[Comprehensive] Digging a secret tunnel at Hogwarts

74.chapter 74

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Even though he had read this description in a book, Al still said "wow" in amazement when he was actually there. George looked back at him, as if he was a little proud.

Al immediately grimaced and urged George to go in quickly.

George opened the way in front of the secret passage. Al held Kiki in one hand and could only crawl forward with one hand. George climbed very fast, but Al had to ensure his body balance to avoid bumping Kiki too uncomfortable.

After crawling in silence for a while, George suddenly asked: "Al, has anyone ever said that you have an accent? I don't know where it is, but it sounds like"

"Shut up." Al interrupted him mercilessly.

What's wrong with having a Chinese accent? Try being tortured by the English teacher who has been obsessed with the accent for nine years.

Our chinglish is also very good, okay?

George, who was about to say "Your accent is cute", closed his mouth.

After climbing for a while, Al began to pant: he was too young, too lazy to exercise, and had poor physical fitness. Soon, the entire secret passage was filled with Al's exhausted breathing.

"Hey, Al." George stopped suddenly again, and Al almost hit the sole of his shoe.

"Why did you stop so suddenly?" Al was a little angry, but thinking that George still needed to take him to Hogsmeade, he still took a deep breath and said, "Please tell me first when you stop next time."

"I'm sorry, sorry, sorry," George said a lot of apologies in succession. He felt that he might have told this Malfoy all the apologies that he had not been able to say in the past thirteen years. "I just want to ask you, do you want me to Hold it your cat I have pockets in my robe so you can crawl with two hands and it will be easier.”

"No, thank you, you can just crawl slower." Al flatly refused. He didn't remember how long this secret passage was. In the original book, Harry seemed to have climbed for a long time, and still used only one He would no doubt suffer a lot from his hand, but who knew what the twins might have in their pockets and hurt his cat?

George asked for trouble, shrugged and continued to crawl forward.

Fortunately, after continuing to crawl for a while, George lit up his wand, and through the light Al was able to see this wet and cold secret passage: the section of road they crawled through was very narrow, almost like a sewer, but now they The standing area is spacious enough for two people to walk side by side.

"Strange." Al heard George's strange murmur, "When did there be a fork in the road here and how come we never found it before?"

"Forked Road" Al looked in the direction pointed by George's wand and saw two identical forked roads in front of him, but one went left and the other went right.

Even though he was a die-hard fan of the original work, Al couldn't remember what a secret passage that appeared in less than a hundred words in the third part looked like, or whether it had a branch road. He kicked the wall irritably: "Which path leads to it?" To Hogsmeade"

"I don't know, maybe we can only give it a try. Let's go to the left first." George was actually a little uneasy. Suddenly there was a fork in the secret passage. No one knew where it led, but if he wanted to turn around and go back now, Al would definitely Wouldn't agree.

"Walk behind me. Can you please take out your wand? Will the fluorescent light flash? If I let you run, don't hesitate. Run back to the original fork immediately. Don't go back to Hogwarts. Climb back too slowly. You may hide. Don’t drive dangerously and run directly to Hogsmeade via another branch, got it?”

Al nodded, a little puzzled that George was facing such an enemy.

Voldemort is still lying on the back of Quirrell's head. The Death Eaters have been silent for some years. The most dangerous thing in Hogwarts now may be the three-headed hell dog Luwei on the third floor. He doesn't understand what George is nervous about. .

But it's always right to be cautious, and because of this, Al feels that George is at least better than Ron, a reckless little guy. He didn't know many spells, but "luminescent flash" was very simple, and Al still knew this spell. After lighting his own wand, George's wand is freed and can cast spells when in danger.

The two people moved forward carefully on the fork in the road. Al was enveloped by George's tall back and felt very safe.

As I walked, a little light appeared in front of me. At the same time, Al smelled a stink in his nose, it was like excrement, evil.

