Celestial Mage

Chapter 96 Reading Proverbs at Night (44)

Chapter 96 Reading Proverbs at Night (44)

'The dark cave, the silent call, the wriggling black vines, the blond woman being hung. '


In the middle of the night, Rosen, who was sleeping in the cold cave, woke up halfway. After calming down, he let out a light breath.

"The dream is clearer than last time, and the black air is the writhing blood vine."

In addition, the Sun Seal on his back also had a weak reaction, indicating that there was a very powerful Neverwinter Apostle around him, and it might even be the King of Neverwinter himself.

The difference from the last dream was that the light on Olekeya's body became dimmer, and the pain on her face became more obvious.

Another obvious difference is that Olekeya seems to be talking to him, but her voice is very soft, almost only her lips are moving, and she can't tell what the other party is saying for a while.

Apparently, Ou Leikeya was really captured, and in all likelihood, she was trapped in the moonstone mine below the mountain.

He couldn't help thinking: "Ourekea, are you careless, or is the King of Neverwinter too powerful?"

"By the way, Olekeya seems to be saying something to me? What is she trying to say?"

Rosen opened the adventure log to check, and found that the dream was also recorded and could be viewed at any time.

He zoomed in and observed carefully, focusing on the shape of Olekeya's mouth. After watching and watching, he finally understood.

"Yang~~~light? What do you mean?"

At this time, there was a sudden sound of light footsteps around him, and a person sat down beside him, and there was a sound.

"Rosen, you are the only mage in our team, I don't want you to lose your fighting power because of insomnia."

It was Xia Lina, an exorcist warrior, with a hint of reproach in her voice.

Rosen was full of doubts, this person took the initiative to come up and asked immediately.

"Ms. Xia Lina, you are the servant of the god, can you tell me something about the golden god?"

"Interested in God? This is very good, I am very happy to introduce you to the glorious past of our Lord."

Rosen asked directly: "Is the God of Gold omnipotent?"

"No, gods do possess powerful power that mortals can't imagine, but gods have the pain and helplessness of gods."

"for example?"

"For example, my lord can't completely stop the corruption of people's hearts, and can't save all the suffering people. For this reason, my lord is very painful, but also very helpless."

She actually started teaching Rosen.

Rosen didn't like being preached by others, so he immediately changed the subject.

He lowered his voice and said, "You have confirmed the existence of the King of Neverwinter, right?"

Xia Lina was slightly taken aback, looked up and looked around, and nodded slightly when she saw that no one was paying attention to them.


"With just a few of us, how can we fight against the evil god?"

Xia Lina smiled lowly: "The King of Neverwinter used to be a god, but now he is not, because his extraordinary heart has been shattered."

Rosen's heart moved: "Extraordinary heart?"

Xia Lina nodded slightly: "It is the core of the extraordinary soul, and the current King of Neverwinter is really just a shattered soul."

"Of course, the soul is still very strong, and there are signs that it is re-gathering the extraordinary heart. If it is ignored, it is very likely to rise again after this war."

Rosen fully understood, but still had a little doubt.

"Is your news authentic?"

"This is an oracle of the Golden God, and God has always cherished the lives of believers."

Seemingly worried that Rosen was too worried, Xia Lina smiled lightly.

"Don't worry, for this mission, God bestowed a very powerful divine spell. As the core of completing the mission, we will do our best to protect your safety."

"In addition, we are not fighting alone. There is also a fallen Transcendent who is our comrade-in-arms, isn't it?"

Rosen's eyes narrowed when he heard that: "You're right."

After a pause, he asked again: "Why did you choose me? There are many mages stronger than me in Silvermoon Castle."

"This is not only my choice, but also God's choice."

"The Golden God chooses me?"

Rosen was a little flustered, feeling like being watched by something indescribable.

Xia Lina didn't notice his abnormality.

"I firmly believe in God's wisdom, go forward firmly, and try my best to complete the tasks assigned by God. This is the only way for me and other mortals to repay God's grace."

Speaking of this level, Rosen has a bottom line in his heart.

But a thought came to mind: "What kind of existence is the God of Gold?"

There is no doubt that the Golden God who has mastered the most fertile and vast land in the world must be one of the few strong men in the world.

But how strong it is, Rosen has no idea.

Suddenly, I thought of Master Fentian's "Awakening Proverbs", which said that gods are just a group of extraordinary masters who deceive the world and steal their names.

His heart moved, and he scolded himself for being stupid: "With such a book, why should I seek answers like a pious believer like Xia Lina?"

Thinking of this, he said, "Ms. Xia Lina, thank you for your clarification. I'm sleepy and fell asleep."

Xia Lina nodded: "This is a good boy, take a good rest, we need your strength very much."

Rosen closed his eyes, opened the adventure log, pulled back to the beach by the Cold Water River, and began to read "Proverbs of Awakening the World" carefully.

"Mortals think that God is omnipotent, that God is eternal and immortal, and that God can see everything. These are all twisted imaginations born of fear."

"Gods are just people who live longer, stronger, and wiser. They surpass ordinary people, but they still cannot change the laws of the world."

