Clone Girls


In an old dilapidated hallway, a group of armed people were walking around. Those people, who wore dull gray uniforms, were soldiers of the Borkian confederation, one of the main power within the known galaxy. They were on a mission to escort scientists to an abandoned ancient facility. Right now, the group was escorting one of the scientists inside the facility, assuring his protection. A mixture of emotions could be seen on their faces depending on the person. Some were serious, looking around for any danger, some were stressed out and some were bored. Ticia was part of the bored ones.

“Dammit!” The young woman mumbled to herself. “Why do I have to be part of a boring escort again?”

She wasn't supposed to be escorting people. Heck, in the first place she was part of one the Borkian Confederation 9th special assault brigade! An elite unit! She wasn't taught how to protect people, but only the way to kill them!

She thought back for a moment, how did she end up in this situation again? She remembered what happened just a few days ago…

She just finished her usual training round and was going to take some rest when one of the newly arrived superior officers, Major Felgoron, called for her.

She did not like the man from their first meeting. His gaze was always directed at her chest. From his fat appearance alone, she could tell that the man had not gained his grade through his achievements. Still, as a soldier serving the Borkian Confederation, and so long as she was paid, she did not complain. There were actually a lot of people like him inside the Borkian military. Corruption and nepotism was not even hidden anymore as all those who complained disappeared mysteriously…

But the fact is that Ticia, a second class soldier, and an orphan with no connection whatsoever, was called by him. In the end, this could only mean one thing.

“Right, I rejected that fat pig’s 'offer'…” She said in disgust. Major Felgoron had offered Ticia a big promotion and influence if she accepted to become his mistress. An offer she flatly refused. “As if I'd sell my body to someone like that.”

“And now I'm here…” She sighed, the next day after that incident, she had received the notification that she was now affiliated to the  608th infantry escort company. It was known to everyone in the system that soldiers affected to escort duty were considered of the lowest rank by all. She did not even receive any piece of equipment or formation before getting into this mission. She even still had her old gears and uniform from the 9th special assault brigade. She had no doubt Felgoron had something to do with all of that.

The man at the front suddenly raised his hand, and everybody became tense… Except for one person.

“What is it again !?” The man exclaimed.

“Doctor Fleinboug, there seems to be traps up ahead.” Answered the soldier next to him.

“That's absurd Lieutenant…” Fleinboug scoffed. “There's no way traps would be present in such a 'primitive' installation you know?”

Ticia's attention was drawn to their conversation, and she listened quietly. She remembered what she had heard from the briefing about the man in a white blouse.

Fleinboug was a reputed Borkian scientist who gained notoriety for his research on ancient civilisations. Right now, he was studying old structures left by an unknown civilisation on her home planet of Brelia 7.

However, since he was being escorted by the lowest of the lowest in the army, it seems that this expedition wasn't that important for the higher ups…

“This can't happen every time! Time is precious and I don't have much of it left! I must discover which civilization those ruins belong to!”

“...If you insist, sir.” The lieutenant that led her platoon could not disobey orders from the scientist, Ticia understood his dilemma. Even though she didn't remember his name, she thought he was at least capable in his duty.

“Then, let's send one soldier first ahead of the group just in case.”

“If it can accelerate things, sure, whatever…”

This compromise seemed fair to Ticia and she praised the lieutenant in her head. Sending an experienced soldier with the correct material would be the safest  method, not that she knew anything about it.

But then, the lieutenant called her.

“Second class Ticia, you go and take a look.”

“Wha-” Ticia froze, the lieutenant had called her, a freshly transferred soldier who had not even received a formation on trap deactivation?

“Second class Ticia! Do I need to repeat myself!?”

“No sir!” Before she could object, the lieutenant shouted at her and she reflexively answered. She could not argue against her superiors on the field, that was the Borkian's military most basic rule, and Ticia did not want to be executed on site for disobeying.

I take it back! He's an idiot!

Although on the surface, she had her usual poker face, Ticia was actually panicking. She sent a glance to the soldier at the front of the formation, pleading with her gaze to get at least some material to do the job.

The man who had detected the glance just shrugged at her, and then proceeded on monitoring the surroundings as if nothing happened. 

What is that all about?! At least give me some advice!

She heard chuckles, her 'teammates' actually found this situation funny!? Sure, she was part of the best the Borkian army had to offer until recently, so they could have been jealous, but still, sending her straight to death was a bit too much, wasn't it!?

Ticia continued on, hoping whatever trap was there, would not activate. No sound was made as everybody attentively observed her every movement, a long time passed in a tense silence as Ticia prayed for her life while the others watched her. This atmosphere ended when she finally arrived at the end of the long hallway.

