Cultivation Nerd

Chapter 80: A Degree in Monsterology!

Song Song's intensity continued to increase, reaching a point where the tree-like monstrous beasts began writhing in discomfort.

However, they weren't the only ones affected; the rest of our team also appeared to be in poor condition. Some were vomiting, while others shook uncontrollably, overtaken by irrational fear.

"Nice! Liu Feng, you truly are a genius! How did you even think of utilizing maliciousness in an active form? It's such a simple concept, yet no one had ever thought of it before," Song Song complimented me, her malicious Qi rising to such levels that even the leafless trees around us began to wither.

It was an intriguing reaction, almost as if Song Song's killing intent had a tangible presence, actually causing harm.

Using killing intent actively was a concept I had borrowed from fantasy stories in my previous life. Yet here, in this world, it seemed entirely new.

Or at least, no one had publicly displayed this ability until now. However, there might be some dude from before who figured out something like this. Still, like the rest of the cultivators, he hid this information for himself, and that information died with him.

Killing intent was not a concept unique to me in this world. It was something that cultivators or other beings who could manipulate Qi naturally emitted when their emotions were uncontrolled. Typically, human cultivators viewed the release of killing intent as a sign of emotional instability, something to be ashamed of.

Cultivators were meant to be detached from worldly emotions or strived to be so.

However, reality often deviated from these ideals, much like those YouTube videos titled "A Day in the Life of a Millionaire," portraying a seemingly perfect routine.

Uncontrolled killing intent was more commonly associated with monstrous beasts, further emphasizing why no cultivator wished to be compared to such creatures.

My thoughts drifted, but my gaze remained fixed on Song Song's back. Her silky hair fluttered as a red outline enveloped her body.

No... Song Song wasn't creating an energy barrier around herself; her intensity hadn't heightened. I was just beginning to see what I had sensed all along!

Was this Qi?

However, as excitement surged within me at the prospect of seeing Qi, my concentration shattered under the overwhelming killing intent. The red aura around Song Song blurred and vanished from my vision entirely.

Glancing at the other inner disciples who had joined us on this journey, I couldn't help but ponder how they must see the situation. Just catching a glimpse of Qi had me enthralled; undoubtedly, they had a clearer view.

Everyone inherently possessed killing intent, and those manipulating Qi could do so actively. Moreover, the more brutal and potent one's thoughts and mindset were, the greater the effect.

A technique like this might not be useful to someone like me, but for Song Song... it was akin to a fish in water.

While Song Song was engrossed in her newfound ability, and everyone's focus was on her, I took a deep breath and decided to play a more active role in the battle.

Crouching down, I executed the Rushing Bull Step technique, instantly appearing before the monstrous trees.

Despite the overwhelming killing intent affecting everyone indiscriminately, as the creator of this "party trick," I knew the best method to resist it and had grown accustomed to such situations.

For a moment, I entertained the idea of using Falling Moon Claw, my Earth Grade Technique. However, the thought vanished as quickly as it came. I wasn't in a dire enough situation to resort to such a technique, and the Liu Clan had yet to fabricate a backstory for how it got such a thing.

Employing Sonic Fang Fist, the air sang like a whip around my fist as it collided with the trunk of the monstrous tree. Though my fist remained unharmed, the tree showed no signs of damage either.

Damn, this monster had problematic defenses! Song Song made penetrating them appear effortless, but clearly, it wasn't the case.

The tree's roots swished menacingly, prompting me to leap backward. However, the tentacle-like roots extended further than one would expect, pursuing me relentlessly.

Despite its speed and ability to utilize Qi in its attacks, I had familiarized myself with its movements. As a vine grazed my cheek, the wind's whiplash left a shallow cut, causing a trickle of blood to seep down my face.

Instead of retreating, I advanced, catching the monster off guard. Its subsequent attacks were delayed, granting me an opportunity to close the distance once more.

Rather than resorting to punches or martial techniques, I leaped into the air, positioning myself for a kick. Activating Rushing Bull Step, my legs tensed. I delivered a powerful kick to the tree monster's face, causing it to topple over as I created some distance between us.

Typically, these monstrous beasts remained firmly rooted to the ground, but Song Song's outburst had already disrupted their balance.

After skidding to a halt on the wet ground, I turned around to witness the fallen tree monster, its roots wriggling in an attempt to regain its footing. Unlike its rocky exterior, the area beneath its trunk and initial roots appeared ashy and gray.

Upon seeing this, a memory stirred within me. Tree-like monstrous beasts were rare, making them easier to recall. While I couldn't recall its exact name, I remembered something far more crucial—its weakness!

Without consulting anyone, I swiftly seized the sword of an inner disciple beside me. She appeared too dazed to notice as her weapon was no longer in her hands.

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Charging toward the fallen monster, numerous roots shot in my direction as if instinctively deeming me the most significant threat.

At this moment, I might have appeared even more dangerous than Song Song in their eyes.

Having learned their attack patterns, I dodged, leaped aside, and suffered only a minor cut below my shoulder. But it was a small price to pay as I reached the fallen monstrous tree, poised to rise again.

Without allowing it a chance to recover, I used the sword to slash at the ashy area just below its trunk. The sword was a precaution in case its blood was acidic. I couldn't recall it being so, but the sources I had consulted hadn't documented everything about a specific monstrous beast.

The monstrous tree froze, emitting a human-like screech as red blood gushed from the wound, accompanied by intestines and various organs not typical of a tree.

"Everyone! Target the area beneath their roots—that's their weakness!" I shouted, backing off as a barrage of roots surged toward me, leaving another scratch under my armpit.

