Conquer all worlds starting from the mythical Three Kingdoms

Chapter 435: Rome’s losses due to changes in weather (page 12)

Agul-Ulagai, the fourth royal court of Mongolia and the commander of the third Mongolian cavalry regiment.

Each royal court has five to ten tribes under its jurisdiction. The fourth royal court where Torre is located is the fourth world ruler conquered by the Mongolian Yuan Empire.

In addition to the various state-level units directly under the royal court, tribal khans such as Taal must pay tribute to a certain proportion of money, grain, and soldiers every year.

Moreover, a certain number of elites and geniuses are donated every year. Among them, Agula Uragai, as the most outstanding genius of the Taal tribe, was reluctantly parted by Taal and sent to the royal court.

Because Tal knew very well that staying in the tribe would only limit his development. Only by sending him to the royal court, or even to the ancestral court, could all the talents of Agul-Ulagai be brought into play.

The fact is just as Tal expected, Agula Uragai is extremely talented, and after Torre's recommendation, he went to study in the ancestral court for more than ten years. During this period, Tal never gave up his investment in Agula Uragai.

After all, he is still a tribal khan, and the entire Mongolian and Yuan Empire is ranked among the best. With this kind of investment and training, Agula Uragai successfully became a commander of a large army.

He also made great achievements under Tuo Lei and took over the Third Mongolian Cavalry Corps.

It is precisely for this reason that Agula Uragai risked being punished by military law and was seconded to help Tal conquer the city.

Originally, Tarr had planned to launch a battle in the near future. Unexpectedly, the god-given opportunity caused the world to shake. No matter what the reason was, Tarr chose to give it a go.

Directly divide the troops into three groups and attack three defense areas of Rome at the same time.

The first defense zone is commanded by Agula Uragai.

Agula Uragai did not disappoint Tal's expectations. He directly led his headquarters to smash the city wall and tear the city used for defense into pieces, thus establishing the victory of the battle.

However, the sudden force of the Ninth Spanish Legion slapped Agula Uragai in the face, which completely angered Agula Uragai, so much so that Agula Uragai directly handed over the army to the second person in charge, himself. Dare to take the headquarters in the direction of Tachito.

Although Agula Uragai was angered, he did not completely lose his mind.

The reason why they became the hands-off boss was, on the one hand, because they had a stable upper hand in the war in the city, and the first Italian's nature of being strong on the outside but hard on the inside had been seen through, and on the other hand, because Tacito could indeed threaten their infantry.

Without the restraint of the horse archers, if Tacito and the others were allowed to mess around, it would very likely cause huge losses, which was completely avoidable.

Tachito was wandering on the flanks, looking for loopholes and fighter opportunities. Although he was not a commander of a large army, he still had some experience in judging the battle situation.

All he can do now is to provide deterrence, delay the opponent's military attack as much as possible, and find a loophole to fight.

He hadn't been carried away by the joy of the victory yet, and he could kill thousands of elites without taking any damage. This was indeed a surprise, but if he really rushed into the opposite formation under such circumstances, there would only be a dead end.

He could only pretend to exert pressure and wait for Penirence to arrive with his army.

However... the Roman heavy infantry was too short-legged. Even if they were prepared, it would still take some time before the opponent arrived.

Just when Tachito was wandering around, a soaring bloody aura rose into the sky. Looking at the almost ferocious legion shrouded in blood-colored light on the opposite side, feeling the awe-inspiring pressure and the soul-shattering aura, Tachito Chito couldn't help but raise his guard.

"Strong enemy!" Tachito was determined almost instantly. He wanted to run. Now was not the time to fight with his opponent. Containing the enemy was the most important thing for him to do.

But feeling the feeling of being locked in his body, Tacito narrowed his eyes. Since he couldn't avoid it, he wouldn't avoid it. He wanted to see what kind of quality his opponent was. If they charged head-on, they wouldn't be afraid of anyone.

The 100th team followed Tacito's signal and marched out, holding the eagle flag high. The brilliance bloomed from the eagle emblem and enveloped the entire ninth eagle flag regiment. The cold evil energy spread like a wave at this moment.

They are also super elites who have fought on the battlefield. They are also considered elites among the Imperial Guards. Even the three-talented army can stand up to them.

The speed of the Ninth Spanish Legion was not very fast. The bonus and special effects of the eagle flag made the Ninth Spanish Legion soar in momentum. The terrifying momentum moved toward the opposite Agulula-Ula with a shock to the soul.

"It's interesting!" Agula Uragai praised, but there was only ice coldness in his eyes.

The enemy's momentum is not bad, but there are fatal flaws.

The battlefield is not about comparing whose longboard is longer, but about whose shortboard is shorter!

It is precisely for this reason that different legion combinations are needed for tactical coordination.

Two hundred steps, one hundred steps, fifty steps, the two cavalry regiments crossed the long distance between the two at an unhappy and dissatisfied speed, and then broke out completely.

Acceleration, sudden acceleration without any warning, and two startless charges without the slightest gap allowed the speed of the Ninth Spanish Legion to exceed the limit. As the front hooves of the war horse landed again, the distance of fifty steps was instantly crossed.

Holding the long lance tightly, stepping on the stirrups with both feet, exerting force from the legs and feet, the man uses the full power of the horse to strike!

The skills that had just created brilliant combat skills were once again used by the Ninth Legion. This time it was faster than the last time, and they became stronger than the last time.

"go to hell!"

Under the leadership of Agula Uragai, the Mongolian iron knight soldiers of the headquarters deflected several phantoms while swaying strangely.

The moment the war horses galloped up, the ninth Spanish soldier's spear pierced the phantom, but the spear pierced the phantom along with the sharp sound of wind.

The Mongolian iron knights on horseback seemed to disappear in an instant. No matter whether they stabbed or swept, it was of no avail.

Tachito looked at his failed spear in disbelief. He had clearly locked onto the opponent's body, but it still missed.

However, before Tachito could come to his senses, alarm bells rang in his heart. Without any hesitation, he climbed directly on the horse's back and pierced his body with a spear.

The moment the two sides passed each other, the Mongolian cavalry's counterattack came as expected. The spear of the Mongolian cavalry soldier fell into the rear of the soldiers of the Ninth Spanish Legion without any mercy. The armor without defensive blessing was directly penetrated by the spear. .

"Be careful with the carbine!"

Taqito's roar reached the ears of the soldiers behind. After being prepared, they stabbed in the air and turned around to block and parry with their spears. However, the spear passed through the opponent's spear, and the next moment the Mongolian soldier's spear Appearing from another angle, it still stabbed the ninth Spanish soldier in the back.

Combining riding skills, power skills, experience, and semi-predictive perception, the soldiers of the Mongolian cavalry dealt a fatal blow to the Ninth Spanish Legion.

Tachito stopped by using the reverse charge without starting, and then was able to turn around. However, when Tachito successfully turned around, he discovered that the opponent had not only completed the U-turn, but had even set up their formation, and was also launching towards them. The second round of charges.

Glancing at the battlefield, Tachito felt chilled. He didn't even know how the opponent did it or what kind of talent he used.

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