“See? What did I tell you, there's no trap in this facility!” Fleinboug exclaimed.

“...That seems to be the case…”

“Now hurry up you all! We've got exploring to do!” Fleinboug and the soldiers began to move, although some of them, like the lieutenant, still had reservations. Meanwhile, Ticia sighed in relief, her luck had yet to run out. Nothing had happened in the end.

But then-

“Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Unidentified personnel has been detected.”


Suddenly, the hallway lit up with red light and a siren resounded throughout the facility. Ticia froze for a second, before making a dash in the direction of the exit. The others didn't react that fast. The first one to regain control was the lieutenant who immediately gave out orders.

“Take formation! Com officer, contact the base, now!”

It was when he was giving such orders that small vents opened nearby, and ominous clouds came out of them.

“!!! Everyone! Change of plans! Put on your air purifiers, we're retreating!” 

“No way! We cannot retreat now! We're so close to discovering what's inside this facility!” Fleinboug exclaimed. “I order you to stay where you are!”

“I don't have time for this! I’m not paid for this kind of shit anyway!” The lieutenant retorted, he then took out his pistol and shot Fleinboug in between the eyes.

“All men, mission accomplished! Let's get the hell out of here!”

Ticia was shocked by what she witnessed, all the soldiers followed the lieutenant's order without batting an eye. It was planned! 

She was still far from the group, and unfortunately, she did not have an air purifier in the material that she was provided with.

Was I set up to die in this place too? She thought. I won't let it happen!

She took out her plasma rifle and began shooting her retreating 'teammates'. Some bullets killed three soldiers and wounded some others. 


“We’re getting shot by that wench!”

“Sir, should we shoot back?” One of the men demanded, but the lieutenant just said.

“Forget about it! She won’t last long within the gas with no equipment. The important thing right now is to get out of here! We can come back later after we contact the Republic!”

The escort soldiers continued on. Ticia tried to catch them, but as time passed, her breath became more ragged. She had already inhaled too much gaz… Her vision was troubled, she could barely see the others anymore. She began to slow down until her legs could not support her anymore. Ticia fell to her knees as her consciousness became thin. So this is how it ends… At this point, Ticia gave up, she knew she wasn’t going to make it. Heck, even if she survived, where would she go? She didn’t think the men outside would kindly receive her, seeing how things turned…

All of this for nothing… She thought back on her life. Since young, she had always had a life of survival. Stealing where she could, eating what she could before getting caught and then moving on to a new zone. To escape from this life of misery, she enlisted in the army at the age of 14 and became a cadet. Throughout her six years of service, she was set on multiple dangerous operations, and always survived. She participated in great offensives against the enemies of the Borkian Confederation and was successful in almost all her missions. Thanks to that, she managed to gain quite a reputation on the battlefield. But she always refused a promotion, knowing it would pull her into dangerous internal political games between the aristocrats of the Borkian Confederation. As such, she did not mind not getting any merits for her deeds, at least the army paid well and all her basic needs were fulfilled. And so she followed orders from her superior, which had always stuck close to her. 

But it’s not like any of this would change anything about her current situation. As she let go of the last grasp at her consciousness, she heard the buzzing voice again.

“Valid genetic code detected. Proceeding with evacuation protocols.”

Those were the last words she heard before falling unconscious.

Author's monologue:
Hey there, thank you for reading until the end. I hope it was a good read.

Anyways, like I said in the synopsis, this is actually the first story I've actually written and then posted, so I'm quite nervous!

I hope you liked the prologue, if you didn't, well... Don't hesitate to put a comment explaining why. Maybe this could prove helpfull to my improvement! Encouraging comments are welcome too of course!

Now, I call this author's rambling because this is litterally the case, and I think I'm gonna do that for every chapter! No worries, there won't be any spoilers for the story, just some feedback on myself and some discussion about the chapter. In other words: You can choose wether you want to hear my ramblings or not!

Now then, I'm gonna talk about this story for a bit. You see, I had other story projects that are well structured but never came to be written apart from worldbuilding. And i think that's the reason why! I focused too much on the worldbuilding in those cases, after that, I could not find inspiration to write the story itself because of the restrictions I imposed on myself! But that is not the case with this one. I just threw myself into the writing with the less amount of worldbuilding, and it seems to have worked for me! Don't worry though, the storyline is still correct, at least I hope it's correct...

Well, I think that's it for now. I'll come back soon anyway since I'm planning to post chapter 1 too.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this author's monologue! I'll see you in the next chapter!

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