Celestial Mage

Chapter 99 The Joint Action of the 2 Clans (34)

Chapter 99 The Joint Action of the Two Races (34)

There is a specially separated room at the entrance of the mine, and the inner wall has been specially reinforced.

There are tables, chairs, beds and other living facilities inside, and on the table is a blueprint, which is a mine road map.

Captain Hamill walked around the room and commented: "This should be the residence of the mine supervisor, but now it is occupied by this ice dwarf."

Xia Lina stood by the table, carefully looking at the map of mine tunnels, and her brows became tighter the more she looked at it: "The main mine tunnels have all collapsed, leaving only some shallow new tunnel tunnels."

Feili was also looking at the picture: "Needless to say, that thing must be hidden in the main mine tunnel, and it caused the landslide. The question is, how do we get in?!"

After saying this, everyone's eyes naturally turned to Rosen.

Rosen was looking at a small cloth bag in a remote corner of the mine out of the corner of his eye.

This bag is about [-] centimeters high, bulging, with a faint ray of light that belongs to moonstone only from the slightly opened opening. It contains at least a dozen catties of moonstone, and the quality is very good.

'Well, this is really a huge sum of money. I can afford it. Forget it, I can't do it alone. "

"If I can convince Xia Lina to unite with the temple, then I should be able to take a small share of the total income."

Even if he can share one out of ten shares, that would be a great benefit.

But Xia Lina seems to be very principled, how can I persuade her to cooperate with me?

Have to think about it.

Suddenly, he felt that the eyes of the people around him were different, and he immediately came back to his senses, and quickly glanced at the records in the adventure log to understand the matter.

He spread his hands: "Why are you looking at me? I'm not a miner, and I'm not familiar with mine tunnels. If you want to ask, you should ask this person."

He pointed to the ice dwarf Beastmaster.

This is also true, Xia Lina looked at the beast king: "What's your name?"

The Beastmaster's skin is blue all over his body, and he looks a little gray at the moment, very depressed, with his head drooping and motionless, he doesn't hear anything.

Feili raised his hand and slapped him: "Hey~ are you deaf? We're going to ask you something!"

The Beastmaster raised his head and glared at Feili.

Fei Li immediately stared back: "What? Want to fight? Just your head, I can knock out your teeth with one hand tied!"

The Beastmaster didn't think about it, but he took it seriously: "Hmph~ Even without the help of Ofina, I, Nandix, can easily beat you with my fists!"

"Oh, your name is Nandix. Let me ask you, do you have a way to go deep into the mine?"

Xia Lina uttered a voice in time to stop the conflict. She pointed to the location of the landslide mine tunnel with her finger and added another sentence.

"If you can take us inside, we'll let you and your white wolf go."

Nandix was taken aback: "Really?"

Seeing something interesting, Xia Lina nodded immediately: "We are members of the Jingshi Temple, we don't care about secular disputes, we only deal with those evil gods who don't obey the rules."

Unexpectedly, upon hearing this, hatred immediately appeared on Nandix's face: "Oh~ so you are the despicable servants of despicable gods~"

'Snapped!Snapped!Snapped!Snapped! '

As soon as the words fell, Nandix was slapped four times by Feli, and the corners of his mouth were broken.

Feili sneered: "Recognize your situation, dwarf!"

'Pooh! '

Nandix spat out blood, and glared viciously at the human warrior who kept slapping him, as if he wanted to tear him apart.

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Xia Lina raised her voice and shouted: "Stop!"

She looked at Fei Li: "We need his help, be nice to him, Fei Li."

"Okay." Fili shrugged, took a step back, but still held the chain tightly.

Charina turned to look at Nandix.

"Our feud goes back 700 years, I don't deny that."

"But that doesn't mean we can't cooperate. That's what I mean. You take me through the landslide and into the main mine, and I'll let you and your white wolf go."

Nandix calmed down a bit: "Why do you want to go in? That place is not safe, there are often aftershocks, and if you are not careful, you have to be buried inside."

