Celestial Mage

Chapter 90 Ambush (810)

Chapter 90 Ambush (810)

In the early morning, Luo Sen, Xia Bolai and 20 heavily armed Silver Moon Rangers rushed to Yuehui Town one step ahead of the army.

A group of people are riding horses.

Rosen didn't know how to ride a horse, but fortunately, Xia Bolai picked him a horse with the mildest temper. He rode all the way down. Although he was a little tired, he didn't hold back the team.

For this operation, the preparations were very thorough, and Rosen alone was allocated two bottles of medium potions and three rune stones that stored medium-level spells.

When needed, as long as you squeeze the rune stone hard, you can directly trigger the spell in it.

On the way, Xia Bolai, who was wearing a dark silver mail armor and a silver-gray badge, carefully introduced the future battle plan to Rosen.

"The latest information came from the front line. Baron Ferlin has defected, but the current situation in Yuehui Town is unknown."

"Our initial task is to investigate the specific situation around Yuehui Town and prepare for the army to seize the town."

Rosen nodded in understanding.

Because he was performing a combat mission, he was also fully armed, wearing a thick leather hat and studded thick leather armor. While his defense was good, it would not affect his flexibility and spellcasting too much.

Turning his head and glanced at the Silver Moon Rangers following behind him, he saw that all of them were full of vigor.

Such a warrior, if he is loyal, is a sharp blade, and if he betrays, he is a deadly sharp knife piercing his heart.

He asked softly: "Uncle, have you figured out everyone's situation in the past three days?"

I'm afraid that Fubosi's dark blade is hidden inside.

Xia Bolai nodded slightly: "I have figured it out, they are all neutral. They don't care who is the Earl of Omexia, they are only loyal to the current Earl of Omexia."

"That's fine."

Rosen was a little relieved, but still maintained basic vigilance against these Silver Moon Rangers. After all, trust cannot be built overnight.

And when he was observing the Silver Moon Ranger, these capable men were also observing Rosen.

Apparently, some people think that this army mage is too young.

After walking for about an hour, a slightly joking voice came from behind.

"General, why don't you introduce this kid to us?"

Xia Bolai knew as soon as he heard it that this was a veteran who didn't trust Rosen's ability in his heart, so he came here to find fault.

Of course he wouldn't blame the other party, because on the battlefield, no one wants his comrade to be a rookie.

He laughed out loud, and turned to look at Rosen: "Dude, open the eyes of these blind guys."

Rosen smiled slightly, and with a thought, he threw a missile directly at a piece of sandstone the size of a cattle on the side of the road.

Based on his dexterous spellcasting skills, he poured [-]% of his mana into the missile.

I saw a fist-sized incandescent spot flashing through the air at a speed that is almost indistinguishable to the naked eye, and accurately hit a crack in the rock 70 meters away.


There was an explosion, gravel splashed, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

After the smoke dissipated, the boulder was broken into countless pieces, and it was disintegrated directly!

The Silver Moon Rangers subconsciously uttered a low voice, looking at Rosen, the contempt had faded a lot.

Xia Bolai also felt a little surprised: "Rosen, your spells have improved again."

Rosen smiled slightly: "It's all thanks to Ms. Serrandis's guidance."

"Oh~ no wonder."

Xia Bolai suddenly realized that in his eyes, Serendis was a magic genius, not inferior to his aunt when he was young.

Seeing the bewildered faces of his subordinates behind him, he knew that these men in the army had never heard of this name, so he explained.

"This Ms. Selandis is Rosen's mentor, a mid-level [-]-star official mage, and a rare magic genius."

Everyone is stunned.

A ranger captain in the front, named Hamill, was also the soldier who questioned him just now.

He said with a smile: "Since there is such a famous teacher, then Mage Rosen's spells must be powerful, but he is still a little young, so maybe his mana is not enough?"

These words also expressed the worries of the people.

On the battlefield, mana is even more important than spells. After all, a mage who has exhausted his mana is almost a waste.

Xia Bolai laughed: "Hamill, I know your scruples, but don't worry. I once teamed up with Rosen to defeat the giant bear beast king. His mana is definitely enough."

Hamill was not convinced: "General, you are a high-ranking warrior. No matter who you team up with, you can defeat the giant bear and beast king, right?"

Another ranger captain named Watson.

He followed suit and said, "Yes, yes. Mage Rosen, it's okay if your mana is weak, so you can tell us all about it, so that everyone knows. After all, we are comrades who want to fight side by side."

This is true.

Rosen carefully felt the mana strength in his body, and said, "I can still release at least 18 of the powerful missiles just now."

In fact, if you add the star wisdom bracelet and emergency meditation, you can release a full 25 missiles in a row.

But this was enough to surprise everyone.

Watson was shocked, obviously not convinced: "Oh~ at your age, it's quite rare to be able to achieve such mana."

