Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 55 [Gwen and Peter]

End of vol: 1


Gwen swung through the city as Ghost Spider, her white and black suit allowing her to move with agility and grace. She had been following the news of the Lizard's attacks on medical facilities, and her heart sank at the thought of her old friend Peter being responsible for these acts.

The intel she had gathered led her to believe that the Lizard was heading towards a chemist's shop. It was a risky move, confronting Peter directly without the assistance of the Illuminati, but Gwen couldn't just stand by and watch him wreak havoc.

She landed silently on the roof of the chemist's shop, observing the scene below. Through the windows, she could see Peter inside, his demeanor more erratic than she remembered. The transformation had taken a toll on him, twisting his actions and intentions.

Gwen knew that she had to tread carefully. Peter was dangerous in this state, and she needed to find a way to reach the part of him that was still human. She activated her stealth mode, allowing her to blend into the shadows as she descended through the open skylight.

Inside the shop, Peter was rummaging through shelves, his eyes wild and uncontrolled. The sound of glass shattering under his touch echoed through the small space. Gwen's heart ached at the sight of her friend like this.

"Peter," she called softly, stepping forward into his line of sight.

His head snapped up, and his eyes widened in surprise. "Who... who are you?" he growled, his voice a guttural mix of rage and confusion.

Gwen stepped closer, her heart pounding. "You need to stop, Peter. Come with me. The Illuminati can help you."

His eyes flickered, torn between recognition and the animalistic instincts that seemed to be controlling him. He bared his teeth, his body tensing as he struggled against the conflicting forces within him.

"I don't need help! I'm free now, finally free!" he snarled, his voice laced with a feral edge. He jumps over Gwen, trying to take her down, "I am finally free from his control!"

Gwen's reflexes kicked in as she gracefully sidestepped Peter's lunge, allowing him to sail past her. She landed a few feet away, her eyes never leaving him. She knew that he was struggling with the Lizard's influence, but she also recognized that there was still a part of him buried deep within that was fighting to regain control.

"Peter, I know you're in there somewhere," She said calmly, her voice carrying a soothing tone. "You're not alone in this. We can help you, but you have to let us."

Gwen's words seemed to resonate with Peter, and for a brief moment, his expression flickered with a mix of emotions. But the Lizard's instincts were strong, and they quickly overpowered his inner struggle. With a guttural roar, Peter lunged at Gwen once again, his razor-sharp claws aimed at her.

Gwen's reflexes kicked into high gear as she somersaulted backward, narrowly avoiding the deadly swipe. She landed on her feet, her hands already generating web-shooters that released a web line. She swung around the shop, creating distance between herself and the rampaging Lizard.

"Peter, listen to me!" Gwen called out, her voice carrying a mixture of determination and desperation. "You're stronger than this! Fight it!"

But Peter's responses were primal and aggressive. He crashed through shelves, sending bottles and containers crashing to the ground. His movements were fast and erratic, making it challenging for Gwen to anticipate his attacks.

As the Lizard lunged again, Gwen moved with precision, dodging his strike and retaliating with a burst of webbing aimed at his legs. The webbing ensnared him briefly, but he tore through it with a ferocious snarl.

Gwen's mind raced as she assessed the situation. She needed to find a way to incapacitate Peter long enough for the Illuminati to intervene and provide the necessary assistance. With a determined glint in her eyes, she activated her sonic web technology, knowing that sound waves had a destabilizing effect on the Lizard's consciousness.

She fired a web line at the ceiling, yanking herself upward just as Peter lunged again. She swung above him, her sonic webs emitting high-pitched frequencies that reverberated through the shop. The Lizard roared in agony, his movements faltering as the sound waves disrupted his focus.

Gwen seized the opportunity, releasing a series of web projectiles that struck Peter's arms and legs, binding him in a cocoon of webbing. He struggled against the restraints, his roars growing weaker as the sonic waves continued to take their toll.

With a loud roar, he tore apart the bindings, grabbed a couple of bottles of chemicals and threw it at Gwen.

Gwen's reflexes kicked in as she swiftly dodged the incoming chemical bottles, her movements fluid and calculated. She somersaulted through the air, narrowly avoiding the projectiles that shattered against the wall behind her. The strong odor of the chemicals filled the air, creating an additional layer of chaos in the already intense battle.

Landing gracefully, Gwen's mind raced as she assessed her options. She knew she had to find a way to subdue Peter without causing him harm. As the Lizard lunged at her once again, she used her agility to quickly dodge his attack, and then she fired a web line towards a ceiling pipe.

Swinging upward, she aimed her sonic webbing directly at the Lizard's face. The high-pitched frequencies assaulted his senses, causing him to stumble and clutch his head in pain. His roars of agony filled the room, reverberating off the walls.

Gwen seized the opportunity, landing a powerful kick to the Lizard's side. The impact sent him crashing into a display shelf, causing it to collapse in a cascade of shattered glass and debris. Despite his strength and feral instincts, Peter seemed to be weakening under the influence of the sonic waves.

