[Comprehensive] Digging a secret tunnel at Hogwarts

82.chapter 82

Al rubbed his eyes hard and looked again, the black shadow had disappeared.

"Dobby" Al called, and Dobby appeared in the room.

"Pay attention to the strange wizards or strange dogs that have appeared near the manor recently, especially a big black dog, which is bigger than ordinary dogs. If you find him, bring him to me immediately. No, no, no, wait for me. Bring it to me when you’re in the room, got it?”

Dobby nodded.

Al waved his hand with satisfaction and asked Dobby to leave. Although Niall is the most reliable house elf, Dobby is the most sincere to him and there is no need to worry about him complaining to his parents.

If Sirius really followed Harry here, it would be better to control him directly to avoid running around and causing many problems, and maybe clear Sirius's grievances.

Thinking of the problems he had to face this semester, Al couldn't help but feel a little headache. Ron's Scabbers was easy to deal with, and he could find an opportunity to catch him and lock him up, but the dementors who were about to serve as guards at Hogwarts in the next semester were a big problem.

Harry would be seriously affected, and he might not be much better.

Should I find Professor Lupine and learn Legilimency from him?

Al was thinking about some random questions and gradually fell into a dream.

A few dozen meters away, at the gate of Malfoy Manor, a huge black dog in Sirius' Animagus form was wandering anxiously.

After he escaped from Azkaban, he made his way to Little Whinging, eating rats and food rummaged in trash cans all the way, just to see his godson.

God knows how much he regretted it in the past eleven years. In order to vent his hatred for the traitor, he not only sent himself to Azkaban, but also left poor little Harry helpless.

He had heard from Lily that her sister Petunia was not that easy to get along with and hated everything related to magic.

After turning into the Animagus form, Sirius's hearing would be much sharper. He clearly heard how the woman who was fatter than a pig slandered Lily and James and insulted Harry.

If his sanity hadn't been there and his wand hadn't been there, he would have rushed in immediately and given that rude and uncultured woman an Avatar

Seeing Harry sitting on the curb, looking like a helpless and pitiful little boy, Sirius' heart was broken.

If he could maintain his sanity and expose Wormtail's evil deeds to Dumbledore, at least the child would have a godfather who could support him.

Unexpectedly, Harry summoned the Knight Bus, and Sirius couldn't keep up with its speed. Fortunately, after Harry got on the bus, he heard Harry's announced destination of Malfoy Manor.

Sirius was shocked.

Why did Harry choose to go to Malfoy Manor when he had nowhere else to go? Is he crazy, bewitched, or simply under the Imperius Curse?

Sirius was so anxious that he used Apparition to arrive at Malfoy Manor, regardless of the danger of being discovered.

He was quite familiar with this place in his early years: Narcissa had a good relationship with him, until she married Lucius, and Lucius chose Voldemort's camp, and Sirius and Narcissa gradually lost contact.

There was no quarrel, but Sirius was not sure whether Narcissa would send him to Azkaban to receive a kiss from the dementors after seeing him again.

He lurked outside the door for a while and saw Harry getting off the Knight Bus. Unexpectedly, the blond boy who ran out of Malfoy Manor gave Harry a hug directly.

Sirius then remembered in a daze that Narcissa had given birth to a pair of twins, two months older than Harry. They were named according to the tradition of pure-blood families, one was named Draco and the other was named Alris.

He watched the three children entering the manor closely together as if in a dream, and he wanted to slap himself awake.

How did the Potter children establish a close friendship with the Malfoy children?

Sirius temporarily forgot about Wormtail: except for Harry, he had not fulfilled his godfather's duties, and for the two Malfoy children, had he fulfilled even a little bit of his uncle's duties?

He hadn't even seen them.

Xiao Tian

Wolf Star wandered outside Malfoy Manor for a long time, scratching the ground with his huge paws from time to time, and then pressing his face into the hole he dug, groaning for a long time.

Until late at night, when the children should have gone to bed, Sirius quietly approached the fence of Malfoy Manor. He remembered that there was a defensive hole here, and he shrank himself a little smaller just enough to get in. Maybe he could peek at the children. The little face in the dream.

Unexpectedly, as soon as half of his body got through the hole, and before he could insert his butt, Sirius heard a "pop", and then his whole body could not move.


Before he could understand what was happening, he saw a house elf appear in front of him.

Dobby, the Malfoy house elf.

Sirius watched helplessly as Dobby snapped his fingers, and his body was suspended in the air, floating forward uncontrollably with Dobby.

Dobby muttered to himself as he led Sirius forward.

Master Al asked himself to pay attention to suspicious people or big dogs, and there really was a big dog trying to get into Malfoy Manor. As an ancient pure-blood family, Malfoy's defensive magic can be said to be watertight, but it was broken through by this big dog that came from nowhere.

Lucius would be furious if he found out about this.

How did Master Al know that this big dog would appear?

Although he was confused, Dobby also knew that he might not get the answer. He always felt that Master Al was mysterious. For example, when he was in second grade, how did he know that he wanted to remind Harry Potter?

No matter what, Master Al is the best person in this family to him, and of course he will not disobey his orders.

Dobby took Sirius all the way into Al's bedroom. Al was already fast asleep, and the ball in the quilt was rising and falling evenly.

Not wanting to disturb the little master's sleep, Master Al's request was to bring the dog to him anyway, and did not say to wake him up immediately, so Dobby put Sirius on the ground and left without lifting his confining magic.

Sirius: "tt"

The magic of house elves is very powerful, and even the magic of many adult wizards is not as powerful as theirs. Sirius has no wand and can only be a fish on the chopping board.

The fish on the chopping board waited helplessly until dawn, until the sun was three high, and when the little Malfoy on the bed, who he didn't know was Alris or Draco, got up, Sirius felt that he was already a useless dog.

Al slept late yesterday, so Al got up a little late today. He rubbed his eyes and got out of bed to put on his shoes. His feet suddenly stepped on something soft, plush and warm.

Al was stunned. He had just woken up and was still very slow to react. He slowly lowered his head and looked down.

He was eye to eye with a big black dog.

After looking at each other for a long time, Al said slowly: "Is Dobby so efficient?"

He knelt down and touched the big dog's head: "Hi"

The big dog's body was stiff and he couldn't make any movements. Only one of his eyes barely moved up and down, pretending to be saying "hi".

Al finally realized something was wrong and shouted: "Dobby"

Dobby appeared in response and almost stepped on the black dog's tail. He said excitedly as if he was taking credit: "Dobby brought the suspicious big dog to the owner."

"You did a good job." Al nodded, "Undo the magic, Dobby."

Dobby glanced at Sirius hesitantly. The dog was so big that it was probably taller than its little master. He was worried about letting the little master be alone with the dog, so he untied the little master. After the confinement magic was cast on Sirius, Dobby did not leave, but stayed here to guard him.

Dobby was too worried and was imprisoned for a whole night. Sirius couldn't move at all for the first ten minutes after he was untied. He could only slowly move from the tip of his tail to let his body regain consciousness.

Al waited patiently until Sirius stood up unsteadily and shook his head, then reached out and touched his head.

"Stay at my house for now." Al said.

It feels so good to touch the head of the most handsome guy in Harry Potter

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