Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 123

“What is your plan at this moment?”

As soon as they entered the accommodation, Demian’s voice struck his ears, almost reprimanding him. It was irritating enough to cause discomfort in his ears. He was well aware that the current situation was far from ideal, or to be precise, they were in serious trouble.

However, Raciel remained silent. Instead of responding, he surveyed the accommodation they had been led to. True to their promise, the field tent was surprisingly spacious and luxurious. However, it lacked security.


He pursed his lips and made a hushing gesture with his index finger.

In response, Demian flinched.

Just then, they noticed paper, ink, and a pen on an improvised field table. Raciel alternated his gaze between Demian and Gardin, then pointed at the writing materials.

“Someone might overhear us. Let’s communicate in writing.”

They nodded.

Did they understand? The two of them drew closer.

Raciel took the pen in hand.

“Well, even I wasn’t aware of this. I’ve apparently gained fame as a saintly military officer, thanks to my exceptional healing abilities during blood transfusions. I assumed the rebels were after me for my healing skills. Ah, darn.”

He set the pen down at that moment.

Next, Gardin picked up the pen.

“However, Your Highness, as you’ve witnessed, it doesn’t seem like they want to entrust their wounded to you. This is a significant issue. There must be a considerable number of wounded individuals here waiting for your care.”

Demian swiftly grabbed the pen too.

“That’s what I’ve been saying. Instead of making rash attempts, it would have been wiser to return to the Star Palace.”

‘Tsk. Did I foresee this?’

Raciel clicked his tongue.

His pen moved swiftly across the paper.

“Did I ever imagine that they would use me as a propaganda tool for political purposes? It’s unfair to me. I wanted to find a sense of accomplishment in treating the wounded here. That’s what I truly wanted.”

It was a genuine sentiment.

He had hoped to continue a life similar to the healing camp of the Kingdom Army even after arriving here. His plan was to heal the accumulated wounded and extend some extra lifespans.

‘But the rebel leader Javillon, that guy, he’s something else.’

He demanded Raciel’s declaration of support for their revolution. He provided a date and place, and all Raciel had to do was deliver an impassioned speech. No need to deal with rotten flesh or immerse himself in blood.

It felt like they were considering him.

As if it were the utmost courtesy.

How absurdly polite it all seemed. It felt like a mismatch, like something had lodged itself in his throat.

He belatedly realized the situation.

That’s why.

He quickly responded, or rather, protested.

‘So I told him I don’t like that. Taking care of the wounded isn’t difficult. It’s not cruel; in fact, I find it fulfilling. So, give me the wounded, not political statements. That’s what I came here for.’

That was the truth.

The moment he heard Javillon’s shocking statement, he instinctively made such a protest, almost pleading.

He had a deep affection for the wounded. If he didn’t care for them even for a day, it felt like thorns would sprout all over his body. He couldn’t eat or sleep. So, if they brought a few carts of wounded right now, he would genuinely be delighted. Just entrust them to him.

He pleaded.

He fervently appealed.

But it was in vain.

Javillon looked his way and gave a meaningful smile. He shook his head ever so slightly and, without even blinking, politely declined.

“Sacred Officer Rihan, I understand your intentions. I also appreciate your noble sentiments. However, there’s a time for everything in human affairs.”

“…Time, you say?”

“The opportune moment when something can be accomplished. For example…”

“You can’t be serious.”

“You’ve caught on? I appreciate your quick grasp of the situation. It’s even better that our thoughts appear to align.”

“So, you’re suggesting that I can declare political support now, but tending to the wounded can wait for another time?”


Javillon maintained his polite smile, but his stance was resolute. He couldn’t comply with this request. At this moment, a public political declaration was of utmost priority.

In the end, retreat was the only option.

Acceptance was also the only option.

Raciel continued to write with determination.

“I have to accept it now. We’ve been defeated, utterly defeated.”

There was no room for negotiation.

Javillon’s resolve regarding caring for the wounded was too firm to be swayed further. Pushing the matter could potentially raise unnecessary suspicion.

So, the conclusion was straightforward.

“Cut our losses.”


Demian and Gardin looked puzzled at what Raciel had quickly added.

“Since I don’t see any possibility of making progress here, let’s wrap it up and leave. Head to Star Palace.”

“I agree. However, there’s a problem.”

Demian snatched the pen and wrote down his query.

“How do you plan to escape? The defenses here are far from lax. Even under the cover of the darkest night, escaping discreetly seems impossible.”

‘Uh. I know that too.’

This place was a legitimate rebel field command post, and it was the central area where the core commanders resided.

The security and defense were oppressively tight, not just because of the number of sentries. All patrol forces had overlapping lines of sight. There were almost 20 CCTV cameras in every corner. Magical detection devices and traps also appeared to be abundant.

Escaping from here? Absolutely impossible. Unless Demian became a Swordmaster, it wasn’t even worth dreaming about.

However, hope was not entirely lost.

“I have a plan.”

“You have a plan?”


Demian stared intently at him, and Raciel grinned in response.

“Let’s play sick.”

“……Excuse me?”

Perhaps it sounded too absurd, and Demian involuntarily responded aloud. But Raciel didn’t reply. He was determined to execute what seemed like the best plan at the moment.

It began the next day. Raciel’s feigned illness plan was put into action.

“……Ugh, cough! Cough! Choke!”

“Why are you behaving like this, Rihan?”

“Sorry, but… Cough! Gag, choke!”

On the morning after they switched to the rebel flag, Raciel began to cough violently as soon as he encountered Javillon. He diligently used internal techniques to heat up his face and forehead.

As a result, his face was covered in heat spots, giving the appearance of a fever. Seeing this, Javillon raised an eyebrow.

