Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Next Fanfiction Poll-1(Dovahkiin in Naruto World)

Types of Fanfictions I hate;

I will rant a little bit before I get started because if there is something I hate about fanfiction is that when they are exactly the same as the original series. I fucking hate it. What is the purpose of fanfiction if everything is going to be the same? Now, there are 3 types of fanfiction that I hate.

Ghost/God MC: In this type of fanfictions, the MC is extremely strong. Almost god-level of that world, yet to protect the plot, they don't do shit. They just watch from the side like a ghost despite training for years and getting god-level. The MC has the capability to change, alter, and rewrite everything but does nothing. I fucking hate this type of fanfiction most.

Plot Saver: These fanfictions are subtle, they are smart. Authors create scenarios where the plot is almost the same except for a few differences, so MC just seeps in, fixes the plot by taking out extras, and the plot happens as if nothing ever happened. Their only purpose is to create an extra hurdle so MC can remove it and nothing changes. Not a fucking thing.

Butterflies are all dead: These? These are fucking bullshit. MC does everything he does. Yet, it doesn't change shit. MC can kill a major character but the plot happens as if nothing has changed. It is mind-boggling. I get that it is not easy to rewrite the whole plot but damn man, at least stick to the original and don't fuck from the start...

Anyways, I like to fuck up the plot. Change things. Create differences, rewrite anything and everything. If it is going to be the same as the original, what is the fucking purpose? Why would you even read the fanfiction? Go watch, and read the original. It is way better, I promise.

End of rant!

Dovahkiin in Naruto World;

A soul from Earth, reborn in Naruto World. When opens his eyes in a carriage, in his mother's embrace, he realizes he was reborn. He cannot remember his past life, but he knows he had a past life. He also has knowledge about every fiction on Earth.

When he was brought in front of Danzo by Root Shinobi, one of them asks what the baby's name is, and the world freezes. The baby recognized the screen appearing in front of him as Skyrim's Character Creation screen. There, he can change his name, race, and appearance...

Dovahkiin, as he names himself, does not choose a race lest Danzo makes him a Root Slave. He decides to select to be a regular person. After his parents were killed, they throw him to an orphanage and his story begins. In time he discovers more about Skyrim System. He has a Skill Tree unlike in Skyrim.

In total, there were 15 Skill Trees. Namely; Chakra, Genjutsu(Illusion), Summon Jutsu(Conjuration), Ninjutsu(Destruction), Taijutsu(Heavy-Light Armour/Block), Healing Jutsu(Restoration), Henge(Alteration), Fuinjutsu(Enchanting), Smithing, Bukijutsu(One-Two Handed), Ranged, Sneak, Speech, Alchemy, Miscellaneous.

When he tries to summon, he appears in Oblivion. He makes a pact with Deadra and can summon them.

Strong/Mushy Romance. Paired with Ino. Single Partner. Sickening Romance to be honest.

There are lots of twists from the start, and it is a lot different from the original. Dovahkiin is the same age as Naruto and they grow up together in Orphanage as brothers. He is not hugging Naruto's leg, he becomes his big brother.

First Chapter of this fanfiction;

"What is this?" asked the formless soul, drifting in the darkness.

"Where am I?"

"What is this warm feeling? I am… feeling it in my heart, not in my skin. This feeling is beyond physical. This secure feeling, this warm embrace is akin to a hug from a mother. I feel great."


"Hey, you!" A voice jerked me awake. I opened my heavy eyes and looked at the man sitting across from me. He had blond hair covered with dirt and mud. He was wearing a blue uniform. His eyes were looking at me lovingly. His hands were chained. "Finally awake."

I tried to turn my head to look around. I saw a carriage pulled by a strong-looking horse. It was easily pulling the carriage carrying 6 adults and the coachman. Its muscles were defined, and its eyes were red in color. It didn't look from Earth at all.

I lastly looked at the warm embrace holding me tightly. There I saw a beautiful woman with purple eyes and blue hair. She was looking at me lovingly just as the man did, nay, even more. I felt my heart tighten. I felt fear and helplessness in her eyes, hidden behind the unconditional love.

'Who are these people? How can they love me so much?' I thought as I gazed at my body. Unsurprisingly I was in a baby's body. Wrapped tightly by cloth, and hugged by two fair arms. My mother's arms.

"There there, baby. Mama will feed you pretty soon." The woman holding me said while looking at the other captives looking at the woman with pity and lust. She unwillingly pulled out one of her milk jugs and covered it with my face.

"We were trying to cross the border." The man across from me said while hot liquid filled my mouth. I tasted… nice, I guess. It was my first time tasting breast milk. Well, obviously not the first time, but it was the first time I was cognizant enough to remember it. "Walked right into the Shinobi ambush. Same as thieves over there."

"Damn you, tree huggers. Lands were fine until you came along." Said the man sitting next to my father. "Guards were nice and easy. They haven't been worried about you."

They talked while I was having a weird sense of Deja Vu. The conversation to some extent was too familiar to my ears, and the words. Tree huggers? I felt too familiar, but my mind was fuzzy. I couldn't remember where I heard those words before.

While I was busy with the vague memories I was trying to hold onto, the carriage stopped at an opening. I couldn't see much because my head was still pressed onto my mother's embrace, but I could still hear some of the conversations.

"Have you caught them all?" Asked an authoritative voice.

"Yes, sir. We caught them all." answered another. I tried to look but my vision was covered, and I could only see legs and feet. Most were wearing sandals while one of them was holding a cane.