"Gods will also be killed by time, and gods will also age and become weak. The power of gods is indeed far superior to that of ordinary people, but the wisdom of gods will also be eliminated by the torrent of the times!"

"Gods can also be injured and bleed, as long as the damage is large enough, the gods will also be killed!"

"Ah~~Mortal~ Open your eyes wide and take a good look at the truth of the world. What happened in this world, and what is happening now, are actually the same thing."

"That is, a small number of ruthless and cold-blooded intelligent beings dominate the fate of a large group of fools who think they are passionate, passionate, and moral!"

Reading line by line, Rosen found that every sentence in the book was extremely provocative. Hearing it suddenly, it seemed to be full of profound insight, which easily made people's blood flow faster.

But after careful thought, there is suspicion of sensationalism.

A thought came to mind: "This archmage is a bit like a certain orator on Earth. If he speaks so wildly, it may not end well."

He asked directly: "Ms. Xia Lina, are you still there?"

"Why are you still not sleeping?"

"Can't sleep, confused by a question."

"Then ask, maybe I can answer one or two for you."

"I've heard people talk about a person whose nickname is Master Burning Sky."

Before she finished speaking, she heard Xia Lina's low laughter: "Rosen, you are so bold that you actually asked the exorcist warriors of the Jingshi Temple about a blasphemer?"

Rosen could feel that Xia Lina was not angry, and continued to ask: "Can that tell me about his past?"

"He lived 100 years ago. It is undeniable that he is also an extremely rare magical genius. He became an archmage at the age of 35, and he is only one step away from an extraordinary archmage."

"Unfortunately, he's crazy! Delusion to challenge the majesty of the Golden God!"

"And then? What happened to him?"

"What else could be the end? I suffered divine punishment, and was struck by nine platinum lightning bolts in a row. The body was connected to the soul. They were smashed into powder together."

Rosen sighed: "Hey~ What a tragedy."

"This is what you deserve!"

"You're right, you deserve what you deserve! Well, I've cleared up my confusion and I'm going to sleep."

"Hurry up and sleep! Stop thinking about it."

This time, the confusion in Rosen's mind disappeared, and his mind became much more stable. Shortly after closing his eyes, he became sleepy, and then fell into a deep sleep.

As soon as he fell asleep, the weird dream reappeared, and it was clearer than before.

Oleikeya's voice. No, it's not a voice, it's an idea, which was directly transmitted to Rosen's mind.

This was a very strange idea, which Rosen couldn't understand, but what was strange was that as the idea continued to flow in, he found that the connection between himself and Ourekia became clearer.

"What's the situation?"

Strangely, the thoughts that came into my mind turned into clear words.

"Rosen~ feel the power I pass on to you, and save me~"

The last two words were like the response in the valley, constantly echoing in Rosen's mind.

"Save me~~save me~~~save me~~~"

Rosen suddenly woke up, but did not open his eyes.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm his mind, he sank into his own sea of ​​consciousness and observed the visualization images in his consciousness.

Looking at it, he found that in the sea of ​​consciousness, on the thin film of the Godhead of the Lord of the Universe, the golden light spot became much brighter.

After careful experience, I found that compared to the past, there is a peculiar magic structure in the light spot.

He looked carefully, and was surprised to find that this thing was not difficult, and he could understand it.

After thinking about it, he rubbed the spell structure, put it into the spell virtual machine, and tried to run it.

After about half an hour passed, he actually fully understood the spell.

"So that's the case, but, Ou Leikeya, can I really save you?"

Rosen was flustered in his heart, not sure at all, but he thought about it.

'Ou Lekeya will never target indiscriminately, since she thinks I can save her.And even the Golden God made a similar judgment, indicating that I should have the ability to save her. '

"It is very possible that the King of Neverwinter has been seriously injured by her."

"Furthermore, I am accompanied by exorcist warriors from the temple. These guys are specialized exorcists, practitioners of the third golden rule, and loyal believers of the Golden God. They should have a way to purify such weak spirits. "

Thinking of this, he immediately relaxed a lot: "No matter what, do your best."

As for now, let's continue to meditate and give Olekeya a little more strength.

He begins to meditate.

After this meditation, I felt that the power bond between myself and Oleikeya had been strengthened a lot, and almost ninety-nine percent of the meditation power escaped to the unknown void through the golden light spot.

This caused Rosen's physical pressure to be greatly reduced, and the total meditation time increased by as much as a hundred times.

When the meditation was over, he continued to sleep.

This time, the dream never appeared again.

 24 first order is about 1550.
It's not a good result at the starting point, but it has reached and slightly exceeded Lao Mo's psychological expectations.

Lao Mo is very grateful that he can still gain the trust of book lovers after writing many water books in the past.

Then, on to the dry goods.

We will not engage in explosive changes with conditions, in short, it is stuck with the upper limit of ability.

From today, at least three updates are updated every day, and four updates are in good condition.

The frequency of both is half and half.

It could have been faster, but in order to ensure the quality, we still have to take it easy.Otherwise, it would be quite embarrassing if one loses control and writes the article collapsed.

Of course, if the writing is smooth, there will be a small explosion.

Update time: try to complete before twelve o'clock in the morning.If not finished, it will be finished by [-]:[-] p.m.

(End of this chapter)

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