Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 91

Someone is there, and this is a certain place. Who in the world called her from such a great distance?

Princess Adeline Boarne Anbouaz– she felt a tumultuous battle of anger and frustration waging within her heart. She raised her head. Beyond the slightly ajar carriage window, she beheld the magnificent sight of an unfamiliar city.

It was the Imperial City of Magentano.


She never anticipated she would find herself here. She was forcibly placed into this carriage just yesterday, yet it has already been ten days. During that span, she was unwillingly brought to the Imperial City of Magentano.

Naturally, she attempted to flee(?). However, she swiftly came to terms with her situation. A half-year sojourn in the Imperial City of Magentano. Such was the command of the king.

Even if she managed to escape and return to the kingdom, it’s likely the same scenario would unfold once again. She came to this realization. She acquiesced, albeit half-heartedly. She figured it might be best to just get it over with, considering she had to go anyway.

However, this didn’t make the situation any more pleasant.


An involuntary sigh slipped from her lips.

Before long, the carriage came to a stop. Was she already at the Imperial Palace? The carriage door swung open, revealing a stern knight. It was the Knight Commander of Anbouaz, who had dutifully accompanied her here.

“Princess, please hold your head high.”


The knight’s resolute encouragement.

Without a word, she nodded. She mustered all the resolve she could muster. From the moment she stepped out of the carriage, she’d be in enemy territory. Apart from the entourage that had journeyed with her from Anbouaz, there was no one she could trust.

Dragged here against her will, she would be treated as a war trophy by the enemy.

‘I won’t bow my head.’

As a princess of a prominent royal family, she was destined to become queen and lead Anbouaz. She couldn’t afford to display any weakness to her adversaries, as she carried on the legacy of her ancestors.

She tensed her eyes and muscles. Stepping out of the carriage, she took her initial stride into enemy (?) territory. And she fixed her gaze on the first adversary approaching her.

It was a silver-haired man with a frail build. Accompanied by a considerable retinue, the princess’s brow slightly furrowed. That face, it rang a bell somehow…

“You must have had a lengthy and exhausting journey, Princess of Anbouaz. Welcome. I am Prince Raciel Adria Magentano of the Empire.”


Yes, she recalled now. She had come across his portrait while studying the notable figures of foreign lands. It was the face from that portrait. Her head tilted slightly in recognition.

‘He looks notably different from the picture.’

In the portrait, he appeared ailing. But the prince standing before her now? Not as severe. Thin and delicate in appearance, yet not to the extent shown in the portrait.

‘In any case, he’s the one who insulted Father.’

The princess’s gaze grew icier as she regarded Raciel.

It was him.

He was the one who penned a personal letter to her father. Because of that letter, she found herself here. The contents of the letter were unknown to her.

But suspicions lingered.

‘He must have pressured Father. Flaunting the empire’s might or exploiting Father’s vulnerabilities. Engaging in diplomatic impoliteness and menacing Father, coercing his submission.’

It seemed likely.

If not for that, her father wouldn’t have likely dispatched her here so readily. Adeline, a princess entrenched in her convictions, clenched her fists. She exerted self-control to restrain herself from striking the crown prince in the face as she greeted him.

“I am Princess Adeline Boarne of Anbouaz.”

Her voice was as frigid as a blast of wind at negative 50 degrees Celsius. Yet, Raciel remained unfazed. The chilly pressure emanating from the princess didn’t intimidate him. The reason was straightforward: he was well-acquainted with such situations.

‘Getting the cold shoulder from women, I’ve experienced it aplenty. Hehehe!’

It had always been this way in Korea.

Be it during a blind date.

Or when consulting a fortune teller.

Women’s reactions to him remained consistent. Therefore, he consistently believed that understanding a woman’s emotions wasn’t all that challenging.

‘I can instantly tell if they’re not fond of me!’

The situation remained unchanged. Raciel steeled himself with his unwavering resolve and spoke.

“I understand. You must be fatigued from your extensive journey. Please follow me.”

He personally led the princess through the garden and into the main edifice of the palace, heading toward the readied banquet hall. A meticulously arranged feast awaited the princess.

“Please dine first. Subsequently, I’ll give you a tour of the palace quarters where you’ll be residing.”


However, the princess left her fork untouched. As if she wouldn’t consume the victuals of a hostile nation without any defenses, she merely cast a frosty, guarded gaze down the length of the table.

Yet Raciel remained unaffected. This was familiar territory for him!

