City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 413: Invitation

"Thank you, Lord Silver. Have a nice day," said the orc in his early forties, shook my hand.

"You too, Lord Orag," I replied.

The man smiled and walked out of the conference room with the rest of his people.

Immediately, the vibrant smile on my face disappeared, and I nearly shook with deep tiredness appearing in my eyes.

I became a balloon that lost all its air.

The bastard did not show mercy. They wanted everything I had. I would have been grateful if they had behaved like a lord of Owlspring.

"With two hundred bottles promised to the state of Oksall. The tally had reached seven hundred and eighty," said Valentina.

A hundred bottles were promised to the Lord of Owlspring. Two hundred and fifty to the state of Meldhorn. One hundred and fifty to the state of Belnin.

Two hundred to the state of Oksall, twenty to Amberhold. Sixty to the city of Inam.

Except for the representative of the Amberhold. I met the representative of all of them.

There are many more had remained. The imperials, the city of Namdar, houses like the house of Ashav. Alchemists, artificers, and many other people.

Lord of Owlspring had estimated, that the legacy would produce twelve hundred bottles of emotions. Larger than most Grade II legacies.

He had underestimated it.

I had looked at the core and how much essence it had produced.

I divide it in half and multiply it by month; the establishment would produce slightly over two thousand bottles every month.

This is a conservative estimate, seeing a legacy opened in the afternoon, it was at night all sixteen floors were opened.

From today, it opened in the morning, and while there wouldn't be as much as patrons on the blue as there were the guests yesterday

The patrons on the floors below it will remain the same or even increase.

Still, seeing the number of people that want the emotions essence. Even two thousand bottles of emotions essence seemed less.

I wish I could say no, but I couldn't. I need things from them, as well as the support. I will need to give the merchant stage.

The same for Inam; it could cause me serious harm. So, I need to keep them happy too.

I had to give something to even Amberhold, because they have the trade route and orcs.

In exchange, I am not only getting things. That merchant state keeps restricted but also the influence. That will translate into friendly policies and investments.

To me, the merchant state is more important than even an empire.

My survival depends on them.

"It is slightly over what we had expected, but we will manage. I hope, all of you and your people will negotiate, the best deals for us," I said, looking at the people around me.

Everyone is here.

Valentina, Hardt, Arryn. There are also Carla and Margaux since it is the resource of the establishment.

Today we have agreed on only the number of bottles of emotion essence. The teams will negotiate, what we want in exchange for them.

It will be a busy week seeing the sheer number of parties. They will have to negotiate with.

I wouldn't have needed to be here. They are capable of handling the people on their own, but emotion essence is the most precious resource and I want to maintain control over it.

It might seem like, I am controlling anything, but it is a start. Things will improve with time.

That is why all the contracts have a validity of six months. After that, all of them will need to renegotiate.

I stayed there for a few more minutes before walking out. I will return here for one more meeting.

It is with the city of Namdar.

It will be the last meeting before I retire today. I am thoroughly tired; couldn't continue, even if I wanted to.

I want to cancel the last meeting, but that wouldn't look good.

"Baroness Leila, is waiting for you in the waiting room," informed Zela.

Leila had been wanting to meet me since morning, but I delayed it till now. I didn't want to meet with her, but also didn't want to make dinner awkward.

It is better to make things clear, before that.

Soon, I reached my office and saw my sister waiting in the waiting room.

"Leila," I said, and she got up and followed me into the office, while Ina remained behind.

Zela and John followed.

She isn't a madam, who could only bark. Leila could kill me easily, while she is my sister and I know she wouldn't attack me.

I rather not take risks. I don't have a good experience with them and like to be as cautious as possible.

"Please," I said, offering her a seat as I sat down.

Nobody spoke, we just looked at each other. I don't know what to say. It is not her fault for what her mother did, but I am angry.

"Thank you for squeezing me in. I could only imagine, how tight your schedule must be," she said with a small smile, after a few seconds of silence.

"You have no idea!" I said with a mirthless laugh.

Once again, the awkward silence descended.

We never had any idea of how to talk to each other, unless it was business. There was never a relationship between us, despite being siblings, nor a trust.

Our relationship is past the healing point.

"I am sorry for my mother. She had no right to come here unannounced to create a scene. Say those hurtful words." She apologized.

She looked genuinely apologetic.

"You do not have to apologize. You are not the one who did it," I said, shaking my head.

"Still, it was my fault. I had brought mother here; I shouldn't have," she said and to that, I didn't say anything.

I am still furious at that woman; the audacity at which she had come to me and said those words.

"I hope your anger toward mother and, by extension, me, will not affect things at tomorrow's meeting," she said, and I smiled.

"Don't worry, I keep my personal and political lives separate," I replied, and could see the relief flooding into her eyes.

"Thank you, Remus," she said and got up, before walking out of the room.

I watched her leave before turning to work I have.

In a few minutes, I have to meet a really important person. He is the only person coming today, who didn't want anything for me.

"Anything from Masal?" I asked, and Zela shook her head.

I nodded and focused on the file in front of me. It's worth more than when compared to a monthly supply of the emotion essence, but when it is compared to a year, it only is part.

