Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 26 [Interlude 2]

AN: This shows how Peggy found Brian at the alley. The new System that detected Brian's power signature is the Ultron program mentioned in the first chapter. It's still in the early stage. [Reference- CH: 17]


Captain Carter immediately sprung into action as the unauthorized power user alert flashed on her radar. With a sense of urgency, she swiftly made her way to the northern docks where the unauthorized activity had been detected. Her training and experience kicked in, preparing her for any potential threat.

Arriving at the scene, she scanned the area, her sharp eyes searching for the source of the power signature. And there, caught in a brief glimpse, she saw him. Her ex-boyfriend, Brian, crushed a phone as if it was nothing but a piece of paper and threw it into the water, and walked away from the chaotic scene.

A collapsed warehouse and screams of the injured swept over the area.

Noticing the oncoming ambulance and the police cars, she left the scene and started to follow Brian from a distance. To her surprise, he went straight to the bar.

"Brian in a bar? He can't even hold his drinks," She mumbled to herself and waited outside in her car, "But, to think he has superpowers."

Captain Carter opened the database and checked the satellite footage.

She quickly found the relevant timestamp and location of the incident at the northern docks. With a few keystrokes, she brought up the surveillance footage, focusing on the area where Brian had been seen.

The footage played out before her eyes, revealing his ability to manipulate gravity itself and how a single touch of his collapsed the entire warehouse like a house of cards.

As Captain Carter watched the footage, her mind raced with questions and concerns. She had known Brian as a seemingly ordinary person, someone who had never displayed any extraordinary abilities. The sudden revelation of his powers left her both intrigued and cautious.

She continued to observe the surveillance footage, studying his actions and demeanor. There was a sense of anger and frustration in his movements, evident in the way he killed the man by drowning him and the way he crushed the phone and walked away from the chaos he had caused. It was clear that something had triggered this outburst of power, but the reasons behind it remained a mystery.

She took note of it, making a mental note to investigate further. She couldn't ignore the potential danger that Brian's powers posed, both to himself and those around him. It was her duty as a superhero to ensure the safety of the public and to understand the nature of this newfound power.

"Bring up the infos of everyone caught in the warehouse..." Captain Carter ordered the AI system.

The AI system quickly complied with her command, bringing up the information about the individuals caught in the warehouse incident. As the screen displayed the profiles and backgrounds of those involved, Captain Carter meticulously reviewed each entry, searching for any potential connections or motives that could shed light on the events that unfolded.

She discovered that the warehouse was a front for an illegal operation run by a notorious criminal organization. The individuals involved had ties to various criminal activities, ranging from smuggling, drugs, and illegal organ smuggling to money laundering. It became evident that Brian's actions were not a random outburst but a targeted response against this criminal network.

Her initial concern shifted slightly as she realized that Brian's actions might have been driven by a sense of justice and a desire to protect innocent lives. The destruction of the warehouse and his confrontation with the criminals indicated that he possessed a strong moral compass, even if his methods were extreme.

However, she couldn't dismiss the potential dangers associated with Brian's newfound powers. Uncontrolled and unchecked, his abilities could cause unintended harm and collateral damage. She knew that it was crucial to approach the situation with caution and gather more information before making any judgments or decisions.

"Damn it, Brian, making it hard for me..." Captain Carter slammed her fist on the seat. Old feelings resurfaced, a mix of concern and frustration. She couldn't deny the lingering affection she still felt for Brian, but the circumstances had changed. The revelation of his powers and the potential risks they posed complicated their already complicated relationship.

Taking a deep breath, Captain Carter refocused her attention on the task at hand. She needed to gather more information about Brian's abilities, understand the extent of his powers, and determine if he posed a threat to the public or himself.

However, if this information reaches the Illuminati, things will get more complicated. She had to move cautiously, without alerting anyone. She used her authority to delete the footage and removed all the traces that might lead the authorities to Brian.

After making sure that there were no obvious traces of Brian or his abilities, she noticed him getting out of the bar.

She observed him from her car, her mind filled with a mixture of concern and uncertainty. She knew that she needed to approach him, to understand his powers and the motivations behind his actions, but she also needed to navigate the delicate balance between her duty as a superhero and her personal feelings for him.

While following, him, she noticed a shady man trying to rob a drunken Brian. One of them pulled a knife on him. She knew that Brian might kill them all if she doesn't step in.

Captain Carter hurriedly got out of her car, took her shield, and threw it at the one holding the knife. The shield soared through the air, it spun with precision, striking the robber and sending him flying.

"Wow! That's some aim," Brian turned back while clapping.

'Look at him, drunk as fuck,' she thought shaking her head.

"Oh, hey, Captain. Thank you for saving my ass. I was about to get robbed and all that," He said, clapping my hands a bit louder.

"I told you to stop drinking and look at you. You are still drunk," she said.

"And look at you, still a perfect soldier. Always so focused on duty that you forgot about me," Brian replied.

'Damn it, making me feel like shit again. I know it's my fault, but you just had to rub it like salt in my wounds. I am really sorry,' she thought.

"Well, it's good that you are still able to banter even when you are drunk," Captain Carter said, ignoring his words. "Come on, let's get you home. It's not safe to walk around here alone at night."

"Oh, you are helping me? I thought we broke up. You left me hanging on our date that day. I am so very angry with you," Brian said, following Peggy through the streets.

'As you should be. I always mess up everything,' she thought as her heart ached a bit.

"You are so drunk," she said.

She turned back, "Are you staring at my ass?"

"I was admiring how great your ass looks in that tight pants," Brian said as he smacked her butt.

"Did you just do that?" She was stunned by his behavior.

"Yeah, bad girls need some spanking. How dare you left me hanging on our date? I was so angry, but you are so beautiful I couldn't stay mad at you," He said.

"Well, we are not together. You can't spank me and order me around like you own me," she said.

'Maybe just a bit. I have been a bad girl. Fuck! What the hell am I thinking? I need to get him home or else I might not be able to control my emotions,' She thought.


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