Clone Girls

Chapter 75: Those who rose up

“...Eve-class clones huh? That’s not a sight you see everyday.” The clone woman said after a moment of surprised silence, whistling. The other clones looked at Ticia, full of curiosity, though all of them stayed vigilants.

That was fine to Ticia though. 

I only showed my face to them to see if I’d get a more positive reaction. It didn’t affect them  as much as the other clones, but they seem less hostile now.

Still, the fact that they were still on guard told Ticia those clones were experienced soldiers.

“Can we have a discussion on friendlier terms now?” Ticia asked again.

“Mh, yeah, I suppose so.” The woman nodded nonchalantly. “Though this isn’t really a place where we can have a talk.” She then turned. “Follow me.”

As the woman began to walk away, Ticia released a sigh of relief. Only now did she realize how stressed she was over this plan of hers. Fortunately, it worked. She looked towards Laura, who nodded.

“I dunno what your current plan is, but I’ll follow quietly. But if it involves politics, I’ll have to jump in. I’m more experienced than you in this field, and I also need to fulfill her majesty’s task.” The girl said, to which Ticia nodded in acknowledgement. She then looked towards the rest of her group.

“Tidy your weapons for now, but keep them close in case something happens.” She said, holstering her own weapons. The clones nodded and did as told. Ticia then continued.

“A small group shall follow me while the rest of you stay here. Keep an eye on the prisoners, and don’t make a fuss.”

The group nodded at her words. Ticia nodded back.

“Bronz, Fana and squad two, with me. 031 will take charge during our absence.”

““Yes, Mother.””

“Old man, you’re coming with me. Select some clones to come with us.” She then said to the old clone, who nodded. Ticia then turned towards the young laborer clone.

“You’re coming too.”

“Eh? U-understood” The girl was surprised, but nodded.

“I’ll also leave the robots behind. Don’t wanna make them more wary of us because of them, right?” Laura added, winking at Ticia. Ticia simply nodded in agreement, before moving.

A part of the clone rebels kept an eye on the group she left behind, while another part began working here and there, doing menial tasks like opening crates and some cleaning. A small group also came with her, acting as an escort and watching her every move. Ticia looked in front of her. The clone woman was waiting for her at a door, arms crossed and a neutral look on her face. 

“Done?” She asked Ticia. Ticia looked behind her. Laura and the twelve ECGs were right behind her. The other clones were also joining up with her. She nodded at the clone woman.

“Let’s go then.” She declared before turning and pushing a button on the wall, which opened the door. She began walking, and Ticia followed after her.

“Where are we going exactly?” Ticia asked.

“Worried about the people you left behind?” The woman asked, sending a slight glance towards Ticia. When she nodded, the woman continued. “We aren’t going far. Just to our command room.”

Ticia simply nodded. Whatever she meant by command room, it had either to do with the clone installation or the clones themselves. As they followed after the clone, they passed other clones. All of them were busy doing something.

It’s a whole army.

The way those people moved around, slightly glancing at them with curiosity but never stopping to ask who they were. The only thing they did was quickly salute the woman leading them, confirming to Ticia that she was someone of high authority there.

The clone leading them soon stopped. Again, she opened the closed door in front of her by pushing a button to the side and Ticia was able to see the interior of the room.

A bunch of clones in military uniforms sat around a half circular table, seemingly engaged in a serious discussion. The clone’s sudden entrance made the room quiet though…

“Chloe, you’re back. Have you found out the cause of the-!?” The one at the center of the table called out to the clone called Chloe, before his eyes fell upon Ticia and her group and his eyes grew wide. The same went for the others.

“...Who are these people?” The same person asked as a pair of guards in the room put their hands on their weapons, ready to take them out.

“Some of the people who came out of the central elevator.” Chloe said back nonchalantly.

“We can figure that out on our own Chloe, I was talking about what you know about them.” The man sighed, putting the palm of his hand on his forehead as he did so.

“Well, not much, really. They weren’t that talkative.” Chloe replied, crossing her arms.

“And you still brought them here!?” One of the clones suddenly shouted in rage, but it did not affect Chloe.


“Do you realize how dangerous that is!?”

“Enough, Otto.” The one at the center of the table said with authority.

“But leader! They might be Eve-class but that doesn’t mean they’re on our side!” Otto protested.

“Chloe is the most experienced out of all of us. She knows what she’s doing.” The leader said. His words seemed enough to calm the man for now.

“...” He still stared towards Ticia with some wariness though.

