Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch10- Being Fat is Unacceptable!

This might be controversial subject but I will still open this can of worms. Kings and Queens, being fat is something to be shamed! Please, for yourself, go to gym, do work-out at home, eat healthy. Fat is bad, and not worthy. I hope you all take care of yourself and live hundreds of years. And I hope no one is offended, but this is my opinion on this subject! Peace!

PS: I really don't want to make people feel bad. I truly believe everyone should do that for themselves and not for any other reason. Not to get chicks or dicks and not to satisfy the beauty standart of society. Do it for yourself because it is something good for you. I apoligize if anyone is offended by my comment, but I will not change my opinion on this subject and please trust me, this comment is not said with bad intention. I sincerly hope you all do that for yourself!


Days went by with martial training, Quirk practices, and homeschooling. Every day, Momo and Mokami learned new things and expanded their knowledge. The siblings were already 9 years old and learned quite a lot from their tutors. Be it Martial Arts, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, or Quirks...  They were already way ahead of their peers and could create tons of different things and battle with them.

Of course, they didn't neglect their social lives either. Mika, after the bastard left their lives, kept the promise she gave Mokami, and broke out of his control. Now, she acted like the strong woman she was and took control of the family. Yozo's absence also helped, but it was still a win.

There would be new deposits to Mokami's bank account every month, proving that the bastard was still under his control and sending money for the family.  Mokami started to use the money to finance his and Momo's experiments and buy and sell stocks. His portfolio was already in the tens of billions due to his successful investments.

Nejire also visited almost every day, and their relationship progressed. Now, she was more comfortable with Mokami and was already best friends with Momo.

Lately, Mokami was working on a project that would help both him and Momo greatly.  As he grew up, he discovered more about his Quirk and realized his powers were really overpowered.  Although he failed to produce the black light again even after so many years, he realized he could create organs that could replace his own.  Momo too, could probably do the same, but never did in anime because what she would create wouldn't be 'living' and thus would be useless, but he was different. He could create living tissues as well. His theory was, despite not having 'life' in them, organs created by Momo would be dead. Although on their own organs weren't really 'alive' they were still purposed as living things.

Since this power allowed them to break down the fat to create other elements, hence, matter, Mokami wondered if he could change how his body stored the fat.  After all, he didn't want to look obese to store more fat in his body, and otherwise, the fat he could store would be limited. Momo looked sexy with some fat on her, but Mokami would look ugly if he were to store fat, and it was unacceptable for him.

He came up with an idea and studied how most mammals stored lipids, and from camels to squirrels, he researched hundreds of animals. In the end, he found an article about a mutated animal discovered in the early years of Quirk.  This animal awakened a Quirk that allowed him to store fat in condensed form, which allowed it to break it down when required to burn. So, when it had no access to food, it wouldn't starve to death.  After discussing with their Science Teacher Araya, Mokami was sure he could replicate this organ.

He had to hide his intentions from his genius sensei, and convince her to explain how that organ worked with others, such as colons, stomach... But in the end, he found a feasible plan to apply it. Of course, he wouldn't test something dangerous on himself first. So, for days and months, he caught mammals and tested them. After countless failures, he finally managed to create the organ he was aiming for. The squirrel lost all the fat tissue as soon as he was done, and it looked like a ripped bodybuilder.  He observed the animal for three months to make sure and created a fat-heavy diet for it, but it turned out okay, so he started the next phase of the plan.

Criminals. Of course, he used them on villains. Streets were filled with rapists. Thieves and murderers were still relatively okay. Theft could be explained.  Not that all theft and murders were okay, but he was too busy to eliminate the just causes, but rapists… They all deserved the worst, thus whenever he heard something, he appeared there to abduct them.

Over the years, he made up his mind. The world wasn't black and white, and he wasn't a pure hero.  For the betterment of humanity and the world, there were absolute sacrifices to be committed. For years now, he used the money to create bases all around the country. He was careful so it wouldn't be traced back to him. After all, the first rule was to follow the money. So, he purchased items from the internet. Those items that were sold by offshore accounts were related to nobody. But all of those accounts were his. From there, he created tens of anonymous accounts that used encrypted currencies.

By using those currencies, he purchased lands and raw materials. Then by using his ability, he created underground bases. There were also simple apartments in the city. All, in case he needed one.

So when he was tipped off about a rapist, he was quick to act. He shot him with sedatives and took him to one of the apartments without being seen. Then, he used the same method on him and it worked.  The ugly man now looked ripped as if he was working out for years, and he could store fat in this new organ in condensed form. After observing for months and getting rid of the rapist, he could proceed with the next phase. Now, he could finally use it on himself.

