[Comprehensive] Digging a secret tunnel at Hogwarts

7.chapter 7

"Hey Harry"

Al squeezed through the crowded students and handed him a piece of parchment. Facing the other party's puzzled eyes, he simply explained: "Take a look at these, we are going to Potions class."

Before Harry could say a word, Al slipped away again like a gust of wind, as if he had never been here.

Harry looked at the parchment.

"Narcissus root powder and mugwort can be mixed together to prepare a very powerful sleeping pill, which is a water of life and death. Bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a cow. It has a strong detoxifying effect. Aconitum naviculata and Wolfsbane and Aconitum are the same plant, also collectively known as Aconitum. Aren’t they all among thousands of magical herbs and mushrooms?”

During the summer vacation at the Dursleys' house, Harry had already looked through all the books and had some impressions of the contents on the parchment Al gave him.

"Why did Malfoy give you this? It can't be a prank." Ron looked at the parchment. It was obvious that he hadn't read at all and was completely confused about all this. "The next period is Potions class, ha." Leigh, I don't think you should be so friendly to Malfoy. Their family is Death Eaters."

"But Ron, Al and Draco were all very kind to me. They even invited me to have ice cream in Diagon Alley." Harry said gently, reading the words on the parchment several times. Although he didn't know what Al was doing by giving him these, Al showed him that it was always right to memorize them.

"There must be a conspiracy," Ron whispered.

Not expecting Ron to put aside his prejudice against the Malfoys overnight, Harry read the parchment in his hand intently. Only when he arrived in the Potions classroom did he realize that this class was with the Slytherins.

Al sat on the Slytherin side, sharing the same table with Draco.

He handed the parchment to Harry and ran away, because Harry was surrounded by Gryffindors and he didn't want anyone to put a curse on his butt.

"I hope he takes a good look at what I gave him." Al said to himself.

Draco sneered loudly beside him.

"I don't know why you're so into that kid, Al."

"Harry is cute, isn't he?" Al looked at his brother expectantly, hoping for confirmation.

"What kind of tea towel dobby have you got in your head cute"

"Shut up, Draco." Al wrinkled his nose, "You're disgusting."

"I thought you thought that fool was cute too." Draco shrugged.

"But a tea towel on a house elf is disgusting. A tea towel on you would be disgusting to me too."

Harry must have carefully read what Al gave him and read the three questions Snape asked him, and Harry answered them perfectly. Snape was somewhat shocked. Looking into Harry's sincere green eyes, Snape couldn't help but see the shadow of Lily on his face.

Not only did Harry have the same eyes as Lily, but he also inherited her talent for potions.

Snape stared at those eyes for a long time, and Harry kept looking at him with an expression of great expectation.

"Two points for Gryffindor. Mr. Potter prepared very well." Snape looked away and said.

"You also said that Snape hates you, but I think he likes you very much," Hermione said angrily, walking beside Harry.

"I really don't know. He was always staring at me yesterday, and he was also staring at me before class today." Harry also felt confused as to why the professor's attitude suddenly changed.

It is said that Snape has always been harsh on Gryffindor students, but he not only gave Harry extra points. This was the first time that Snape gave extra points to Gryffindor. He also gave Harry an E for his homework, second only to o good grades.

But no matter what, this is a good thing.

"Harry, don't get used to it. Professor Snape is not a philanthropist. I suggest you prepare well before taking his class." Al quickly followed Harry and said to him jokingly.

"Al" Harry turned around in surprise, immediately leaving behind his two Gryffindor friends and sticking to Al's side, "How did you know he was going to ask me these questions and I haven't thanked you yet?"

"The professor has a good relationship with my father. He taught us some knowledge about potions before we went to school." Al answered vaguely.

Draco was walking on the right side of Al and frowned when he heard this: "Why don't I remember he asked us this?"

"That must be because you didn't listen well." Al said lightly.

"Harry, we have to go find Hagrid." Ron looked at Harry with an unhappy face, hanging out with Slytherin again for his good friend. Hermione had already left, perhaps to memorize the Potions textbook again.