‘Of course. The princess is one of those who doesn’t keep to a regular eating schedule.’

Do all women do this?

It was the same in Korea.

When asked to partake in lunch or dinner? They’d claim to have already eaten or express difficulty due to dieting. The princess seemed to fit the mold.

‘Sigh. This could pose a challenge.’

Raciel swallowed a bitter smile. The princess’s demeanor toward him was even colder than he had anticipated. Her look was akin to that of an adversary. It was troublesome.

‘It’s going to be a struggle to win her over.’

The rapport between a medical professional and a patient carries weight.

Above all, mutual trust needs to be established. Only then can a patient entrust their well-being to a medical professional. Conversely, the medical professional can treat the patient with greater responsibility.

Some might question the significance of a mere difference in attitude.

Yet, it holds significance.

A truly significant one.

Without it, any treatment effort becomes futile.

‘But the princess harbors more disdain for me than I initially thought. Maybe I should have conveyed a different message to King Anbouaz.’

He had dispatched a letter to the King, expressing his interest in her.

Aiming to strengthen relations between their respective nations. Desiring to meet the princess. Asserting that it would prove mutually advantageous. He had chosen words that were likely to entice her to come. However, he hadn’t anticipated it would breed her aversion.

‘Sigh. Perhaps I should’ve shifted blame onto that war-driven prince from the “Devil Sword Emperor” who triggered the Great War.’

Proposing that the prince was scheming a rebellion and advising the king to swiftly suppress him. Wouldn’t that have been simpler? It might’ve potentially averted the Great War.

He briefly regretted his decision.

Yet he shook off the regret soon enough.

‘No, that approach wouldn’t be right. It’s far too unpredictable.’

If the war-hungry prince contested the accusation, it might spark an actual uprising. That couldn’t be allowed to occur. The narrative would stray too far from the original .

What consequences would result, how it would influence him – he couldn’t forecast any of it.

‘That’s not a viable path.’

Indeed, that’s why he hadn’t opted for that route. Raciel let go of his regrets regarding the unselected option.

‘I need to have faith in my decision. It’s the most advantageous course. I brought the princess here; my focus is treating her gallstones. Preventing her demise due to gallstones. That would then lead her to become the Queen of Anbouaz.’

Naturally, it would avert the eruption of the Great War.

So, don’t hesitate. Have confidence. First, secure the princess’s goodwill and trust. With this in mind, Raciel lifted his gaze and addressed the princess across the table.

“I apologize. Consuming a meal immediately after your arduous journey must be taxing on your digestion. That’s why I arranged this.”



Gardin entered the banquet hall upon being beckoned from this side. He held a silver tray in his hand and set it down in front of the princess, carefully lifting the lid to reveal a dark liquid in a bowl…

“It’s an herbal decoction. I prepared it specifically for you, Gui Pi Tang, which is beneficial for the body. It should help alleviate the fatigue you’ve accumulated during your journey here.”


The princess remained motionless, fixated on the herbal medicine. Her gaze was cold enough to make the medicine bowl feel uncomfortable. However, Raciel paid no mind. He stood resolute, silently awaiting the princess’s response.

Perhaps the pressure (?) had an effect. As the steam from the medicine bowl dissipated, the princess finally spoke.

“What form of insult is this?”


“You brought me all the way here and seated me, was that not sufficient?”

“What do you mean…?”

Raciel inquired, puzzled.

The princess’s brows furrowed slightly.

“I came here because you summoned me. It required a significant decision on my part, on behalf of Anbouaz. Do you not realize that?”


“Allow me to clarify upfront. You instructed a 6-month stay, and I will adhere to that, as requested by the Crown Prince to my father, the king. However, that’s the extent of it. Do not entertain thoughts of further requests. Do not seat me at a dining table, do not offer food – simply leave me be.”

“Hmm, it appears there’s a misunderstanding…”

“There’s no misunderstanding. That’s my stance.”

Swiftly pushing her chair back, the princess rose to her feet. Just then…

“Are you afraid, Princess?”

Raciel’s incisive words resonated with the princess. In the midst of turning away, she halted.

“What did you just say?”

“I inquired if you’re afraid.”

“What are you implying…”

“I haven’t done anything untoward. I merely presented a meal and an herbal decoction beneficial for fatigue recovery. What is so alarming and disconcerting that prompts your departure?”

“I’m not afraid…”

“Is there perhaps concern that the herbal decoction might be poisoned? Gardin, bring it over.”

Raciel gestured to Gardin.

