Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

The golden-colored golden lions and the eyes of Jin Yu collided together.

What makes Jin Yu feel chilly is the absolutely ruthless look in the eyes of this golden Tibetan mastiff.

In the time when the two sides looked at each other, Jin Yu’s cold sweat grew more and more.

But he absolutely can’t take his eyes off.

The huge golden Tibetan Mastiff in front of you is extremely dangerous, regardless of whether it is an alien or an animal. In their world, everything that can control everything is always strong.

If Jin Yu removes the gaze of the eye at this time, then the Tibetan Mastiff with no emotion and reason will immediately rush to kill him.

Even the beasts in this room behind him will be killed by it.

Therefore, Jin Yu at this time was anxious. He looked at each other with cold sweat and Tibetan mastiff. He thought that the guy from Qinglin Lin came over.

I am afraid that the people and strange beasts he knows, except for Yan Qinglin, no one can control the giant behemoth in front of him.

Even if it is the same as the a+ level of the beast, because of the difference in body shape, it will not be the opponent of this Tibetan mastiff.

Thinking of this, Jin Yu’s heart is inevitably somewhat puzzled. He has carefully read the Dictionary of the Big Beast. Although there are many big men in this world, perhaps because of the problem of fighting partners, the most physique That is, two or three times as large as ordinary animals.

Except for individual dragons, sea whales, dragon eagle, etc., who are as big as a house, other exotic animals will not grow into such a large physique.

In this case, the lion’s physique in the big animal dictionary seems to be about the size of the big white.

That is twice the size of an ordinary tiger.

But now it looks like twice and ten times.

Is this an accident? Or what he didn’t know… At this time, the golden Tibetan mastiff screamed at Jinyu violently, and suddenly raised his claws high, and he took a paw to the door! At the entrance to the dark street, a loud bark screamed.

“Hey – Wang Wang Wang!! Wang Wang… Wang Hao?” [Boss boss! Come back! Starving to death, you have to eat meat! ! ……what? Nima, how do you have a familiar and annoying smell? 】 Jin Yu heard the black snoring in the heart of the slight loose, but the next moment but also fearful, if not white and white, they come back together, I am afraid that I can not fight this strange animal.

When Jin Yu was worried about this, the golden Tibetan mastiff who had noticed him suddenly slammed his movements, and then looked up and looked at the direction of the two black rushing, squeaking in the throat. It seems to be anxious and alert.

At this moment, Jin Yu saw the doubts and pains that flashed through the ruthless eyes, but this eyes were only a moment, disappeared without a trace.

“…illusion…what?” Jin Yu looked at the golden chaos in front of him and his mood was extremely chaotic.

This is impossible? If it is the kind of thorough carelessness that he has identified, there should be no such doubts and pains in any way.

But he actually saw it in the eyes of this huge Tibetan mastiff. If this is the case, then he would have to attribute the cold eyes like a machine to another. Absolutely never want to think about it.

And beyond that.

Two black and the Tibetan mastiff… “Two black! You must be careful!! Don’t be impulsive!!” Just when Jin Yu was thinking about it, the two blacks had run wild and ran over, and in the first time, they were with the yard. The behemoth in the middle of the scene was on.

Looking at the two black slowly squatting to make an attack, Jin Yu could not help but shouted out.

Rub, this is really the second thing! Now that the corner of the head is not completely long, its own strength is not a level, and want to fight with the one who is absolutely at a+ level or above? ! And they are all dogs, Nima, there are dogs that can play Tibetan Mastiff! ! It’s just that the second black has no intention of converging after hearing the words of Jin Yu. Seeing that the two blacks are going to pounce on the bite, the huge golden Tibetan mastiff suddenly screams in the sky, then directly turns to break through the wall of Jin Yu’s house and rushes. And go.

There is no shadow in an instant! The sudden departure of the golden Tibetan mastiff is beyond everyone’s expectations. Even Jin Yu, the nerve-savvy guy, has some reaction.

How is this going? Run straight? Run and ran away? ! In the past, the momentum of the smashing field was gone and it was gone! ! Then Jin Yu glanced at the wall that had been half-finished by himself and silently mourned for a big man next door.

His house only fell a wall, and the house of the big family was knocked out of several huge holes.

