Clone Girls

Chapter 54: Licia’s first shopping

Within the immense plaza in front of the academy's main gate, Evelyn sat on a bench alone, deep in thoughts. She was currently waiting for Licia to show up.

Of course, she was not really alone. After the recent events, her father had doubled the number of bodyguards around her, and she could see some of them hidden within the crowd of people passing by. They had been ordered not to interact with her for today, as she could somehow guess  Licia would be upset if they were accompanied by bodyguards.

She wants to go out with me as friends. She said it'll be her first time too… 

The very fact that the cute Licia wanted to do this with her made her happy, yet at the same time anxious.

Is it really alright?

She was a Pellian, and the daughter of one of the most powerful men in Pellian circles at that. She was very well aware of the influence her family held, as well as her responsibilities. 

She knew her every move were watched, whether it was outside or inside the academy, and she would not be surprised if some people made radical moves against her. But Evelyn was not worried about that, she was used to it in fact. What worried her was Licia.

She'll be seen with me again. Is that really alright with the Unkillable Valkyrie?

While Licia and Evelyn thought of this outing as nothing more than 'repaying a debt', others would not think of it that way. What they would only see was Rika getting close to the Pellians.

This could tarnish Rika's reputation, something that Evelyn did not wish, as she respected the woman and had come to like her as a teacher. So she had hoped Rika would intervene and cancel this outing, but that was not the case. The Unkillable Valkyrie just gave her acquiescence with a small smile. It just made Evelyn wonder what the Brigadier-General turned teacher had in mind…

Not only that, but what she had heard from Bianca about the opening ceremony also bugged her…

Is Licia thinking of making me her leader?

The thought made her feel strange. On one side she felt some pride that Licia was looking up to her, but on the other, she felt bad over the implications this would have.

Her father and his supporters would probably be happy to get a clone and gain influence over Rika, but some radical elements within the Pellians would also be outraged by the move, seeing as Rika made her first feats of arms in the Borkian-Pellian war…

Evelyn did not see the girl that clung to her ever since the first day of school as a tool either, nor a weapon for that matter, and relying on Licia to achieve her father's goal would leave her with a bitter taste.

It must be done by our own hands if we want it to have any meaning…

Just as she was having such thoughts, her vision became dark as soft hands blocked her view.

“Who's there~?” A voice asked teasingly, which made Evelyn smile since she knew who it was.

“It’s Licia”

“Wrong!” Licia giggled. “It's 046!”

“Apologies, Evelyn.” The ECG said as she removed her hands from a somewhat surprised yet happy Evelyn. When Evelyn turned, she saw Licia smiling from ear to ear and ECG-046 standing next to her with her usual neutral look.

“Good morning, 046, Licia. How are do-” She began, before freezing.

“Hi! I'm fine!” Licia replied, still in a good mood. “We're both fine! I was so excit-”



Evelyn stopped Licia before she could speak further. Something was bothering her.

“Licia… What's up with that get up?” She asked with a small frown. 

“Eh? Is something wrong with my clothes?” The clone girl asked, looking at her own clothes in bewilderment. Evelyn sighed as a result.

The action is cute, but the clothes just gather more attention…

Both Licia and ECG-046 were wearing their military uniforms, but Licia wore a baggy hoodie over it, for some reason. This was a problem to Evelyn, as their clothes flatly announced they were part of the military, and the specialties of the clones made it clear from which faction the two were from. This was going  overboard for a small outing…

“Yes, in many ways. Who told you to dress like that?” Evelyn asked.

“Nobody? I mean, I was in such a hurry to meet you that I didn't even ask Ri- I mean general Rika for any advice…” Licia admitted, laughing a bit before looking at Evelyn with a sad look.  “Are my clothes that bad? Willia told me it was fine though…”

“… It's not the clothes themselves, but they just make more people look at you.” Evelyn pointed out, glancing around, and sure enough, some  people passing by looked their way with various expressions.

