Conquer all worlds starting from the mythical Three Kingdoms

Chapter 496 Who in the world doesn’t understand Han (page 12)

new rome

A new city built on the ruins of Rome.

"Xinghan has withdrawn his troops?" Caracalla's voice, completely incapable of emotion, anger or sorrow, was conveyed, causing the Roman guardian who reported the news to suddenly lower his head.

Since Caracalla ascended to the position of the first civil Roman emperor, a series of operations can't help but awe people, quite a bit like Severus.

Many people completely fell in love with the new Roman emperor.

After all, orthodoxy seems illusory, but the moment Caracalla passed the Citizens' Assembly and became the Roman Emperor, he had already shouldered a part of the Roman Empire.

"Yes!" the Roman guardian reported fearfully.

"Except for the trading city, Xinghan has withdrawn all the garrisons, but the Duke of the North is gathering barbarians in the north to build a city!"

"Don't worry, how many people are there in the trading city now?" Caracalla asked after pondering for a moment.

"About 50,000 people! The commander is Zhuge Liang of Xinghan!"

"..." Caracalla pondered.

"Your Majesty, Chief Senator Octavian and Chief Senator Nero have convened a meeting and invited you, the magistrates, the senators of various divisions, the commanders of the legions in Rome, and the two dukes to participate in the meeting!"

Letas, the powerful Roman boundary-breaker, walked in from the outside and reported to the Caracalla Concourse.

"I know! Take me there!"

Caracalla nodded and greeted Laitas.

According to the news he just received, it is estimated that the meeting held by these two elders is closely related to Xinghan's withdrawal.

The withdrawal of the Xinghan troops did indeed loosen the shackles of Rome. Although the existence of Mengcheng and the northern duke vaguely restricted Rome, Rome could finally let go.

"As you wish." Letas bowed slightly, then grabbed Caracalla and disappeared into the space, walking directly into the Roman Senate.

The other targets who were notified also quickly gathered over.

"What happened?"

Su, who was dressed in white robes, was the first one to appear. In the battle with Meng Yuan, his role was not great and he could only intercept Meng Yuan's masters. However, because he killed several masters of the Meng Yuan Empire, many in the Senate The status is much higher.

It can also be regarded as a good start for other guardians of Rome, letting them know that as long as they are strong enough, they can also occupy a place in the Roman Senate and have more motivation to practice than before.

Africanas, who followed closely behind, shook his head. He had not received the news yet. Although he inherited the position of magistrate, compared with Severus + Penilens, his prestige and Caracalla's were still lower. Not to that extent.

He came quickly because he was stationed near the Senate with his own legion, hoping to absorb the power of the empire's will as soon as possible and create a new military soul legion.

After the decline of the empire's will, the Sixth Triumphal Legion fell out of the level of the Military Soul Legion, so the currently vacant Military Soul Legion in Rome has become an important strategic resource.

All forces are interested in building a military soul army, which can greatly increase their voice.

"Xinghan has withdrawn his troops!" Caracalla explained concisely and concisely.

"What!" Africanas was stunned for a moment, and then understood instantly. However, before he could speak, Caracalla stopped him, "Wait for everyone to come."

Africanas suppressed his emotions, took a deep breath and sat down in his own seat, waiting for the arrival of others. Soon, an unsuspecting group of people entered the palace complex on the Palatine Hill in twos and threes. .

This is the most orthodox palace complex in ancient Rome, and it is of extreme significance to the Roman Empire. Starting from Augustus, Rome built castles and palaces on this mountain as the residence of the emperor.

It was also the first place that Rome repaired after receiving various material loan support from Xinghan. Large-scale construction projects were sometimes done to stabilize people's hearts. Wonderful buildings can unite people's hearts.

"Pabinian, do you know what happened?"

Pompianus had a light fragrance. Even though Zhuge Liang had kindly reminded Pompianus that this thing should be done in moderation, Pompianus, who was used to using this kind of thing to refresh himself, still habitually burned more.

"I don't know. My father and I, as well as Ulbian, are checking the details of some laws and have no time to pay attention to other things." Pabinian sighed.

Roma lost a large number of people and vacated a lot of positions, so many young people were promoted exceptionally, and the same was true for Pabinian.

Originally he was on the path of a justice and practiced law. Now he was pushed to the shelves and turned directly into the battlefield. He became a big man with both civil and military skills. He began to hold the position of chief justice and the position of regiment commander.

There was no way, too many legion commanders died, especially Giulio, Tacito, Filippo, Ganassis... these outstanding legion commanders died, and the tragic losses almost caused the Roman military strength to be directly cut in half. cut off.

We have to catch the talented ones and force them to give up their original path and start developing towards the battlefield.

A group of old guys died because of civil strife, and a group of young people died because of the war. Rome was really in a state of decline for a while.

"Xiu Dharma, you'd better read more military books!" Pompianus sighed. Comparing people is irritating, so you have to throw away goods when comparing goods.

Look at how young Zhuge Liang is stationed next door. He is caught in military and political affairs. Look at the incompetence of his own family...

Every time he thought of this, Pompianus couldn't help but sigh. In terms of background, he had already been greatly separated by Xinghan.


While the two were talking, they saw roaring explosions ringing out in the city of New Rome.

While the two were talking, the First Italian Legion patrolling the city encountered an archangel and chopped it up on the spot.

"Is this already the seventeenth day today?" Pompianus covered his face, another loss, his heart was bleeding, first of all these bastards in Italy.

Because of various previous arrangements in the city of Rome, and probably because of the opening of the Gate of Heaven, angels and evil gods would be summoned from time to time in the city of New Rome, and the First Italian Legion was responsible for dealing with these things.

However, the attack mode of First Italy is basically light cannon bombardment, which will cause additional losses when entering the site. Pompianus has protested many times. After all, every loss requires his side to coordinate the appropriation. Don't Adding extra work to them.

But even though Pompianus was very angry, except for the First Italian Legion, there was indeed no one who could deal with these things in time.

The legs of the Second Augustus were too short, and their destructive power was greater than that of the First Italy. The Tenth Knight had been sharpening his body like crazy since the war, cultivating a reserve legion, and was immersed in the desire for revenge. .

In the end, Pompianus could only hold his nose and admit it. After all, letting those evil gods wreak havoc would only cause more trouble.

Soon the summoned people came. After Nigel came in with a bad face, Wu David and Nero looked at everyone, thinking that if they haven't come yet, they must be unable to come. , and don’t want to wait any longer.

"The Stars have withdrawn their troops!" Octavian clapped his hands and said.

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