"Our destination won't be the public toilets in Hogsmeade, right?" Al's hands were occupied and he couldn't pinch his nose, so he had to hold his breath as best he could.

I don’t know what kind of spell George cast in front of him, and the surrounding air quickly became miraculously fresher. Al took a deep breath as if he was granted a pardon, and heard George’s helpless voice: “I don’t know, there was no such smell before. Maybe we should go out and have a look.”

It would be too bad if Hogwarts really changed the focus of the secret passages to the toilets in Hogsmeade.

However, after actually getting out, George realized that he would rather they got out from the toilet.

Because now, they're in a pigsty

Merlin, pigsty

George would never dream of having anything to do with these lazy, smelly creatures.

But now he's lying next to a pig

The sky was gloomy, and the cold rain slapped randomly on George's face. For a moment, he couldn't stand the fact that he had turned into a smelly pile of pig dung, until Al looked like he wanted to throw him out of the Hogwarts tower. The expression poked him with the tip of the wand, and he found himself again.

"Don't be in a daze, please clean it up with one, Weasley."

George climbed up slowly, his robes still dripping with a mixture of mud and water. Merlin blessed them with mud. Al was doing better, with only some dirt under his robe. Thanks to George, after hearing his screams when he fell, Al climbed out with extra caution.

So he didn't fall completely into the pig pen, luckily.

"I can't, Al," George said apologetically, "I'm underage, this is not Hogwarts, and I will be warned if I use spells."

Al then remembered that this guy who was already a head taller than him was only thirteen years old. Having no choice but to endure the stench, Al put the extinguished wand back into his pocket to avoid accidentally casting any spells.

"This is not Hogsmeade, right?" Al looked around. The architectural style here was completely different from that of the wizarding world, and it looked inexplicably familiar.

George was about to say something when suddenly a voice came from the other side of the pigsty. The two of them instinctively hid in the corner together, and then heard a cursing female voice outside, with an American accent. After Al heard it, it seemed that he was talking about burnt bread.

Soon, a half-baked bread was roughly thrown into the pig pen, attracting the pigs to eat. The bread was so battered that half of it was pitch black, almost like carbon.

Al quietly poked half of his head out, squinted his eyes, and wiped the rain off his face. At a glance, he saw a little girl leaning under a tree, with a sallow face and a skinny face.

This girl looked very familiar. After thinking about it for a long time, Al suddenly realized.

Merlin, this is Katniss

How could it be her

The big man staggered.

In all his life, he had never heard anyone use the words "Malfoy" and "friendly" together.

Despite his inherent prejudice against the Malfoy family, Hagrid still didn't want to ruin the impression of Harry's new friends. Maybe his children were good. Hagrid only implicitly mentioned that "you should be careful when interacting with Malfoy children. They have always looked down upon wizards who are not from pure-blood families." He also did not instill in the savior "where to go" as Al worried. Don't even want to go to Slytherin."

However, after hearing that his parents were in Gryffindor, Harry was already full of yearning for Gryffindor.

"Mom, I really can't believe that Al actually thinks that all four houses are the best. Slytherin is the best and other houses can't compare."

After seeing Narcissa, Draco couldn't wait to start filing a complaint against Al.

"Al, what did mother teach you?" Narcissa looked at Al reproachfully.

"But that's what the books say." Al shrugged, "There is no distinction between high and low, neither wizards nor academies. Hufflepuffs can also produce geniuses, but Slytherin has produced many idiots."

The three Malfoys thought of Crabbe and Goyle at the same time.

Although they are also pure blood, the children of these two families should not be mentioned.

"Where's the book?" Narcissa asked sensitively, fearing that her child would be poisoned by "bad books".

"It's from the library at home," Al replied.

Malfoy Manor is huge, and there are probably tens of thousands of books in the library. However, I was limited by my vocabulary, and Al had a slight headache when looking at pages full of densely packed English, so I only briefly read a few children's books.

