Celestial Mage

Chapter 57 Immortality Does Not Mean Freedom

Chapter 57 Immortality Does Not Mean Freedom

Crisp laughter broke the silence in the cabin.

"Young man, don't panic, under the pedestal of the third golden rule, there are countless bones of extraordinary people."

"If I dare to use extraordinary power to deal with you, in an instant, the thunder of the Golden God will hit my head."

"Actually, I'm more trembling than you are."

These words eased the tense atmosphere in the wooden house very well.

But Rosen was still vigilant in his heart, and decided to be more cautious in his actions in the future.

In addition to being vigilant, Serendis was also more curious: "Ms. Oreikea, is the superhuman a god?"

Eurykia shook her head.

"According to the traditional definition of gods in the mage world, a true god must have believers who can gain faith, and can bestow magical powers on believers."

"Unfortunately, I have neither the ability nor the will."

Rosen understood: "So, you define yourself as a traveler?"

"You're right. Travel around, experience the magnificent scenery of various places, and taste the delicious wines and delicacies of various places. At the same time, you also strictly follow the rules of each place. After all, extraordinary immortality is only about living a long time, but it is far from bringing true freedom."

Speaking of which, she looked at Anna.

"Ms. Serrandis, I can probably guess Ni's pursuit, but I want to tell you a slightly cruel truth."

Anna straightened her back: "Please advise."

Olekeya took a sip of the cider and said leisurely.

"The Land of Gold is the kingdom of the God of Gold. Transcendents are very rare. But there are actually quite a few Transcendents in the world, and it can even be said that there are quite a few of them. Most of the Transcendents are born, not practiced."

Serrandis's face turned pale: "You are born to be extraordinary. Are you too?"

"Of course I am."

Oreikea took a sip of the cider, with a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

"It has been more than 300 years since my mother gave birth to me."

Seeing the despondency on Serrandis's face, she comforted her with a smile again: "Miss Serrandis doesn't need to lose confidence, you actually have a great brilliance wrapped around you, your future is limitless, and there is a high probability that it will far exceed I."

"Huh?" Serandis couldn't understand.

Ourekya squinted and smiled, raised her finger and pointed to her forehead.

"I know a little bit of extraordinary divination, and sometimes it doesn't work. So, work hard, Miss Serendis, everything is possible."

Thrandist was very excited, and couldn't help asking: "What about my apprentice Rosen, what is his future?"

Oleikeya shrugged: "I don't know about that, my divination seems useless to him."

"Of course, this shouldn't be Rosen's problem, but my lack of knowledge."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Rosen again: "Little guy, don't think that extraordinary people are omnipotent. You see, in the afternoon, I was played around by a few mortals."

Rosen didn't dare to be a little bit complacent. To stroke a tiger's beard and slap a tiger's butt, it is good luck to survive, and it is normal to be killed by a tiger.

"Miss Orekia, please forgive my disrespect."

Ourekia shook her head and smiled comfortably.

"Aha~ Traveling in the mortal world, if it is smooth sailing, there is no fun at all. Therefore, I should thank you for bringing me an unforgettable experience."

After saying this, she straightened her face again: "Okay, now that the gossip is over, it's time to talk about business."

Both Rosen and Selandis listened attentively.

Oreikeya began to talk.

"In the past 100 years, for unknown reasons, the God of Gold has gradually loosened control over the Land of Gold, granting fewer and fewer magic spells, and the conditions for using magic spells have become more and more stringent."

"In short, the power of the Golden God's spokesperson in the mortal world is becoming weaker and weaker."

"The God of Gold has endless patience. He walks slowly and changes little by little, so most mortals don't notice the changes."

"But the first to discover the weakness of the dragon must be the prey under the dragon's claws. Like me, or the King of Neverwinter. This is why I dare to travel into the golden land."

These words surprised both of them.

Ole Keya forked a thin, almost transparent piece of sashimi, rinsed it in the dipping sauce on the side, and then gracefully put it into her mouth. After chewing a few times, she sighed contentedly.

"You know, this is the most exquisite meal I have eaten in the past 300 years."

Her eyes turned around the two of them again.

"And if you entertain me with moonshine wine, I will tell you more about the King of Neverwinter."

Serrandis immediately asked: "Why did you do this? Have a grudge against the King of Neverwinter?"

"My mother has a grudge against him. As for me, I simply don't like him."

"It's like a lady can't understand a shrew rolling all over the floor, and a warrior can't understand a coward."

So there is still a grudge.

Serrandis pondered for a few seconds, then turned his head and gestured to Rosen.

Rosen got up and walked to the kitchen wine cabinet, and took out from the secret compartment the top-grade moonlight wine that he had exchanged for the mentor's town house with a top-quality painting of beauties.

Fortunately, he hid it well, otherwise he would have been searched last night.

This bottle of wine is made of flawless crystal, and a bottle alone costs 1 kroner.

Before drinking, shake it lightly to sober up, so the wine that was as pure as crystal a moment ago exudes a crystal clear silver light, just like the solidified moonlight.

When he came out of the kitchen holding the moonshine wine that had sobered up, both Selandis and Ourekeya's eyes were attracted.

There was a clear look of heartache on Serrandis' face.

"Ah~~ It turned out to be the moonlight fine wine produced in the year of Yaoyue, my apprentice, why didn't you say it earlier!"

She felt that this wine should be a collectible, and it should be placed in the case wine cabinet to show the owner's taste, rather than simply drunk.

Ourekeya didn't blink her eyes, she sniffed subconsciously.

"The 30-year cycle of the shining moon, absorbing the moonlight for at least three months in a row, and on the night of the full moon, the top winemaker personally bottled it to produce this dazzling moonlight wine."

