Crimson Moon

Chapter 17:

Luna walked up directly to the teachers' table, having just left Harry behind. Her usual airy demeanor didn’t waver as she approached, though her mind was buzzing with recent events.

"Miss Lovegood, how are you fairing?" Professor McGonagall asked, raising an eyebrow in her usual stern yet concerned manner.

Luna tilted her head slightly. "It’s going well, although I wish things would slow down a bit. It's been... kinda crazy," she admitted with a small smile.

McGonagall gave a skeptical look. "It couldn’t possibly be that bad."

Luna’s response was casual, but her words carried weight. "Well, I accidentally got married on the first day, almost died because of an ancient artifact, and just got asked out on a date by another student, and I didn’t turn it down."

McGonagall blinked, taken aback by the honesty and the sheer absurdity of it all. "Huh... yes, that does sound rather chaotic."

Luna turned toward Dumbledore, who had been watching her carefully, his usual twinkling eyes subdued with a more serious expression. "What about you, Professor Dumbledore? How's your day going?"

Dumbledore cleared his throat, looking at her with a mix of amusement and subtle frustration. "Actually, Luna, I seem to have had a bit of a misunderstanding with the goblins. I was hoping you might assist me with resolving it."

Luna smiled brightly but remained firm. "Ah, if you're looking for help with either House Ravenclaw or House Potter matters, you'll have to talk to my husband," she said, leaving both McGonagall and Dumbledore momentarily speechless.

The old wizard leaned back in his chair, eyebrows raised, clearly not expecting that reply. "Well, Luna... I suppose I will."

“Great I have to get to class now! ” Luna states cheerily before suddenly skipping outside of the great hall.
Harry was making his way through one of the quieter corridors of Hogwarts, lost in thought, when he suddenly found himself face-to-face with Professor Dumbledore. The headmaster’s long, flowing robes trailed behind him, and his half-moon spectacles glinted in the dim light. Harry's steps faltered as they met in the narrow passage.

"Ah, Harry," Dumbledore said, his voice soft but carrying an unmistakable edge. "Just the person I wanted to see."

Harry blinked, trying to mask the unease that settled over him. Dumbledore rarely sought him out in any timeline… Crap he was staring

"Professor," Harry greeted cautiously, standing his ground.

Dumbledore’s eyes held their usual twinkle, but there was something heavier behind it today. "I understand you’ve had quite the eventful few days, Harry. Your connection to Luna seems…rushed”

Harry bristled at the implication. "I know what I’m doing, sir."

Dumbledore’s expression didn’t change, but his tone softened slightly. "Do you? Luna is not your ordinary witch, Harry, and neither are the responsibilities that come with your new… position. You’ve inherited more than you realize. In fact the goblins are a pain to deal with and not nesseicarly to be trusted, infact why dont you let me deal with them for you"

Harry’s brow furrowed, confusion mixing with the unease already simmering within him. "A debt that you owe me?" he repeated, his voice carrying a note of disbelief. "I’m not sure I follow, Professor."

Dumbledore’s smile, thin and patient, remained fixed, but his eyes betrayed a flicker of something more elusive—calculation, perhaps. "The Goblins," Dumbledore continued smoothly, "believe that certain... agreements were made in your name. In the wake of recent events, misunderstandings can arise. As you may know, Harry, dealings with Goblins can be notoriously complex."

Harry’s confusion deepened. "Agreements? What kind of agreements? Why would the Goblins have any business with me?"

Dumbledore’s expression didn’t falter, but he took a step back, clasping his hands in front of him. "It is all rather tedious and complicated. Ancient agreements, bloodlines, and... well, the intricacies of certain magical traditions. Suffice it to say, there are expectations surrounding your new role—expectations you might not even be aware of yet. However, I am more than willing to handle these matters on your behalf."

Harry felt a surge of irritation rise within him. The subtle manipulation, the way Dumbledore skirted around the truth, left him cold. His tone was flat but firm. "I suggest you pay the debt, Professor."

Before Dumbledore could respond, Harry, with an effortless flick of his hand, tore open a rift in the very fabric of reality. And he was gone with a rather loud pop.

“Oh, hey, Harry!” Luna called out cheerfully, her voice cutting through the gentle hum of students moving around them.

Harry turned to face her, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Luna, hello,” he greeted, wrapping her in a warm hug.

As they pulled apart, Luna's eyes sparkled with excitement. “I want to introduce you to someone,” she said, gesturing toward a nearby student. “This is Luka Brattleby. She’s in charge of the totally-not-a-dueling-club called Crossed Wands.”

Harry raised an eyebrow, his smile growing. “You don’t say?”

Luka, a sharp-eyed witch with a confident stance, stepped forward and extended her hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Harry. Luna’s told me a bit about you."

Harry chuckled, shaking Luka’s hand. “I’m sure she has.” His gaze slid back to Luna. “So, totally not a dueling club?”

Luna grinned, the corners of her eyes crinkling with amusement. “Not at all. Just... friendly magical practice.” She winked, clearly enjoying the playful mischief of the moment.

Harry of course is unsure if he should groan or laugh, Luna's antics can be sure can be something sometimes.

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