Licia’s and ECG-046’s white hair is already noticeable enough, but if they wear their uniforms, people would absolutely notice they are clones…

That was the reason Evelyn was now wearing a simple skirt and shirt with bland colors. If she were to wear her uniform, which had some Pellian touches to it, she would immediately be associated with the Pellians and be avoided by most people. She had hoped Licia, or rather Rika, would also take care of this, but that was wishful thinking from her part, apparently…

Also, what’s up with the hoodie?

“Ugh… N-now that you say that, I do feel a lot of stares…” Licia said, looking around her as embarrassment began to redden her face.

“Maybe you should go back to change yourself?” Evelyn offered.

“No! I want to be with Eve now!” Licia rejected strongly, clinging to Evelyn’s arm like a spoiled child. 

“Fine, fine.” Evelyn sighed again, now used to the Null CG’s antics. She knew Licia would not change her mind no matter what. “Let's just go to a clothing store then, it won't bother any of your plans, right?

“!?! O-of course not! Haha…” Licia reacted weirdly for some reason, but Evelyn decided not to ask. She instead looked at ECG-046.

“How about you, 046? Will you accompany us?”

“I will not partake in this expedition, Evelyn. I am on duty today.” The ECG replied without an ounce of emotion.

“Ah, yes, of course, I understand.” Evelyn did not ask further. She understood that unlike Licia, ECG-046 had duties to attend to. “Still, I’ll buy you something as a thank you.”

“...I understand.” ECG-046 replied as she saluted, before turning and leaving the place in a hurry. The small smile on the clone girl’s face did not escape Evelyn and Licia’s sight however, which made them smile in return.

“Hehe~” Licia giggled from the side. “046 is happy.”

Evelyn simply nodded. Throughout the week, she and her classmates had interacted with the ECGs multiple times, trying to break the ice, and while most of the time the ECGs replied shortly and remained unexpressive, they had noticed that the ECGs were not hostile against them. Rather, the ECGs seemed curious, and keen on interacting more with them. The Null CGs had also mentioned that their sisters were inexpressive because of how they were born, and that they would develop emotions with time.

It’s become a side quest for the boys to make the ECGs emotional.

The boys had an obvious, stupid goal in doing that, which was to get as close to a relationship as possible to the ECGs, who were all beautiful girls. This made the girls in the class look at them with judging looks as a result though, and it did not seem like they had made much progress…

Well, there’s also Bianca, but the ECGs seem to be fine. Bianca passed through Evelyn’s mind quickly. Apparently, the girl was not satisfied with just having some skinship with the Null CGs, so she tried to do the same thing with the ECGs. Her first attempt ended in a major failure, as she tried to hug an ECG called ECG-099 and tripped over nothing before even reaching her target. She ended up sliding on the ground, before hitting a table's foot, which KOed instantly. The class had a good laugh at the time, and after that, every time Bianca tried to approach an ECG, they would either just leave the place or take a battle stance against her.

Somehow, Bianca had managed to become the ‘enemy’ of all the clone girls…

You reap what you sow, Bianca. That’s what you get for looking at them with a perverted look. Evelyn did not try to side with her friend, as she was well used to the girl’s antics, being one of her victims in the past.

“Well, enough waiting, let’s go already!” Licia said excitedly, having reached the end of her patience. She began to pull Evelyn by the arm.

“W-wait, Licia!” Evelyn called out, frowning as she struggled against the pull. “Do you even know where to go?”

This made the Null CG stop in her tracks. She slowly turned her head towards Evelyn, sweat on her face for some reason.

“Uhm, where do we go?” She asked timidly.

“Pffft!” Evelyn could not help but laugh, which made Licia pout, her face red from embarrassment.

“Stop laughing!”

“S-sorry, but that was just too cute…” Evelyn said, holding back her laughter as she put her hand over Licia’s head, which had for effect to freeze the both of them in place.


