Clone Girls

Interlude: Diary of a certain clone girl

Entry 1:

I am Null CG-11, also named Ticinia by my ‘big sis’! Age… 1 day? Do days even count as age? I dunno, I was just born, and that’s not part of my implanted knowledge… (ー_ーゞ

I decided to write a little diary to myself, because I want to write down how I feel! This journal is a secret (・ω<), so nobody knows about it! Hehe!
Except for A-4, he knows everything… Let’s hope he keeps it a secret…
Ahem, anyway, like I said, I’m not that old. I just woke up. Wait, I'm supposed to be 8 years old though? Am I a little girl or a newborn? My head is hurting…

If you are wondering why I'm struggling on this subject, it's because I'm a clone,  and not a simple one at that.

I am a Null Class Clone Girl, or in other words, a prototype that wasn’t supposed to ever live, but our ‘big sis’ did not agree with that.
I can’t be thankful enough to her for that! She saved me and my sister’s lives! I’ll always stay by her side and serve her!
But…I’m a bit sad too, she gave us names and all, which all of us are happy about, but… I’ll talk about this later.

There are twelve of us, and I am the eleventh one, though I did wake before most of my sisters, but that doesn’t mean I consider myself older than them, no, no! Numbers are sacred for clones!

You see, we all have our particularities! Cool, right? But in Vinia and my case, it’s… different… Oh, Vinia's my little sister by the way! 

We both also received genetic modifications but ours makes us unstable, so we can’t always use them, which is even harder in my case! Do you know how hard it is to look at a person without sensing their emotions? (╯•﹏•╰) Gah! So much struggle for this little me! Sisters, please be kind to me and don’t always overwhelm me with your love… not that I hate it though. In fact, I love hugs, so hug me more! (´◡`)

And then there’s our ‘big sis’ ❤❤❤! Or our leader if we use clone terms! Her name is Ticia, and I’ll always remember the first time we met!

It was the moment of my birth, I was sleeping so well I did not want to wake up. A voice suddenly called out to me warmly, and I felt warmness on my cheek. I opened my eyes and there she was! Ah (₌♥ᆽ♥₌), I can remember her expression and those feelings that overwhelmed me like it was yesterday, oh wait, it WAS yesterday! Tehe!

At that moment, I decided. That person wouldn’t just be my leader, she would also be my mother! Even though she refused that role later… Hmph! (>д<) I’m still going to call her like that in my journal! Besides, it's not like her feelings are negative to this idea…
But that time of our awakening also got marked by a scary moment. My little sister, Vinia, nearly did not make it… Were it not for my mother and my sisters, we would only be eleven sisters. I’m so happy she made it, and she even got the privilege of receiving her name first! (´◡`)

Our mother instantly grew attached to her, and the emotions I felt were of deep love for all of us. She even gave us names just after that, and told us to become a family! (´◡`) It was so moving, and all of us were happy (except when she did not accept to be called mother (>д<))!

Us sisters called this event the Naming Ceremony. It became something sacred to us. If I ever get more sisters, I hope they experience this too…
After that, we ate together, played together, and even slept together! It was pure bliss. I love my new family, and I’m gonna do everything for my family!

I hope things stay like they are and never change!


Entry 2:

I’ve got more time to get to know my sisters now, so let me present them all to you!

- Null CG-01 Licia, or eldest sister: She’s a perfect copy of our genetic source, so she has no modifications, but she seems reliable! I want to support her, and I think she’s the perfect eldest sister! ❤❤  The only problem, I sensed a negative feeling deep inside her, I hope it doesn't grow…

- Null CG-02 Ria, or second sister: Sister Ria is more mature than us, and she’s already helping mom from day one. I feel like she’s a reliable sister, yet at the same time that she sets up a barrier between us? I dunno, it feels hard to describe the feelings she lets out, but it’s not bad, I think.(ー_ーゞ

- Null CG-03 Willia: She’s already my favorite! Sister Willia is so honest, I don’t even need to feel her emotions to know how she feels! I wanna hug her more! ❤❤❤

- Null CG-04 Nillia: She’s… silent? Uhm, sister Nillia isn’t really talkative, and is expressionless. She seems to want to hide her true personality from us and put a strong front. But, sister… you forgot my ability… I know how you truly feel…
Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret! (・ω<)

- Null CG-05 Miria: The first twin! Sister Miria cares a lot about me and Vinia! ❤