Raciel received the Gui Pi Tang from Gardin.

“Phew. This is quite a precious remedy.”

With a wistful undertone, he consumed it in one gulp. He displayed the now-empty bowl to the princess.

“There’s no poison. Reflect on this. Would I, the Crown Prince of the Empire, poison the medicine I’m offering to the princess during an official banquet? How could I endure the consequences? Agreed?”

“No, I…”

“It’s fine. What can be done? The princess lacks faith in me and greets me with nothing but icy glares. Isn’t that the case?”

Feigning sadness, simulating profound injury, he engaged in a full-fledged acting display. In reality, it was a provocation.

‘Princess Adeline of Anbouaz. Word has it you detest defeat more than anything.’

While she hadn’t appeared directly in the “Devil Sword Emperor,” she had been indirectly referenced numerous times. She was reputed to abhor defeat and hold disdain for cowards and the feeble.

Hence, Raciel repackaged the phrase ‘Are you scared and running away?’ into a more polished form. He openly branded her a coward. It was a tailored provocation aimed at her personality.

The impact (?) was significant.

The princess pulled her chair back and resumed her seat. She glowered at him from across the table. Unlike her previous coolness, her eyes now blazed.

“What did the Crown Prince just suggest?”

“I said what I said. What instills such fear in you?”

“I’ve never been fearful.”

“Yet you lack the courage to consume the herbal medicine I presented at this formal gathering.”

“…Your words are excessive.”

“Then, shall I offer it once more? Will you partake?”

Princess Adeline sealed her lips. In the same moment, she grasped that she had walked right into the opponent’s scheme. What if she declined the medicine once more? She would be branded a coward.

She found that unappealing.

This only intensified her frustration.

‘What a sly individual.’

She felt as if she had been maneuvered into a corner where her only option was to ingest the medicine. It was an astute and malevolent setup. Nevertheless, she was now cornered into acceptance.

Finally, she nodded in assent.

“Give it to me. But I have a stipulation for bestowing it upon the crown prince.”

“A stipulation? Enlighten me.”

“This will be the first and final occasion.”

“Meaning you’ll try the medicine I provide?”


“Attempt it first, then decide.”

Raciel offered a faint smile and signaled Gardin. He returned with a tray, bearing a bowl of the same decoction as before.


The princess, as she took the decoction, wrinkled her nose. It carried an odd scent. Peculiar and off-putting. She observed that the hue of the decoction was a deep, murky darkness. Could she truly consume this? It seemed implausible that it could be beneficial for the body.

However, her indecision was brief. She lifted the bowl, guided it to her lips, and tilted it.



For an instant, Princess Adeline was overcome with a powerful urge to spit out the liquid that entered her mouth. Concurrently, she felt an inclination to fling the bowl at the crown prince’s head – a destructive impulse.

The reason was uncomplicated.

It was insipid. Utterly flavorless!

“Ugh, ugh!”

She had never encountered such an acrid taste in her life. And it wasn’t just bitter.

It was fishy. A strange fishy aroma enshrouded her palate and nostrils. Additionally, she experienced an unusual tingling sensation. The dreadful amalgamation of bitterness, fishiness, and tingling assaulted her taste buds like a nightmarish symphony. It was a dreadful encounter unlike anything she had ever known!

“….. Ugh!”

Gulp! Gulp!

She managed to suppress the impulse to regurgitate.

One sip.

Two sips.

She struggled against the urge to vomit.

Three sips, four sips, and finally five sips!

“….. Cough, cough! Ugh… cough!”

She set down the bowl with a dismissive motion, barely restraining the urge to retch that clawed at her throat. And she ruminated, this wasn’t a substance fit for human consumption. It wasn’t even food – it was something else entirely. The crown prince, who compelled her to drink this, was scarcely human either.

She lifted her head with a sensation of cursing him and glanced across the table at the crown prince’s place.

Yet the crown prince was absent. In his stead, right beside her, the crown prince’s voice caught her by surprise.

“Now, if you’re through, have this promptly.”

The crown prince, who had approached abruptly, extended something to her. When did he arrive? While she imbibed the medicine? While she squeezed her eyes shut to endure the insufferable flavor? But why was the crown prince… presenting something to her? And why did he wear such a recognizable and kind smile?

“It’s candy. It’s customary to follow up bitter medicine with candy, isn’t it?”




Unbeknownst to her, the princess’s countenance, taken off guard by the unexpected gesture, turned faintly red.

(To be Continued)

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