"Oh, come right away." Harry remembered this and innocently extended an invitation to the Malfoys. "Hagrid invited me to sit in his cabin. Do you want to come with me?"

"Hagrid?" As soon as Draco opened his mouth, the taste of ridicule came to his face.

I gave him an elbow calmly, and Draco immediately covered his ribs and closed his mouth.

"No, he doesn't like the Malfoys very much." Al said objectively, "Go ahead. Remember, if you meet Professor Snape in the future, if he wants to embarrass you, just open your eyes wide and squeeze out some tears." .”

Harry looked at him confused.

"You don't need to know why, just do it, buddy." Al patted Harry's shoulder hard.

So Harry nodded equally vigorously: "I listen to Al."

Draco gritted his teeth as he watched Potter and Weasley disappear from sight: "Al, you beat me several times for him, you bastard."

The classic potte is here.

Al recalled Draco's perfect plosive: "You never learned to be polite, Draco."

"Why should I be polite to a troll?"

Facing Al's reproachful gaze, Draco grabbed his hair irritably: "Okay, okay, I understand."

"So good." Al couldn't help but smile and pat Draco's little head.

As expected, he was thrown away.

Al's arm was thrown to the side. At this moment, something suddenly exploded in front of Al's eyes. He felt no pain or injury on his face, but after the smoke dissipated, Al collapsed and found that the exposed skin on his body was all Stained with a disgusting purple-red color.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, I'm afraid he looks like a slug now.

"Draco" Al's voice sounded frantic, "What color is my hair now?"

Draco also looked dumbfounded: "Purple."


Even if you think about it with your buttocks, you can tell whose prank this is.

The corridor was crowded with little wizards, and now a burst of ridicule broke out at Al without mercy. Vincent and Gregory drove the little wizards away while laughing, but it was of no use.

Two identical Weasleys walked out from behind the two armors next to each other, pushing and shoving. One was trying hard not to laugh, the other was embarrassed, and seemed a little guilty.

"I'm really sorry, Malfoy, I didn't know it was you."

Two blond first years walking together, who else but the Malfoy twins?

Al didn't believe this nonsense. He turned to the embarrassed one and asked, "What the hell is this, George Weasley?"

George was obviously surprised that Al could recognize it: "Oh, this is a dyeing firework. You saw it too. When it is hit, the skin and hair will change color. We just threw one randomly into the corridor."

Al interrupted him: "Let's talk about the key point, how to make the color fade away."

George looked even more embarrassed: "We are still studying"

Al resisted the idea of ​​taking out his wand and cursing them, mainly because he didn't know many spells.

"Take me to Madam Pomfrey."

"The color will disappear on its own in two or three days."

"Do you want me to be dyed this color for two or three days?" Al screamed, snatching the robe that George had put on his body carelessly with his hands, and wrapping it around himself.

George's robe was much larger than Al's. The robe was dragged directly to the ground, completely covering Al's dyed clothes and skin. His hood was also covered by his head, blocking his ridiculous hair.

George: ""

Draco: "Evil is all about Weasley."

"Shut up, Draco." Al wrapped his cloak, walked out for a few steps, and suddenly turned back: "I don't know how to get to the hospital wing, Draco, do you know?"

They were both freshmen, and Draco shook his head honestly.

Al raised his chin fiercely towards George: "You, take me there."

I have to say that this is the time when Al has looked most like Malfoy in eleven years.

Not to mention George, even Vincent and Gregor were shocked. In their impression, Al had always been gentle, but this was the first time they had seen him so violent.

"Al pays most attention to his image." Draco shrugged.

Alris paid attention to the purple little Slytherin prince Malfoy, who rushed towards the hospital wing angrily, followed by Draco, who didn't know whether to be angry or gloating, with a complicated mood, and a dejected third-year Wes who pointed the way. Lai. They were watched all the way until they rushed through the door of the medical room. Al breathed a sigh of relief and took off George's robe.

Madam Pomfrey was startled by his color: "What is going on, child?"

"It was dyed by a prank firework." Al said with a smile on his face, "You can ask this Weasley for details."

Stupid, thoughtless, ungrateful, and reciprocal Weasley

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