Why did I do that!? Evelyn began to panic, but before she could even retract her hand, a huge smile bloomed on Licia’s face.

“Hehe~, headpats from Eve~, I like it.” The clone girl muttered in bliss, which had a huge effect on Evelyn.

Well, if she likes it, whatever… Evelyn ended up continuing headpatting Licia.


They suddenly felt a lot of stares on them.


That's when it came back to them that they were currently outside, and that people were looking at them.

“L-let's go.”


Both embarrassed for some reason, they hurried out of the place, holding hands along the way




“Welcome Miss Mayers! How can I help… you?” The employee of the clothing store could not help but pause once she saw Licia next to Evelyn.

“Please don't say anything. I'd like some clothes for her.” Evelyn said seriously. She had come here because she knew the employees of this shop were on good terms with her.

If you pay them well, they’ll keep quiet, which is a boon for me.

She did not mind paying above set item prices if it meant it could ensure her privacy.

“O-of course! Please come this way!” The employee nodded strongly, regaining her calm and her business smile quickly before guiding Evelyn and Licia to the back, where they entered one of the VIP rooms. The employee left soon after, leaving the two of them alone.

“Hey, Eve, what should I do?” Licia asked as she looked around the room curiously, to which Evelyn, who was used to things here, sat on the couch and patted next to her for Licia to sit. Once Licia sat there, Evelyn took one of the tablets that was on the table in front of them and gave it to Licia.

“Scroll through the catalog, if there's any clothes that you like, just tap on it and they will be delivered to the room for you to test.” She said with a smile.

“Okay! Uhm, let's see…” Licia began to concentrate on the clothes presented on the tablet.  “Oh! I like that, and this and that!” She began to tap one item after the other.

“Wait wait wait.” Evelyn stopped her in a hurry.

“Eh? What's wrong?” Licia tilted her head innocently.

“No, that's what I should be asking.” Evelyn sighed. “Why are you only taking hoodies?”

“Because they're comfy?” Licia answered, still not understanding her friend’s point.

Fair enough, I can't deny that. Evelyn thought. But this isn’t the problem here.

“Licia, you need to take some other things, like skirts, shirts, and underwear, you know?” Evelyn said in a serious tone.

“But do I really need them though? I grow really fast, you know? My uniform is what I always wear anyway.” Licia did not understand the use of having so many clothes that would soon be too small for her.

“Licia, you-” Evelyn, who could not understand that train of thought since she did not know how fast the clones’ growth was, sighed in exasperation. “Doesn't your mother or brigadier-general Rikal make you wear anything else?”

“Oh, mom and general Rika did buy me and my sisters some clothes, but I rarely use them if I'm not asked to.” Licia answered honestly. Buying clothes for the clone girls was actually one of the first things Rika and Ticia did after all.


“Because mom, general Rika, and my ECG sisters always wear their military uniforms! As the eldest daughter, I should also lead by showing the exemple!” Licia said with admiration in her voice, but while it was true that Rika and Ticia always had their uniforms, it was rather because they were wearing it all the time, although Ticia did wish her girls would wear more cute things than a military uniform sometimes.

As for the ECGs, their mindset has always been set for military purposes, so they were reluctant to wear civilian clothes…

“…What about the others?” Evelyn asked about the other Null CGs.

Surely all of them can’t be like that, right?

She was pretty sure Willia was, since the girl was always in a messy state, with even some mud on her uniform sometime, which got her reprimands from Rika. But for the others, she honestly had no clue.

“Ria's the same as me!” Licia declared. “Ah, but the others also always wear their uniforms. Nicia, Nia, Mia, Ticinia and Vinia sometimes wear other things though, and they did complain about wanting a skirt instead of pants for their uniform.”

