Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 114 [Gwen’s emotions]

It had been two days since the incident at the mall, and Gwen's sudden loss of powers still weighed heavily on my mind. It's exactly like what happened in the comics, but slightly different. Anyway, it doesn't change the fact that she lost her power. And I can just tell from her expression that she is having trouble adjusting to this new life as a regular human. Sure, I am here to help her through this tough time, but I'm not sure if I can help her overcome something as traumatizing as losing her powers.

"Here you go, I cooked you your favorite food for lunch," I said as I entered her room, and saw her sitting on the balcony, gazing out at the garden below.

She looked up at me and forced a smile on her face, "Thanks, Brian."

I put down the tray of food on the table beside her bed before joining her outside.

"How are you holding up?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

Gwen sighed as she replied, "As well as I can, I guess. Still having a bit of trouble getting used to being powerless."

I nodded understandingly, "Humm... Is having super that important to you?"

"I... It's hard to explain," Gwen said as she leaned her head on my shoulder. "Being Ghost Spider was who I was, it defined me as a person. Now, I feel so empty inside, like there is a part of me missing. I was careless, Brian. I was too careless."

"Then we have to just get your power back, right?" I suggested as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

"Huh? What?" She exclaimed in surprise as she raised her head from my shoulder and stared at me with widened eyes. "Did you just say get my power back?"

I nodded confidently as I explained, "Yeah, why not? I have an idea and if it works—"

"Brian!" Gwen cut me off as she grabbed both sides of my face. "Are you serious? You have a way to restore my power?"

"Well, maybe..." I answered, "But there is a 50/50 chance of you gaining your power back with an upgrade or you might go berserk. Right now, your mental state is too weak, so, it's risky. So, first thing we are gonna do is to get rid of your negative emotions then we can proceed with the procedure."

Gwen blinked a couple of times before asking, "How do you plan on doing that?"

I grinned mischievously as I revealed, "We are going to fuck until your heart is content."

"...huh?" Gwen muttered dumbfoundedly as her brain stopped working for a second. "Come again?"

I chuckled at her reaction as I repeated, "Fuck till your heart is content! That should get rid of all those negative emotions, right?"

"I want a threesome like before," She replied back instantly without batting an eye.

"Sure, let's do it!" I agreed almost immediately. "Who do you want us to add?"

"Hmmm... How about my mom?" Gwen proposed as she smiled seductively. "Ever since I saw you two fucking each other brains out back then, I've been fantasizing about having a threesome with you guys."

"Sure, let's invite your mom then," I accepted her suggestion without hesitation.

DANG! Mother & daughter sandwich! This is going to be awesome!

Suddenly, Gwen's smile turned into a frown as she questioned worriedly, "Wait! Do you think my mom will accept? I mean, wouldn't she be weirded out by it?"

I shook my head confidently as I reassured her, "Nah, don't worry about it. I already asked your mom whether she wanted to join our sexual activities during our date night and surprisingly she agreed!"

"Really?!" She exclaimed excitedly as her eyes shone brightly. "Mom actually agreed to it?! No way!"

"What can I say? I guess your mom finds me irresistible," I bragged smugly as I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.

She rolled her eyes as she scoffed jokingly, "Oh please! You wish!"

"Hey! Don't act so jealous now," I retorted back jokingly as I nudged her playfully. "Afraid I will pay more attention to your mom than you?"

She pouted cutely as she protested childishly, "No!"

I smirked teasingly as I teased her, "Sureeee..."

"Ughhh! You know what? Let's have a competition then!" She declared challengingly as she narrowed her eyes at me. "Let's see who can make you cum more, me or my mom!"

"Deal!" I accepted her challenge almost instantly as I extended my hand towards her. "May the best woman win!"

Gwen smirked confidently as she shook my hand, "And the winner's reward?"

"The winner gets to be on top whenever we have sex for a week," I proposed as I shot her a mischievous grin.

"You're on!" She accepted my proposal as she tightened her grip around my hand. "Get ready to bottom for a week!"

I laughed amusedly as I remarked jokingly, "Confident aren't you?"

"Of course!" She stated confidently as she crossed her arms across her chest. "I am just 25 years old while mom is past her prime, which means my stamina is way higher than hers!"

"Whatever helps you sleep better at night," I remarked mockingly as I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. "Don't forget you don't have your super stamina anymore."

Gwen clicked her tongue as she glared annoyedly at me, "You ass!"

I stuck my tongue out playfully as I teased her, "Tsk! Tsk! Language young lady!"

"Arggg! Tell me how's her stamina compared to me? You have fucked her right?" She inquired curiously as she narrowed her eyes suspiciously at me. "Since you have slept with mom, you should know how much stamina she has right?"

I scratched the back of my head awkwardly as I revealed, "Uhmmm... How about a round with just two of us so that I can judge properly?"

Gwen shot me a deadpan look as she complained exasperatedly, "Brian! You horny dog! You just want to fuck me right now, don't you?"

"Guilty as charged," I confessed shamelessly as I admitted guiltily. "But also because I am really horny right now."

"And you chose me out of all the other girls lining behind you to satisfy your urges?" She questioned incredulously as she raised an eyebrow questioningly at me. "Am I special or something?"

"Of course!" I confirmed affirmatively as I caressed her cheek gently. "More than you realise."

She blushed embarrassedly as she averted my gaze shyly, "Stop saying things like that so suddenly!"

I grinned mischievously as I remarked jokingly, "What? You hate it when I compliment you?"

"That's not what I meant!" She refuted back instantly as she shot me an annoyed glare. "You surprised me okay?"

I snickered amusedly as I teased her, "Surprised you huh? So, you love it when I compliment you, eh?"

"Shut up!" She grumbled annoyedly as she puffed her cheeks adorably. She took off her clothes and lied on the bed on her stomach, "I am hungry. I will eat my lunch. Do whatever you want for all I care..."

Before me laid Gwen butt-naked on the bed in front me, eating her lunch peacefully. Her plump butt sticking out in the air invitingly and her wet pussy glistening enticingly. It didn't take long for my little buddy to stand at attention.

Damn! Such a sexy sight! I took off my clothes as I watch her swinging her legs up and down without a worry. I am glad I was able to divert her mind from useless thoughts. I am sure she is still sad, but I will make her forget everything about it. There will only be a smile on her face after I am done with her.

Then, I will find that motherfucking bastard responsible for making my girl cry...

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