What a warm second welcome… Tica couldn’t help but comment in her mind, but she understood why he was like this. That girl didn't send any messages or anything and just came back with us while we still had our weapons. Of course they would be wary.

Ticia decided it would be best to take things over a bit while remaining polite.

“Nice to meet you. I am Ticia.” She said with a smile, moving one step ahead of the group as their representative. She expected Laura to say something, but just like the girl said, she stayed quiet and let Ticia handle it.

Again, the clones stared at her with confused look, before soon looking Chloe’s way once again.

“...Chloe, can you tell us more?” The leader asked. This time, Chloe saluted and straightened herself, seemingly a bit more serious than before.

“Yes. These people claim to be the ones who set us free and came from the surface. They want to talk to someone who’s kept down there.”

“Oh?” The leader frowned. “And your evaluation of them?”

“Strong. Fighting them would result in severe casualties.” Chloe flatly said. Ticia was a bit taken aback she and the other clones would discuss such things in front of her, but kept it hidden. Saying this was as much of a praise to her daughters than it was a threat, after all. Fortunately, Chloe continued her words.

“Luckily for us, their position towards us doesn’t seem to be hostile.”

“Mmmmh…” The leader looked thoughtful while some others murmured between themselves. After a brief moment though, he faced Ticia with a dignified air. “We are the temporary clone resistance council.”

“Temporary ‘cause most of the leaders are still frozen.” Chloe added from the side, which got her some glares from the others.

The leader did not seem to mind though, as if used to the woman’s antics. He continued to look at Ticia.

“Miss Ticia, right? As the current head seat of the temporary resistance council and a member of the regular one, I would like to make a trade with you.”

“Sure.” Ticia nodded, smiling back. She needed to show she was not intimidated, but also that she had the upper hand over them.

“You desire information, right? It just so happens that we also need some.” She said.

“Then allow me to ask first. Who are you searching for?” The leader asked. Ticia had expected that question and was about to answer when Laura jumped in.

“Stuart Derguer.” The girl with cybernetic eyes said.

Didn’t she say she’d let me handle it? No, her main reason for coming here WAS that person to begin with. Ticia thought, a bit surprised but hiding it as she quickly realised why the girl had intervened.

The name she pronounced froze the temporary resistance council however…

“...That’s one high ranking person you’re searching for…” The leader said after a bit of silence. He probably did not expect Ticia’s side to ask this question. “Unfortunately, he is still trapped down there. His state is currently unknown to us.”

“Do you know on which floor he is? I really need to bring him back with me.” Laura asked, which made the leader frown again.

“Why? Why would you need to take him out of here and for what reasons?”

“I am simply fulfilling the request his children have given me.” Laura said  mysteriously, but the council leader immediately understood.

“Children… you’re talking about the -ia Class AIs, huh?” He said, to which Laura nodded.

As expected. Ticia thought in her head. She had hinted at it before, but this is perhaps the first time she confirmed it so clearly. Not like I asked it in the first place though.

Laura encountered one problem in her plan though when the leader asked a simple question.

“Do you have any proof of your statement?”

“No.” Laura answered honestly. She had not expected to meet anyone, so why prepare evidence?

Ticia heard a slight beeping sound coming from the helmet in her left hand. Of course, she know who it was.

Rebot-ia seems to want to say something, should I… She pondered on the thought, before nodding to herself. Yeah, let’s give Laura a small favor this time.

“If so.” The leader began with a neutral look. “I am afraid tha-”

“Wait a sec!” A voice suddenly said out loud. It was Rebot-ia, who had boosted the speaker of Ticia’s helmet enough to be heard by everyone.  

“Greetings, my name is Rebot-ia, my presence alone should be enough to guarantee what she said, right?” She said in a formal way, which was rare, coming from this AI.

“...Voice alone isn’t enough, unfortunately.” The council’s leader said, shutting own Rebot-ia’s hope, but not for long. But once again, Chloe spoke up.

“Rebot-ia? CI-26’s AI, right?”

“Yes!” Rebot-ia confirmed. “Hm? Wait a sec, I know you!” She suddenly said. “You’re one of owner Claudia Willbix’s friends!”

Willbix? Ticia asked in her mind. That was a name she’d never heard of before. Rebot-ia never talked about the past, and Ticia never was interested anyway if it did not concern project Averuncum, so the excitement the AI showed was somewhat new to her.