Oooof… Evelyn was relieved yet at the same time worried. I can understand why the Unkillable Valkyrie did not give them permission for that. Skirts are seen badly in the Borkian military, so they better not do that…

Skirts were not banned for female soldiers, but since some of those soldiers used them to… ‘incite’ male superiors, a bad reputation had stuck to them. Since then, skirts have always been associated with women who wanted to climb up ranks rapidly using their body as a counterpart.

Evelyn herself had made that error in the past, since skirts were a common thing for female soldiers in the Pellian forces. If Bianca had not intervened at the time and told her the hidden meaning behind skirts in the army, she would have way more problems…

Actually, I think I’ve been friends with Bianca since that time. Her personality is still doubtful though…

While Evelyn was thinking such things, Licia continued to add more hoodies to her list some were fine, but some others were for male clients, and of a questioning taste...

…I can’t bear it, she has no sense of style.

“… Licia.” Evelyn looked at Licia with a smile.

“Y-yes?” Licia felt pressured, for some reason.

“I'm gonna buy clothes in your stead, and you're going to wear them. Right now.” Evelyn declared, still with a smile, but her tone of voice emanated authority.

“Fueh? B-bu-”

“You don't have any right to reject.”


And so, Evelyn took the tablet from a spooked out Licia, and began to browse through the list of clothes with a serious look.

Licia’s suffering (?) had only just begun…




“Yup, this is better.” Evelyn felt refreshed after looking at her hard work. In front of her stood a pretty little girl wearing a brown vest over a yellow blouse and a light gray skirt. Evelyn had bought over ten clothes like this for Licia with various colors and different patterns, including underwears. Licia had to wear all of them in front of Evelyn each time until she was satisfied…

As a result, Licia became tired.

“N-no more… Please…” She begged Evelyn with puppy eyes.

“Guess it'll have to do for now.” Evelyn muttered to herself. If she were honest, this was not enough for her. Licia was simply too cute, and any clothes were good on her. “We're finished, but keep wearing those clothes for today.”

“Finally…” Licia let out a long sigh, but Evelyn decided to ignore it. She might have gone overboard after all…

“Hm?” She noticed something as she finalized the selling process. She found a pair of matching adult sized hoodies in the list that she did not put there.  “What's this? Hoodies again? Licia…”

“N-no! I have a good reason for those two!” Licia answered in a panic, her energy back as if nothing just happened.

“Alright, say it then.” Evelyn said with a judgefull look. If she was not here, Licia might really have bought all the hoodies in this store, which was a lot for a small girl…

“Uhm, actually, this is for Ria…” Licia admitted bashfully, blush on her face.

“For Ria?”

“Yes.” She nodded at Evelyn's inquisitory. “I want to make a gift for her, so I thought about matching hoodies…”

“Licia… Is it because you keep arguing with her?” Evelyn could not help but ask. Licia and Ria had not stopped arguing once ever since she met them, and most of the time, she was stuck in the middle of their arguments, becoming a target of Ria’s glares.

“Eh?” Licia seemed surprised, she shook her head. “No, well, I can't say it has nothing to do with it, but our relationship is good, you know? We often chat together!”

“Eh? Then why do you keep arguing?” Evelyn did not really understand, being an only child. 

Can those bickerings really be considered as just chatting?

“Uhm, how do I explain this…” Licia scratched her cheek as she searched for the right words. “You see, we had a big fight before, and after we reconciled, we swore to say everything to one another. That's why Ria is so openly opposing me sometimes. We have different views, and we both acknowledge the other's efforts, hence why we usually plan things together to avoid any incidents, both inside the family and for outside matters. Everything we do is for our future anyway.  She knows mom and General Rika are telling me things they're not telling her, but that doesn't mean she'll lash out in protest. For her, this just means that she isn't mature enough…”

“I see… So this is your way of expressing your support to your sister?” 

“Yes!” Licia said with a big smile. “I think Ria is ready now, and I want her to join our planning sessions!”