She continued to use her agility and acrobatics to her advantage, staying out of the Lizard's reach while maintaining a relentless barrage of sonic webbing. Her movements were swift and graceful, a dance of strategy and precision amidst the chaos.

With each strike of her webbing, the Lizard's movements grew slower and less coordinated. Gwen's heart ached as she glimpsed moments of recognition in Peter's eyes, fleeting glimpses of the friend she had known for so long. She fought back tears, pushing her emotions aside to focus on the task at hand.

Finally, with a final burst of sonic webbing, Gwen managed to bind the Lizard's limbs in a cocoon of webbing. The creature's struggles grew feeble, and his roars subsided into low growls. Gwen approached cautiously, her eyes locked on Peter's.

"Peter, I know you're still in there," she said softly, her voice laced with a mixture of hope and determination. "We're going to help you, I promise."

As the sonic waves continued to reverberate through the room, She couldn't help but feel a surge of relief. She had managed to subdue the Lizard, at least temporarily, giving the Illuminati the opportunity they needed to intervene and provide the assistance that Peter so desperately needed.

However, it was far from over.

Gwen's heightened spider senses were tingling with an intensity she had rarely experienced before. The vibrations in the air seemed to be sending signals that heightened her awareness of her surroundings. It was as if the fabric of reality itself was vibrating, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was about to happen.

She remained vigilant, her gaze locked on the subdued Lizard as her senses continued to buzz with heightened sensitivity. Her instincts were telling her that the situation was far from over, and she couldn't afford to let her guard down.

"Run!" Peter mumbled. His eyes were on the mixture of chemicals lying around them, that created a volatile mixture and was about to explode.

Gwen suddenly felt disoriented and coughed out blood. Her air filter was damaged due to the acidic air, rising from the chemicals on the floor.

Her heart raced as she struggled to breathe amidst the acrid fumes. Her heightened senses were in overdrive, her spider sense warning her of the imminent danger. She knew she had to act fast.

Summoning all her strength, she forced herself to move, her body reacting on pure instinct. She swung a web line toward the poll outside the store and another line toward Peter. She tried to pull him out but couldn't.

She felt a burning sensation in her throat and lungs as the toxic fumes filled the air around her. Despite the pain and disorientation, She remained determined to save Peter and herself from the impending explosion. With a burst of effort, she shot another web line toward the nearby opposite building.

Using every ounce of her strength, she managed to pull herself and the cocooned Lizard out of the chemist's shop just as the volatile mixture ignited. The explosion rocked the building, sending debris and flames soaring into the air.

Dr. Strange and Iron man arrived at the perfect moment.

Dr. Strange created a magic shield around the store, trying to keep the explosion and the toxic gas contained.

The explosion sent shockwaves through the area, and the force of it rattled the windows of nearby buildings. The magic shield created by Doctor Strange provided a barrier against the flames and debris, preventing the explosion from spreading further. Iron Man's suit was equipped with advanced sensors, which allowed him to assess the situation and assist Doctor Strange in containing the aftermath of the blast.

As the smoke and flames cleared, the two heroes approached the scene cautiously. Doctor Strange's brow furrowed in concern as he looked at the damage caused by the explosion. "Kid, are you all right?" he called out, his voice projecting through the magical barrier.

Gwen's form was partially obscured by the smoke and haze, but he could make out her silhouette. She was struggling to her feet, clearly weakened by the toxic fumes she had been exposed to. Her suit was scorched and damaged, a testament to the intensity of the explosion.

Iron Man's suit emitted a low hum as he scanned the area. "I'm detecting critical signs. Her throat and lungs are almost fried, she's definitely in bad shape," he reported.

Doctor Strange nodded, his eyes glowing with an intense light as he used his magic to clear the area of smoke and provide some relief from the lingering fumes. He extended his hand, summoning a magical energy field that enveloped Gwen, providing her with a breathable atmosphere.

Gwen coughed weakly, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. Her vision was blurred, and her head throbbed from the combination of the explosion and the toxic exposure. She felt disoriented and drained, but the sight of Doctor Strange and Iron Man filled her with a sense of relief.

"Easy now," Doctor Strange said gently, his voice soothing. "Let the healing magic do its work."

Gwen looked toward the burning store. The faint yellow barrier was humming around it. Near the store, Peter was lying. Two rods sticking out of his chest and abdomen. The lower half of his body was missing. His regeneration isn't working this time. But there was still life in his eyes.

His eyes locked on Gwen's face. He smiled faintly, and mumbled, "I just... Just wanted to be special... Like you..."

His scaly body disintegrated before her eyes... Only the skeleton remained....

---[Next vol, I will focus on Sue and Silver Surfer]---

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AN: Those who read the completed Multiverse fic, good news for them. I have started posting Part-2 chs on Pat reon. Public release will be after at least 30 chs stockpile. Storm, Powergirl, Supergirl, and Wonder Woman will be added to the Harem plus Poison Ivy.

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