Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 13 Malfoy’s Letter

The next morning, Zhang Xiao was awakened by dull snoring. He sat on the bed in a daze for a while, looking at the unfamiliar bed and curtains before he remembered that he had arrived at Hogwarts.

After all, it was renovated from a dungeon. Although the decorations are all elegant and luxurious, the exposed walls are still made of rough masonry, giving it a rough aesthetic.

There are four beds arranged symmetrically in the square bedroom, and there are dark square tables beside the beds, used to place some personal belongings.

Outside the narrow window is the lake, which appears dark green in the light.

Perhaps the sound of getting up woke up the bed next door. The green curtain embroidered with silver snakes shook twice, and a sleepy head with messy hair stuck out from the gap.

"Malfoy???" Zhang Xiao didn't know what to say for a moment, what about the other two beds.

He walked around to the end of the bed and took a look. Sure enough, it was Crabbe and Goyle. He could hear the two snoring one after another like a symphony.

Zhang Xiao pinched his eyebrows and felt that there was a long way to go to build a harmonious dormitory relationship.

Malfoy stared at Zhang Xiao with misty eyes for a while, yawned and asked:

"Morning, are you going to class?"

Um? This attitude was much better than before, at least it didn't smell so strong. Zhang Xiao didn't think too much, took out his luggage from the Qiankun bag, prepared to sort it out a little, and said smoothly:

"It's still early. I'm going to pack my luggage. All the daily necessities are in there."

Malfoy didn't speak, but he didn't go back to sleep. Instead, he stared at Zhang Xiao and took out one thing after another from the small bag like a magic trick.

It wasn't until Zhang Xiao put away the bag that he pretended not to care and asked:

"What is that? A traceless stretch bag? It looks very convenient. Where did you buy it? I have something similar at home, but it's just a high-end tent."

Zhang Xiao picked up the toiletries: "You said this bag is not for sale, it was given to you by your family. By the way, do you know the class schedule?


After taking the course schedule from Malfoy, Zhang Xiao hummed a little tune and left.

Malfoy looked at Zhang Xiao's back and lay down on the bed again, wanting to continue sleeping for a while, but his mind couldn't help but think of cousin Gemma's words last night and the precious magic props he just saw.

As a child from a wealthy family in the wizarding world, there is no doubt that Malfoy's knowledge is much higher than that of ordinary children.

Of course he knew the value of this small, traceless stretch charm bag, at least he didn't have one at home. This was the first time in his life that Draco Malfoy felt a great deal of joy in the family wealth that he was most proud of. Frustration.

This strange feeling made him a little overwhelmed and uncomfortable, just like when he was a child and ate unripe grapes from the manor, which were so sour.

He climbed out of bed without even having time to change out of his velvet pajamas. He found his gold-tipped quill and wrote on the parchment:

"Dear Dad:

I have followed your instructions and become the "king" of the first grade. As you said, the youngest daughter of the Greengrass family and the Shabini family have no objections. Cousin Gemma also gave me great support. It seems your visits to other pureblood families over the summer have been very effective.

Is mom okay? Please convey my thoughts to her. "

Malfoy stopped writing, dipped his pen in ink, thought for a while and then wrote:

"By the way, there is one more thing I hope you can teach me. There is a new student from China who was assigned to Slytherin House (now also living in the same dormitory with me). I am not sure whether he is a pure blood. family.

But cousin Gemma told me that the handle of his wand is something called a 'yusui', which is very expensive. Do we have such a thing at home?

And he also has a cloth bag."

Malfoy wrote down everything he learned. Finally, he wrote down his questions:

"Father, how should I get along with him? Do I need to accept him into the great pure-blood family group?

I believe you will tell me the right thing to do and I look forward to your reply. "

He sealed the envelope and solemnly stamped the emblem of the Malfoy family on the wax seal. He looked at it and nodded with satisfaction. The noble Malfoy family is never casual!

After doing all this, Malfoy couldn't sleep, so he simply took out the washing tools - a gold-plated cup and a toothbrush with an ivory handle. When he passed Crabbe and Goyle's bed, he kicked the bed legs hard and the snoring stopped abruptly.

"Has anyone ever said that you two snore louder than a Yorkshire pig?"

After Zhang Xiao washed up, he had morning classes as usual. According to his father, the practice of Taoism is not only about the techniques, but also the spiritual aspect. Moreover, learning Taoism requires a calm mind and a peaceful spirit, so the role of morning classes is So true.

His parents made a detailed and rigorous study plan for him. Learning Taoism is a long course and cannot be accomplished overnight. Zhang Xiao decided to wait until he got used to life at Hogwarts before starting.

The strange thing is that Malfoy seems to be relatively familiar with Hogwarts. Before Zhang Xiao could ask, he revealed in his daily bragging that his father had taken him to Hogwarts many times.

Well, "My School Manager Dad".

At the beginning, the freshmen were always running non-stop. Compared with attending classes, it seemed that familiarity with the roads of the castle was the most important thing.

There are a total of one hundred and forty-two staircases in Hogwarts. Some lead to different places every Friday; some steps will suddenly disappear halfway up.

Besides, there are many doors here that won't open for you if you ask them to open them rudely, or poke them in the right place;

There are also some doors that are not real doors at all, but just solid walls that look like doors. This is the credit of Ms. Hufflepuff. It is her excellent never-recovery spell that makes the castle a lot more fun.

It also makes many senior students enjoy standing in the corridor and watching the freshmen acting like headless flies when there are no classes.

Zhang Xiao was quite happy that Brother Drag acted as a humanoid guide. Anyway, the road was right at his feet, and he would always remember it after walking a lot.

There are not many people in Hogwarts as a whole. There are only a few hundred students, such as the freshman class of 1991, or even just over 40 people. The four major colleges sound huge, but Zhang Xiao thinks it is better to say they are four study groups.

Normally, classes are held in two colleges. Major courses such as Herbal Medicine, Flying, Care of Magical Creatures, etc. are all together.

Peeves is a big obstacle for freshmen to attend class on time. He will put the wastebasket on your head, pull out the carpet from under your feet, throw pieces of chalk at you, or sneak up behind you and hide behind you when you can't see him. Sometimes, grab your nose and scream loudly: "Hold your nose!"

But this doesn't bother Zhang Xiao at all. His wand has a higher deterrent effect on Peeves than Bloody Barrow. It's even famous in the academy and can sometimes be heard while walking on the road. Whispers from other students:

"It's over there, look."

"Which way?"

"That's the very handsome, tall black-haired boy."

"That's the wand, see? The one with the white handle?"

"What wand is that? Why is Peeves so afraid of him?"

"I don't know, it's said to be worth tens of thousands of galleons!"


The topic always turns to galleons in the end, and then there are neat exclamations, which makes Zhang Xiao a little puzzled.

I don’t even know how much a wand costs, how do you know?

This also led to a consequence that troubled him.

That is, some freshmen who are troubled by Peeves would rather wait in the restaurant for a while and follow Zhang Xiao without getting lost or fearing Peeves.

Just a few days after school started, Zhang Xiao found out that he had a bunch of extra tails, even more than Harry Potter!

Don’t keep reading, brothers. If you don’t read well, you will be in trouble.

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