Strangely, there were Muggle books mixed into the library, and Al also found a lot of Chinese books, which were very friendly.

"We also met Harry Potter. Al really liked him. He was very enthusiastic and even took him to eat ice cream."

Even across Narcissa, Al could hear the sour taste in Draco's words.

"Why aren't you happy? Didn't I treat you to some too?"

"That's different." Draco puffed up his cheeks angrily, "You're inviting him, and you're inviting me too."

Al only thought it was funny.

At such a young age, you already know how to be jealous.

Besides, Draco, you seem to be jealous of the wrong person.

Al's cutest character in Harry Potter is Deha. Although he didn't expect his brother to really like Harry, he still hoped that the two of them could have a good relationship.

When Narcissa asked, "Really, how does that child dress and behave?", several groups of red suddenly floated in Al's vision.

He couldn't help but move his gaze away.

The family's red hair is really eye-catching, especially among them a pair of identical tall twins. It looked like the Weasleys had just come out of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, each holding a stack of old books in their arms. Al was attracted by the twins, George and Fred. The twins were not like Al and Draco, who had little resemblance. They looked exactly the same, and even their parents couldn't tell them apart.

The twins were chatting about something, and the one who didn't know whether it was George or Fred had a wicked smile on his lips. He didn't know if he was trying to tease someone.

"Hey, Weasley."

Disdainful sneers suddenly sounded from beside him, and Al turned his head. Draco was already standing next to him at some point, looking at the group of red-haired people with undisguised disgust.

Weasley and Malfoy never liked each other. Al understood.

Unfortunately, he still thought the twins were quite interesting.

The Weasleys didn't notice them, and the Malfoys didn't want to seek that bad luck themselves. After coming out of Ollivander's shop, the two brothers each bought a wand of the same length. Draco's was a hawthorn wand, and Al's was a pine wand.

Pine wands often go to eccentric owners who may be considered unsociable, intriguing, or somewhat mysterious. Pine wands love to be used creatively, and unlike other wands, they accept new tricks and charms without rejection.

Many wandmakers insist that pine wands detect and work best with people who are destined to live long lives. No pine wand owner, not even Garrick Ollivander, ever met with an untimely death. Moreover, the pine wand is a wand that is very sensitive to silent spells. 1

Al was actually particularly fascinated by the wood of wands for a while. The more he learned about it, the more clearly he felt Rowling's malice towards the Malfoy family.

There is an old superstition in Britain and Ireland that uprooting a hawthorn tree will bring a curse. Hawthorn makes for strange, paradoxical wands. Hawthorn wands have complex and intriguing natures, just like those best suited to their owners.

Rowling has indeed shaped Draco into a little bastard who is often contradictory and struggling with himself, swinging between justice and darkness.

Draco in the books is a jerk, no doubt about it.

And Al's wish since he came to Malfoy's house is to transform this little bastard into Well, at least, a good person.

Hope he can do it.

They went to the Wonder Pet Store because Al didn't want an owl. Draco already carried a cage in his hand, and inside it was an eagle owl, Caesar.

Al didn't like birds, he liked cute furry creatures. Draco teased him for being like a girl, but Al just ignored him.

Anyway, if they were to deliver the message, it would be nice if they both had Caesar. The eagle owl is not an obedient pet that he can take into his arms and ravage. Why not get a furry little cutie?

Narcissa didn't like the smell of the pet store, so she waited for the two children outside the door. As soon as he entered the store, Al's eyes were attracted by a huge cage placed in the most conspicuous position.

Inside were a dozen kittens of several different breeds. Al leaned over and carefully touched the soft fur of a Persian cat with his fingers.

"Hi, little one," Al greeted the cat.

Draco looked at him like a fool.

The Persian cat ignored him, but a Siamese cat lying on the side stood up, with its two paws on the edge of the door, and the tip of its small dark nose kept sniffing Al's fingers. It looked to be only a month old, and was small, maybe only a little bigger than Al's hand.

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