- Null CG-06 Tiria: The second twin! She’s the same as sister Miria. ❤

- Null CG-07 Lidia: Uhm, somehow, when she looks at me, I get chills behind my back… ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
Maybe it’s because she can disappear from anybody’s sight quickly? But other than that, she’s fine! She gives me lots of hugs! (₌♥ᆽ♥₌)

- Null CG-08 Nicia: Sister Nicia is so elegant, I want to be like her! (=✪ᆽ✪=) She also cares a lot about me and wants to give me hugs, I love her! ❤

- Null CG-09 Mia: Sister Mia is shy, and she seems scared of everything… Fortunately, sister Nia is here! She’s always with her! (・ω・)b

- Null CG-10 Nia: Sister Nia is funny, she makes all of us laugh! (>▽<) But I must say, it’s hard to really know how she feels… I know though. Mom’s words hurt her, and I think that's why she grew so attached to sister Mia… Maybe I should talk to her later… (ー_ーゞ

- Null CG-11 Ticinia: Oh wait, that’s me! Tehe!

- Null CG-12 Vinia: My little sister! ❤❤❤ She’s even cuter than I am! Everyones loves her, and mom spoils her a lot! But, she doesn’t seem to notice it…




Entry 8:

Something interesting happened today…

Some of my sisters saw our mother in an armored skinsuit, training. They said mom looked so cool…

I wanna see cool mommy too! (=✪ᆽ✪=)

Perhaps she would allow it in exchange for some more hugs? (ー_ーゞ

Anyway, they managed to convince mom to train us. They smiled happily, but mom was exhausted? I don't know, it was the first time I saw her like that… 

I wanted to hug her, but eldest sister worried me more…

She began to emit 'that emotion' again… 

What worries me is, everytime it appears, it's stronger… When it's like that, I just hug my eldest sister, and that horrible emotion disappears! As expected, hugs can solve anything!

Anyway, me and my sisters are very excited to train with our mother, I wonder what cool things she's gonna make us do!


Entry 9:

Mommy is scary…(╯•﹏•╰)

She was merciless during training… Nothing we did made her go softer on us, not even my cuteness attack!

I understand that it was for us but, I never want to be mom's enemy, ever!

And after seeing what she did to sister Nia… Yes, it's better not to get on her bad side, let's keep hugging her so that  she spoils me instead!





Entry 11:

Mommy keeps having a nostalgic face and referring to 'an old superior' these days, I wonder who that person is? Is she still alive? I hope so…(ー_ーゞ

She must be someone good though, as I don't even need to use my ability to know that mom trusts that person. If possible, I would love to meet that person. Perhaps she could tell me stories of mother before she met us? Mom doesn't talk much about her past…




Entry 16:

Mom seems more and more busy these days, second sister told us it was because she was fighting enemies outside everyday…(>_<)

I trust mommy's abilities, but I’m worried about her… Let’s keep hugging her as much as possible!





Entry 20:

Something happened between eldest sister and second sister… I think they had a fight.

I tried talking to both of them, but… None of them wants to answer me…

The mood has affected us sisters, and since eldest sister is becoming more and more hostile towards us, most of my sisters choose to side with second sister.

I…didn't take a side. I tried to reconcile both parties instead. But to no avail…

Eldest sister's emotions are becoming more and more negative, and it's honestly quite scary. (>_<)

The one who is the most affected by this are not even those two, but Vinia! Her emotions are  becoming more and more negative by the day, perhaps I should conceive a plan to raise her mood…

I don't want mom to be bothered by another problem. I need to find a solution before the whole situation reaches her ears…





Entry 23:

Sister Lidia was allowed to follow mother outside! I'm so happy for her! I allowed her to hug me a lot to show my support!


Entry 24:

I've come up with a plan!

First, I'll resolve Vinia's confidence problems with the help of the twins! I've already talked about it to them, and they gladly agreed to help!

Once we're done, we'll go to the training ground. Third sister told me that she and eldest sister would be there all day.

I know how much eldest sister loves Vinia, yet at the same time feels jealous. 

My plan is very simple: With the help of a Vinia that will have become positive again, we shall fight against eldest sister (probably third sister too, but that's fine)! With this fight, I hope to create an opening in which eldest sister can finally open herself and let out all her feelings…


Entry 25:

I failed…

We got too excited, and both I and Vinia could not settle for a defeat. As a result, we surpassed our limits, and fell into comas…

Everybody was worried, and apparently, things only went down from there…

I don't know the details, but both sister Mia and sister Nia left our home, and so did eldest sister and sister Lidia…

That had to be at the worst time, as mom had finally decided to be honest with her emotions, and accepted us as her daughters!

