Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 89

The Anbouaz Princess

Adeline Boarne Anbouaz.

She wielded the power behind the throne and was next in line to inherit it. She was also known as the “Smiling Angel of Anbouaz.”

Was it due to her compassion akin to that of Mother Teresa? Was it because of her generosity and warm-hearted nature? No.

She was a top-notch martial artist, a sword expert at the level of an intermediate knight. Yet, she had an unusual habit in combat. She would flash a bright smile as she defeated her opponents. Hence, she earned the moniker of the Smiling Angel.

‘Nevertheless, despite her distinct personality, she was politically a pacifist,’ Raciel remembered.

He recalled details from the original , “Devil Sword Emperor.” Princess Adeline never made a direct appearance in the . Nonetheless, allusions to her were scattered through dialogues and character records. Piecing together this information led to a conclusion…

‘She detested losing and possessed a warrior-like disposition, but surprisingly, she favored peace over war. People also spoke of her wisdom. However, despite these merits, a fatal flaw marred her. She met an untimely demise, never having the chance to display her numerous talents.’


That was Princess Adeline’s most grievous flaw. Despite her exceptional health, strength, and prowess, she perished suddenly without ascending to the throne. As a result, another member of the royal family assumed the role of the Anbouaz king.

It was unfortunate. It also spelled disaster for Magentano, as the new royal king held starkly different views from Adeline – an extremist and a radical expansionist militarist.

‘It was almost an obsession. He acted as though he were destined for war. Consequently, all the resources of the already ascendant Anbouaz Kingdom got funneled into military expansion. Magentano, sensing the threat, escalated their vigilance, and the tension between the two escalated until it finally boiled over.’

Conflict erupted.

It marked the commencement of the great war that ultimately led to Magentano’s downfall.

‘I can’t allow that to occur,’ Raciel pledged. He began to strategize. How could he prevent the onset of the great war at this juncture? He needed to thwart the ascent of the radical militarist to the Anbouaz throne.

The optimal course of action?

‘Princess Adeline must not meet an untimely end.’

Her survival was paramount. As the rightful heir to the throne, her continued existence would ensure her queenship. The Anbouaz Kingdom would sidestep the path of radical militarism, and the catastrophic war could be averted.

‘It’s nearly a certainty. References to this were present in the .’

Raciel recollected the insights provided by historians within the pages of “Devil Sword Emperor.” Had Princess Adeline of Anbouaz not met an early demise, had she ascended the throne as planned?

She would have harnessed the kingdom’s augmented might for the populace’s well-being. She wouldn’t have rashly initiated wars, instead, she would have pursued peaceful coexistence with neighboring nations, Magentano included. Consequently, scores of young individuals wouldn’t have been drafted and lost their lives in the tragic great war.

‘All I gotta do is make sure Princess Adeline doesn’t kick the bucket. Totally doable,’ thought Raciel.

He dug deep into his recollections of the “Devil Sword Emperor,” even retrieving minor details. The cause of Princess Adeline’s demise came back to him. The exact illness wasn’t spelled out, but a vivid account of her symptoms remained.

‘It hit her out of nowhere,’ he recalled. ‘One evening, after her usual workout and grub, she started griping about killer stomach pain. She held her upper right belly, sweating buckets, looking like she was in absolute torment…’

In just a few days, she exhibited hardcore jaundice symptoms. Her strength tanked, and she eventually bit the dust. Upon reviewing these specifics, Raciel began to suspect something.

‘Those symptoms Princess Adeline dealt with, seems like gallstone obstruction is the likely suspect.’

Couldn’t see it any other way.

In the real world, he knew folks who had weathered the same ordeal. His close pals Won-ho and Eun-soo from his time in Korea. A web ist he knew through them, a dude named Moon Baek, perhaps.

Moon Baek had endured the exact symptoms as Anbouaz’s princess. One evening, he got smacked with a sharp pang on his right side. He was in the middle of a soccer game, clutched his side in pain. Simultaneously, his team slammed in a goal and as he was rushed to the ER, he cheered in joy.

“That dude had his gallbladder yanked out eventually,” someone said. “Day of the surgery, he wrapped up a manuscript in the morning, had his innards removed at lunch, and by evening, he was happily proofreading the manuscript that came back.”

Yeah, the world’s filled with all sorts of characters.

‘Anyhow, when you line up Princess Adeline’s symptoms, it’s practically a lock. The tube that should be sending out bile thanks to gallstones, got itself blocked. She probably faced excruciating pain, nearly on par with childbirth, for days on end. But here’s what’s scarier than the pain.’

Normally, bile and pancreatic juices flow through the bile duct into the small intestine. But what if that duct jams up? It’s like a backed-up sewer. Bile goes in reverse. And the liver’s the final stop.

