Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 125

“F*ck ’em? Why should I make a decision based on how people judge me?”

Raciel’s cutting words were delivered with a sharpness that pierced through. Javillon couldn’t help but take notice of this unfiltered response, and it left an impact on his heart.

Javillon felt a sinking sensation in his heart, and his eyes revealed a profound sense of surprise.


It was peculiar.

Officer Rihan, renowned as the saint. His response was oddly out of place. It was an unexpected and unconventional answer, something that wasn’t even among the options he had presented. Moreover, it was an extremely rude and offensive response, something he couldn’t have even imagined.

However, strangely, it struck a chord in his heart. The echo of the reply reverberated inside his chest, repeating over and over. It dominated his thoughts.


He should have been angry, but he wasn’t. Could he recall hearing such rude words face to face? Not in at least 10 years. Therefore, he should have immediately retaliated against that rudeness, either tearing their mouth apart or inflicting some kind of punishment to set an example and discourage such behavior.

But he wasn’t angry.

Instead, his heart raced even more. It felt as if he had met his ideal type after searching for a long time. It wasn’t an illusion. A strange conviction approached him, a bizarre certainty that this rude answer was the answer he had been seeking all along—an undeniable fact and an irrefutable truth.

‘Why should I make a decision based on how people judge me?’

The more he pondered, the tighter his chest became, and his breathing grew labored. A strange discomfort made him wonder if he had misunderstood something all his life.


Changing the world, sweeping away the old, and writing new history.

He believed it could only be achieved with bloodshed. He also believed that sacrifices through bloodshed were necessary. Without it, the old system seemed too sturdy, making it impossible to shatter.

‘But… am I supposed to be the one to achieve this kind of new order?’

Really, necessarily, absolutely.

Does one really need to shed blood? Can the world only change that way?

He wasn’t sure.

If that was the right thing to say. If the doubt sprouting from within him was correct.

Would it feel like this if someone slapped him in the back of his head? It felt like another part of him was whispering, telling him he had been thinking wrong all this time. There are many ways in this world, and being stuck in binary thinking is foolish.


Before he realized it, Javillon’s expression had hardened. No, it had become fierce. This made Raciel swallow hard, his throat quivering.

‘This atmosphere is no joke.’

He subtly stepped back. Javillon’s demeanor wasn’t normal. It seemed as if he would erupt any second or perhaps burst into tears.

Actually, it made sense.

‘He must be confused.’

He recalled Javillon from the “Devil Sword Emperor.” He had longed for the answer to that question, wandering in search of it. Ultimately, at the moment of death, he finally thought of an answer he could accept, facing his end in a state of emptiness.

Now, in a completely sane state, he had heard that answer from someone else’s mouth. The psychological shock must have been considerable. He probably wanted to deny it.

Indeed, the look in Javillon’s eyes was filled with confusion.

“……Was that answer sincere?”

“I just responded with what came to mind.”

“I see. Alright.”

A twisted smile appeared at the corner of Javillon’s mouth. He then bowed his head.

“Leave for today.”


“Try your best not to appear before my eyes.”


Raciel, who had already been eager to escape, immediately retreated at lightning speed as soon as Javillon gave the order. He spent the entire day confined to his quarters, occasionally perking up his ears because Javillon’s residence was right next door.

Surprisingly, Javillon remained silent throughout the day.

However, there was one moment when the sound of something breaking reached Raciel’s ears. Afterward, there seemed to be a faint sobbing noise, but it was so faint that he couldn’t be sure. That was all. The day passed without any significant events.

It was past noon the next day when Javillon summoned him.

“……I cannot accept your answer.”

As soon as their eyes met, that’s what Javillon blurted out. His appearance hadn’t deteriorated significantly in just a day. He still looked well-groomed, with perfectly arranged hair and meticulously maintained clothes, as if he had obsessive-compulsive disorder.

However, two things had changed since yesterday.

‘His eyes……’

They appeared clouded, with a clear sign of confusion. And his hand was wrapped in a bandage. What had been a white bandage was now stained with a deep red hue.

Seeing this reminded Raciel of the faint noises he had heard the previous night—the sound of something breaking followed by soft and distant sobbing.


