Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 9 [Sharing secrets]

"I guess we both have our hidden stories, don't we?" I said, smiling at Anna.

She nodded, her laughter subsiding into a warm smile. "That we do, boss. And it's what makes us who we are today. So, tell me, what was it like being a male escort? Any interesting experiences?"

I leaned against the counter, my expression thoughtful. "It was definitely an eye-opening experience. I met all kinds of people and had some interesting encounters. It taught me a lot about human nature and the different ways people seek connection and companionship."

Anna leaned closer, her eyes filled with curiosity. "Were there any memorable moments?"

I chuckled, recalling one particular incident that stood out. "Well, there was this one time when I was hired by a famous female singer. She was throwing a private party at her luxurious mansion, and I was supposed to be her arm candy for the night."

Anna's eyes widened with anticipation. "Sounds exciting. What happened?"

"As the night went on, the party became more and more extravagant," I explained. "At some point, the singer whispered in my ear, inviting me to join her in a private room upstairs. Naturally, I was intrigued, so I followed her."

Anna leaned in closer, eager to hear more. "And then what happened?"

"To my surprise, as we entered the room, I noticed that it wasn't just a private space but a hidden entrance to an underground club," I said, emphasizing the mysterious atmosphere. "It turned out to be an illegal sex club, and things were getting quite... adventurous, to say the least."

Anna's eyes widened even further, her excitement palpable. "Oh, wow! What did you do?"

"Well, nothing much, truth be told," I replied, remembering that day, "You see, crazy people were doing crazy things in small booths lined along the wall. Some were so freaky that even a seasoned veteran would think some kind of freak show was going on. Then, that singer pulled me into a big luxury bedroom where six girls were waiting for us. Just when I thought, 'YEAH, SEVEN GIRLS, LUCKY ME', the police broke in. So, I climbed through the garbage disposal chute at the back of the room and escaped from that freakshow."

Anna couldn't hold her laughter anymore. She stood there laughing hysterically while tears started rolling down her cheeks. "I can't believe you got involved with something like that!" she managed to say between bouts of laughter. "So, what happened next? Did the police chase you?"

"Of course they did, they were crawling everywhere. I barely jumped over the wall and ran," I answered casually. "Luckily, there was a metro station just around the corner. As soon as I reached it, I hopped on a train and disappeared into the city."

Anna wiped away her tears, smiling brightly. "Wow, boss! You really know how to make stories sound exciting. And here I thought my job is tough."

I laughed heartily. "Thanks for the compliment, but this one isn't over yet. The cops didn't give up so easily. When I returned home, I found out that someone had broken into my place and searched every nook and cranny in search of me. My landlord said he saw two officers interrogate everyone who entered or left the building."

Anna stared at me wide-eyed. "Holy shit! Are you serious?"

"Yeah, apparently that bitch singer babbled out everything and tried to pin everything on me," I explained, "But, guess what? It backfired on her."

"Backfired? How?" She asked with a curious look in her eyes.

"How do you think? Finance records. To operate such a big operation, she would need financial help from somewhere. Her parents are wealthy enough to keep quiet about it, but not all of her friends can afford to buy their silence. Some of them decided to sell information to the press instead. And some who were caught babbled out everything, just to escape jail."

Anna frowned. "Wait... What?! Did they publish something like 'Celebrity Singer Opens A Sex Club'?"

I nodded. "Yep, exactly. So, after that, things became pretty rough for her. All kinds of dirt came out, which made her life even more miserable than before. And all the eyes went from me to her. Everyone forgot about me. I barely escaped the law," I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Hahaha!" Anna burst into laughter again. "You know what? This is hilarious! Hilarious and tragic at the same time."

I shrugged. "Yeah, well, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose."

"So, did you regret not having that all girls orgy?" Anna teased.

"Aren't you the curious one?" I replied with a smile, "Enough about me, why don't you share some adventure you had during your poll dancing days?"

As Anna wiped away her tears of laughter, she composed herself and looked at me with a mischievous grin. "Alright, boss, since you've shared your wild escapade, I'll tell you about my days as a pole dancer. It was during my college years when life threw some unexpected challenges my way."

She took a deep breath and began her story. "My family had been going through a difficult time financially. My parents had lost their jobs, and we were struggling to make ends meet. I was determined to pursue my studies, but tuition fees were piling up, and I needed to find a way to support myself and my two younger sisters."

Anna's voice carried a mix of determination and vulnerability as she continued. "That's when I stumbled upon an opportunity to work as a pole dancer at a local club. It wasn't an easy decision, but I saw it as a means to an end—a way to earn enough money to cover our expenses and keep our dreams alive."

She paused for a moment, her gaze focused on a distant memory. "I worked hard, honing my skills and putting on captivating performances. The club provided a supportive environment, and I formed genuine connections with the other dancers. We were like a tight-knit family, supporting and encouraging one another through the challenges we faced."

Anna's eyes sparkled with a mixture of pride and nostalgia. "I remember one night, there was a talent scout from a prestigious dance company in the audience. Or so they said. They scouted a few other girls along with me. And the pay was good, so obviously I agreed."

"I sense a big but coming?" I said as I adjusted the heat. The veggies are cooking nicely.

Anna chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Yes, you're right. There's always a 'but' in these kinds of stories, isn't there?"

She took a moment to compose herself before continuing. "Well, as it turned out, the so-called talent scout wasn't really affiliated with any dance company. It was all a scam. They were looking for vulnerable young women to exploit for their own gain."

"Ah! Those freaks. Illegal Pornography?" I asked.

Anna shook her head. "Not exactly. It was more of a sex trafficking scheme. They promised us lucrative contracts and glamorous opportunities, but it was all a front to trap us into a life of exploitation. Thankfully, I had my guard up and started noticing red flags. So, I dialed 911 and discreetly alerted the authorities while trying to maintain my composure. Then the authorities busted the racket and guess what? I received a hefty pay cheque as compensation for my role in helping to expose the operation."

I couldn't help but be amazed by Anna's bravery and quick thinking. "Wow, Anna, that's incredible! You not only managed to protect yourself but also helped bring down a dangerous operation. That's commendable."

She smiled, a mixture of pride and relief evident on her face. "Thank you, boss. It was a terrifying experience, but it made me realize the importance of staying vigilant and looking out for one another. No one should ever be exploited or forced into such situations."

I nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of admiration for Anna's resilience. "Absolutely. We all have our own battles and stories to tell. It's what shapes us and makes us stronger."

Anna's expression turned thoughtful. "You're right, boss. Our past experiences, both the good and the bad, contribute to who we are today. And it's in sharing those stories that we connect and understand each other better."

Soon, the dishes are cooked and lined up on the table.

"So, you ready to taste test?" I asked, gesturing towards the table filled with dishes.

Anna's eyes lit up with excitement. "Absolutely! I can't wait... Huh?!"

The sudden chime from the front door took our attention.


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