‘Bile infiltrates the liver and messes it up. Liver cirrhosis and fibrosis kick in. Spleen and pancreas go kaput. Eventually, curtains.’

Sure enough, Raciel’s acquaintance Moon Baek rocked up at the hospital with a liver enzyme level forty times higher than normal. Gallstones and bile duct obstruction were not diseases to be taken lightly.

Neglect them, and it’s a one-way ticket. No proper care means a fatal disease. So, he’s gotta haul Princess Adeline over. Gotta check her pulse, see how she’s holding up.

‘If she’s got gallstones camping out in her gallbladder, they gotta go, and then we gotta play defense to stop them from coming back.’

Then, it’s a done deal.

She won’t die prematurely. She won’t start a great war as a peaceful queen. The Magentano royal family will not collapse.

‘Then everyone will be happy. My regal life, all shiny and prosperous, will be in the clear.’

…Got it all figured out.

Raciel was low-key thrilled. He eyed the Anbouaz ambassador across the negotiation table.

His face was stiff. The poker face barely hid the hint of anger simmering underneath. Probably ’cause of what just got dropped on their end.

‘Keeping their princess in the big city for half a year. To them, it’s like holding their royalty hostage.’

It was obvious.

But Raciel didn’t give a hoot. Didn’t even spend a second thinking about calming the ambassador’s rage. Instead, he cooked up a little lie.

A lie to bring Princess Adeline of Anbouaz to the imperial capital. Raciel had a ‘Deception Authorization Ticket’ up his sleeve for this very purpose.

[You will expend 1 Deception Authorization Ticket.]

[Target: Ambassador of Anbouaz, Count Bang, will unquestioningly and permanently believe one of your lies.]


He was set. Time to see the power(?) of the Deception Authorization Ticket. Raciel licked his lips and opened his mouth. He unleashed a lie that was jam-packed like a jar of caviar.

“The real deal is, I’m all in for a solid and peace-loving friendly bond between our Magentano and your esteemed Anbouaz.”


The ambassador hesitated, his expression asking for clarification. But that doubt only lasted a fleeting moment.

Ding dong!

[Ambassador Bang of Anbouaz begins to wholeheartedly buy into your lie.]

“Is that so?”

The surprised ambassador inquired. His previously rigid demeanor started to ease up. He seemed to finally grasp the actual intentions from this side. Raciel confirmed it as he observed this.

‘It’s working. Perfect.’

The Deception Authorization Ticket. He had been unsure, but it seemed to be the real deal. Raciel’s falsehood was gaining traction.

“I’m glad you see it that way. I’ve been pondering for quite some time. How can we build a closer, friendlier connection between our Magentano and your Anbouaz, and sustain long-term peace.”

“Do you have any proposals?”

“Yeah, actually, I do. Like I mentioned earlier, I’m suggesting we invite the princess of Anbouaz to the capital as an honored guest, let her stay here for about six months.”

“And then?”

“By sharing our cultures and values, we can forge a friendly bond. I’m even aiming to nurture a personal friendship.”

“Friendship, huh?”

“Indeed. I’m the future emperor of Magentano, and the princess is on track to lead Anbouaz. Wouldn’t the futures of our two nations be a lot more serene if the next leaders of both sides have a solid personal friendship?”

“Ah, I see. I hadn’t realized you had such a plan.”

The ambassador nodded with appreciation.

He wasn’t the kind of person who’d usually agree to such notions. Normally, he would’ve questioned Raciel’s words, harbored doubts. But not now. Raciel had used the Deception Authorization Ticket, a potent influence that shut down his skepticism and filled him with blind trust in Raciel’s words, even to the extent of misinterpreting them.

‘Could it be that the Crown Prince of Magentano has feelings for our princess?’ he wondered, his imagination spiraling.

‘If the princess heads to the capital and hangs around for six months… What if, by some chance, the Crown Prince and the princess start feeling the same way?’


It was certainly possible.

A robust alliance or even a union through marriage could be on the horizon. A powerhouse empire born from the established might of Magentano and the rising star of Anbouaz. A brand-new grand empire might just emerge.

‘Heh, just think about it…’

His heart raced. The idea that he and the Crown Prince were setting the groundwork for this future empire amped up his excitement.

‘Maybe my name will be etched in history forever.’

It could happen. The cornerstone of the grand empire laid during these negotiations. The illustrious diplomat Bang leading the way!


The ambassador’s breathing grew uneven. Raciel, observing, had to stifle a grin.

‘This Deception Authorization Ticket is a real winner.’

The ambassador might be lost in some delusions, but one thing was clear – he had fallen completely for Raciel’s lie. Raciel’s confidence surged, and he carried on with his fabrication.

