Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 6 The Hive

It was left to you by Lord Russell?!

Andre lost his judgment instantly, and immediately said no more doubts: Okay! Since it is Lord Russell, I won't ask any more questions.


William also knew that the best way to deal with Andre was to invite his grandfather out.

Afterwards, he reminded again: Andre, money is not a problem, you must hire the best lawyer to get the business license of the military contractor as soon as possible.

In this way, I can have my own private army.

Don't worry, boy, don't you believe me!

After laughing, Andre took out his mobile phone and left the office, ready to rely on the contacts he had accumulated before to solve the problem that William said.

After that, Halsey and William were left in the office.

Halsey, on the other hand, sat on the sofa, leaning on the soft cushion, looking at William and asked with a smile:

Boss, is there any research on me next?

That's right. William sat on the other end of the sofa and handed a stack of documents in his portfolio to the other party and said:

I checked the list of what the biological laboratory needs to buy, and you can see if there is anything missing.

it is good.

Halsey took the document and read it quickly, muttering something.

It's just that the voice was very low, and William didn't care.

Half a minute later, Halsey threw a stack of documents aside and said, Well, it's almost too much, and you can't understand if there are any omissions.

Uh... William's mouth twitched slightly, and then he continued:

There are not many private hospitals in Hafa, the largest being the Dixon Hospital next to the park in the city center.

Contact as you and try to buy that hospital, money is not a problem.

Oh? Halsey put the tip of his left index finger on his lips and said with narrowed eyes, Is it to hide people's eyes?

This... yes. William nodded.

Before, he thought it was easy to chat with people with high IQs, but now he just feels that such people are a bit scary.

Foresight, seeing through everything, is not the silly white sweetness it seems on the surface.

It was William's assessment of Halsey.

At this time...

Halsey put her hands on the sofa, brought her body close to William, and asked in an icy tone:

Then boss, in order to create a super soldier like Sparta, what is your bottom line?

Bottom line? William hesitated.

That's right. Halsey said solemnly, When you proposed the super soldier with me in the car, the general plan and steps were listed in my mind.

Saying that, Halsey sat her up again, raised her left hand to make a fist, and then stretched out her index finger and said:

The first point is to select the children with the best genes among human beings, and the age should not exceed fourteen years old.

(extends middle finger again)

The second point is to perform comprehensive reconstruction surgery on the selected people, which must be carried out at the level of bones, muscles, and nerves.

Having said that, Halsey put his hand down, stared at William's eyes and said:

Even if specific experiments and studies have not been carried out, the mortality rate of the second point, I think, will exceed 50%.

That's why I ask, what's your bottom line?

Ho. William smiled softly: My bottom line is

To create Sparta no matter what, is this answer satisfactory to you?

Hearing this, Halsey instantly regained his harmless smile and said, That means there is no bottom line~

That's right. William didn't deny it.

In any case, he will support Halsey to complete the Spartan plan.

To put it great, Spartans can covertly protect the safety of all mankind, and even the earth.

To be selfish, Sparta could save his life.

That's great~

I saw Halsey sitting on the sofa all over, as if kicking his snow-white legs out of excitement, squinting and smiling:

I thought I couldn't let go of my hands and feet to study it in my life. You are my boss! Mr. William.

Uh... William rubbed his temples, closed his eyes and said helplessly, It's William Russell, Russell...

Okay, Boss William~ Halsey still didn't change his name.

Forget it. William gave up normal communication with such non-human beings, and continued the serious topic:

Go and get in touch with Dixon Hospital tomorrow, presumably with your status, it should be easy to get the other party's attention.

Remember, money is not an issue.

Ah, I see. Halsey rubbed his ears.

Also. William added:

I'm going to build a huge hidden facility right under the city of Hafa for your research.

As for the researcher or something, you should know more than me and Andrei.

You... don't believe me too much, I'm a little embarrassed.

Hearing William's grand plan, Halsey showed a less confident look for the first time, even his dancing legs were on the ground, and his hands were squeezed between them.


From Halsey's perspective, William seemed to have an infinite sense of trust in her for some unknown reason.

Halsey, now only nineteen years old, is a well-known genius in scientific circles.

But there are many geniuses, not just her.

Seeing the other party's demeanor, William also realized that he was from the perspective of God and predicted that she had this ability in advance.

Ha ha.

Immediately afterwards, he chuckled lightly, looked at Halsey slightly and encouraged:

Okay, according to an ancient Chinese idiom, don't belittle yourself.

Halsey looked at her slender hands and whispered, Um...

After a moment of silence with each other, she returned to normal and asked:

By the way, building a giant facility under the provincial capital will not cause alarm?

It's okay. William shook his hand and explained:

Canada is a federal state, with relatively independent provinces.

I plan to continue to donate construction funds to the city of Hafa to gain the city's favorability and gradually gain control of the entire city.

In the early stage, I hired the Huaxia engineering team to develop my own construction team, which can be completed in one to one and a half years.

By then, my private army should have reached a certain size, and the workers involved in the construction would not dare to disclose it.

Besides, I can still give enough money, and those workers will be happy to work for my company.

After all, who can't get along with money?

Well. Halsey also agreed with this point of view. She knew the construction speed of the Huaxia engineering team and recommended herself:

I still know Haffa very well, so let me design the blueprint for this building.

Really? That would be great.

William was worried about this, but Halsey's appearance perfectly filled the vacancy.

Simply an all-purpose oil.

By the way, have you ever thought about the name of this facility? Halsey asked curiously again.

Of course. William smiled slightly: It's called The Hive.

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