"Ah~~~~ Just by taking a look at it, I feel very honored."

It was also the first time for Rosen to drink this 50 gold kroner bottle of booze.

He strictly followed the wine-tasting instructions he had read before every step, and poured half a glass for his mentor, Ourekea, and himself with the rigorous attitude of studying spells.

The moonlight wine in the glass has been fully awakened, and the moonlight frozen in the wine shows a beautiful appearance, so that the whole living room seems to be covered with a thin layer of silver frost.

Olekeya took a sip first, closed her eyes and savored carefully.

After a long time, she breathed a sigh of relief, and the lines of her face completely stretched out, as if she was in a paradise of bliss, without any worries.

After a while, she finally said, "Ah, after 60 years, I finally tasted this delicious taste again."

Rosen also took a sip, feeling his tongue was numb, a bit like sugar-free ice coke, and immediately lost interest in the wine.

Serrandis also took a sip and thought it was good, but it was only good, and then felt very heartache.

In contrast, she is more interested in supernatural beings.

She asked, "Do extraordinary people also have appetites?"

Ou Leikeya smiled lightly: "I understand what you mean, but the rumors are a bit false."

"The real situation is that extraordinary people have powerful souls that are far superior to ordinary people, and they can indeed exist independently of their bodies."

"But if the soul is like a traveler, the body is the home, warm, comfortable, safe, and unique."

"I guess no one in this world likes being a homeless dog, right?"

Serrandis nodded in agreement.

Oleike Yamei took a sip of the moonshine wine, and continued the topic of the King of Neverwinter.

"800 years ago, the power of the believers of the God of Gold was at its peak, and they almost crazily expanded their territories. At that time, the Huangshui Highland was still barren, and I had not yet come to this world."

Serrandis asked curiously: "Can extraordinary people really be immortal?"

Ourekia shook her head bluntly.

"It's still far away from true immortality. It's about living longer. The longer ones are three to four thousand years, or even tens of thousands of years. The shorter ones are less than two thousand years. But how long you can live depends on your race and luck." .”

"Ah, don't interrupt me again, back to the topic."

"The King of Neverwinter is also an extraordinary life, but his body is a tree, a big banyan tree that awakened wisdom after suffering from the blood of innocent people in the chaos of war. You must have seen his power, right?"

Both nodded.

"About 700 years ago, the land of gold expanded to the Yellow River Highlands."

"In order to practice this third golden rule, all the extraordinary beings in the Yellow River Highlands were mercilessly attacked by the Golden God and his believers. They died, were injured, and fled."

"My mother is a vigilant person. She escaped from the golden land early, but the King of Neverwinter is a tree."

"He was attached to the ground under his feet, but he didn't have enough strength to protect his homeland. So he was severely injured and fell into a long sleep."

"But please be careful. I, who lived for 312 years, can only be considered as an adult among superhumans. My strength is very limited. But the King of Neverwinter has lived for at least 1500 years."

These words made the two mages gasp again.

"Although he was seriously injured and his strength was greatly lost, he may not be as good as the young me. But his wisdom is far better than mine, and naturally he is far better than most mortals."

She looked at the two mages in front of her: "If I'm not wrong, you plan to deal with his apostle?"

Serrandis nodded: "It was originally the plan, but now it seems that the plan won't work."

Olekeya smiled slightly: "Don't be too afraid, after all, you are only an apostle, not the King of Neverwinter himself."

She looked at Rosen: "In the afternoon, while avoiding arrest, I also did some investigations."

"I found that Rosen's mana polarity can almost perfectly restrain the power of the King of Neverwinter. In contrast, the power of Silver Moon is restrained by the power of Neverwinter."

"So, if you want to defeat the Neverwinter Apostle, the power of the silver moon spell is far inferior to Rosen's fire spell."

Rosen spread his hands: "My weak mana and superficial spells can't take on the big responsibility."

"Don't worry, I will help you."

"After all, you have captured the Neverwinter Apostle, so I can get rid of the arrest."

"Oh, by the way, because of my extraordinary status, I won't make a direct move. After all, no one knows what the Golden God is really thinking. If I move too much and let the old man see me unhappy, I will be in bad luck gone."

"Also. I can't help in vain. Remember to share with me the final bounty."


Serrandis was a little speechless: "Are superhumans also short of money?"

"Lack! How hard is it to earn money in the Golden Land, do I need to say more?"

On this point, the master and the apprentice deeply sympathized.


Olekeya put a crystal bottle the size of a baby's fist on the table, the bottle was filled with a milky white thick liquid, which radiated a faint golden light in the candlelight.

"Pure Sun Essence, refined by my extraordinary power and some special medicinal materials."

"After taking it, the total amount of mana can be greatly increased in a short period of time, at least five times, and it may be more. The specific amount depends on the toughness of the soul of the user. The effect lasts for about 2 hours."

"This is a small loophole in the third golden rule, but since what we want to eliminate is the evil Neverwinter apostle, the Golden God probably won't bother me about this trivial matter."

Rosen looked at the potion: "Give me a drink?"


"Don't worry, it's not poisonous. If you don't believe me, you can try it with a mouse."

"As long as you feed it a drop, it is guaranteed that this little thing will have the power of glory."

After finishing speaking, Ourekeya stretched out her hand and walked away the half bottle of Moonshine Wine left on the table.

"This potion was refined by me with great effort, and I can't give it to you for free, so this wine belongs to me."

After saying this, she got up and opened the door to leave.


Rosen and Serrandis looked at each other, always having the illusion of encountering a charlatan.

After a long time, Serendis said: "I'm almost finished eating. Let's go upstairs, I will teach you a powerful large missile."

 Two more today.

(End of this chapter)

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