It will be half if war with the undead intensified, but if it didn't, then third.

The rest, I could use for the influence. These things are the tools of influence. Used not only in life-saving potions but also in reviving and recharging the artifacts, among many other things.

If not for that, Sovereigns wouldn't be crazy about them.

So, what I need is time.

The more time passed. The greater influence I will accumulate through these resources, will help me tremendously

'Master Silver, Great Mage Kralis is here,' informed Jill.


A moment later, the door opened. I got up to greet the blue-haired old man.

Kralis Wilmar is a short man, with a head full of blue hair which looked slightly unkept. He looked to be in his mid-sixties with dark eyes filled with knowledge.

He is a Great Mage.

A Lv. 40+ Mage, powerful enough that he would be wiping out every Lv. 30 powerhouse I have, including Stone, even if they attacked together.

"Great Mage Kralis," I greeted the old man. "Lord Silver," he said and took a seat in front of me.

"I heard, it was an eventful night yesterday," said the old man.

"It would have been even greater if you had graced it with your presence, Great Mage," I replied, and the man smiled.

They had a sent representative. A High-Mage named Gaston, but his appearance would have made the night even better.

I am glad he didn't.

The man is not just a Great Mage, but also a scholar mage. He could have noticed things that I didn't want others to notice.

I created such a show yesterday because I knew he wouldn't be there and also the hosts of legacies. They were barred by their leaders.

The undead is close. If they had captured even a single host of legacy; it would have done irreplaceable damage to that entire kingdom.

A moment later, a delicate wooden box appeared in his hand. It is carved by a high-level artist, with a familiar emblem on the top.

"His illuminated majesty, the Archmage, and the Archmage Tower cordially invite you, Lord Silver, host of Velvet Garden, to the Archmage City for the decennial continental synod conclave." He spoke and placed the wooden box down.

His voice is practiced like he had said hundreds of times. Which he likely did.

The invitation is to the continental synod conclave. The biggest conclave in the entire continent.

It had happened once a decade in archmage city. The place of the most powerful legacy on the continent.

All the hosts of legacies on the continent are invited. Also, the head of state.

Powerful organizations and high-level people.

It is the thing where everyone desires to get invited. Last time, the hHouseof Silver had paid enormous money for the slot of a single person.

"I gladly accept the invitation," I accepted.

"We hope you will personally come, Lord Silver. The Archmage, had a desire to meet you," he said, and surprise couldn't help, but appear on my face.

The leader of the Archmage Tower is notoriously hard to meet. Even the head of state, fault for getting his appointment.

"It is my honor, Great Mage, but I can't promise personal attendance, given the condition of the region," I replied.

"We understand, but we would still be happy if you came," he said.

"I will try," I said, and the old man smiled.

The great mage left a moment later, while Zela's eyes still following him. I could see the hope in her eyes, the desire to reach the height, he had reached.

I didn't say anything and turned to the box with a big emblem of the Archmage Tower.

The spirit.

It is for that reason alone; that many people want to visit it.

I don't plan to go despite very much wanting to, but it is three months away and anything could happen.

I could feel their eyes on the box. They are very curious, so I am. There isn't only an invitation in the box, but also a gift.

They send it with an invitation. It is only for the legacies.

It could be anything, a rare resource, emotion essence, or anything else.

However, it is said; that the archimage tower gives what one needs. So, I am quite curious, about the gift the box will have.


I clicked open the box and immediately the mist came out. Filled with such power, that I froze for a moment.

When I came to myself, I saw the projection in front of me. The projection of Archmage.

"Lord Silver host of the Velvet Garden. You are cordially invited to the continental conclave of legacies."

Said the archmage, before the mist dissolved and the contents of the box appeared in front of me.

The first is the envelope. It was blank, but the moment I touched it. The emblem of the archmage tower, archmage city, and archmage appeared.

As I opened it, I found the formal invitation. It's so beautiful, that I want to frame it.

Many do. It sells for quite a good price. It is a collector's item.

It is not only beautiful but also valuable. Everything is magical, from ink to paper; one could feel the power emanating from it.

I placed the envelope down and looked at the other thing. It is a book.

I could see Zela shaking, seeing it. She had already guessed, what it was.

I touched it and the beautiful cover revealed itself.

"It is indeed a spell book, with the spell, you had wanted," I said, handing the book to her.

It's true what they say. I had been searching for a good defensive spell and they have provided me with one.

The spell is Light Sphere. It creates a sphere of light around the caster or person, it is directed.

It's a Grade 4 light elemental defensive spell. A powerful defensive spell, especially against dark elemental spells.

Zela is a water elemental mage, but she is also perusing the light element. It will be a tough spell to learn, but if anyone could do it. It would be her.

In the past few months, she had been focused on offensive spells.

This spell will bring balance to her arsenal.

"It is a single learner's spell," said Zela, a few seconds later. It means only one person could learn it. It couldn't be copied or shared or sold once it's open.

"Good, you are a perfect person for it," I replied, turning to her.

"Thank you, Lord Silver," she thanked with misty eyes.

She doesn't need to thank me. The more powerful she is, the safer I will be, and I need her to be powerful to face, the challenges that will soon be coming to our doors.

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