Upon landing beside the girl whose sword I had borrowed, I returned her weapon with a friendly smile. "Thank you for lending me your weapon."

Inspecting her sword, I found no signs of acidic activity, alleviating concerns.

However, another issue arose. Despite my instructions, Song Song's overwhelming malicious intent made it difficult for both monsters and humans to move freely. Even the monsters were inferior to Song Song in cultivation, indicating she had reached a higher stage than our last meeting.

Scanning for anyone unaffected by the murderous aura, I spotted Ye An, wearing an unreadable expression as she stared at Song Song. It seemed she was plotting something, but she had neglected to play her part as the weakened cultivator. Her immunity to the murderous intent hinted at a partial recovery in her cultivation.

"Song Song!" I called out to our leader, snapping her out of her trance. She turned her eerie gaze toward me, then glanced at the monstrous trees.

"It appears I lost myself in thought for a moment," she remarked, her expression unsettling.

"This isn't the time for jests. I've done what I could, and I'd rather avoid unnecessary injuries," I countered.

Song Song's remark about becoming more like me might have been a joke, but the truth was we were both influencing each other. I found myself adopting a darker aspect of the cultivation world she exposed me to—a corrupted system I could never hope to change.

The remainder of the battle mirrored its brutal beginning. Still, armed with the knowledge of the monsters' weakness and with Song Song effortlessly toppling them, it became a massacre. We emerged victorious with ease.

After the dust settled, the inner disciples were left panting, some attending to the wounded. We suffered a few casualties, but I could do little to aid them. While I possessed basic medical knowledge, magical healing pills rendered such skills obsolete.

The only two individuals who appeared unaffected were Song Song and Ye An. The latter feigned exhaustion, though I had observed her minimal involvement in the battle. Moreover, her supposed fatigue lacked the characteristic sweating expected from physical exertion, even with her extraordinary physique.

Song Song seemed to share my suspicions, casting wary glances toward Ye An as she wiped blood from her hands with a white cloth.

Sensing a looming confrontation, I approached Song Song as she conversed with another inner disciple, who appeared visibly shaken. Despite sustaining a rough blow to his arm, his limb remained intact, unlike some other unfortunate comrades.

As the disciple retreated, Song Song turned her attention to me. A faint tilt of her lip hinted at something resembling a smile, though it exuded an eerie aura.

"Can I dissect the bodies of the monstrous beasts?" I cut to the chase, devoid of small talk or jests.

"Sure," she shrugged, conjuring a sword with a white silver handle from her silver storage ring. "Here, use this to cut up the bodies."

It was a convenient offer; I had intended to request a sword from one of the inner disciples. Accepting the weapon, I felt a subtle vibration emanate from the blade as I tightened my grip. Though not a blade expert, it was evident this weapon held significance. Given Song Song's status, I doubted she wasted space in her ring on trivial items.

Under different circumstances, I might have delved into inquiries about the sword. However, more pressing matters demanded attention.

Approaching the corpses of the fallen monstrous beasts, I noted their red, human-like blood staining the ground, a stark contrast to the trees we had just battled.

Unlike before, when the inner disciples had regarded me with disdain and hostility, their demeanor now was passive. Despite my gray uniform, they no longer viewed me as beneath them.

I suppose fighting a life-and-death battle against a common enemy has a way of bringing people together.

I began dissecting the trunks of the monstrous trees, finding that the sword effortlessly pierced their defenses. Without the ability to use Qi as when they were alive, their defenses were significantly diminished. However, it was still surprising how easily the blade sliced through them.

Shaking off stray thoughts, I focused on my task, using the sword to cut open the trees and a stick to manipulate the organs within. After inspecting each one, my heart sank, and I took a deep breath.

As expected...

Retrieving my Monster Encyclopedia from my wooden backpack, I flipped through the pages until I found the entry for the Eight-Pronged Human Wishing Tree. "This is the one... Yes, they don't primarily consume humans. Most plant-like monstrous beasts don't consider humans their primary food source."

Since the trees had no human remains in their stomachs, it confirmed that they hadn't eaten humans, corroborating the Monster Encyclopedia's information.

Approaching Song Song, I found her alone. Without seeking permission, I erected a silencing array to ensure our conversation remained private.

Song Song raised a questioning brow as she looked at me. "Wasn't it you who suggested we act more cordially? To set an example of mutual respect within the team? Erecting a silencing barrier without permission doesn't exactly convey that message."

I could see the mischievous glint in her eyes, indicating she was teasing me, not genuinely concerned about formalities.

"This isn't the time for formalities," I said, my tone serious, causing her playful demeanor to fade. Her eyes narrowed as I continued. "Plant-like monstrous beasts don't need to consume humans to survive. So, why did they attack us out of nowhere?"

I had harbored suspicions since the monsters began displaying strategic combat tactics despite lacking human-like intelligence. Even without Foundation Establishment, they exhibited signs of training.

"Do you think it's the work of a spy?" Song Song's eyes gleamed with a dangerous light.

"It's a possibility," I nodded, sharing my theory. "But there's a more concerning possibility—that someone is leading these monsters. This suggests this year's Beast Waves won't be a mindless stampede. Perhaps someone has united the monstrous beasts... and this was a calculated attack."

Song Song's eyes widened, recognizing the gravity of the situation.

A monster leading other monsters...

Humans maintained an advantage over monstrous beasts due to our organization and unity.

But if monstrous beasts were organized and united, it was a terrifying prospect. We were about to face something no one was prepared for.

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