Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 87

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Raciel took a deep breath. He shook off the turbulent emotions with great difficulty. His head also shook violently once.

‘It won’t work. No, no. Get a hold of yourself, Lee Han. If you lose your composure like this, it’ll be problematic.’

He composed himself.

He believed that being level-headed was an essential virtue for a medical professional. He thought it was only natural not to lose one’s composure, no matter the situation.

‘Understanding and empathizing with the patient’s pain is one thing. As a medical professional, you always need to maintain a rational mind. That’s fundamental, and it’s your responsibility to the patient.’

That way, one can make quick and accurate judgments and responses in any emergency. In other words, the calm handling by the medical professional can determine a patient’s life or death. Especially when his patient was none other than the Emperor.

‘We’ve only just gotten through the worst of it. What’s to come is more concerning. There are still many challenges ahead.’

He had to keep an eye on the progress.

There was no guarantee that secondary or tertiary issues wouldn’t arise. He had to check how many aftereffects would occur. He also had to plan for rehabilitation accordingly.

‘Just hold on for a month. Then, contact the Archbishop again to perform a divine blessing, and complete healing may be possible.’

Raciel laid out the future plans. He steadied his momentarily shaken mind. The past was buried deep in his heart.

That’s when it happened.

A pleasant notification sound chimed in his ear.


[You have treated the patient through hypothermia therapy, precise acupuncture, effective use of Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill, and dedicated care. Thanks to you, the patient: Asterion Testarossa Magentano has overcome a critical situation, and there’s hope for rehabilitation and recovery.]

[During the treatment, you are the first in the history of the Lorasia continent to propose the concept of ‘reperfusion injury.’]

[The concept of reperfusion injury you proposed will be recorded in future medical textbooks.]

[Future medical students will despair at the expanded exam scope and curse you.]

[You have left a significant mark on the medical history of the Lorasia continent.]

[You have earned Medical Points.]

[121 GDP has been credited.]

[Current Great Doctor Point (GDP) = 222]

[Currently available Deception Authorization Ticket = 2]


The corners of Raciel’s mouth reached his ears. This was an unexpected reward. He could now buy two Deception Authorization Tickets. He hadn’t decided where to use them yet, but they would surely come in handy someday.

Raciel felt a joy as if the value of his apartment had doubled and returned to the Emperor. The Emperor was still in deep sleep.

“Your Highness, you have saved the Emperor.”

The steward approached.

He said, holding back tears.

“Can you see the Emperor’s face? He’s back to his old self. How on earth did you manage to do this… The Emperor will undoubtedly be proud of you.”

“I think so too. Today, Your Highness, you saved the Emperor and me.”

Following the head steward, the chief physician also quickly approached.

“Exactly. Your Highness saved us. No, you saved our lives. I also realized how incompetent a doctor I was, how complacent and careless I’ve been… through this incident…”

“Did you realize?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Then I hope you also realize your responsibility.”


With a blank face, the chief physician looked at him, and Raciel spoke with a tinge of regret.

“The Emperor was on the brink of passing away. And you? You couldn’t even properly identify the cause. You didn’t provide any suitable prescription or response. Am I mistaken?”

“That is…”

“You’re inept. You were careless. So, what do you plan to do? Take responsibility?”

“Your Highness?”

“No more excuses. Begin introspecting. Starting today, I will personally care for the Emperor temporarily.”

“I, Your Highness…?”

“Is there anything else to say?”


The chief physician bowed his head, but Raciel was indifferent. He believed it was for the best.

‘Truly, this guy is too inadequate.’

He had failed to recognize the warning signs of the Emperor’s stroke. If only he had noticed them? Last night, he wouldn’t have missed the critical window of time. He could have halted the progression of the stroke or lessened its aftermath.

However, this chief physician had failed in all aspects. He had merely administered pain relievers and muscle relaxants.


‘If things had continued that way… the Emperor would have undoubtedly died.’

Just contemplating it was overwhelming. That someone like this could serve as the Emperor’s personal physician was unbelievable. Furthermore, there was another reason to dismiss this individual.

‘The issue isn’t just his competence, but also his lack of trustworthiness.’

The memory of the peculiar blood clot came to mind. It was an abnormal clot without any residual traces. This indicated that someone had interfered with the Emperor, potentially through poison or other methods. It was evident that the abrupt formation of the blood clot had been artificially induced.

And thus,

‘I must first suspect the personal physician and the head steward.’

The probability that the act was carried out by someone in close proximity was high. So, he had to doubt it. Search for evidence. Raciel collected his thoughts internally and voiced his stance.

“Personal physician Pasaro, you need to reflect on this mistake first. Head Steward? Ensure that news of His Majesty’s illness doesn’t spread. The rest of you can leave. His Majesty needs complete rest.”

“Understood, Your Highness.”

One by one, everyone departed, leaving only Raciel beside the Emperor’s bed.


As he looked at the Emperor sleeping soundly, he immersed himself in contemplation. How to proceed with rehabilitation therapy? How to uncover the perpetrator? The day passed swiftly, filled with deep thought and worry.

♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

The following day arrived.

In the meantime, the Emperor had opened his eyes a few times. Thankfully, no unusual symptoms were detected. This allowed Raciel to catch a bit of rest during the night.

However, the peaceful respite only lasted until morning.

“Your Highness?”


“Your Highness?”