“Are you feeling unwell?”

“I’m really… Cough! Gag! I apologize… Gag!”

He put on quite a performance.

While coughing, he deliberately opened his mouth wide. Thanks to spending the night carefully smearing and drying his lips, they cracked perfectly on cue. Blood even trickled down at an opportune moment.

“Cough, cough! Cough!”

“…Officer Rihan.”

“Yes, cough! Choke! I’m truly sorry, but I need some time to recover…”

“Feigning illness won’t work.”


“Are you planning to use illness as an excuse to leave now?”

“…No, that’s not it.”


“I just don’t feel like working today… we arrived just last night, and I’m still quite tired…”

“Then rest today. We’ll meet tomorrow.”


Raciel closed his mouth.

Javillon smiled faintly, as if he had a clear grasp of the other person’s thoughts, and added a comment.

“At the moment, I don’t have an immediate task for you. However, maintaining this attitude for another ten days will become a problem.”

“What do you mean by ‘in ten days?'”

“On that day, I will request a declaration of support from you on the plain where Balua Fortress is visible.”


“I hope you’re in good condition that day.”

Javillon subtly left a pointed remark and turned away. But Raciel was determined. He didn’t give up just because he was brushed off once. Driven by the desire to resign passionately, he attempted a new approach the next day.

“Excuse me, I have something to discuss.”

As dawn broke, he sought out Javillon. This time, he didn’t resort to exaggerated coughing. Instead, he wore a very serious, solemn, and slightly stern expression.

“Actually, I have an elderly mother.”

“Your mother?”


He promptly answered Javillon’s question and prepared to deliver his rehearsed lines. However, Javillon spoke just a half beat faster.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to say that your mother is very frail, suffering from an incurable illness, and that you need to take care of her. That you feel guilty for not being by her side at a time like this, and you think it’s inhumane, so you’re considering going back home?”



Raciel froze, resembling a mannequin. The corners of Javillon’s mouth twisted slightly.

“I know you’re not being truthful. Step back.”


Another failed attempt. But his efforts didn’t stop the following morning.

“Lord Javillon, the truth is, I have a girlfriend.”

“A girlfriend? You mean a lover?”


“Doesn’t seem like it.”

“I do have one!”

“The more you insist, the less convincing it is.”


“Don’t tell me you can’t bear the separation from your lover and want to visit her briefly… something like that?”

“That’s correct!”

“And you won’t return?”

“No, I will.”

“Why did you seem to nod your head just now?”


“Officer Rihan.”

“Yes, My Lord.”

“I understand what’s on your mind.”

Javillon’s watchful gaze remained fixed on him. Unconsciously, Raciel shrugged his shoulders under that scrutiny.

Javillon continued speaking.

“As I mentioned before, I understand that you want to tend to the wounded. You want to fulfill your role in that way. However, you must also understand that I cannot entrust you with that task right now.”

“…Why not?”

“Because it would be problematic if you were exposed at this moment.”

“No way.”

“You’ve grasped my intentions again. I appreciate your quick understanding.”

A satisfied smile appeared on Javillon’s lips. He inquired, gesturing to that smile.

“Do you believe that if my involvement is exposed before the political endorsement I have to deliver in 7 days, it will diminish the impact of the endorsement?”

“You’ve hit the nail on the head.”

Javillon’s smile grew even more pleased. He went on,

“Your endorsement will be a turning point for the revolutionaries, a stepping stone for a comeback. It must be that shocking. It has to be something no one could have predicted. That’s why it would be problematic if your affiliation with the revolutionaries were to become known before your endorsement. It would diminish the impact.”

“I understand.”


“I assume you want to avoid spoilers. But another question has crossed my mind.”


“Why don’t you have me make the endorsement right now?”

“Because the timing isn’t right yet.”

“What do you mean by timing?”

“Rihan, it’s when you genuinely hold even the slightest support for my cause.”


Raciel remained silent. Honestly, it was an answer he hadn’t anticipated. Javillon continued,

“That’s what I believe. Even if a hint of sincerity is evident in your endorsement, that would be beneficial. In fact, it’s necessary.”

“Why is that?”

“Only then can we truly touch people’s hearts. Only then can we inspire voluntary involvement to the point of moving people emotionally. Only then can we lay the foundation for a revolution that will make Anbouaz a great kingdom.”


“Just delivering an endorsement because I instructed you to? It might be doable. But it won’t move people. If shallow endorsements were sufficient, I would have employed different methods long ago.”

“What kind of methods are you talking about?”

“I could have used drugs or magic to brainwash you.”


“But that wouldn’t yield good results. It might attract public attention briefly, but it wouldn’t take long for people to realize that the endorsement wasn’t genuine, as that’s how brainwashing operates. In the worst-case scenario, it could even lead to a backlash that negates the value and spirit of the revolutionaries. I don’t want that outcome.”


“So, I wanted you to closely experience the essence of the revolutionaries for ten days and to empathize, even just a little, with my ideals and goals. I had hoped that a degree of sincerity would come through in your endorsement. However, now I feel that perhaps my thoughts and hopes were somewhat naive, and I regret that.”



Javillon nodded.

There’s something foreboding about it.


Why do ominous premonitions always turn out to be spot on? Javillon looked at Raciel as if he could read his thoughts, and with eyes that seemed to pierce through people, he spoke without blinking.

“So, I’ve come up with a good alternative. Officer Rihan?”


“Be my personal physician.”


“Just staying in your quarters won’t give you a proper opportunity to comprehend and empathize with my ideals and goals. Therefore, become my personal physician and remain by my side 24/7.”


“What do you say?”

…What on earth?

Raciel felt like crying.

(To be Continued)

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