Conquer all worlds starting from the mythical Three Kingdoms

Chapter 439 The war comes to an end (page 12)

Thunderous and windy, late to come, clutching his homeland, ever-changing, defeating the enemy with light speed, Penirens led the Emperor's Guard Corps and the Roman Guardian Commando, like a dragon in the middle of the army, continuing Nigel galloped through the gap left by him.

If the first auxiliary is Rome's last line of defense, then the Emperor's Guard Corps is the sword and shield of the Roman Empire.

The reason why the first assistant is the most powerful is mainly because of his size, with more than 12,000 people, which is enough for the first assistant to beat any opponent into scum.

The Tenth Knight is also very strong, stronger than Penirens expected.

But speaking of the strongest, the strongest legion on the Roman battlefield will now only be the Emperor's Guard Legion, because they are led by Penirens at the moment.

Many times, whether the legion is strong or not depends on the ability of the legion commander.

And Penilens' ability is undoubtedly the best in Rome.

"Didn't you expect that you couldn't complete the so-called miracle like this?" Penilence frowned.

The reason why he chose the Emperor's Guard Corps for his last stand was because the Emperor's Guard Corps itself was one of the strongest legions in Rome.

The original plan was to create a miraculous opportunity, with the help of the eleventh legion's sacrifice, to allow the Emperor's Guard Corps to cross the last threshold and complete the so-called miracle.

However, I didn't expect it to fail in the end. Although after the Eleven Eagle Flag independently sacrificed the sacrificial flag, the Emperor's Guard Corps had already reached the point of being as high as the sky without using their military souls.

However, this power cannot be superimposed with itself. The power of the Eleven Eagle Flags' sacrifice is eventually mixed with the will of the Eleven Eagle Flags. If the Eleven Eagle Flags are willing to completely sacrifice themselves, just like the eternal belief of Northern Xinjiang, with their own At the cost of death, maybe the Emperor's Guards Corps can make a temporary breakthrough.

However, in order to directly sacrifice an Eagle Banner Legion or a decisive battle legion, the political interests involved are too great, and civil strife may break out first.

What's more, even if Luciano agrees, not all the soldiers of the Eleven Eagle Banners may agree.

This made Penilence sigh inwardly, but he quickly regained his composure and looked up in the direction of Tal.

Based on the fluctuation speed and frequency of the command line, he locked Tal's position. The first assistant had paved the way forward. All he had to do now was to fight out.

He knew that the other party should also have a military soul army ready to attack.

But Penilence was very confident that in a narrow encounter, the brave would win. He would lead the Roman Emperor's Guard Corps to defeat his opponent, and then take victory in his hands.

Penylens had been prepared to sacrifice one or two border Dukes for this purpose.

What he was betting on was that Mongolia would not be able to ignore the commander's life like he did. The so-called tyranny was afraid of being stunned.

I'll trade the lives of two border Dukes for the life of the Khan of your tribe. This deal is a bargain!

Penilence himself is not a good guy. He did all the dirty work in Rome back then. Now that he is bound to Severus' interests, he naturally has to consider Severus's political interests.

Didn't you see that he sent Ganassis to protect the parliamentary guards? When the time comes, he will follow the parliamentary guards and run away, and safety will definitely not be a problem.

The only unlucky ones will be Arnubis and Nigel. Using war to eliminate dissidents is already a commonplace method.

And Penilens did it without any sense of disobedience. After all, he personally took the lead in the charge, and Nigel and Arnubis were the commanders.

The cavalry on the left and right wings will inevitably target these two people.

Just as Penilens was running through the battlefield at lightning speed, Arnubis could no longer withstand the pressure. The Mongolian cavalry on the opposite side had nearly 20,000 and more than 30,000 natural combat forces, and the 11th Legion on his side had to withdraw directly.

Even if he relies on the barbarian to hold him back with his life, it is a bit unstoppable.

Alnubis, who realized that his position had been locked by the opponent, did not dare to hide his weakness anymore. If he did not reveal his trump card now, he would never have the chance to reveal his trump card.

The pressure is also huge on Nigel. After all, Arnubis still has Trajan and the Invincible Legion, two three-talented talents to support the scene, as well as the fifth Skylark and the eleventh to play the drums, plus there is a semi-disabled person. The First Italian Legion was beaten twice and could hold on for a while. The crisis on his side was visible to the naked eye.

The only flanks on his side were the Tenth Knight, the Macedonian part of the Fourth Eagle, the Seventh Eagle, the Eighth Eagle that had withdrawn from the front line and regrouped, plus Nigel's own personal guard regiment.

Although the parliamentary guards and Ganassis were targets, taking some of the pressure off him, it was still a drop in the bucket.

The Tenth Knight had already exhausted all his might to hold down Agula-Ulagai, and Nigel was in danger of being beheaded, visible to the naked eye.

“This bastard Penelance, could he have done this on purpose?”

Nigel cursed Penilence in his heart, but the knife was already on his neck. If he tried to hide his stupidity at this time, he would really be seeking death.

Nigel raised his hand, and the elf who usually followed Nigel flew directly into Nigel's hand, and naturally pressed it into his heart. Nigel returned to his peak.

Like Huang Zhong, Nigel also chose a certain secret technique that can store the breath of life. He usually looks wilted, but once he returns to his peak state, he can immediately attack at his peak.

"Open it for me!" Nigel roared and opened the monarch's talent to the limit.

Although he used it before, it could only speed up his own comprehensive recovery, but now he can let the blessed soldiers curb the damage they received, without even requiring the soldiers' approval, and it was completely stimulating Nigel himself.

"Asshole, you forced me to do this!"

Seeing Nigel reveal his trump card, Arnubis gritted his teeth and then directly raised the Roman dagger.

To be honest, he and Nigel did not want Rome to be defeated, so they decided whether to show their talents as monarchs instead of running away and sending the Roman army into hell.

Penilence took advantage of this and threw the two of them into bait.

"In the name of the North, kill the enemy in front of you!"

Albinus's eyes were on fire, and the Roman dagger he held high burst into brilliant light. At this moment, everyone was enveloped in the pale and dim light.

At the same moment, everything on the battlefield faded away, and then the battle situation seemed to be recreated. Everyone clearly watched the review and the subsequent development. Mongolia was defeated and Rome was victorious.

The dim pale glow disappeared, and what seemed like several hours of watching the movie turned into a blink of an eye and fell into the memory of everyone present.

The originally unclear direction became clear. Nigel, Arnubis, and Penirens all seized this opportunity and launched a comprehensive counterattack by Rome.

This is Albinus’s monarch talent, copied in the future!

A very powerful monarch's talent, an ability to get the future you want with a high probability, and to rely on your own ability to truly copy this future into reality.

Rome's counterattack began. The war had been rehearsed at this point, and based on this, the direction to victory was obtained. The Roman barbarians, the Roman Eagle Banner Corps, and everyone in Mongolia saw the complete process.

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