Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 41 [Secret Exposed!?]

I flew back to the hospital, but the whole area was surrounded by police cars, firemen and medics. The police had already cordoned off the area, and there were cops everywhere. This was getting difficult, but I had no choice. I had to find out what they know.

I decided to use my power to sneak into the building. The police had barricaded the hospital and made it impossible for anyone to get in. Ah! The group of patients they are transferring to another hospital... I carefully flew down in front of the empty ambulance. The driver isn't in, so, it's all good. I can see some police officers and nurses talking. They are discussing about the explosion and the death of the supposed attacker they found in the alley.

"We should call the higher authorities," One of the female police officers said.

"But they have already taken over the case, and we have no hard evidence to prove that it was the work of a villain," The other one argued.

"Our records say this guy was a terrorist and a murderer, he deserved it," A third one said, and everyone nodded.

"But what about the ones in the room where the explosion occurred?" A fourth one said.

"Luckily, it was empty. The doc took him for an emergency checkup," The lady officer said.

It seems Emilia took care of my alibi. I didn't waste any more time and was about to join the other patients. That's when I saw Emilia leaving the hospital. I quickly went to her.

"Hey, Emi. How's the situation?" I said.

She quickly pulled me aside, "Where were you? You know how hard it was to create an alibi for you? If anyone asks you where you were, just tell them you were in my office. We were watching a movie."

"Hey," I grabbed her shoulders and looked into her eyes, "Thank you for covering for me."

"You owe me a big time, mister," She smiled and left a small sigh.

"Don't worry, my sexy doc," I smirked and whispered in her ears, "I am gonna reward you soon enough with something special."

She blushed and then cleared her throat.

"Ahem... I will hold you to your promise," She said and gave me a small peck on my cheek.

Damn, that Hydra fucker... Bastard just had to destroy a wonderful night. Haaa... Oh, well. First thing first, I need to do something to ensure her safety.

Soon, as I thought, Peggy and Gwen arrived at the scene. Gwen's hair was messy and she is yawning. She must be sleeping when she heard the news. And as for Peggy, she is... Well, not so tired and looks ready to fight a war. Her eyes are burning with rage and her jaw is locked. I can't help but feel a little bit of respect for her.

Gwen came to me while Peggy and a couple of others were scanning the hospital and the surrounding area. Emilia left after noticing her approach.

"I heard they threw a grenade in your room, are you okay?" She asked, touching my head and cheeks.

"Yeah. I got lucky and you look like a mess. Go home and get some rest," I said.

I am curious to see the other letter I found in that envelope.

"I came here by sacrificing my sleep and tons of stupid thoughts in my head and you want me to go home and rest? Do you want to die?" Gwen glared at me.

"Hahaha... Just teasing you," I laughed. "Thanks for coming to see me in the middle of the night. It's really a blessing."

"Humph! Don't mention it," She said, "By the way, Peggy is furious right now. There were supposed to be guards placed around this place and yet someone managed to sneak in and throw a bomb. She thinks someone from the inside is involved with the attacker."

"That's not good," I replied. Considering how Hydra works, those lunatics must have infiltrated the police and even the ranks of heroes. Things just got complicated.

After a while, Peggy came to us.

"Gwen, give us a moment."

"Yes, Captain," She replied and walked away.

Peggy looked at me for a moment.

"What's with that look? You don't seem like much worried about what happened. Aren't you glad to see me alive? Your handsome boyfriend here was almost killed..." I tried to lighten up the mood a bit. "And you are staring at me? Did you miss me that much, hon?"

"Who was it?" She asked with a serious expression.

"I don't know what you are talking about," I answered.

She pulled out a tab and held it in front of me. It's the image of the Hydra agent I killed a few moments ago.

"No handprints, no footprints, nothing... This is the one who threw the grenade, no doubt about that. But the way he died... His arms and legs were twisted as if someone used telekinesis or gravity manipulation. And then there is the fact that he was shot in the head and shot again in the groin. That's not normal gunshot wounds. It's like someone tortured him for information before killing him," She explained.

Ah! Crap. I fucked up. I underestimated the surveillance drones or maybe the CCTVs or the satellites. I should have used the Symbiote to cover my face and body. I was so excited... I fucked up.

"And? He is a criminal... Bastard endangered innocents. Isn't it better someone like him is dead?" I asked, trying to distract her.

"You're a good actor, but this isn't the time for jokes, Brian. I know you can manipulate gravity," She said sternly.

I went up to her and whispered in her ears, "Well, we all have our secrets... Don't we?"

I took out Emilia's photo and the letter I recovered from the agent.

"Found it lying on the ground. Maybe it will help you with your investigation," I said.

Peggy took the letter from my hand. Her eyes widened a bit, and then her eyebrows arched.

"Hydra!" She mumbled.

"So, what now? What are you going to do now that you know my secret?" I asked.

"Nothing. But wear a mask if you want to be a hero, and avoid killing. Or I won't be able to cover up your ass for long," She replied.

I smirked and patted her shoulder.

"Thanks, honey. I appreciate your help," I said.

"Just go home. You don't need to wait for further tests," She replied and started to walk away.

"So we good now?" I asked, "Because I would really like to know our standing, you know, in the relationship department."

She stopped for a moment and looked back. Then she walked back to me and whispered in my ears, "We are fine. Just don't give all your attention to Gwen, save some for me, you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am," I said.

She grabbed my ass and squeezed it.

"See you soon, handsome," She smiled and turned back.

"How soon? Tonight... Tomorrow... The day after tomorrow? We could have a little fun, a nice date?" I said loudly.

"Ahh! You are impossible! Hurry up and go home. Take Gwen with you," She shouted, but there was a soft glint of happiness on her face.

"So, that's a yes, right?" I shouted back.

She left, shaking her head without giving a reply.

I changed my clothes, and one of the cops gave us a ride.

[Gwen's apartment]

"So, you wanna come in, or what?" Gwen said, while unlocking the door.

"Inviting a man into your room in the middle of the night. I wonder what other things you are planning in that head of yours..." I said, while stepping into her apartment.

The lady cop just shooked her head with a smile before leaving.

"Oh, what could I possibly be planning to do with you?" She giggled and closed the door.


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