Was it not his imagination? As he contemplated this, Javillon continued to speak.

“I’ve been thinking about it since yesterday. About that rude and arrogant answer you gave. I’ve come to a conclusion.”

“That you cannot accept it?”


Javillon nodded forcefully.

“The blood shed in sacrifice is noble. Sacrifice is inherently pure, whether it’s a choice or a result of history’s course. All sacrifices are valuable and deserve respect. No, they must be respected. They should be revered.”

“I see.”

“Of course. That’s the truth that history teaches us. It will be the foundation that elevates our homeland and race to greater glory. The weight of the bloodshed will make our revolution even more sublime.”


It’s a passionate speech.

Javillon is working hard to justify the rebellion he initiated. What’s even more pitiable is that he might have already faintly realized this fact. That’s likely why he’s so passionately defending his position.

‘He seems to be suffering from some sort of cognitive dissonance.’

An answer to his life’s question, not realized by himself but heard from another’s mouth. It’s only natural he can’t accept it so easily. How many stages of denial and anger must he go through to understand, accept, and acknowledge it?

It might be a torturous journey.

But Raciel didn’t care. After all, he had no affection for him. Rather, it was better for him if Javillon was in such mental turmoil. Any sign of vulnerability, and he would immediately flee using the Imperial Road. It might even be a blessing in disguise.

“By the way, how did you injure your hand?”

Raciel asked with feigned nonchalance. As Javillon was fervently speaking, he flinched, looking at his right hand.

“…… Well, it was a trivial mistake during training.”

It was the first time Raciel had seen him stammering.

A mistake?

A Swordmaster? Injured his hand due to a mistake? Who would believe that? Even Javillon seemed to realize how ridiculous his hastily made-up explanation sounded, as his face reddened slightly.

Raciel barely suppressed a budding smile.

“Should I take a look at your wound then?”

“There’s no need.”

“Even if I am your personal physician?”

“It’s such a minor injury that it’s better left alone. Wasting time on it would be pointless, so don’t bother.”


What was the point of appointing him as a personal physician in the first place? Of course, Raciel knew Javillon’s objective. Javillon probably hoped to influence Raciel’s views even slightly, wanting him to sincerely support his declaration speech in a few days.

That’s when it all began.

Surprisingly, even without seeking treatment, Javillon kept Raciel by his side 24/7. It was a peculiar coexistence, an unexpected tense standoff. It felt so tense that Raciel thought he’d rather share a room with a black leopard starved for three days.

‘He’s always polite… But he’s also polite when he kills.’

Raciel was afraid of when Javillon might snap and reveal his true nature. Therefore, he acted even more cautiously. Three days passed, during which Raciel remained unaware of how Javillon’s perception of him gradually changed.

‘To think such a person existed in the world…’

It was morning.

Javillon, the leader of the Anbouaz rebellion, looked at Raciel with fresh eyes. He found the sight of Raciel, who sat across from him and ate carefully, intriguing. The more he observed, the more convinced he became.

‘Rihan, the army officer, is not a sycophant.’

He was an entirely different type of person, not resembling any of the subordinates who sought power. It felt strange, yet comforting. The more they interacted, the more at ease he felt.

It was an unusual experience. He hadn’t had a good sleep in a long time. He hadn’t ever let his guard down. But ever since he started staying with this army officer known as the saint, he was able to sleep deeply.

He couldn’t explain why. No, he wanted to deny it, but deep down, he knew.

‘Was the answer this person gave… truly the answer I had been yearning for all my life?’

He wanted to deny it repeatedly.

But he couldn’t.

It was maddening.

He felt like strangling the frail neck of this person on the spot. Yet, at the same time, a nonsensical desire arose to get closer to him.

Keep him as a close aide?

Or as a confidant to command as if an extension of oneself?


He wanted to be friends, setting aside ranks and official relations. Sharing a drink, venting worries, cursing at each other genuinely, and offering sincere encouragement. He wanted to have such a bond, something he had never experienced in his life.

Perhaps that yearning was the reason.

“Officer Rihan, to be honest, I always wanted to become a painter.”