“Oh man, how did I not recognize you? You really ARE Chloe! Well, to my defense, age isn’t in my favor here. Age didn't touch you much it seems, you're still looking good! What happened to you though? You were always a ball of happiness in the past… I miss you all, you know?” Rebot-ia blurted all this at a fast rate, before sounding sad at the end. Ticia could not do much for the AI right now but tighten her grip on the helmet.

“... A lot of things happened, Rebot-ia. When you go through what I did, it leaves marks.” Chloe said with a faraway look, before making a small smile. “But I’m glad you’re fine, Rebot-ia. I definitely did not expect you to be alive and kicking.”

“Hehe! I am doing fine, thanks! It’s all thanks to this new owner who got me out of CI-26!” Rebot-ia answered with happiness, as if the sadness from a moment ago had not been there in the first place.

“...New owner huh?” Chloe stared at Ticia with a look void of emotions, as if looking through Ticia's soul. “...I guess this is fitting.” She murmured to herself as she broke eye contact, leaving Ticia confused.

What did I do to her? She wasn’t like this until Rebot-ia showed herself.

“Ernest, what she said is already enough to prove that she is a -ia class AI.” Chloe said, addressing the leader familiarly with her usual nonchalant look. Ernest nodded.

“Mh, if Chloe says so, then it must be true.”

“Are you sure about that?” Otto asked, frowning. He was not the only one doubting it though, as others also showed signs of objection.

“Might I remind you all that Chloe was part of the clone resistance council before I was, and as a permanent member at that?” Ernest said with a sigh, which immediately shut the others before they could express their protest. None of them seemed opposed to Chloe after that.

So she’s a big shot huh? Ticia thought as he looked towards chloe. The woman had taken back her position and kept her neutral look on her face all along, though she did glance towards Ticia from time to time.

“So? About our request?” Laura asked, recentering the conversation on its tracks.

“Yes.” Ernest nodded. “While not a priority, we consider Stuart Derguer a precious ally who helped us during our rebellion. Allow us to cooperate with you in finding his whereabouts.” He declared.

“Many thanks.” Laura bowed slightly, seemingly happy with the outcome.

“That still doesn’t explain the robots though.” Chloe suddenly added with a frown.

“What?” Her words brought Ernest’s interest.

“Oh, let’s just say it’s a perpetual alliance.” Laura tactfully answered, not showing an ounce of fluster. “The war is over, there is no need for us to fight one another.”

Had she not reacted so naturally, the clones, who had top fight against the robots for so long might have become wary once again.

But something else caught the attention of the council, even Chloe.

“...Over? The war is over?”

“For real?

“W-who won? No, what happened? Just how many years have passed?” Ernest asked a flurry of questions, to which Laura made a huge, triumphant smile.

“We can tell you if you want, but how will you compensate us?”

So she was aiming for this. Ticia smiled too. They had not come here with any predetermined plans but… things were finally going their way…


“Depends on what exactly you tell us.”


Just as Ernest was hesitating, Chloe once again, made the decision for everyone, making even Ernest raise his voice this time.

“What?” The woman simply looked his way and shrugged. “We lack information anyway.”

Ernest seemed to want to say something, but held himself back.

“...Right. Please tell us.” He said after calming himself. Meanwhile, Ticia and Laura were smiling from ear to ears.

They then began their story with more serious faces. They told the clones about what they knew about the UFG’s civil war, how it ended, and how the United Federal Government just simply ceased to exist only to become a thing of the past. They then told them about the nations that had formed in their stead, how clone technology had become a defunct one that was salivated over by various states, and why they ended up here.

Throughout their story, the clones’ faces grew paler and paler. They definitely did not expect what they had just been told.

A heavy silence weighed the room as Ticia and Laura finished explaining. The clones were in shock, Chloe included, though she was quicker to recuperate than the others. Finally, the clones uttered some words of disbelief.

“...I can’t believe so many years have passed…”

“The UFG is no more? How…”

“And this story about a virus, they’re lying, right?”

their mumbles continued on and on, trying either to deny what had happened or just making sense of it all. Ticia could not understand them.

If this goes on like this, it's gonna take forever...

“We’ve pretty much made you up to date with the galaxy’s current state of affairs. How are you gonna pay us now?” She asked, not caring about the clone’s current state.

“Please wait a moment. We need some time to… take this all in…” Ernest said, rubbing his forehead.

“Welp, guess that was to be expected. No choice but to wait.” Laura said from the side, crossing her arms and sighing. Ticia nodded.

“Guess so.”

But then, Chloe suddenly approached her.

