Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 82

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Raciel felt content. It’s been a while since he’s been back to this place. It’s been a while since he had heard this welcoming voice.

“……Your Highness-!”

Gardin rushed out, sobbing. He had even lost one of his shoes somewhere. Raciel couldn’t believe Gardin was dashing across the yard in his socks without knowing that.

“Whoa, whoa. Hold on!”

He wouldn’t run toward him and suddenly hug him, would he? Raciel didn’t want to encounter such a creepy situation, so he quickly stopped Gardin.

Fortunately(?), there was still a trace of reason left in him. He stopped abruptly, leaving a distance of one meter between them.

And then he cried out again.

“Your Highnesssss!”

“…Oh, my ears are gonna burst.”


“People will think I’m dead if they hear you.”

“But, Youuu!”

“Are you that happy to see me?”



Gardin firmly shook his head. However, he looked very weak. Although he hadn’t seen him for just about three weeks, his handsome face had become thin, and he had dark circles all around his eyes.


“Yes, Your Highness!”

“Did you eat something bad? Why is your complexion so dark?”

“It’s because my work has been so rewarding, Your Highness!”



“What kind of reward?”

“You, Your Highness! You left all those numerous patients at the clinic to me alone!!”

“…Ah, right. That was true.”

But it appeared that Gardin had not neglected his duty. In fact, he might have worked harder than necessary.

Raciel gave a wry smile.

“So, you must have had a tough time alone?”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

“And are you happy that I’ve returned?”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

“Do you think you can now relax and enjoy some carefree days ahead? Do you feel a surge of hope? Something like that?”

“Of course, Your Highness!”





Gardin’s tears burst forth again. But Raciel knew it wasn’t an act. He was genuinely happy. Happy that he had returned safely. Joyful and pleased. But he was a bit shy to express it openly. How could Raciel not feel a sense of pride?

Raciel smiled contentedly.

“Anyway, thank you for holding down the fort while I was away.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“You look tired from overworking, so I’ll prepare some medicine for you later.”

“No, thank you, Your Highness. I’m fine.”

“Tsk. You’re not fine. Your cheeks are sunken. By the way, did you hear about the incident in Cremo?”

“Yes, Your Highness. I was very surprised.”

“Really? Well, brace yourself for an even bigger surprise.”

“What do you mean?”

Gardin tilted his head.

At that moment,


Suddenly, a massive shadow enveloped Gardin and Raciel. It approached Gardin swiftly, extending a large tongue.


The King Minotaurus, Uruus, licked Gardin’s garment with his broad tongue. But Gardin wasn’t startled. He neither screamed nor fainted. He simply stared blankly at Uruus.

And then he tilted his head again.

“Your Highness?”


“Am I, by any chance, feeling very sick?”

“Huh? Why?”

“I’m seeing hallucinations, and they feel very real.”

“Oh, that’s not a hallucination.”

“It’s not?”





“Of course. Say hello. His name is Uruus, and he doesn’t bite.”


“Tsk. Making a fuss even though you’re not that surprised.”

“Did you catch him?”

“Yes. Obviously. The news that I tamed a Minotaur and brought him here has already spread like wildfire. You must have heard all about it. By the way, was there anything unusual while I was away?”

“Nothing much. Thankfully, there were no emergency or critical patients. Oh, there was one thing.”

Gardin spoke as he wiped his face with a handkerchief.

“Recently, starting from yesterday, we’ve been getting odd inquiries at the Star Palace Clinic.”

“Strange inquiries?”

“Yes, Your Highness. They keep asking to for a medicine that doesn’t exist… The nobles are making quite a fuss about it.”

“The medicine?”

Could it be?

Raciel narrowed his eyes. It seemed too soon. On the other hand, the thought that it could have already happened crossed his mind.

Gardin continued,

“Yes, Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill. It’s the new medicine that Your Highness announced you would develop and sell. How did you manage to spread it all over the country so quickly?”

“All over the country? The rumor?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“It spread that quickly? Already?”


“Heh, heh, heh.”