"I am ready! " He steeled his will as he focused his power on his abdomen. There, he altered his appendix as it was useless, and also changed his colons and stomach. It took him almost three hours and at the end, he was sweating bullets, but the change was visible.  His body looked more slender, and his muscles were more defined, but when he wanted to create something, he could access his new fat store, which now could store hundreds of times more fat without changing his body.

"Yes! " He shouted happily as he walked to the bathroom. "Now I can look hot and be strong at the same time!

"Now, I only have to do the same for Momo.


Momo was in her room, doing some physical training. It was a part of their training regimen she hated the most, but it was a part that would pay off. She was quite strong, but she knew that she needed to be stronger. It was her weakness, and she was trying her best to fix it. Sure, she had her Quirk and it helped her a lot, but she wanted to have a strong body as well to augment that strong Quirk. Mokami was her role model, and he never complained when it came to training. The least she could do was follow his footstep.

After an hour of training, she was tired. She was sweating, out of breath, and overall exhausted. She just finished her workout, so she thought a bath would help her. She walked to the bathroom with the big tub and saw Mokami was already in the bath.

"Hey, Onii-chan," She smiled and removed the towel from her body, and jumped into the bubbly bath.

"Hey, Momo-chan. How was your training? " Mokami asked without getting flustered. They would bathe together quite often, so he was used to it.

"It was boring but good. " Momo sighed.

"Good. " Mokami smiled as he held her into his embrace. Momo looked at her brother and realized he looked different. His muscles were more prominent and he looked really good. Although they were working hard, because of their powers, they were always on the chubby side. But now, Mokami looked lean. Momo felt heat rushing down her face.

"Are you okay, sis? " Mokami asked.

"Yeah, yeah, you look good, Oni-chan! " Momo said with a smile.

"Thanks, you too. " Mokami smiled. "Umm, I have something to tell you, Momo-chan," Mokami said.

"What is it? " She asked.

"You know I love you more than anything, right? " Mokami asked as he kissed her head.

"Of course, and I love you more than anything. " Momo giggled.

"Good. Let's enjoy our bath. " Mokami smiled as he rubbed her back. As he did so, he secreted a small amount of sedative from his fingertips that would seep into her skin. Slowly but surely she lost consciousness and fell asleep.

"Sorry, Momo-chan. I cannot share this secret with anyone, but I do everything for you. " He kissed her head once again as he brought his hand to her abdomen. He broke down the fat in his body and created a new organ in her abdomen in place of her appendix.  He opened it and started to sculpt it as he recalled the article he read and the experience he created for himself. Then, he altered her stomach and colons as well.  It took longer for Momo, but he successfully repeated the procedure and Momo looked better as soon as he was done.

"Wow, it is better already. " He looked at her and realized her chubby body looked much better now.

"Oof, I am sweaty again. " Mokami shook his head. Then he shook Momo awake.

"Let's take a bath together. " Momo pulled him and the duo went into the tub and washed each other. But as they did so, Momo realized there was something different about her.

"Onii-chan, I look thinner. " She said, confused.

"Hmm? Yes! " Mokami exclaimed. "I felt I was thinner after my training too."

"Oh no, I will not be able to use my powers now! " Momo freaked out so she tried to create a towel, and it appeared in her hand. "Huh? That was strange."

"It is the same for me. It feels like my energy comes from some other place instead of my skin. " Mokami explained.  This was because lipids were now stored in one place instead of all over the body, but the body still functioned the same, so lipids could be moved to the skin to access more easily.

"Our powers evolved! " Momo shouted in surprise. "We need to tell mother and others!

"Wait, what is that? " Mokami for the first time looked surprised. The towel in Momo's hand was dissolving while the fat tissue was being absorbed into her body.

"I can break apart things I created to store them again? " Momo asked with shock.

"That is amazing! " Mokami was thrilled. This was something he could do from the beginning, but Momo couldn't. Now, she could reverse the creation as well. That would prove useful to her.

"Momo-chan, you cannot tell anyone about this, okay? We will later say our powers mutated, but other than Mom, we will not tell anyone. " Mokami said sternly.

"Alright, Onii-chan. " Momo nodded, as she scrubbed his back.

"If anyone asks, we trained a lot and it paid off," Mokami said, and Momo nodded.

"Yes, Onii-chan, I will say it was due to our hard work," Momo said.

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