Cultivation Nerd

Chapter 91: Logical Thoughts…

It became evident that wielding sticks at superhuman speeds was beyond their capability. Thus, I had to swap those sticks for some kitchen knives from the mansion.

That's how I spent the entire night—struggling to master weapons I'd never handled before. Progress was slow, as expected, but I managed to improve marginally from where I began.

At the break of dawn, the governor arrived at my door, a proud gleam in his eyes, accompanied by a guard bearing a box.

"Apologies for interrupting your training," the elderly governor said.

"No worries, I was nearly finished anyway," I replied.

In truth, my training sessions typically lasted until exhaustion, but this time, I didn't intend to push myself too hard. The monstrous beasts could strike at any moment, and they wouldn't wait for us to rest.

Training also honed my senses while simultaneously easing my tension. Unlike some, I wasn't cut out for war. No matter how much I tried to adapt, deep down I was the same guy who, in a different life, never had to worry about a war breaking out in his backyard.

He motioned for the guard to step forward, and the man hastily obeyed, opening the box he carried. Inside lay two daggers resting atop a silk pillow.

The daggers appeared relatively ordinary, yet they exuded a dark sheen as if crafted from obsidian.

"Though we lack a Level 4 Array Master, I soaked the daggers in ink used for inscriptions—a blend of various minerals and monstrous beast blood," the governor explained, a glint of excitement in his eyes. It was the first time he seemed genuinely enthusiastic. "It's been a while since I've fashioned daggers like these; I typically forge swords. But undoubtedly, these are the weapons I've put the most effort into crafting in recent memory."

"Thank you," I nodded, seizing the daggers by their handles and twirling them in my grip.

Then, assuming my stance, I launched into a flurry of slashes, testing their weight and balance. Surprisingly light, they allowed me to maintain my speed. My arms blurred, and as I focused my Qi, even the blurs began to vanish from my sight.

The air resonated with a metallic hum as I sliced through the wind.

After completing my routine and familiarizing myself with the new weapons, the governor applauded. "Impressive. It appears you have some skill with daggers."

"Not as much as I'd prefer, but it'll suffice for now," I replied, shifting the daggers into a reverse grip and moving around.

Sunlight glinted off the dark blades as I tightened my grip, a potent force stirring around me. Infusing the weapons with Qi, a smile crept onto my face as I glanced at the mansion.

For a moment, I entertained the idea of using Falling Moon Claw on the building. How much damage would it cause? I rarely had the opportunity to employ this technique, especially with a real weapon.

Despite the temptation, rationality prevailed. I withdrew my Qi from the daggers, sighing and letting tension drain from my body.

"That was quite the display of fighting spirit," the governor remarked. "For a moment, I thought you might slice the mansion in half."

Although he joked, a hint of seriousness lingered in his eyes, almost as if he were unnerved.

I gazed at the mansion, appreciating its wooden grandeur. Its glass windows reflected the morning sunlight while the roof tiles glistened from the overnight frost.

"It's a remarkable structure, likely the result of years of labor by mortals. It would be a shame to destroy it on impulse," I mused, a smile spreading across my lips. "Assuming, of course, I didn't botch the technique and turn myself into a circus act."

Before the governor could respond, another guard burst in, visibly distressed. He removed his helmet, his pale face and dilated pupils betraying his panic.

"Lord Governor, Honorable Cultivator," he addressed us with a bow before urgently declaring, "Monstrous Beasts are approaching from the north. They're moments away from crashing into the wall!"

This tale has been pilfered from Royal Road. If found on Amazon, kindly file a report.

Instantly, the governor and I tensed up, exchanging a glance that conveyed our mutual understanding of the situation.

"We must depart immediately," I asserted calmly, mindful not to escalate the tension permeating the air. Panicking would only exacerbate the situation, and we were already dealing with an abundance of internal anxiety.

"Follow me," the governor instructed, devoid of his usual entourage of guards, and launched over the wall in a single fluid motion.

Crouching low, I engaged Rushing Bull Step and swiftly surpassed the guards. At my heightened speed, they appeared almost stationary.

Meanwhile, the governor traversed rooftops towards the northern wall. I kept pace from the ground, ensuring not to damage any rooftops with my more forceful movement technique. There was no need to arrive at the battlefront ahead of the governor, and I didn't want to inadvertently cause property damage.

