Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 704: Felicie's Change 1

Chapter 704: Felicie’s Change 1

“That sounds like something made up just to specially annoy me…” Felicie replied, making sure to herself not to accept the devil’s evil camaraderie that seeks to mock her every time.

She couldn’t understand what type of pleasure one derives from looking down or mocking another. Not like the otherworlders weren’t strange people in the first place.

“It will be a long day tomorrow, Felicie. Go to sleep…” Zeras replied to her as he turned to the side, his breathing subsiding and entering into a constant low state that depicted his imminent slumber.

“Good night, Zeras…” Felicie whispered before she also closed her eyes, falling prey to sleep.

The starlight above illuminated the figures knotted into themselves, with their backs turned against each other. However, the starlight also revealed a darker truth about both of them.

A strange white aura oozed out from Zeras’ back, diving straight into Felicie’s body, causing her orange hair to blow erratically on her head as if lifted by a gentle breeze. Slowly, parts of her hair began changing to a silvery white, painting a striking yet beautiful picture.


The morning came quicker than ever, the golden rays of sunlight peeking through the open hole high in the cave and illuminating the singular figure that lay on the ground. It was none other than a female with a strange contrasting color of silvery white and orange hair.


A big yawn broke out of Felicie’s lips as she sat up, her eyes scanning through the cave area and coming to settle on a figure reclining in the dark shadows of the large walls, his astral blue eyes staring at her calmly yet failing to hide the confusion in them.

“Why are you looking at me like that? It’s already morning; we have to keep going…” Felicie chastised as Zeras grinned before moving out of the exit, giving her space to prepare herself.

Less than thirty minutes later, Felicie came out of the cave wall, finding the young man beside it who swiped his hand over the bag, and it faded into thin air.

Once more, they prepared to move, climbing over the steep rocks to arrive at the peak of the mountain.

“Don’t you ever change your clothes at all? It’s been the same you’ve been wearing for three days now…” Felicie asked as Zeras shrugged before continuing on his path. However, it seemed Felicie wasn’t willing to let go easily.

“And yet…” she said, “I have never seen it dirty, not even once, with all the dust from the journey. Do you sometimes wash it behind my back?” She asked him, but one of her legs soon slipped off a rock as a slight gasp of shock escaped her lips.

She quickly slid down but got her hands caught by Zeras before she could move anywhere.

“You know you will get flattened into paste if you fall from this height, right? Perhaps you should focus more on keeping your life instead, hmm?” Zeras replied to all her questions as he set her on the rock beside him, bringing her a few feet from her previous destination.

“And you still smell the same too, not even a change at all. You otherworlders are really weird…” Felicie said as Zeras shook his head before continuing his walk, knowing well he would leave her behind soon.

However, he was surprised when, after five minutes, Felicie was still beside him, climbing with as much speed as he was.

‘Half her hair turned silvery white through the night exactly like mine, and now she’s thrice as strong as she was yesterday.

There’s something strange going on with her, and she doesn’t even know yet,’ Zeras thought to himself, watching as Felicie kept on her unending questions to herself. She slipped past him as Zeras raised his speed up a notch and kept quickly by her.

Another five minutes quickly passed, and finally, Zeras’ hand touched the mountain’s flat surface, dragging himself upward onto it. Then, he reached for Felicie below, lifting her up to the surface.

“Phew!” Felicie exhaled in slight exhaustion as she looked below her and her chest almost froze.

“Did I just climb all the way up from there!? And I don’t feel…”

“Exhausted?” The voice completed behind her as she turned to look at Zeras, who had his eyes locked onto the distant mountain range.

“Yes, I feel strangely alive today…” she said, jumping up a few times and realizing her body felt strange. It was light, incredibly so.

“The mountain range is divided into three paths somehow. I can’t see, but I’m thinking one or two of these three paths will lead to a dead end in the end, judging by how interwoven they are.

Just how do we even know the right path?” Zeras mused, looking at the spreading mountain range. He could tell they wove around into three paths.

If all his years of going through cultivation grounds were to tell him anything, it was that two of these paths would probably lead to a dead end, and only one would be right.

Unless he could fly high above and see everything, there wasn’t much hope for them but to pray they immediately come across the right path that will lead them straight out of this mountain range. Sometimes that wasn’t a surety but could only wish for the best.

“That’s the right path…” Felicie said as Zeras turned to her and noticed her pointing her hand to the utmost left side, the area where Zeras would bet the most on leading to a dead end due to how crisscrossed the mountain ranges were.

“Hmm, and how do you know that?” he asked doubtfully as Felicie’s eyes narrowed at his question, yet she was adamant.

“I know it!”


“I can feel the right path is that place. And hey, I’m the navigator on this journey, not you! If I say that’s the right path, then it is the right path!”

“Ok, then, you’re the boss after all…”

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