“...Can I ask you a question?” The clone asked with a serious look.

“What is it? You might make the price higher, you know?” Ticia said, though she was just joking about her words. 

“Don’t care.” Chloe said, before asking straightforwardly. “Are you a half blood?”

This made Ticia sigh.

Not this again…

She had a feeling the question would come her way when she removed her helmet, but repeating her answer so many times was irritating.

“No. I’m a normal human being.” She said.

“I see. That would explain why the lower classes are so eager to follow you.” 


A small silence resulted as Chloe accepted her words at face value, not even showing an ounce of surprise.

“...You look similar to some people I know.” She finally said.

Ticia frowned. Is she… trying to link me with someone she knew?

“That so? Well, sorry but I’m only twenty, soon twenty one.” She answered flatly.

“Quite young huh? You do look a bit older though.” Chloe commented. “Got any links with clones, aside from the ones behind you who clearly are your own clones? Something familial perhaps?” She said as she pointed towards Bronz and Fana with a curious look. Both looked back her way. They too seemed interested in Chloe.

“I’ll let you know they’re my daughters. Also, I don’t think I have any link to someone who lived a thousand years ago.” Ticia answered heartfully. Apart from project Averuncum, she did not think she had any link to the clones. 

Chloe simply shrugged at her answer.

“Perhaps, but we were frozen for a thousand years, who’s to say something similar did not happen somewhere else?”

“...” Ticia was brought to silence at her wors, she made a good point. This made Ticia doubt what she believed until now.

Do I… Really have a link? No, that can’t be. I grew like a normal human being, so I am a normal human being, not a clone. It wouldn’t make sense overwise. But all this half blood talks… Perhaps I have a stronger link than I first thought?

As she was lost in thoughts, Clhoe stared at her, studying her reaction. She shrugged after a while.

“Forget it. It’s impossible for you to be linked to that person anyway. She couldn't have children. As for the other one, she’s probably somewhere down here too…” She mumbled.

“Who?” Ticia asked.

“Some old friend.” Chloe said before moving away. It seemed like the council had finally settled.

“Ahem. Thank you for the information.” Ernest began. “We would like to thank you, but for now we still need to uphold our part of the deal, so ask any questions you have.”

“What are your plans after what we just told you all?” Ticia asked out of curiosity. She could already imagine what would happen if those clones came out like this. It would create such a huge shockwave in the galaxy from which Ticia knew she would end up being involved, whether she liked it or not.

Before that, I need to make sure of their next plan so that I can stay away as much as possible from their troubles.

Ticia did not have to worry much however.

“...We shall continue as we planned. Secure the installation and test the situation outside before freeing the majority of our brethren still frozen.” Ernest declared. “Thanks to you, we now know the situation outside. This just brought complications to what we had planned, we can’t go outside suddenly, moreso when there’s more than a million clones in this installation. As expected, Chloe was right, we should focus on cleaning up the whole mess this place is before thinking of going outside…”

“Using the central elevator would also help us a lot, you know?” Chloe added.

“We also need it.” Ticia objected. It was her one way ticket away from here after all. Ally or not, she would not let the clones take it from her so easily.

“Does it matter? You’re going down and so am I.” Chloe's answer took her back however, reminding her of the fact that she had yet to say she wanted to get out of here.

Her train of thoughts changed a bit after meeting the resistance however….

I want to go back up, but… perhaps I could use them.

If she were to go down accompanied by those clones who seemed to be veterans when it came down to warfare, she would ensure a bigger safety for her daughters. Of course, this would not remove the threat completely, but it seemed enough to make her heart at ease.

And I don’t think the ECGs want to go back to the surface yet…

She could tell from a glance that Bronz was urging her to continue now that things had settled down and they had more allies. They knew the risks, yet despite Jinxy’s loss, they still wanted to keep going.

I should respect their will and rely on them.

“Then how about you help us get to our goal as repayment.” Having made her decision, Ticia asked Ernest.

“Sure.”Once again Chloe answered before Ernest could.

“Chloe!? Why do you make all decisions by yourself?!” Otto protested, but Ernest was of the same opinion as Chloe.

“I’ll allow it.” 


“Chloe knows what she’s doing.” Ernest insisted. “Besides, these people are well equipped and most of them are Eve-class, unlike us. Our best bet to limit our losses is to cooperate with them.”

“Right, so it is for us.” Ticia nodded  in agreement, crossing her arms. “We have some prisoners we’d love to keep safe, if you know what I mean.”

