Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch18- Oh Boy!

Hello, my dear readers. Since there were some complaints about the last two chapters, I felt obliged to explain. As you may recall, the last season of this lovely couple (Mokami and Inko) ended abruptly with Mika's arrival and they had no chance to talk. To remove the confusion if it was a one-time thing or if she was seeing anyone else, I decided to write another scene with her to show that Inko from their first time on was Mokami's. I understand that some of you feel it was too soon to have another time, but I felt necessary. That is all. Also, tomorrow I will publish my Patréon so those who want to support me or want to read up to 20 advance draft chapters can visit. Thanks, and Peace!


After Mokami left Inko's house, he started to walk the streets aimlessly. He had achieved most of the goals he set when he was first born in this world. Now, the only thing left was being accepted to Yuuei and living through the plot. Although he wasn't afraid to change it or do whatever he wanted, he still wanted to be close to it, so he could keep an eye on it. After all, his precious sister would be there.

As he was walking something strange caught his eye. Although he couldn't recognize it, subconsciously, he knew something shady was going on. It was one of the feelings his past self had and alerted him about it, so he decided to trust it and followed the man and the little boy he was holding. The boy was silent and was holding the man's hand, but for some reason, Mokami knew there was something wrong.

Because he decided to follow them, he had to change his identity. He didn't want to have trouble with the police or any villain to know who he was. Although it was a long shot, he didn't want anyone to disturb his family. He hid in an alley and by using his power, he changed the color of his hair to red from black. His eyes also turned pinkish-red. His skin got darker and he got a bit taller. These were all simple things that could be achieved artificially, and he could do much more.

As he followed them, he noticed the man was leading the boy to a warehouse. From the looks of it, his gut feelings were right, and there was something shady going on, because the warehouse was guarded by a man with a gun.

'What kind of a warehouse needed armed security?' He thought to himself as he tried to find a vantage point. At the side of the warehouse, he found a small crack in the wall. There was a vertical slash as if it was cut by a sword. He walked up to the crack and touched it with his bare hand, in the next second, the wall crumbled apart to dust and fell to the ground. He could alter the matter by touching them directly and could change their forms. Since the wall was basically cement powder hardened by chemical reaction, he could reverse it and create an opening for himself.

After sneaking in, he hid behind one of the containers and looked inside. There, he saw something horrible.

"Masaru!" A man with a blue suit, a crooked tie and a pink shirt yelled. He had the air around him distinguishing him from others. The man that brought the child was strapping the little boy onto a chair, while another man was not far from Mokami, and looked at the procedure. But since the man that brought the boy was facing them, Mokami couldn't make a move.

"Yes sir." The boy turned to him and stood still. Although he wasn’t old, he had been hardened by life. He didn’t cry but answered respectfully.

"We are going to start the experiment now. Make sure you follow the instructions and don't do anything stupid."

"Yes sir." The boy nodded listlessly.

"Man, he's just like a doll."

"He's easily controlled."

"That's good, it makes my job easier." The man smirked.

"Okay Masaru, I'm going to inject you with this needle. It's a special injection that will give you strength. The process will hurt a bit, but it should be fine. Is that okay?" The man took out a needle. "Now, hold still."

"It hurts." The boy said as the man injected him.

"It will take a while, so sit tight. But when this is over, you will awaken a strong Quirk." The man smirked as he said, "You want to protect your mother, right?"

"Yes! AAGGHH!" Masaru screamed.

"What am I going to do, I have to stop this." Mokami thought as he looked at the boy who was crying in pain. "I have to help this child."

He looked around and tried to find a way to win this unfair battle. He was outnumbered but luckily he was never outgunned. He created a pair of stun guns and placed them on his belt, then he created a knife with an electric circuit, enough to knock an adult out. When he was ready, a flash-bang appeared in his open palm. He pulled the ping and threw it into the air.

Luckily, the boy's eyes were shut tight as he was in extreme pain.

"Fuck!" Three men shouted as they were blinded. Taking the chance, Mokami dashed at the man with the gun and stabbed his feet, and unleashed the electricity on the knife. The man convulsed and fell to the ground, pissing himself.

Not wasting a second, he then pulled the guns and aimed at two men, but the door behind him opened, so he re-aimed one of them and shot the guard who was waiting outside. The guard had no time to react, so he too fell to the ground. The other gun aimed and shot the man who brought the boy. Only the man who did the experiment was conscious at this point, but he was still blinded, so Mokami dashed at him.

The man opened his eyes and looked at Mokami, although he couldn't see him clearly, he could make out his silhouette.

Stop!" The man commanded and to his absolute shock, Mokami did stop. He couldn't move, he couldn't do anything.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Ya—" Before he could answer, Mokami unleashed his power and dislocated his jaw.

"What the hell was that? Did you just dislocate your jaw without moving? What a fascinating ability!" The man looked at him as if he was a rare animal.

"Heal your jaw and don't dislocate it again." The man ordered, and Mokami unwillingly healed himself. But in the next second, he paralyzed his tongue. Although he could still speak, it would be close to gibberish.

"Fucking..." The man cursed, as he ordered again. "Heal yourself and don't prevent yourself from speaking."

Mokami healed himself but the time was enough to figure out what was going on. The Quirk the other party used took control over his brainstem. So, any order that came from him was as if a heavenly decree that he couldn't recalcitrate. But by finding out that, he healed his brainstem and got free of the control.

"Tell me your name."

"Yagami Light." Mokami answered.

"What do you do here?"

"I saw the man with the boy and thought there was something wrong, so I followed them here."

"How did you get in?" The man asked.

"I have telekinesis, so I flew inside through the window."

"Is that how you dislocated your jaw?" The man muttered more to himself than Mokami. "How did you injure and heal your tongue then? Were you pressing your tongue against your palate to prevent yourself from speaking? Makes sense."

"Alright, come with me." The man turned around but as soon as he did that, a gun was aimed at his neck and fired. The man fell to the ground convulsing and pissing himself.

After making sure the boy was okay, Mokami decided to call the police with the phone of one of the men. Luckily, the boy wasn't physically hurt except in a few places where the man had hit him. Although Mokami didn’t know what the drug the man used on the boy was, he had no time to reverse the situation now. He could only trust authorities.

"Shit! There are other children, in a much worse state than this one." Mokami looked at one of the containers and felt anger rising in his chest. He took a look and realized they were all relatively okay, so he walked back to deal with the men.

He tied them with a strong leather he found in the warehouse and created a gag ball to muted the man that could control others. He also wrote what his Quirk was, so the police wouldn't take the gag out of his mouth. Half an hour later, the police came and they took the men out. Mokami had long left by then, and was watching from a corner. When he made sure the police took the culprits and the victims he sighed and walked away.

The world was sick and dangerous. There was danger in every corner. He was lucky to be born into a rich family that could secure his life, but it was still uncertain. His bastard of a father molested his sister when she was four years old, and who could say he wouldn't do the same to him one day? Or wouldn't kill him when he tried to defend Momo or his mother? There was danger everywhere. Admittedly, the poor were in a worse situation, but that didn't change the fact that everyone could die suddenly at the hands of a sick person.

"I cannot predict the future, nor can I enslave everyone." He thought to himself. "But I can foresee the actions of the wicked if I hide among them."

"I have to look over my plans. Maybe I should take more drastic actions."

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