Conquering The Omni-Verse!

The Avenger


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎24th January, 2012▪︎]

[▪︎Becca's Pov▪︎]

I'm in a cab heading to Vought Tower wearing causal clothing since I don't know what to do right now.

I've been keeping this thing in me for so long and together with what happened because of the disgusting and horrifying thing Homelander did to me, I don't know when I will break and I can't let Billy know or find out.

That's why I called Vought yesterday because if anyone can help me, it's them.

"Ma'am we've reached Vought Tower."

The driver said as he stopped in front of the buliding.

"Thank You, please keep the change."

I paid my fair and alighted from the car not stopping to hear his gratitude and walked into the building.

The moment I entered the building, I immediately headed towards the elevator and entered it.

Being the only one currently inside, I pressed floor eighty two.

After a few minutes, I arrived on the floor and left the elevator.

I walked through the carpeted corridor that has four doors on its walls and arrived in front the last door at the end of the corridor.


"Please come in."

A female voice responded.

Opening the door, I entered the large and luxurious office.

Madelyn Stillwell who responded to my knock, was seated in front Mr Edgar on a sofa with the two of them wearing suits.

They both smiled when they saw my face and this calmed me down a little.

"Becca, please take a seat."

Madelyn said with a smile as she tapped the seat next to her.

Nodding, I went and sat next to her on the sofa facing Mr Edgar who having a drink with a slight smile on his face.

"I would offer you a drink but... well you know."

He said with an apologetic smile that I know is fake.

I can't believe I never realized how rotten this company is, I was raped and abused for fuck's sake! but he is drinking and smiling like it's another tuesday for him.

"I'm not here to drink Mr Edgar. I'm here for you guys to help me solve the problem that fucking maniac caused!"

I exclaimed angrily.

"Pleas calm do--"

"You want me to calm down!? Are you serious right now? Homelander raped and impregnated me but you guys are acting calm as if it isn't a serious issue! Do you know what I'm going through right now!? I haven't even told my husband because I'm afraid and terrified of how he will react. I don't know why this even happened to me."

I broke down in tears and poured out my frustration on them.

When Homelander raped me, i reported to Vought but they turned a blind eye to it.

It's impossible to even convict him of such an act, the public will never believe me and there's no evidence to support me.

Even if there is evidence, Vought will erase it or buy the judicial board and make my case obsolete.

I can't even tell my husband because knowing him he will do something stupid and get himself killed and I can't live knowing he died because of me.

These scumbags only gave me a vacation and offered money to compensate me but I refused the money and took the vacation since GOD knows I needed it.

When I found out that I was pregnant, I wanted to abort the baby.

.... But I couldn't find it within me to do it. So I kept it a secret till I couldn't anymore and called them.

The moment they heard i was pregnant with Homelander's child, they told me to come here. It's like I only have value now because of my pregnancy.

Madelyn suddenly hugged me, putting my face on her chest. 

"Its okay, I understand. No woman would want to experience what you went through."

She comforted with a pitiful tone.

Her tone suggests she feels for me, but I don't know if she is pretending or not but at least her words me calmed down.

I left her chest and cleaned my face with my handkerchief after calming down.

"Now that you are done, let's talk about your situation."

Mr Edgar said seriously, putting his drink down and looking straight at me.

I fixed myself and faced him with Madelyn's expression also changing into a serious one.

"The only way we can help you now is to take you to a secluded estate so that you can take care of the child safely.

I advise that you fix your affairs and pack your belongings or we can send you there immediately."

Mr Edgar explained.

"What about Homelander? Will he know where I am? And what about my husband?"

I asked him nervously. Thinking about the fact that Homelander will know I have his child and he being around me just terrifies me. 

Billy can't know what happened, it will break and change him for worse and I won't let that happen.

"Don't worry about Homelander, he won't know a thing. The child will be taken care of safely. From now onwards, you will be disappear from the public and declared dead."

He assured, but the fact that my husband will think I'm dead doesn't sit right with me but it's necessary.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, I nodded at him determined of my choice.

Seeing my nod, he smiled widely and said:

"Good, then from today onwards Becca Butcher is dead. You will leave in three hours, everything you need will be provided so forget about your possessions."

"Okay, I understand."

I said, with my face turning sad as I thought of Billy.

I'm sorry Billy, I just hope you don't do anything stupid and enjoy your life.

I will bear this burden alone.


[▪︎26th January, 2012▪︎]

[▪︎Billy Butcher's Pov▪︎]

I just got a call from Vought telling me that Becca is dead.

It's been two days since she suddenly disappeared, I've searched everywhere even calling her parents and everyone she knows but no one knows where she is.

Now they said she is dead... my Becca is dead.

"Butcher calm down and sit. Being angry and sad won't change anything, if she is really dead then there must be a reason why she is.

Think of anything that might have caused this."

Mallory said calmly in a sad tone. She is my superior and friend, she has been helping me search for Becca.

"She don have any enemies, its Vought Mallory. They are the ones who killed her!"

I exclaimed in rage. I know they are the ones who killed her, I just know it and there's no explanation on how they were the ones who got to know it first.

"Butcher you d---"


My phone rang loudly all of a sudden and interrupted her.

I took out my 'VS2' from my pocket and when I went to the notification I saw a video.

Why will anyone just send me a video? And how did it come to my phone from outta anywhere?

I opened the video, and what I saw broke my heart.

"What's going on Butcher? What are you watch----"

Her words got stuck in he mouth when she came and saw the video I was watching with tears dripping from my eyes.

It showed Becca being raped by Homelander.

So that's why they killed her, knowing Becca she might have tried to fight Vought and now...she's dead.

We watched the video till it ended and when it did, the video automatically deleted from my phone as if it were never there.

The room was drenched in silence after we watched the video, I left the phone with Mallory and sat down on my sofa with my hands covering my face as I cried silently.

Mallory was too shocked and angered to do anything,so she just stood there with the phone in her hands.

After minutes of silent weeping, I stopped and stood up with my face now wrought with anger.

I don't know who sent me the video but I'm grateful for that, at least now I know who to kill.

Homelander..... I will personally make sure I kill you and every supe like you before I die. You will regret ever doing this to me, I swear it.

With my new goal formed, I got up from the sofa and headed towards the door.

"Butcher where do you think you are going! Calm down and let's think about this before you get yourself killed!"

"I'm grateful for helping me with this Mallory, but you know I ain gonna rest until I kill that freaking cunt even if it's the last thing I ever do. There is nothin you can do to stop me."

I responded, not stopping to even look at her face.

"I'm not going to stop you from taking your revenge Butcher, I just don't want you to die.

Hear me out for a minute, this is supposed to be a secret but now I can tell you.

The higher ups wanted me to create a team of capable men to investigate and apprehend Supes, I was going to inform you later on but this came up. 

I want you to join Butcher, this team is going to be supplied with every needed resource to complete the mission.

You can't do it alone Butcher, so please think about it before you die in a ditch somewhere."

She explained hurriedly since I was just about to leave the room, but I stopped when she finished.

I may be angry but that hasn't made me stupid. I can't face Homelander and Vought alone with no resources. With this I will get everything needed together with a specialized team.

"Count me in Mallory. Now, let's go kill some freaks."

I responded as I turned to face her with a crazed smile.

She nodded with a smile and with that we left the house.

Homelander has broken me, and I will let him know what happens when an already fucked up person get's more fucked up.

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