Crimson Instinct

Chapter 65: His diminishing confidence

*Xin Lei*

Come back?

Dad was right. Big brother and he disappeared and that was why I set out to find answers. That was why we were digging in Fu Meili's case.

But now Dad was safe and I was sure that the army would help us in finding the whereabouts of brother Zhen too.

But I already knew my answer.

"Xin Lei will come back."

Startled, I looked at my side.

Bai Li?

I immediately shook his arm.

What are you saying!

Dad asked, "You...Are you Bai Li?"

Bai Li bowed. "Yes. Nice to meet you Mr. Xin and nicer to hear that you are safe."

"Nice to meet you too. So you are the one who was with Lei Lei all this time. I was really curious to meet you."

From the video, I saw Dad squinting his gaze at Bai Li.

I recognized that look.

I signed. 'He cannot see.'

Dad was visibly surprised. He would pretty much shrug at all things but I saw how he raised his eyebrow and stared at Bai Li.

I guess Lin Zihao didn't tell him about it. But then again, it wasn't something that you had to say it out of your way.

"Young lad, I appreciate how you helped my daughter all this time. You also planned out the ambush at the apartment. That was smart."

Ambush? Right, Bai Li had planned something with Uncle Rong.

I forgot that I was angry at him for hiding it from me.

Bai Li shrugged. "You think too highly of me. I don't think I did a very good job. I have failed to protect her."

I glared at him. I smacked him hard on his head.

"I am saying the truth, Xin Lei."

I flared up even more. This man is impossible!

I signed to my Dad. 'Don't listen to him. Bai Li have always protected me and without him I might be already dead.'

Dad said nothing but I saw him carefully scrutinizing both of us. Somehow I didn't understand the meaning of his gaze.

I coughed. Is he suspicious that we like each other?

I really wanted to hit him once more. You are supposed to impress him because we could date in the future!

I know Dad wasn't shallow but I still got worried.

But Dad smiled instead. "I like your honesty. Now I am even more sure that Lei Lei was safe with you. You are a fine man."

"Most people don't have that opinion."

"Well then those most people are blind in the true sense."

Bai Li paused. "I see why Xin Lei is the way she is. She really takes on you."

I rolled my eyes.

Dad laughed. "Naturally. She is my daughter." Then he looked at me.

"Lei Lei. What do you think? Come back. Don't you think so Bai Li?"

I was about to sign him when Bai Li said again. "You are right. Xin Lei will go back. She doesn't need to entangle herself anymore. She has got what she wanted all this time."

I looked at him, stunned.

Why is he pushing me away?

I knew that Dad was safe.

But now it wasn't just about Fu Meili anymore. It wasn't just about Fu Ting who was framed for it.

The sight of Chu Jie, scared and crying, and Cocoa jumping inside the car to save him were the only things I was thinking about now.

There was an unknown fear that gripped my heart.

At this point how could I leave everything and just go back?

And at this point, Bai Li needed me the most especially when Cocoa isn't here; not just in physically guiding him but to support and take care of him emotionally too.

How can I leave Bai Li alone?

With the way he was constantly blaming himself, I understood that he needed that help and support even if he denied it.

I awkwardly smiled and signed. 'Dad can I call you back?'

He paused for a moment and nodded. "Okay."

I signed. 'Love you Dad. Take care.'

I cut the call and glared at him.

"What did you say?" Bai Li asked.

Oh I will tell you what I said!

I grabbed his arm and dragged him but I couldn't.

H-he is so strong!

"What are you doing? Where are you taking me?"

I stomped on his foot hard.

"Ouch! Hey!"

I typed. "Just come with me!"

I took him to a corner and furiously typed. "What did you mean by I should go back?"

He was quiet for a moment. I waited.

"Your father is right. You don't need to involve yourself anymore."

I typed. "And you?"

"I cannot leave Liao Chuntao's case. I have to find Chu Jie and Fu Meili."

I smiled. "That's right. The case isn't over because we haven't found Fu Meili. And she is connected to my dad's case."

I saw him hesitate a little. "You..."

I typed again. "And we haven't found brother Zhen either. You were going to help me in finding him too."

"Don't worry. I will tell Lin Zihao and Su Weiyuan to track him. They have good resources."

I pursed my lips.

I slowly typed. "What is wrong with you Bai Li?"


He seemed indifferent.

I paused and I typed. "Are you blaming yourself for Chu Jie?"


His answer was quick but I knew what he felt was the opposite.

I wrapped my arms around his back and hugged him. But he didn't hug me back.

I stiffened a bit.

I hugged him tighter and hit him on his chest.

Bai Li slowly embraced me back but I felt the hesitation in it for the first time.

"Xin Lei. You are really better off without me."

I froze.

What did he mean by that?

I really wished I had my voice now!

Wasn't it just last night we expressed our feelings?

Now why suddenly…

"I really like you but I don't think that I am right for you."

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