Xia Lina didn't hide anything: "An ancient god has awakened. It is a cruel god who can gain power from war."

"Yes, you guessed it right, if the war in Yuehui Town breaks out, we will all suffer heavy losses, but this god will be the only beneficiary."

Nandix's expression changed, and he fell into deep thought.

Xia Lina didn't rush, just waited patiently.

After a while, Nandix shook his head: "War is inevitable, we will all suffer losses, but my family will definitely win the final victory."

When Feili heard it, he wanted to come up and slap him.

Xia Lina raised her hand to stop him, then smiled at the ice dwarf.

"As I said, we don't pay attention to secular disputes. Whether we win or lose, it's just passing smoke and dust. But we will never allow evil gods to profit from it, do you understand?"

Nan Dix nodded: "Although you are despicable, what you said is correct. There are already enough gods in this world, and there is no need for one more."

"So, you agreed to help?"

Nandix pointed to the shackles on his neck: "Unless you take this thing off my neck."

Fei Li immediately said: "Boss, you can't take this!"

Nandiks sneered mockingly on the pale blue cheeks unique to ice dwarves: "Is this the attitude you seek for cooperation?"

Sharina hesitated, then glanced at Rosen again.

Sensing his gaze, Rosen nodded, "Let go, he's not my opponent."

If it's the giant bear beast king, it's really difficult, that thing is really fierce, but the threat of the white wolf beast king is much smaller.

The wizard can't stop his gravity spells, and the white wolf has more than quickness, little defense, and a huge weakness in strength.However, no matter how fast the opponent was, they couldn't beat the iron ball, and Rosen could easily subdue him.

His words gave Xia Lina confidence, and she waved her hand: "Take off the shackles."

Felix shrugged, clearly disapproving, but he had to do it anyway.

As soon as the shackles were removed, Fernanx threw an uppercut at Feli with his backhand. Feli had already prepared himself, and he raised his hand to block it, and his elbow and fist collided fiercely.

'boom! With a muffled sound, Fei Li was shocked by the huge force and took a few steps back. His forearm was sore and numb, and he couldn't lift his strength.

He was shocked in his heart: "A wizard has such power, if it is a fighter, it will be really tricky." '

On the other side, Nandiks still wanted to pursue, but something flashed in front of him, and a row of high-speed rotating iron balls rushed in front of him, blocking his way.

A slightly immature voice came from the side: "Beastmaster, respect is mutual. We respect you, and you have to restrain your temper!"

Nandix took a deep breath, glanced at Fili bitterly, turned around and walked to the table, stretched out his stubby fingers, and pointed to a point on a map.

"There is a weak point here. If you dig a little way ahead, you can dig through the landslide and enter the deep layer of the mine."

Sharina was overjoyed: "How do you know?"

"The wind told me."

Seeing that Xia Lina didn't understand, he sneered: "It seems that your mind is not very good. I mean, there is a wind blowing from the cracks in the stone!"

Xia Lina was stunned, and her face turned cold: "From a personal point of view, I don't think Feili slapped enough."

Unexpectedly, Nandix leaned his face forward and said provocatively, "You can hit me if you have the ability! If you dare to hit me, I guarantee that there will be no miners to help you dig mines!"

This attitude really deserves a beating, and the soldiers present were itching with hatred, wishing to surround this guy and beat him up.

But fortunately, Xia Lina still has reason. Of course, she won't delay her business because of a little attitude problem.

"You'd better not drop the chain, or I will definitely use white wolf collar hair as a scarf!"

Nandix snorted.

"My Iceman clan is the most famous miner in the Frostlands, and I come from the family of the master stonemason."

"In my opinion, the mine you dug is nothing short of a joke! Today I will open your eyes to you trash, and let you see what mining is!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to Feili and said, "My miners need to fill their stomachs before starting work. Are you standing here as a stake? Why don't you hurry up and find something to eat!"