Song Xiao, the director of the street security office who had been shouting outside but had no action before this time, ran into it in a panic, watching the anxious look of Jin Yu turned his eyes, and Nima’s black goods were still I really know how to hide. I also threw the mess to myself before. It’s okay for a while. If I know that I have no face, I will push this white out. Hey, look at Laozi’s not accepting the death of your family! “That one, Kim Boss, are you okay? Have you hurted? I, I, I, he, he is not very good…” Xiaobai Song Xiao obviously knows that his own black attack is not kind.

Just flustered and apologized.

However, the boss of Jinda did not care about Xiaobai at all, and said directly: “Nothing is ok, the so-called dead friends are not dead! Don’t worry, I am also a loyal supporter of this kind of thinking.

However, if the Taoist friend does not die, then the poor road will give you a mental loss, and you are still a ‘street security office’.

Safety, work, and place! I will not go out to promote you because of the scandal, but the discretionary damages and house repair fees must be given. Xiaobai, are you right? “Small white Song Xiaowen said that he was blushing and nodding his face. “Should, it should be!” Be sure to give it! I, I will let him give it! do not worry! “The boss of Jinda nodded with satisfaction and was about to continue to speak. The next moment, Xiaobai Song Xiao suddenly swayed a bit, then reached out and pushed the glasses.”

With a blank expression on the face of Jin Yu.

“Grass Nima.

Can you be more shameless?

“Jin Yuwen said that he did not show weakness, but also smiled: “Of course, for example, take a house of different animals to shoot some people’s photos or something.

In that case, maybe the souls of both of you can be separated, right? “Instantaneous Song Xiao’s look became extremely cold, and the killing in the eyes skyrocketed, but eventually slowly dispersed under the smile of Jin Yu, and finally hate the voice: “Tomorrow gives you a hundred purple gold coins! More than no! ! Also, don’t take that joke again, I can’t help killing! “Jin Yuwen said that he raised his eyebrow slightly, and then nodded in understanding: “I know that it should be your thunder.”

Don’t worry, unless you see you die again next time, I will definitely not step on your thunder.

Today, Laozi wants to close the store in advance to repair the fence. It is troublesome for Song Daren to send the guys around the door. I will let an alien beg to collect money.

“Song Xiaowen said that the two voices seemed to be the default. Then they turned and walked out of the door. While walking, they slammed the big brothers and gossips who wanted to listen to the corners.

And when everyone is gone, Jin Yu has time to look at the second black.

It doesn’t matter if you look at it, but it is strange to see Jin Yu.

These two goods are actually lying on the ground with their front paws holding their heads and looking like a meditator? ! The smashing of the mouth of the mouth, Jin Yu went forward, kicked directly kicked two black.

“Hey, you are not suitable for this kind of deep posture, what do you think is a mess?” The second black heard a word, then some angry turned to the golden boss’s feet and took a sip.

Then, this scene was watched by the boss who had listened to the report and arranged the task.

So, the result is obvious… Ten minutes later, the two black swollen was smashed by a room with a beast and the left forefoot, and the sly squatting on the floor honestly against the boss and Jinyu reported it. Things to think about.

“Wang Wanghao…” [Boss, the big breath makes you feel familiar…] Jin Yuwen’s brows, “Have you ever vie with the land on the wild star or your wife?” Mourning.

[Where is there! I suspect that the guy is awkward, far away, and the table is uncle! My aunt said to you, we are the golden lions and beasts.

Although it is a little less, but when I was a child, my mother did see the uncle’s family… At that time, it still robbed the bones! ! I will never forget it! ! 】Speaking of the two black and angrily snoring, “Hey!!” [just the smell of that guy, and the guy who grabbed my bones is almost exactly the same! However, there seems to be a smell that is very nasty.

】 “Hate the smell?” Jin Yu raised his eyebrows: “What smell is that? Is it the smell of the institute?” It is a joke, but let the person sit next to Jin Yu. Yan Lin Lin suddenly stiffened his body and looked cold! The author has something to say: one more to send there is one more.

-0-The answer is the relative of the two black goods….


It means that the Tibetan Mastiff will take some time to return to the store… The current state of the goods, well, the pro can guess it… abnormally -0-.



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