Could this be real?

Only eight days had passed since the decoration ceremony in Cremo. Was it truly possible that in such a short span, the rumors about Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill had reached every corner of the empire?

“Can that even be possible?”

Raciel found it difficult to believe.

He had certainly used the crown prince’s name to propagate the rumor and had even organized an award ceremony. So he had expected the rumor to gradually spread at some point.


“I didn’t anticipate it would happen so swiftly.”

The rumor seemed to have spread faster than he had ever imagined. It was astonishing. And upon closer inspection, it was true.

The desk in the director’s office of the Oriental Medicine Clinic, where he returned after an extended absence, was filled with inquiry letters delivered from across the country by couriers. These letters were arriving competitively, expressing the eagerness to purchase the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill.

But that wasn’t all. On the day after his return to the clinic, the area in front of the palace was bustling from early morning.

“Are those all messengers sent by noble families?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“So, they’ve been queuing up since dawn to buy the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill?”

“Indeed, Your Highness.”


It wasn’t a joke; the line stretched beyond the palace gate. Observing this, the realization truly dawned upon him. An exhilarating satisfaction surged within him.

‘Is this what it feels like to own a restaurant where people line up from dawn?’

Never had he experienced this sensation back in South Korea while managing an Oriental Medicine Clinic. Only here, finally, was he relishing the sensation of a blockbuster sales day.

“Well then, there’s no reason to turn them away. Allow them in according to the order of their arrival.”

“Understood, Your Highness.”

And thus, it began. He officially commenced taking reservations for the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill. Most of the customers who wished to purchase were either nobles or affluent commoner merchants. It was an anticipated outcome.

‘It’s a pricey product, after all.’

Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill. It was an item that couldn’t be sold inexpensively.

‘Because there’s a limit to the quantity of medicinal ingredients that can be produced from the top-grade cow gall that Uruus expelled. It’s necessary to endure by selling it in this manner.’

It would take at least a year before another cow gall could be produced and expelled by Uruus. The amount he could sell in a year was strictly limited.

That’s why Raciel employed a strategy to sell the limited quantity at a high price. It was a luxury package. He gave a distinct name to the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill product that would be available for this year and attempted to package it meticulously.

[Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill – Crown Prince Edition (Year 987 of the Imperial Era / First Year Special)]

…Under this name, he included honey-preserved ginseng and various other small medicinal ingredients.

‘And, of course, it’s much more expensive than selling it separately! Packaging it with silver and gold foil to match the first year special!’

That’s how packages worked. Special limited editions functioned. The phenomenon of prices doubling the moment items that might only cost a few dollars if bought individually at the store are bundled for occasions like New Year’s or Thanksgiving was evident.

But they sold. Oddly enough, they genuinely sold. Because it’s an item available only at that time. Because it’s a product purchased for show. Furthermore, this was exclusively the first-year special, a limited edition that symbolized the brand’s launch.

‘That means it’s a success!’

Raciel was confident. And that confidence was justified. Reservations exploded. In just two days, the reservations for the entire year were completely sold out!

‘…Is this real?’

It certainly was real.

Was it the influence of the limited edition? The nobles competed even more fervently to make purchases. The symbolism of a medicine crafted and sold directly by the crown prince. The concept of an upscale limited edition luxury item. The fear that they might fall behind the trend if they didn’t secure such a luxury item in time.

As a result, Raciel was so ecstatic that his grin nearly reached his ears.

‘O God of Money, thank you.’

He was exhilarated and started producing the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill. However, he didn’t manufacture all the reserved quantities at once.

He couldn’t.

He had to attend to the inpatients and outpatients of the Star Palace Oriental Medicine Clinic. In the meantime, he gradually reduced his rest time to create the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill. Naturally, the production quantity was intentionally kept manageable. But this unintentionally led to another stroke of luck.

“Your Highness?”


“The inquiries from the nobles are skyrocketing again?”

“Inquiries? What kind of inquiries?”

