Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 105 [Mom’s arrival]

"Yesssss...Brian! Fuuuuckkk! Slllurrrp myyy Pussssyyyy. Uuuunnngggghhhh!!" Gwen screamed as she came on my face, showering me with her love juice. 

She fell backward, panting and breathing heavily. MJ also released my rod from her mouth and plopped it out, releasing my now flaccid dick. Threads of cum connected my tip and her mouth. She licked my cum honey from the corners of her lips and smiled wickedly.

[Ring!] My phone rang. I looked at the screen, it's from mom. I answered the call.

"Hello, Mom,"

"Where are you, Brian? I am standing at the airport. You were supposed to pick me up or did you forget?" Mom asked in an irritated voice.

Fuck! I totally forgot about it. With the recent events with Galactus, the Illuminati, and the girls, I completely forgot about picking mom from the airport.

"I am coming right away. Be there in twenty minutes," I said hurriedly and ended the call. I wore my clothes quickly and kissed Gwen and MJ on their forehead.

"Girls, sorry, I totally forgot that mom is coming today. I need to go get her right now," I apologized with an ashamed expression.

"Yeah, you go... We will just stay here for a bit and relax," Gwen giggled and MJ nodded with a shy smile.

"Well, you girls better clean that webby room up before mom gets here. I don't want her to freak out," I warned and left the house, jumping into my car and driving towards the airport.


Mom is finally here after months. But why do I feel so awkward?

Mom is standing before me, giving me a stern look. She looks as beautiful as ever. Her dark brown hair was tied into a bun and she was wearing a casual black t-shirt and blue jeans.

"Hi, mom," I greeted awkwardly and hugged her. She wrapped her hands around me and patted my back softly.

"You owe me big time, young man, for making me wait."

"Sorry mom, lots of things happened recently," I apologized sincerely and looked into her eyes.

"Like what? You never call me anymore these days. And what happened to your hair? It turned silver," She raised her eyebrow and questioned me while running her fingers through my silvery hair. "Is this some new trend or what?"

"Long story, I will tell you everything when we reach home. Come on, let's go," I ushered mom towards my car and opened the door for her to enter. Then I took her luggage and placed it in the trunk and entered the driver seat.

As I drove towards home, she bombarded me with questions regarding my hair, the restaurants, and whether I was keeping my house clean. I answered all her questions patiently.

Mom is still as caring as ever.

"So, I heard you patched things up with Peggy? How is she doing by the way?" Mom asked suddenly while looking outside the window.

Ah! That aunt of mine can't keep her mouth shut.

"Yeah, we made up. She is fine... doing great. Oh, we moved to that villa with her..." I trailed off as mom interrupted me immediately.

"That's good to know. I am glad to know things are working out for you and her," Mom nodded and gave me a satisfied smile. "Any plans to marry her, or what?"

"Uh.. no, mom, it's too early for that..." I replied awkwardly. How the fuck do I tell her that I am having a polygamy relationship with multiple girls. Peggy, Gwen, Emilia, Sue, Helen, Phyla, Domino, Gali and MJ. Eight girls. Fuck!

"Well, you should consider marrying her soon. She is a great woman," She advised while smiling sweetly. "You are not getting younger anymore, Brian. You need to settle down soon."

Yeah, mom, I am planning to settle down alright... but with nine wives or more if possible.

"Well, enough about me. How about you, mom? Any dates or plans to remarry?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, I am glad that you asked," She giggled cutely and beamed a bright smile at me. "There is this girl I met recently. She is really nice and sweet. We went out for dinner last week and she is really fun to be around with. I think I may ask her out again this weekend."

Wow! Mom is interested in girls?! I took a glance at her. I never knew it. Or, more like I never asked her about her dating life. Guess I should have kept in touch with her more often...

"Surprised, huh?" She smiled.

"A little," I shrugged my shoulders and focused on the road.

"It's nothing to be surprised about Brian. Love is love. Why limit yourself to only one person? If you find someone who loves you genuinely then why not give them a chance?" She reasoned passionately.

I guess mom approves my harem.

"Oh, is that so? What if I tell you I have nine girls waiting for me at home?" I grinned playfully.

"Then I would say good for you son. Don't disappoint any of them," Mom shook her head and sighed. "Just make sure you treat them well. Don't turn into a douchebag and break their hearts."

"Haha," I chuckled awkwardly, "I will keep that in mind. So, what's her name?"

"Her name is Cristina Lance. She is a rising model. Pretty isn't she?" Mom showed me a picture of her date on her phone.

Cristina Lance?! She is kinda young... Somewhere around 25 and she is freaking hot! Mom scored a hottie. Good for her.

"You should have brought her with you. I would have loved to meet her," I suggested with a smile.

"Not to worry, she will arrive in a day or two after taking care of her job commitments," She replied happily.

"Sounds good. Maybe I will set up a few more gigs for her," I offered with a grin.

"You would do that?" Mom perked up with sparkling eyes.

"Of course. You know I used to do those TV shows and all back then. So, I have a few connections. Besides, if you are going to marry her, then it's only natural for me to help out my second mom," I winked at mom playfully.

"Marriage? Who said anything about marriage? W... We are just dating. It's too early to decide something like that," She denied while shaking her head.

"Oh, your face says otherwise, mom. You like her very much," I teased her.

"Stop teasing me, Brian," She pouted cutely.

Soon we reached home and entered inside.

As I entered the house with my mom, Gwen, and MJ greeted us in the living room. I introduced them with a warm smile, "Mom, these are two of my close friends, Gwen and Mary Jane. Girls, this is my mom."

Gwen and MJ smiled politely and extended their hands to shake my mom's hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Gwen and MJ greeted my mom respectfully.

My mom, still adjusting to the unexpected situation, shook their hands and replied, "Likewise, it's nice to meet Brian's friends. I hope he hasn't been causing too much trouble."

"Oh no, Mr. Brian has been treating us very well," Gwen assured with a polite smile. MJ also nodded silently in agreement.

"Good to know," Mom smiled as she pulled me to the other room, "So... that's what you meant by nine girls waiting at home. Call them all. I want to meet everyone."

"Yes, mom," I nodded obediently and called everyone to come over.

----[Power stones>please]----

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Next Ch: Movie Night [Don't think I need to say more]

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