Although it’s a win, it didn't feel like one… Mom was devastated when she heard the news, and became depressed, blaming herself. I couldn’t stand it and hugged her. I don’t think she was to blame in particular… Rather, if I didn't…

No, not good, we’ve already gone over that. Stay positive Ticinia! Mom's gonna come back with everybody!

Entry 26:

Sister Nicia’s done it. (╯•﹏•╰)

She had motivated all of us to go and help mom, but second sister stayed opposed to her. 

But as we all thought that was it, she activated the emergency protocols and activated the clone production line!

I don't know how mom will react to this, but I truly hope she's going to accept them for what they are… Second sister was angry at sister Nicia, but we all managed to convince her to work with us. Together, and with our new sisters, we’ll help our mother!

Once this is done, things will come back to how they were before, maybe even better, I’m sure!


Entry 27:

Hey, uhm, it's been a while since I last wrote in my journal… twenty days, to be exact…

That day, a lot of things happened, and I'll write about it later on, but long story short, we reunited with mother and all of my sisters, but lost our home in the process!

So yeah, we're now homeless, this diary is the only thing I could bring from my stuff…

Uuuuh~, I miss my plushies a bit… (>_<)

But all is not sad, because things are now all good between all of us! Eldest sister apologized to everyone and is more caring than ever! Sister Nia is fine now, and even sister Mia is more confident in herself! As for mom, I feel like she's finally come to peace with some sort of internal struggle about us, and I think that whatever that was all about, it's fine now. I like how mom is now, caring to all of us with as much love as possible!

Not only that, I've finally met 'her'! Mom's old superior! (=✪ᆽ✪=) I never thought I would ever meet someone cooler than sister Nicia, but Miss Rika's so cool!

Ah, how I want to ask her so many questions about mom's past!

But I can't, unfortunately… Both mom and Miss Rika are very busy right now, so I don't see her often…

Oh, but there's one thing I've noticed though, and it's the feelings that both spread out from time to time when talking to each other!

I don't know what it is, but it's sparkly and feels very warm! It lets out a strange sense of calmness and peace too, which I love. (´◡`)

Oh no, this is bad… I think I've become addicted to this feeling! (╯•﹏•╰)

…Let's try to make sure Miss Rika talks to mom more often…

Mh? What about our future, you ask?

Uhm, I honestly have no idea, tehe.

All I know is that we're going to a planet called Borkian Prime, and in its main city, because mom wants to deal with some stuff. Mom's been secretive, but not in a bad way, I just know it. It's probably why she decided to send us to that military academy or whatever that's present on that planet!

I'll say it again, but whatever mom does, I'll follow her, and I'm now sure all of my sisters will do the same! We're a family, and a family sticks together! Besides, wherever mom is, that's where our home is!




“Hehe~.” Ticinia giggled happily as she closed her journal, just happy that her family was now whole again.

“Sister~, what are you doing?” Vinia asked as she entered her sister’s room.

“Oh, Vinia, that's a secret~.” Ticinia said with a smile and putting a finger in front of her lips.

“Oh, even from me then?” Her little sister said back, pouting. 

“Hehe, sorry, but yes.” Ticinia smiled at the act, which she knew was one thanks to the overwhelmingly happy feelings that came out of her little sister. “You're in a good mood today, Vinia.”

“Hehe~, that's because I spent some time together with mom and eldest sister!” Vinia said happily. “All the people we met even praised me!”

“Fufu, I'm glad you're happy, Vinia.” Ticinia said back. Long gone was the depressed and pessimistic Vinia.

“Ah! I nearly forgot!” Vinia exclaimed. “Sister, we've reached our destination, mom called for all of us to go to the mess hall.”

“Got it.” Ticinia nodded, and got up from her bed with a huge smile. “Let's go together, Vinia!”


Whatever happens in the future, we will face it. Ticinia thought in her mind. Together as a family.

Author's monologue:
Hey there! I'm back with another chapter! Kind of. 
Well, don't worry, today is a double release to celebrate my return!
Remember when I said I would do bonus chapters if I was in the mood? Well, there you have one. I just wanted to do a small chapter as Ticinia POV, and I think it also works well as a small resume of the first arc.
I honestly have some over ideas for bonus chapters, but did not have the time to write, so I could only deliver this one!
Well, I hope of you have been well, because I am too, and the first chapter of the second arc will be released soon! so I'll see you all over there!

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