It was when he had just finished the morning treatment at the palace and was trying to catch his breath. Gardin brought unexpected news.

“So, um, it’s about the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill.”

“We’ve already filled the reservations for the entire year. Tell them to apply when we open reservations for the next season.”

“No, that’s not it.”

“Then what?”

“The nobles who have already made reservations and received waiting numbers are constantly making inquiries.”

“…What are they asking?”

“Mostly, the inquiries are about whether they can expedite their reservation number by paying more money,” Gardin explained.

“Heh heh?”

Gardin continued, “Currently, there’s a frenzy among the nobles of the Imperial Court. Despite having made reservations for the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill, they can’t get their hands on it immediately, causing their impatience to go through the roof. Furthermore, word is spreading about a few nobles who have received the medicine in quick succession.”

“Word is spreading? What’s being said?”

“A few days ago, one of the nobles, the Duke of Tréca, suffered from chest pain, but he recovered after taking the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill.”

“……Heh heh, did it alleviate his angina?”

“But that’s not all. Those who have taken the medicine are all reporting incredible sleep, praising it so much that they’re talking non-stop about how refreshingly they slept.”

That was the catalyst.

The perception of a luxurious image, coupled with enthusiastic testimonials from those who had personally experienced the benefits. Thanks to this, reservations were sold out, and the popularity of the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill soared even higher.

However, production was still limited. Thus, an unexpected aura surrounded it. A medicine that was worth waiting for. It carried that premium image.

‘This is like the Honey Butter Chip phenomenon.’

Suddenly, a memory stirred – a snack that had taken Korea by storm. A product that people would patiently anticipate. An item that gained massive recognition just for that reason. This was the impact that Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill was having.

‘Come to think of it, there were similar instances. Like a Volvo, the Honey Butter Chip of the car world, where you’d have to wait a year to get one. Or a Rolex watch that required rushing to the store at opening to secure a spot in line.’

At any rate, it was a favorable development.

Thanks to that, Raciel relished the sensation of being completely booked for several days. The finances of the Star Palace were gradually replenishing. The treatments were proceeding smoothly. He was even accumulating a decent amount of surplus. It had been ideal days – genuinely content times.

He hoped that this flow would persist. He would savor the enjoyable life as a crown prince. The optimistic routine carried on, welcoming the morning.

However, after ten days, unexpected dark clouds emerged. It was the summon from the Emperor, conveyed by Gardin.

“What? Summon to the palace again? Why?”

“I’m not certain, Your Highness.”


Raciel furrowed his brow. The imperial summon disrupted his planned schedule for the day. But there was no way he could disregard it.

“Get the carriage ready.”

He removed his medical attire, exchanging it for formal clothing for the audience. He boarded a carriage bound for the imperial palace. Guided by the head steward, he proceeded to the audience hall, using the time to mentally prepare himself.

‘What is he trying to find fault with this time?’

The emperor was an adversary against whom he could never let his guard down. A minor misstep, and he could pounce on it. Thus, meticulousness was crucial in everything. Raciel made vows and reaffirmed them, reinforcing his determination as he walked.


‘Isn’t this the route to the audience hall?’

Raciel tilted his head.

Not that it wasn’t the correct way, but the corridor guided by the head steward diverged from the usual path. Instead of leading to the familiar audience hall, it veered deeper into the palace.


What’s happening?

A growing sense of unease gripped him, causing him to tightly clench his fist. Eventually, he arrived at the location where the emperor awaited.

“Here we are, Your Highness.”

As the door gradually opened, revealing the Emperor on the other side. What kind of vexation would he stir with his cantankerous demeanor today? Raciel sought to fortify his mental preparation as he braced for potential conflict.


However, Raciel abruptly halted. He loosened his grip on his fist. Unintentionally, his eyelids quivered.

Beyond the open door.

Lay the emperor, swathed in white sheets. His facial muscles contorted on one side. Feeble and unconscious. Essentially, this was a very typical…


Comprehension washed over him, accompanied by a sinking sensation in his chest.

(To be Continued)

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