't have time.

During this time, his mind was almost completely immersed in the magic world.

While painting, Xia Bolai came back.

When Rosen finished painting and went downstairs to rest, he was sitting alone at the table drinking with a gloomy face.

"Uncle, what's the matter?"

Xia Bolai was holding his breath, and immediately patted the table with a look of resentment.

"After a week of peace, another accident happened last night! Two more died, and the death was very tragic!"

Another death last night?
Rosen's heart jumped slightly, and the abnormal movement on the second floor last night appeared in his mind again.

He hurriedly asked, "Are there any clues to the murderer?"

Xia Bolai took a big gulp of wine, with a look of unwillingness.

"Yes, not only the clues, I also saw the murderer next to the corpse!"

"She runs fast and is very familiar with the roads in the south of the city market. I tried my best to catch up, but she ran away!"

Rosen was a little surprised: "Uncle, you are a high-ranking warrior, and she is faster than you?!"

Xia Bolai sighed: "If you only talk about running speed, she is naturally not my opponent."

"But she can do spells and fly. She can fly over a wall that is more than ten meters high, but I have to climb the wall very hard. Once I go back and forth, I lose it."

"It can fly! Uncle, have you seen her face clearly?"

The flying technique consumes quite a lot of mana, but the speed of being able to get rid of Chapolei's flying technique is definitely not slow, which shows that the murderer has quite strong mana.

Xia Bolai shook her head regretfully: "A few times I saw the front face, but her face was covered with a black cloth, and only a pair of eyes were exposed. The light was too dim, so I couldn't see clearly."

"However, the clues left by the clues of the last murder proved to be completely correct. It is indeed a plump woman."

"Hey, no, the back looks a little familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere before."

Xia Bolai covered his head, lost in thought.

At this moment, a clear and clear male voice came from outside the Hound House.

"Monsieur Chapelle, are you there?"

Xia Bolai raised the volume and shouted: "I'm here, come in."

Soon, a young man walked into the hound's home. After seeing Xia Bolai, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Before Rosen could ask, Xia Bolai took the initiative to introduce.

"This is Olek. He is also a bounty hunter and a wandering mage. He knows a few good spells. Although we have only met each other for a short time, we hit it off right away."

"During this time, we have been working together to catch the killer."

He introduced Rosen to Olek again: "Rosen, my little brother, is currently a magic apprentice."

Olek smiled heartily: "I've been hearing about Xia Bolai's deeds all the time, and it's a great honor to finally meet you today."

Rosen also stood up and greeted the other party.

"Uncle has a bold personality and is honest. To be recognized by him must be an upright gentleman. I am also very honored to know you."

While saying these polite words, Rosen carefully observed the other party.

About 25 or [-] years old, half a head taller than Chapolei, with thick light golden shawl-length hair, bright blue eyes, three-dimensional facial features, extremely handsome face, excellent skin condition, no ordinary employment at all Soldiers often have traces of vicissitudes.

And when he laughed, his whole body seemed to be shining, coupled with decent etiquette and gentle attitude, every move exuded a strong charm, which made people feel close to each other.

Compared with him, Xia Bolai, who is short, fat and black, looks like a big black mouse.

Although Rosen had passed the age of judging people by their appearance, the contrast was a bit big.

He couldn't help suspecting that part of the reason Olek became friends with Xia Bolai was because he wanted him to complement his handsome face.

Because it was late, and Xia Bolai and Oleke had been discussing the details of the murder, Rosen stayed for a while, then got up to leave.

Flying all the way back to Serrandis' hut, lighting a fire to cook, and then greeted the enthusiastic Serrandis.

After a somewhat embarrassing and fussy coping, she was finally coaxed to go to the second floor to write a thesis, while Rosen began to wash the other party's changed clothes.

This is something that is commonplace, Rosen has long been used to it, and regards it as a daily mana skill training class.

Washing and washing, but found an unexpected situation.

When cleaning the cotton inner skirt, Rosen found that the skirt near the thigh was stained with some inconspicuous black stains.

'what is this? '

He pulled the inner skirt to his eyes and observed it carefully, and found that it was actually the black sludge that is often seen on the street.

'This is strange! '

If it is said that the mud was stained when going out, it should also be stained on the outer skirt, while the inner skirt, at most, was stained on the hem of the skirt.

But now, the hem of the inner and outer skirts is very clean, which means that they have not gone out.

It happened that the place where the dirt shouldn't be stained the least was stained.

How did this stick?
Rosen fell into thought, and soon, he thought of a possibility.

When I went out last night, I must have changed into night clothes that are convenient for action.After returning to the room, he changed out of the night clothes and put on the sleeping skirt again.

When changing, a trace of stain on the coat accidentally got on the inner skirt, but the instructor didn't notice it.

In other words, the mentor did go out quietly last night.

And the somewhat familiar figure Xiabolai found next to the corpse is very likely to be the tutor who happened to be checking the murder scene.

Rosen sighed secretly.

"Teacher, mentor, no matter what, you must be careful."

After finally finding a reliable tutor, I only learned it for less than two weeks, but I don't want to be lost again.

 It's still three shifts today.

(End of this chapter)

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