“I understand.” Evelyn smiled, but her smile was sad instead of a happy one. She patted Licia’s head in hope of hiding it. “You're a good girl, Licia. Take care of your family while you still can…”

Unlike me… I’m sorry, mom…

“…Evelyn?” Licia caught her change of mood however, so Evelyn quickly moved away and apologized.

“Oh, sorry, I lost my thoughts for a moment. Ah, right. Why are the hoodies not your size though?” She ended up asking to change the subject somewhat forcefully.

“It's for once we grow up! That way we can always wear them!” Licia answered with a big, airhead smile, which left Evelyn speechless.

“Anyway, now that we're done with you, can you help me choose something for 046?” She decided to just go to the next thing.

“Sure!” Licia was just happy to help as the both of them sat back on the couch next to each other, with Licia leaning on Evelyn.

“What would be best for her?” Evelyn asked.

“Hmmm… How about an accessory? That way you'll be able to recognize 046 from the others!” The cute clone girl advised, and Evelyn nodded.

“That does sound good, but Licia, don't accessories and stuff hold any meaning to you clones?” She asked, just to be sure not to commit something out of the norms.

“Now that you say it, there is…” Licia muttered, thinking for a bit. “Usually, personalisation is not allowed, but mom and general Rika don't really care… Besides, I think it'll help the ECGs develop themselves if they personalize themselves! Cutting hair short is not allowed though. Mom loves long hair!”

“Okay then.” Evelyn began to scroll through the accessories’ lists. She stopped over the headban list, where a hair band struck her out. It was a white headband with a golden reinforcement in the middle of it, forming a stripe all the way around. The gold was finely detailed, with intricate geometric forms and faunal decorations. The description said the headband had been handcrafted, a rarity in those times where machines did most of the handiwork.

Of course, the price was also high, but Evelyn did not care much. Sha had the money anyway, and ECG-046 had saved something more precious than money to her after all.

“How about this one?” She asked, showing it to Licia.

“Oh? Nice! I like it too! You're really good at this, Eve!” 

“Any normal girl would be.” Evelyn could not help but utter with a sharp look, which made Licia flinch.

“Ugh…” Licia ended up looking away under the pressure, which made Evelyn giggle. Licia reacted back of course, beginning to sulk, but some headpats later and the clone girl was pacified.

After seeing the hairband for themselves and buying it, the girls left the store. Unlike before though, less people were staring at them.

Evelyn also noticed that some of the familiar faces she had seen before were nowhere to be seen now…

Maybe it was time for a shift, or they caught someone suspicious and they’re just dealing with him. Either way, I’m not worried.

“Now then, what do you want to do?” She asked Licia.

“Fueh?” Her little friend looked at her, not understanding at first.

“You did plan something for today, just like I asked you, right?”

“R-right, uhm…” Licia began to speak out, but nothing came out of her mouth as she avoided eye contact and began to sweat profusely.



Both of them ended up in an awkward situation.

“You didn't plan anything, did you?” Evelyn finally pointed out, her cold look making Licia shiver.

“… Sorry.” The poor little girl ended up admitting. 

Even though I asked her to plan what she wanted to do today… Evelyn was a bit disappointed, but all that said, not all was bad, it was really good in fact. She was now discovering another side of Licia, which was also cute in her eyes.

I could use a little sister like that. Days would be way more fun.

“Oh well, fine. Let's just hang around some good places.” She hid her mood a bit more, wanting to see how Licia would react, and as she said that, Licia’s mood immediately brightened.

“Yes! Let's do that! I like you Eve, you're my best friend ever!”

Agh! Too much brightness!

…She ended up receiving collateral damage…




Today was so much fun!

Licia said to herself as she hummed on the way back to the dormitories, bag in hands. After the shopping streak at the clothing store, Evelyn had brought her to many beautiful places in the capital, such as parks, attractions, and some quiet places. They had a lot of fun together and by the end of the day,  Licia got Evelyn to promise that the both of them would go out again. Licia could not ask any better.

