Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 158 [Sound]

"I would like you to try," Apocalypse used his last bit of energy to try to take over Sunfire's body, but within my Cosmic Domain, I am the god here. He can't do shit. His murky energy was swirling around his body and I know this freak got them totally brainwashed with some power-ups, so, they are probably ready to die or offer their bodies willingly for their master to use. But, hey, not if I can help it.

"What was that?" I smirked noticing Apocalypse's energy trying to touch Sunfire's body, and as soon as it failed, he moved his energy toward the other mutants, but the result was the same.

"What did you do?" Apocalypse said through his clenched teeth. He has no time and his weakened state doesn't leave him any room to struggle for a long time. But, I'm the one who should ask the questions here.

"Well, didn't you say, 'I would like you to try'?" I took out my Muramasa Blade from the inventory. The glint of the blade was enough for Apocalypse to stumble back, "Oh! You know this Blade, huh?"

"That's... Muramasa...!" His voice was trembling, and his knees were shivering in fear. "Blink! Get us out of here!" He turned toward the Blink beside him. "Gaaahhh!" I shifted my place with Blink using Reality Shift and jammed the blade through his heart. Bluish blood spurted out of his mouth as I pushed it deeper into his heart.

Archangel threw a shower of metal feathers toward me, while Sunfire threw a huge stream of flames toward Phyla. But, both attacks disappeared like a wisp.

"I'll take you fake down with me," Alt. Phyla gritted her teeth as she tried to self-destruct the cosmic energy within her body. Dang! Such a massive energy, how could I possibly let it go to waste? I simply absorbed it, leaving her drained like a husk.

"'Only the strongest survives' Your word, remember?" I twisted the blade, making him cough more of the bluish blood, "All those people you killed... What was that? The weak have no reason to live and only the strong deserve to live? Look at yourself now... So weak and vulnerable. A moment away from death." I noticed his body trying to shift its molecular structure, but failed due to the power of the Blade, "Even your greatest power of immortality and molecular restructure failed you today. How does it feel to be on the other end of the sword?"

I pulled the Blade out and jammed it into his throat.

"Know what? You don't have to answer that," I pulled the blade out of his throat and sliced him up straight down from his head to his crotch, splitting his body into two equal halves, "It was just a rhetorical question. Rot in hell, motherfucker." Then I turned toward the alive mutants, "Now, I offered you my goodwill, but you take it for granted and spit on my face. And for that, you all will die. I am not the guy who would go back on his words. I have an authority to maintain, a trust to build, and a reputation to keep up. But, hey, at least I will make your deaths quick and painless, unlike that purple fucker." I pointed at the dead Apocalypse, "You three will fight to death with my team. Survive and I will let you go, kill my students, I will kill you... So, yeah, just try not to die or kill. Any complaints?"

None of them opened their mouth and just stood frozen in their places.


[Do you wish to absorb Apocalypose's power?]

Suddenly, the system notification appeared before my eyes. Now, this is good. It happened back with that Symbiote situation and when I absorbed Galactus energy.

"Just a moment. Oh, Phyla, do let that girl go. She can't hurt a fly in her state," I smiled, looking at Phyla choking that alternate version of herself. Phyla rolled her eyes and threw her on the ground like a piece of trash, "Well, then, let's absorb this freak's power..."

A vortex appeared as the System absorbed Apocalypse's body.

[Power fusion beginning...]

[Approximate time: 98 hrs, 56 minutes.]

Oh, well, time to wait and see some new powers. For now, time to call the team in.


Volcana brought the new team to our location using the teleporter almost instantly. The six students of Volcana were all in their new suits and were ready for action.

"So, you guys ready to cut loose? You guys look like you are ready to go," I smirked at their enthusiasm and their confidence.

"Yes, Sir." Everyone answered in unison and stood at attention.

"Alright, now, listen... The people you are going to fight will kill you if you don't give it your all and utilize everything you have learned till now. Now, if you are wondering I am here so I will save you if things get out of hand, then, nope. The moment you go in there, you are on your own. Win or die, will totally depend on you. So, got cold feet, feel free to give up," I said looking at them one by one.

"No way in hell!" Volcana was the first one to shout. "I'll roast anyone who gives up, right now!"

"Hell, yeah!" Others followed suit. "We will fight."

"That's the spirit! I know you all have it in you. So, go in and fuck them up."

The six of them dashed toward Apocalypse's minions. With Gambit dead, Dark Beast still inside the pod, and Alt. Phyla was subdued, only, Sunfire, Blink, and Archangel left. So, it's gonna be two vs one in each case.

"Divide them up!" Volcana shouted.

Lars, the boy with red spiky hair and a big muscular build, used his power of Spatial manipulation to create a spatial rift between the mutants. They were divided up into three groups of two.

The first battle...

Lars and Kale vs Archangel. Kale's power is to sound control. She can manipulate sound according to her will, she can make you deaf or blast you off with sound waves. She's pretty good with the sound, but as for Lars, he's a Spatial manipulator. He can create isolated spaces in which he can trap the enemies in a unique field for a limited time.

Archangel flew toward them with super speed.

"Shriek!" Kale unleashed a wave of sound. Archangel began to spin like a drill, surrounded by his metal wings, the sound waves passed through his body like water drops passing through a needle.

"Oh, no you don't" Lars conjured an isolated space where Archangel found himself trapped within a 3x3 meter space as Kale blasted him with her sound waves. The barrier shattered as Archangel's body rolled on the ground. But he stood up again. Blood dripped from his ears, eyes, and nose. His metal wings were all cracked up. "Go!" Lars isolated Archangel's wings, cutting half his power.

Kale picked up a rock and threw it toward Archangel. As soon as it struck his body and fell to the ground, that small soundwave that was generated from the fall of that tiny rock, Kale amplified it a thousand folds and blew the fucker away. Well, at least that's how it was supposed to happen, but he didn't budge an inch. He just stood there as if nothing happened.

"You think you are the only one with sound mutation?" Archangle's body began to heal thanks to his regeneration ability and new wings sprut out of his back as he came back to his full power in the blink of an eye, "I don't wish to hurt my own kind, but..." He opened his mouth to use Hypersonic Scream. A wave of sound rippled from his body, but Kale blasted it into his mouth by amplifying it again beyond its limit.

[SCRRREEECCHHH!!!] Everyone closed their ears due to the ear-splitting sound.

"Hahaha! That's what you get for trying to fuck with me, bitch!" Kale laughed while Archangel well... His body exploded from within, splattering his blood and remaining all over the place.

"Kale! That was too much!" Lars reprimanded.

"What? He regenerated. I am sure he can..." Kale's smile vanished as she noticed Archangel's body began to turn to ashes. "The fuck?!"

I blinked inside their barrier and grabbed her shoulder, "Don't blame yourself. Apocalypse overloaded their bodies with more power than they could handle. They were like a ticking time bomb... would have died anyway, even if you didn't kill him. But, that was a clever move, blasting off his own sound waves in his mouth... Just awesome!" I gave her a pat on her head, "Don't worry about him. I'll bring him back to life soon enough."

Poor bastard, got brainwashed. Anyway, it's too good to lose such a great asset...

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