“Prisoners? Who are they?” Ernest asked back with some interest.

“The ones responsible for this mess.” Ticia answered back, anger clear in her voice. the council members saw this and decided not to pry further.

“...Very well. We can keep them here.”

“Also, take care of those clones too.” 


Ticia pointed towards the low class clones, who had made sure to make themselves as little as possible during this meeting. The clones themselves looked surprised, their faces looking the same as abandoned puppies, but Ticia remained firm.

It’s probably best for them to stay here with those clones instead of following me.

“...Are you sure?” Chloe asked, to which Ticia nodded.

“Yes. I can’t take care of them all long. Besides, some of them aren’t even adults yet. I can’t endanger them by going down further, right?” She said, sending a look towards the young laborer clone who seemed lost.

“Heh.” Her words had an unexpected result. Chloe smirked at her, as if satisfied with her answer. This seemed to surprise others too, but the smirk did not last and soon her lips formed a straight line once again.

Ernest nodded at her request after a small discussion between the council members.

“Certainly, we can do that. We rebelled to protect all our brethren after all, even those who kept following orders, and we don’t discriminate against the lower class for staying loyal.”

“I’ll only take this old man with us.” Ticia said, pointing towards the old man, who then looked surprised.

“Why?” Ernest asked.

“He’s a reliable source of information.” She confided.

It would be too much of a waste to give him here when he seems to know more.

“There’s also something else I learned thanks to this guy.” Ticia continued, reminded of the conversation she had not too long ago. “There happens to be an Eve-class clone down there, and I’d like to meet her too.”

“...As in prisoner or just ‘kept’?” The one who answered with another question was Chloe.

“Kept. VIP treatment from what he said.” Ticia precised, to which Chloe nodded in understanding.

“That would be Emily. She’s been stuck there ever since the rebellion even though she did not join in.”

“...You know her?”

“As much as Rebot-ia does. We had the same leader, and she is a precious friend of mine.” Chloe answered, letting slip a look of nostalgia from her poker face, which transformed to a look of understanding as she looked at Ticia once again. “...I am pretty sure you’re…” She mumbled.

“What? What do you know?” 


Chloe remained silent as Ticia asked for precisions, making Ernest sigh as a result.

“Please excuse her. Talking about the past is sensible for most of us. We lost so many siblings…” He said, fatigue and sadness clear in his voice. Other members of the council had similar pained looks, either gritting their teeth, tightening their fist or looking down, if not the three at the same time. Only Chloe remained without emotions.

“Chloe had one of the roughest experiences between all of us.” Ernest suddenly added, looking at Chloe with a sad look. “Neither of her friends joined the rebellion, and she was made to watch as most of the people under her care we-”

“Ernest.” Chloe cut him with short words. Her eyes were closed right now as she looked at ease, though the intent behind that simple word was enough to tell that she was warning Ernest not to tell more…

“It seems like I said too much.” He said with a sigh, trying to get himself back to normal, before looking dignified again. “For the matters regarding the Eve-class Emily, it shall be left to Chloe alone.”

The other council members nodded along, none showing opposition. Despite some disagreement here and there, the rebels seemed to have a strong spirit of unity, which was either the result of their common goals or what they went through together…

Chloe then suddenly got up.

“Let me assemble a force, I’ll help you find Emily and Stuart.” She declared.

“...Thank you. When will it be good to go?” Ticia asked, bowing her head slowly.

“... You guys look tired, so you should take a small rest right now.” Chloe said as she stopped before leaving the room. “Let’s meet in four hours, I’ll be waiting for you at the elevator.”

Ticia nodded. Four hours were short to sleep and take a breather. It wouldn’t be enough, but Nicia’s coffee would solve the rest. She decided to camp over at the elevator for now.

As she left the room, she heard a small mutter coming from right next to her…

“...I still have to repair the panel though…”

…Perhaps someone might not even get to sleep…


Hey there! I'm back with another chapter!

Seeing as I've kept making delays recently (and that work will accelerate from next week onward),I've decided to remove the hourly time of the release. chapter will still be posted every monday, but no precise hour anymore.

Anyway, we continue to follow Ticia's group as they go down the clone installation. They sure met an interesting person, didn't they? Just what does Chloe know, and what are the remaining mysteries?

Well, that will have to wait, probably... 

That's it from me for today! Again, not much to say about that one. Most chapter comments ill be like that until the last one, honestly.

I'll see you all in the next chapter!

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