Despite my efforts, it was evident that I wouldn't be able to match the governor's superior movement technique, a testament to his training within the Blazing Sun Sect.

We soon arrived at the marble-like walls, with the governor leaping from the rooftop to the wall's summit. At the same time, I ascended directly from the ground.

The two Clan Leaders and several dozen Body Tempering Cultivators from the clans awaited us, their expressions grave as they gazed into the distance.

On the northern horizon loomed a vast, advancing army. The sheer number of monstrous beasts was staggering, far exceeding what a town of this size could handle. Typically, during beast waves, monstrous beasts arrived in smaller groups, often of similar types like wolf packs. However, in this wave, a multitude of diverse monstrous beasts, including those not native to the region, marched together.

"Their army displays structure, with larger animals positioned at the forefront to withstand long-range attacks while smaller beasts trail behind," I observed, narrowing my eyes. "Their approach indicates a strategic intent."

"We possess an array designed to repel monstrous beasts from entering the city," the governor stated grimly, "but I fear its efficacy against an army of this magnitude."

Taking note of the monstrous beasts visible on the horizon, I turned to the others. "Do any of you have a pen and paper?"

Amidst the confusion, one of the governor's guards handed me a notebook—a ledger of supplies and other administrative matters. Even he seemed bewildered as he passed it to me, likely accustomed to following the commands of cultivators without question—an understandable instinct given their typical behavior.

With no time to dwell on the psychological dynamics of serving alongside someone who could easily overpower you, I seated myself, procured some blank sheets of paper, and swiftly jotted down everything I could recall about the monstrous beasts visible in the distance.

Drawing them within a short timeframe wasn't feasible, so I settled for rough descriptions. Regrettably, I had left behind the encyclopedia back at the mansion. Nevertheless, I managed to catalog most of the monstrous beasts I could see, thanks to my Qi Gathering speed, akin to a rapid printer. My handwriting was precise, almost mechanical, suggesting I could sketch the creatures in seconds with more practice.

Perhaps when this was over, I could get into painting at super speed. That sounded like something pretty cool to do.

"Here's all the information I could gather about the non-native monsters. Bear in mind, it's from memory, and even if we know their weaknesses, it doesn't imply they're weak," I informed the group, intending to explain further when my words caught in my throat.

Turning towards the advancing horde, I spotted a serpent-like beast wreathed in blue flames, its skinless form moving with surprising speed. Its gaping maw crackled with gathering Qi—a precursor to a devastating blast aimed at the gates.

Our odds were already slim, but if the gates fell, civilian casualties were inevitable, and our chances of victory dwindled further, with my own survival becoming uncertain.

Desperation seized me as I frantically searched for a solution. Yet, the snake was too distant for dagger throws, and my Earth Grade Technique's range fell short.

In a split second, my body reacted instinctively.

Perhaps the lessons from Song Song were finally taking hold, or maybe I already knew the answer and was simply executing it.

The monstrous creature, identified as a Blue Flaming Divine Snake—a rare bloodline among monsters, possibly a halfbreed—posed a grave threat. Facing the potential loss of limbs seemed a small price to pay compared to the alternative: a highly likely chance of my own death and the slaughter of innocent civilians. The logical choice was clear.

"They're aiming for the gates!" the governor's frantic shout pierced the air, finally recognizing the impending danger.

But time was against us. The blast hurtled towards me as I positioned myself before the gates.

A defensive maneuver crossed my mind fleetingly, swiftly dismissed as futile. Unlike Song Song, I lacked the mastery of Qi required to execute successive defensive and offensive techniques like Dancing Jade Armor followed by Falling Moon Claw.

Instead, I gambled everything on the attack.

Gathering every iota of Qi I could muster, I infused it into my right dagger, channeling all my strength and focus into the dominant hand and weapon.

I allowed the blast to draw closer, minimizing the distance my technique needed to travel, thus conserving its power.

Waiting until the blast was mere inches away—hardly a second since its launch—I unleashed Falling Moon Claw without hesitation.

In that moment of impending death, adrenaline surged, heightening my concentration to unprecedented levels. Suddenly, the intricacies of Falling Moon Claw became clear to me as if illuminated by a revelation. The invisible slash, its trajectory through the air, its genesis—all aspects I had practiced extensively now crystallized in my mind. It was as if I could taste the essence of the technique itself, a surreal sensation.

My thoughts shattered as the two attacks collided, engulfing us in a cacophony of explosive force.

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