“Yeah, it wasn’t a breeze to bring up this topic. I worried it might be a tough ask. But seeing it from my angle, with aspirations of a constructive future for both lands, I had to put it out there. That’s how much I crave peace. That’s why.”

With a slight cluck of his tongue and a measured pace.

Then back to full throttle.

“I wasn’t gunning for compensation over the Cremo incident or to single-handedly tweak trade tariffs. Tossing out those demands would relegate our relationship to mere squabbles and strategic cooperation driven by mutual gain. A truly sturdy alliance would be beyond reach.”

“Heh, never figured you’d see it that way…”

“Yeah, I know it might catch you off guard. But all I want is this: a tighter bond between our nations through an exchange with the princess. What could be more priceless than that? Don’t you think?”

Raciel shot a pleading glance and sustained his fabrication.

“I’m really going the distance here. It’d mean the world to me if you could seriously think about my genuine appeal.”


The ambassador exhaled.

Was it due to his discomfort?

His embarrassment?

Nah, it was because he was genuinely touched.

“I never would’ve imagined that the Crown Prince would hold Anbouaz in such high regard. In fact, I’m even more appreciative.”

The ambassador’s words were heartfelt.

Now, the crown prince’s sentiments sounded absolutely authentic to him. On one hand, he felt that the preparations he had made before this meeting were far too insignificant.

“I was only fixated on how to make amends for the Cremo incident to minimize the damage. But I didn’t expect the crown prince to be this amicable towards us. Not to mention having such a profound and ambitious vision.”

The ambassador was indulging in his daydreams. In his mind, the crown prince and their own princess had already signed their marriage certificate and were tossing bridal bouquets. He stood beside them, receiving full respect as a great diplomat who had orchestrated this historic union.

How would his name be etched into history? Should he ensure at least one respectable portrait? In any case, the verdict was clear. This was a heaven-sent opportunity. Ignoring this offer would be utter foolishness. The ambassador concluded his calculations in a blissful reverie.

“I get what the crown prince is saying. Your intentions resonate deeply with me.”

“Is that so? That’s a relief.”

“Yes. So, in response to the crown prince’s request, as the one vested with Anbouaz’s diplomatic authority, if I may…”

“Go ahead?”

“I believe we can view your request in a positive light.”

“Hmm, view it?”

Raciel’s brow furrowed slightly. However, he wasn’t disheartened in the slightest. This was a reaction he had fully predicted. Indeed, the ambassador’s response was entirely anticipated.

“It’s not just anyone, but our princess who’d be stationed in a foreign land for half a year. Even with diplomatic authority…”

“Of course. You can’t make that call on your own. I understand.”

“Yes, thank you for your understanding. I must confess, there are aspects that give me pause.”

“What’s worrying you?”


The ambassador nodded and proceeded cautiously.

“I believe in the crown prince’s sincerity. I have faith and admiration for your audacious decision for the camaraderie of both nations. However… I’m uncertain if my lord and various ministers in my country will share that belief. No, I can only foresee skepticism.”

“You’re suggesting they won’t buy into my intentions.”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

The ambassador’s response was sincere and tinged with regret. There was little to be done. This negotiation had the potential, if handled adeptly, to cement the future of both countries. It was a monumental deal that could elevate him to the status of a historical diplomat.

However, the crown prince’s request appeared somewhat excessive in practical terms. And that was a cause for concern. To request that the heir to the throne, the princess, stay in a foreign nation for half a year?

Objectively speaking– It was an outrageous ask.

He personally believed in the crown prince’s sincerity and had calculated the long-term gains of embracing the request, but what about others –The numerous officials in Anbouaz– And his own ruler, the king.

‘They’d likely scoff.’

Emotional reactions could even arise, leading to a backlash that further soured relations between the two nations.

That was the ambassador’s chief worry. He felt remorseful. It was a pity that people might not recognize the crown prince’s genuine earnestness. He desperately yearned for this negotiation to succeed. Hence, the pain was even more acute.

‘I wish there were a way for people to see that sincerity.’

But no such solution came to mind.

And then, it happened.

“Well, it’s all right. There is a way, you know.”

As if reading the ambassador’s thoughts, the crown prince offered a sly smile. As if it was no big deal. As if he had predicted this very reaction. He casually produced a sealed letter from his pocket.

“What’s this…”

“A letter for the King of Anbouaz.”

“To my lord?”

“Yes. I’ve poured my sincerity into it. Please ensure its delivery.”

That should do it.

This has to work.

There’s no room for doubt.

‘In this letter to the King of Anbouaz, because I expended my last remaining Deception Authorization Ticket on its contents.’

Raciel’s bright smile glinted wickedly.

(To be Continued)

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