Fei Li's face turned blue, and he was about to draw his knife. He turned to look at Xia Lina.

Xia Lina raised her hand and pressed it down, signaling him to be patient, and then raised her voice: "Guys, everyone, get moving and go hunting around. Catch a few wild boars, if there are none, rabbits, mountain rats, wild vegetables and wild fruits are also fine."

Captain Hamill of the Silver Moon Ranger looked at Rosen. After all, Rosen is now the nominal chief of the Silver Moon Ranger.

Rosen nodded slightly: "Go, pay attention to safety."

As he spoke, he took out two bottles of first aid potions from his pocket and threw them over: "Take a spare."

Captain Hamill nodded and waved to the guy behind him: "Let's go hunting."

Soon, the exorcist warrior and the Silvermoon Ranger left, leaving only Sharina, Rosen and Nandix in the mine.

Nandix slumped in a chair, her taupe eyes flicking between Charlene and Rosen.

"A woman, a child, are you so confident that you can subdue me?"

Xia Lina shrugged: "I don't have confidence, but the mage does. And I believe in his ability."

Nandix turned to look at Rosen: "Child, what are you capable of?"

With a thought, Rosen used a gravity-like trick to lift Nandix's body one meter high.

"It's not a big deal, it just ignores your magic defense."

While speaking, Rosen showed a harmless smile on his face.

Xia Lina understood: "Aha~ I almost forgot, this young man is a great expert in gravity magic."

Nan Dix sneered: "It's nothing more than a trick to throw people, I'm not afraid."

"Not only throwing people, but also twisting people."

Rosen smiled, and with a thought, turned the power into a spiral.

As a result, Nandix found that his head was turned to the left, but his neck was turned to the right with great force. He had to use a lot of force to twist his neck back.

It's fine if you're prepared, if the other party makes such a sudden attack, his neck can be broken in one stroke.

The most frightening thing was that he really didn't know how to defend against this damn spell.

His mouth moved, wanting to say something strong and imposing, but the words came to his lips, but he couldn't get them out.

Because in the face of such a weird spell, any words seemed to have become a bluffing joke.

After a long time, he said: "Azates and his Eva, did they die by your hands?"

Rosen didn't deny it: "If you don't want your Ofina to follow suit, you can try to challenge me."

In fact, his space-time spells are not that powerful.In the final analysis, this is just a skill, and the essence is still a confrontation of strength.

The trick of twisting people didn't work as well as expected.

It won't work against a powerful warrior, and it won't work against a prepared mage.Because slightly advanced defensive spells have the ability to maintain the external shape of the caster's body unchanged.

The main reason for being able to frighten this dwarf wizard is that the other party is uneducated.

On the other side, Nandix's face changed several times in an instant, and finally he shook his head.

"The Ice Emperor taught us not to challenge powerful enemies without absolute certainty. Don't worry, I will fulfill my promise."

Xia Lina at the side saw that the unruly ice dwarf was overwhelmed, and she completely let go of her thoughts.

Exorcist Samurai and Silvermoon Ranger are very efficient in hunting.

Especially Silver Moon Ranger, who has rich field experience and good luck, unexpectedly encountered a small herd of flower deer, so he got thirteen flower deer in one go.

In addition, the three wild boars brought by the exorcist warriors immediately fed the beastly townspeople, and even the white wolf Ao Feina also had a full meal.

After eating, the big white wolf looked at everyone with a softer gaze, unlike before, as if he was ready to choose someone to eat at any time.

Nandix didn't delay, and started immediately, directing the beastly townspeople to dig the mine tunnel.

"Guys, don't think that you have to be idle after hunting. Hurry up and cut wood. The more the better, the wood material must be hard! The size must be thick!"

"I need these logs to stabilize the mine, or we'll all have to bury it if there's a shake."

What else can be done?

A group of samurai could only change careers again and became lumberjacks.

(End of this chapter)

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