As she reached the dormitories of the academy though, her mood turned serious. She took a turn into a small, dark alley that had nearly no light as the sun was going down. She looked left and right, and once she made sure nobody else was there, she called out with her most serious look ever.

“046, report.”

“Yes, Prime Sister Licia.” ECG-046 came out from behind her and saluted as Licia turned. “There were nine attempts on your life today.” The ECG said flatly.

“More than usual then.” Licia nodded, used to such reports. For today, almost all of the twenty ECGs had followed her and Evelyn, ensuring their security from the shadows. “Did you get everyone?”

“Yes, thanks to sister 099’s actions.”

Licia nodded again. “Which faction?”

“Three were from the Doesson, and had the most people. Two were from the Twill faction, and the others came from various other groups, with one coming from a neutral group.”

“I see.” Licia nodded, unsurprised.

The Doesson are hostile to us and the most active in their attempts at either murdering or capturing us. The Twill faction also seems to have some things against us. As for other elements, perhaps they just feel threatened by us, or are just trying to exploit us for research. She thought, remembering the reasons why each faction moved.

“Those were the attempts on your life, Prime Sister Licia. Shall I also report on Evelyn's?” ECG-046 suddenly added. Apparently, the report was not finished.

“Yes, go on.” Licia nodded, still pensive.

“Counting both kidnapping and murder attempts, Evelyn’s life has been targeted at least twenty one times.” ECG-046 said once again with a neutral look, and Licia frowned once she heard the number.

“That much in a day?” She asked.

That's like way more than us.

“Yes.” ECG-046 nodded back. “Some of her bodyguards were in cahoots with the perpetrators. We had to deal with them accordingly, and we’ve also sent a report to the Mayer’s family.” ECG-046 said, and Licia could see some anger in her sister’s face.

Is 046 getting angry for Eve? That’s cute. She ended up smiling a little in her mind at the fact that ECG-046 also liked Evelyn.

“Understood, good job. Do your report to Rika, and tell her that I want to act back. We can’t stay on the defensive.” She said to ECG-046 with a serious look still on her face.

We can’t keep this going on. If they want to get killed by us, then we should just do so and strike first, instill fear into the hearts of others… I might need help from Lidia.

“…You’re not coming with me, Prime Sister?” As Licia was already planning her next move, which she would present to Rika for approval once she had discussed things with Ria and Lidia, ECG-046 called out to her, a little bewildered as to why she had to be the only one to report.

“No.” Licia shook her head, and this time, a big smile emerged on her face as she faced ECG-046 and pointed at one of the bags in her hands.  “I need to go see Ria now. I have a gift for her.”

Hey there! I'm back with another chapter!
And sorry for the delay, I wanted to do some last minute changes before posting... Usually I would spare some time in the day to do those at the same time as my last edits, but IRL-chan hit me hard again...
Well, it's not a bad thing anyway, it's just making me wonder if I should shift my releasing date to Tuesday instead of Monday, as Tuesday's workload has been lightened recently.

Anyway! Here it is! the first da-wait a sec, that's a bit too soon? No! Licia is still too young! We must protect her (Evelyn agrees with this statement)!
But yeah, it was a fun chapter to write, but sorry about the clothes part, I personally think I'm bad at choosing clothes for myself... so I can't say much about clothes for the opposite sex, moreso  in a foreign language...  Anyway, I really do hope it was fine, if you can advise me on this part though, I wouldn't say no...

A lot of things are also moving in the background it seems... Perhaps something will happen, or perhaps not. Who knows?

Also, ECG personalisation!? What!? It's happening for real!?
If ECG-046 is not going to have a name yet, then she's the first to receive an accessory! Nice one, me! Also, I made her and other ECGs some portraits with novel AI, although very similar due to how I see the ECGs, is anybody interested in seeing the ECGs? Let me know in the comments! ; )

Well that's it from me for today! I'll see you all in the next chapter!

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