“Hmm hmm.”

The voice of the head steward was irritatingly persistent in his ears. Raciel squinted. Could it be morning already? It felt like he had barely slept. He had stayed by the Emperor’s side until late into the night, managing to shut his eyes for a brief moment at dawn.

“Ugh, I’m tired.”

Nonetheless, he needed to check on the Emperor. Raciel rubbed his eyes and raised his head.

“Phew. What’s the matter?”

The head steward appeared troubled.

“Ah, it’s about the matter Your Highness addressed yesterday.”

“What did I mention?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”


What was it again?

Raciel shook off the drowsiness clinging to his mind. He caught hold of a fading memory amid the fragments of sleepiness dissipating.

“……Ah, did you manage to keep the news of the Emperor’s illness under control?”

“Absolutely, Your Highness.”

The head steward affirmed.

“We’ve conveyed to the outside that His Majesty has caught a minor cold and is resting.”

“Who is aware of the truth?”

“Your Highness, me, and those who were present yesterday. That’s all.”

“Good. You’ve done well. But is there something else to report now? Your expression seems a bit grim.”

“Ah, that’s…”

“Speak up.”

Finally, the head steward let out a deep sigh.

“The truth is, since early this morning, the ambassador from the Kingdom of Anbouaz has been requesting an audience with His Majesty.”

“The ambassador from Anbouaz?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”


Raciel fell silent.

The Kingdom of Anbouaz. A name he couldn’t possibly be unfamiliar with. No, an incredibly significant name.

‘A kingdom with a relatively short history of about 150 years. A rising power that caused quite a stir. And in a few years…’

That stir would transform into a storm. It would fuel militaristic expansion. It would lead to a major war. The war would engulf the Magentano Empire. The thousand-year-old empire would crumble beneath the Anbouaz dynasty’s might. This was the backdrop of the original , “Devil Sword Emperor.”

“……But why would Anbouaz’s diplomat seek an audience with His Majesty?”

Drawing on the contents of the original , Raciel asked, his expression reflecting his contemplation. The head steward looked puzzled.

“Actually… Five days ago, His Majesty personally summoned the ambassador from Anbouaz.”

“His Majesty? Himself?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“For what reason?”

“It was related to the incident at Cremo port.”

“No way.”

“Did you deduce it?”


Raciel furrowed his brows.

“The merchant Guines, who competed with me at the Cremo port’s auction over the Minotaur, hailed from the Kingdom of Anbouaz. Moreover, that very merchant who purchased the Minotaur failed to handle it properly. This led to chaos, and he fled back to his homeland without offering any compensation. Could it be that His Majesty intended to hold him accountable?”

“Exactly. Your understanding is correct, Your Highness.”

…As anticipated.

The head steward continued.

“Upon receiving the news, His Majesty was greatly angered. Consequently, he formally summoned the ambassador of Anbouaz to demand an explanation. The meeting was scheduled for precisely…”

“Today, then.”


The head steward lowered his head wearily. Raciel clicked his tongue.

“Tsk, tsk.”

Now he understood why the head steward looked as uneasy as a dog needing to relieve itself.

“Hearing this, the situation appears challenging. We summoned the ambassador, yet His Majesty is still incapacitated.”

“Yes, Your Highness. Thus, I’d like to hear your thoughts on how to proceed.”

“How to proceed…”

“It might be wise to offer a straightforward apology to the ambassador and send him back.”

“Just send him back?”

“Yes, Your Highness. We could publicly announce in the imperial palace that His Majesty is recovering from a cold?”

The head steward inquired, but Raciel didn’t rush to respond. Instead, he exerted himself mentally.

‘Sending the summoned ambassador away? That’s wasteful. And canceling a formal diplomatic meeting due to a cold? The pretext is flimsy. Far from sufficient. They might grow suspicious.’

They might sense something amiss, or even speculate about the Emperor’s health.

‘That’s not acceptable.’

This was a potentially adversarial nation, a rival they might face in war within a few years. He didn’t wish to display vulnerability now, nor could he afford to miss this opportunity.

‘The responsibility lies with the Anbouaz dynasty. But if we simply dismiss them today? We won’t be able to summon them again with the same pretext. Nor can we hold them accountable.’

If they send the ambassador of Anbouaz away after summoning him to protest and then attempt to summon him again? It would reflect poorly on their side. It might even be embarrassing to make the call. Releasing the Anbouaz ambassador now seemed like an unwise decision.

‘So, what’s the solution?’

Raciel pondered deeply.

On one hand, he engaged in intense contemplation.

He revisited the original plot of “Devil Sword Emperor.” The unfolding storyline. The character dynamics. He laid out these memories like intricate puzzle pieces.

Gradually, a path emerged. A plausible approach took shape. The bigger picture materialized. A strategy to deftly exploit the present circumstances formulated swiftly. The outcome was…

“I will meet with the Anbouaz ambassador.”

“…Excuse me?”

“I will represent His Majesty in the meeting.”

Was his statement unexpected? As he gazed at the bewildered head steward, Raciel mused to himself.

Perhaps the current situation was a providential opportunity. If handled adeptly, it could potentially avert a major war that might engulf the empire.

‘Only I can accomplish this.’

With his knowledge of the original narrative and the tools at his disposal, he felt a surge of confidence that this was indeed feasible.

(To be Continued)

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