We were lined up in a single row. The thief was in first, while my mother and I were in third. Father was just in front of us. There, two men were standing in front of us, one holding a piece of document. His face was covered with a mask that looked like an animal that I couldn't tell, while he was wearing gray clothes. There was a short sword on his back, and on his tight fastened knife holder.

"Step up, Ichijo Naokane." Man with the list said softly. His voice was void of emotion and cold.

'Japanese?' I thought to myself, as the man in the front row shivered in fright.

"You are making a mistake. I am not a traitor. I am just a thief." The man shouted in panic and ran away. "I am not a traitor."

"Halt!" Shouted the man beside the list holder. But the thief was fast on his legs. He ran away at a fast speed.

"Put him down!" Shouted the authoritative voice once again. With the order, a few waiting at the side removed star-shaped blades and threw them. They arrived at the thief and killed him in a matter of seconds.

"Anyone else feel like running?" Asked the voice, while no one answered.

"Wait, you there, step forward." Asked the list holder while looking at my mother. Father tried to hide her from his back, but the one next to the list holder pushed him to the ground. "Stay! In! The! Line!"

My mother stepped up while shaking in fear. She was holding me tightly in her embrace and patted my back to assure me everything was fine. But it wasn't. Everything was fucked up.

"Who is this?" He asked as he pointed at me and all of a sudden the world froze. My soul left my body and floated in the air. A silhouette of a grown-up teenager appeared in front of me. He had blonde hair and purple eyes. His skin color was tanned, while his muscles were lean. He looked handsome and slim.

Before I could wrap my mind around what was happening, a list appeared on the side of the teen. And a line on top of his face.

The line said; Race - Body - Head - Face - Eyes - Brow - Mouth - Hair

The sideline was showing a list of names.

Otsutsuki Clan

Uchiha Clan

Senju Clan

Uzumaki Clan

Hyuga Clan

Sarutobi Clan

Aburame Clan

Inuzuka Clan

Nara Clan

Yamanaka Clan

Akimichi Clan

Kamizuru Clan

Yotsuki Clan

Fuma Clan

Ketsuma Clan

Shokuta Clan

Uroko Clan

Hoshigaki Clan…

"These are…" I gasped as I looked around. Finally, I saw the people around. When I looked at the authoritative voice for the first time, I shiver went down my spine. In my soul form, I was scared to death. "Danzo?"

The man had a distinct figure. Wrapped arm with a white cloth. An X-shaped scar on the chin. One covered eye while the other one merciless gray. Holding the cane in his other hand.

"I am in Naruto World?" I looked at the ninjas holding us captive. "These are ROOT?"

"What is this interface then?" I looked at the obvious menu that appeared in front of the handsome teen. "The beginning of Skyrim!"

"This teen must be my future self if I don't make any changes. The race list shows no selected race. Let's select a few then." I thought and thought of the Otsutsuki Clan.

All of a sudden the teen's figure changed. White hair, a pair of strange horns protruding from the forehead. Eyes were the same but skin was bleach pale and most of the options locked.

"Can't change my physical appearance when I select this clan. Since Danzo is here, if I want to live, I can't select this clan." I moved down to Uzumaki Clan.

This time, the teen's hair dyed in vibrant red and horns disappeared. The skin colour was the same as before I selected the alien race. It looked handsome but there was this weird life force seeping out of the body.

"I can change the hair color and others but it has the life force of the Uzumaki Clan. Danzo wouldn't leave me if I had these features. Might even kill me or worse, enslave me."

Uchiha was the same. Hair and eyes turned black, but the fire inside was easy to feel. It didn't mean anyone could feel these, but the game was probably warning me. It was the same for most of the clans. I clicked the last clan on the unexpanded list, Hoshigaki, and shark-like features disappeared.

My original appearance appeared once again. Blond hair, purple eyes. No weird energy, no fire, no special eyes, no mutation, and no horns…

"I would rather live without any bloodline than be a slave of this cyclops." I thought and started to tweak a few things from my appearance. What? I can't select a bloodline, but I sure can select how I am going to look in the future right.

I added some muscles, fixed the hair to a cool style. Made it so, I wouldn't grow facial hair and increased the height. Eyes a little bit slanted, straight eyebrows and lips looking handsome. With it, I was done.

With it, a column appeared in front of me, asking me my name.

"What is my name?" I thought to myself. I couldn't remember my name from my previous life although I could remember I was reborn in this world. I remembered everything about Naruto and Skyrim, and of course other games and fiction too. But no memory of my previous life.


"Dovahkiin" I entered and it appeared in the column. With it, I returned to my body, and the world, once again, flowed as it was.

"His name is Dovahkiin. Please spare my baby. He is innocent." My mother pleaded while my father kowtowed towards the cyclops. I felt pain in my chest, but I was helpless. Cane hitting the ground reverberated in the opening, and the man approached my mother.

"Pass him." He ordered as he tore me from my mother's embrace. I shouted profanities but all it came out were cries.

"Nothing worth nurturing." He said after a while and threw me towards one of the figures at the side. "Take him to the orphanage after we are done."

"Yes, sir." A woman's voice answered. I was held in her embrace while they continued.

"Kami Hana, Kami Hiro. Step up." List holder ordered. My parents stepped up, hand in hand, and waited. "Guilty of treason."

They were taken to the side while looking at me with tears in their eyes. "Please take care of my baby."

With it, they were stabbed to death while I cried without knowing why.

Please vote on my Patreon. You don't have to be a patron to vote. It is public! I don't want to have vote in here, because I care about opinions of those who are going to read. Thanks!


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