Raciel’s spoon, which was scooping up soup, halted. The corners of Javillon’s mouth rose slightly.

“Really. I’ve been interested in drawing since I was a child.”

“Drawing… you say?”

“Yes. Believe it or not, I still draw quite well.”


“Is it strange?”

“No, it’s just that-“


Javillon inquired.

Raciel furrowed his brow slightly.

“I was curious how, if your passion was drawing, you ended up pursuing the path to become a Swordmaster.”

“Ah, because of the abuse.”

“Abuse you say…”

“By my father. Every night, I had to endure being whipped. Still, I remained stubborn, insisting that I’d become an artist. But it didn’t matter. My father was just as obstinate.”

Javillon’s gaze grew more intense. Though he was looking at Raciel, his eyes seemed fixed on a moment from his past.

“So when I was around twelve, I made a deal with my father. If I passed the entrance exam for the art school, I could pursue my passion. If I failed, I’d take up the sword.”

“…… You didn’t pass?”

“No, I did.”

“Then why?”

“My father had my acceptance revoked. He used his influence to pressure the dean of the art school behind my back.”


“So my admission was permanently canceled. And ten days later, my father was dead.”

“You don’t mean…”

“You’ve figured it out again?”


Despite his reluctance, Raciel asked, “Did you kill him?”

“Who knows? I’ll leave it to your imagination,” Javillon replied with a melancholic laugh. Did it evoke pity? Not at all. It felt more like a burden.

‘Why is this man acting so friendly lately?’

Internally, Raciel shrugged. He wanted to leave this place immediately and return to Demian, to Gardin and the Star Palace.

So, he tried to find an opening, intentionally attempting to disrupt Javillon’s mental state by dropping the truth he’d sought all his life like a bomb.

But after that, Javillon’s behavior oddly shifted. He continued to act friendly, or perhaps he genuinely wanted to be. He shared stories from his past without being prompted.

It was becoming overwhelming!

‘Tch. This is getting annoying.’

He needed to find a way out.

Instead of finding an opportunity, Raciel found himself listening to Javillon’s past daily, even though he had no interest in it. He became the patient listener to tales reminiscent of a tragic childhood of a World War II mustachioed killer who failed art school entrance and committed suicide.

‘Sigh. Is there a way out?’

Raciel felt inwardly anxious. And then it happened.

“……I guess you’re not really interested in my story.”

“Excuse me?”

Raciel was taken aback, feeling embarrassed. But before he could explain, Javillon spoke up.

“Well, I understand. Who would genuinely care about someone else’s unfortunate childhood?”

“No, I mean…”

“It’s alright.”


Could he be…upset?

That’s when Javillon suddenly extended his right hand towards him. Just as Raciel was about to flinch, Javillon spoke.

“Please take a look at this wound.”


“It seems to be getting worse.”


Whether it’s him showing his wound while having breakfast, or Raciel having to inspect it…

Raciel set aside the piece of bread he was about to dip in his soup. He examined the wound on Javillon’s palm, which appeared to be slightly infected.

‘It looks like the beginning of an abscess.’

He decided to start with a pulse diagnosis.

Suddenly, he became curious. The character Javillon, who had dominated with absolute force up to the middle of the “Devil Sword Emperor,” now offered a chance to inspect his physical condition.

“Alright, I’ll conduct an examination.”

Fortunately, Javillon no longer resisted Raciel’s pulse diagnosis. He cautiously grasped Javillon’s wrist, feeling his pulse and activated the pulse diagnosis skill.

Ding dong!

[Beginning Palpation.]


[3… 2… 1…]

[Diagnosis results are available.]

[Please check the <Comprehensive Examination Form> below.]

The pulse diagnosis was completed.

Raciel’s gaze moved downward, meticulously reviewing the comprehensive examination chart. The next moment, he had to widen his eyes in surprise.


The chart displayed Javillon’s comprehensive examination results. And Raciel slowly realized,

He seemed to have discovered a secretive, physiological trait of Javillon that hadn’t even been revealed in the .

Specifically, Javillon’s small yet potentially fatal weakness.

(To be Continued)

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