Rosen smiled faintly: "Captain, don't be surprised. For mages, mana doesn't mean everything."

"I am young, and there are still a lot of shortcomings in my skills. If there are gaps in the battle, I hope everyone will be more tolerant."

Watson nodded again and again, and said with a dry smile: "It's easy to say ~ easy to say!"

Afterwards, the Silvermoon Rangers didn't find fault with Rosen anymore, but Rosen could feel that these proud fighters couldn't be persuaded by words alone, they had to rely on actual combat.

Seeing that the soldiers initially accepted Rosen, Xia Bolai continued to introduce the subsequent tactics.

Although he is usually unreliable, he has received very professional military training and knows how to fight well. In addition, he is also a high-level warrior. Once the arrangement was made, all the fighters had no objection.

After another half day, a group of people arrived near Yuehui Town.

After simple repairs, Xia Bolai took out the map and began to assign tasks.

"Hamill, you take four people to investigate around the town."

"Watson, take the whole team to the labyrinth forest to the north of the town to check carefully, and make sure there are no ice dwarf ambushes in the forest!"

"For the rest, follow me to the high ground over there and wait. If there is any special situation, immediately light red smoke as a warning."

"Yes, General!"

The two ranger captains immediately ran out in two ways.

Xia Bolai turned to Rosen and said, "Let's go, let's go to the high ground."

There were a total of seven of them in this group, running all the way to the top of the short hill near the town, overlooking Yuehui Town from a height.

In this world, glass technology is already very mature, and naturally there are telescopes.

After reaching the top of the slope, Xia Bolai took out the binoculars and carefully observed the situation in the town.

It was around one o'clock in the noon, the sun was shining brightly, and even the snow in the darkest corners had completely melted away, and in such fine weather, the residents of the town would certainly not stay at home.

But the reality is that there is not even a single person in the town.

Whether it's the castle in the town, or the surrounding streets, even the busiest central square, there is not even a single dog.

Xia Bolai couldn't help muttering: "It's strange, why is there no one? There is no one in the castle."

Even if you become a beast, you still have to eat, drink, and scatter, so you should be able to see the traces of life, right?
During this time, Rosen was also observing. He borrowed the zoom-in function of the adventure log to look at the town carefully, and he could see it more clearly than a telescope.

"Uncle, I'm afraid that since yesterday, or even earlier, no one has been active in the town."

Xia Bolai was startled: "How do you know?"

The Silver Moon Ranger at the side also turned their heads and looked at him curiously.

Rosen pointed to the open-air tavern in the center of the town.

"Uncle, if you look at the fireplace in the tavern, you can see hoarfrost in the dark corners. But if there is a fire in the fireplace, the hoarfrost will not condense at all under the flame."

Xia Bolai nodded again and again: "That's right. The tavern is usually very lively. As long as there are people, the fireplace will definitely not go out, and the furnace wall will naturally not be frosted."

A ranger asked: "Could it be that the whole town has gone to the mountains?"

This is also very possible.

Rosen shook his head: "We have to observe closely. When Captain Hamill returns, he should be able to give us the answer."

Everyone waited patiently.

About half an hour later, there was a howling like a beast in the town, and the sound echoed everywhere, like a pack of wolves howling in unison.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw many figures with strange movements rushing out of the wooden house in the town.

Why do you say the action is strange?

Because it looks like a human being and is wearing human clothes, but it runs on all fours like a wild beast at an astonishingly fast speed.

It can be seen that these weird guys all rushed to the southwest side of the town, and when everyone on the top of the slope was unaware, there was a 'bang' sound from the southwest corner, followed by a burst of red smoke in the air.

It's an agreed danger alarm signal!
Xia Bolai was shocked: "What's going on?!"

Rosen has already reacted.

"Uncle, it's an ambush!"

At the critical juncture, Xia Bolai felt his brain buzzing, and was a little dazed for a while.

Growing up so big, although there are countless drills, this is the first time he has participated in a real war.

He didn't speak for two seconds, and during this time, more than 300 lycanthropes appeared in the town.

Rosen immediately said: "Uncle, the troops are divided into two groups. One team will respond to Captain Hamia, and the other team will return to the rear to report!"

In fact, the most important thing to do is to give up Captain Hamia and retreat immediately, but he knew that Xia Bolai would never accept this suggestion.

Xia Bolai's heart was shocked, and he finally came back to his senses.

He immediately ordered the two Silver Moon Rangers beside him: "You! You! Go back and report to General Fubosi immediately!"

"Use up all the rune stones, be careful of roadside sneak attacks, and be quick! Let's say that the citizens of Yuehui Town have all been turned into beasts, and they know how to ambush and have some brains."

'Clang! '

He drew out his saber and rushed towards the red smoke first.

"Others, follow me to meet Captain Hamill!"

(End of this chapter)

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