Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Once again, I thoroughly felt the madness of human beings.

After Jin Yu’s anger, there was only one bitter smile and one sigh.

Waving the wave and letting the beasts spread a little more, Jin Yu indicated that the two blacks were holding down the jins and sorrowful Jinmao Tibetan Mastiff, and then went up and down, carefully observing the body of the Golden Retriever. In the case, after a long time, I took a breath of air.

“… troubles.

” Jin Yu’s face is quite bad.

In addition to the various microchips that are forced to be transplanted into the body of the Golden Retriever, and the small instruments that Jin Yu can’t figure out, the most unbearable and unwilling to do it directly is entangled in This is a thin line of various colors on the meridians of the Tibetan Mastiff.

If you look closely, the thin lines of different colors are tiny particles that appear in the heart and blood of the Golden Retriever, and then form a huge net in its body. This vastly different network seems to be consuming and fissing the normal energy of all the Tibetan mastiffs, and then transforming into a new, but absolutely unnatural, enormous energy.

“Little snow, you are going to bring the money over!” In this way, Jin Yu pressed the light meter on his wrist.

The next moment, a hand holding a syringe full of lascivious | laughing glasses male appeared on the light screen.

“…Do you have such a good house and a beast every day?” Jin Yu’s voice sounded, and it was obvious that Jin Qian was surprised.

However, this guy did not have any embarrassing look at all. It was natural to put down the needle in his hand and push the gold-rimmed glasses: “I have always been very serious in treating the beasts, just your eyes have turned.

how? Suddenly come to me for what? Is it your job as a wage earner? Yep? No, I have been seriously warned.

“Speaking of Jin Yu, he took a sip of his mouth and looked at Shan Bailu. The latter’s face rose like a pig’s liver. Immediately he said: “Roll your egg!” This young master will not speak without a letter, only you guys who are black to the bones will say nothing. ! “Jinqian heard on the other side of the screen is very satisfied with the smile. “Oh, really, our three little are very obedient, this is good This is good No, then you can’t bear it… Since Xiaosan has no problem, you Call me if I have a wound? “I am too lazy to say other nonsense with this metamorphosis. Jin Yu directly said: “I have a strange animal that I suspected to be running out of the institute. You look at it, and then think about any treatment for this state?” Wen Yan Jin Qian’s eyes jerked and sneered at the next moment. “I said that the injuries in your store will always be more interesting than the injuries I received in the hospital. I am here. After staying for almost ten years, I have never encountered a strange animal that escaped from the institute. Instead, you have been here for less than a month.

Hey, is Xiaoxue already picking me up? I will take things.

But don’t hold too much hope, even though I have been studying drugs that have been violently genetically altered for some time, but the results are quite pessimistic… I studied those things for eight years and finally came to the conclusion. The conclusion almost made my old man and old sister fall all my instruments.

“Jin Yu Wen Yan slightly frowned, and Jin Qian looked at the moment and hated the voice: “No matter how you come first, even if you can’t solve it, you can become useful after long experience!” “This made Dr. King’s eyes squint and violent: “What can be useful later?” ! Nima, Laozi is already the youngest and most versatile veterinarian on the entire planet, just outside my old man! ! This is also useless? ! Do you know that there is a dead fish who knows how to ask the old man to treat a sick person? ! Lao Tzu gives you face, you even dare to say that Lao Tzu is useless, a needle to kill you? ! Jin Yuwen also rolled his eyes, and then directly smashed the screen.

Excited a fart, the title of the youngest and most promising physician, if it is not cured, it still has no effect.

While waiting for Jin Qian to arrive, Jin Yuxian looked at his own boss, and the latter’s answer was to shake his head.

He is not the most beautiful Virgin beast that has only appeared once in the legend, and nothing will cure the disease.

Compared with the guy whose combat power is negative, he has the blood of the most powerful black unicorn. What is the so-called hoof to level a city is his style! “Actually, you are very much like the Virgin of our family.

“Zhu Qinglin looked at Jin Yu suddenly came to such a sentence, and then was directly returned to the ultimate contempt by a prehistoric whale.”

“You are the Virgin! Your family is the Virgin!! I am a man! The purest human beings of the best of all ages! It is neither the mixed blood, the new human beings, nor the degenerate sub-humans. Nothing, don’t mess with the hat, beware that I let the buns bite you.

“Jin Yu’s answer made Yan Qinglin lick his eyebrows. He just talked about it. After all, if Jin Yu really has unicorn blood, he can still feel it.”

But just now he seems to have heard a very worthwhile phrase.

What is the purest human being of the bloodline? Nowadays, human genes are more or less mutated and degraded. What seems to be a very important thing for his partner? However, I did not wait for Lin Qinglin to ponder over it, and I was thrown into the house suddenly.

After the danger has stabilized, Jin Qian, who is a big white man, turned directly and squatted against the outside of the house than a middle finger! He is not just quietly pulling this snow sculpture a feather! If you have to turn your face and don’t recognize people, throw him away from the air! ! “Self-made.

Jin Yu pumped his mouth and pointed to the golden Tibetan mastiff lying on the floor.

“Hurry up, don’t waste time, it seems to be in danger of deep variation.

“Jin Qian heard a lot of words, and quickly stepped forward. I carefully examined the Tibetan mastiff with various tools and small instruments.

About half an hour later, Jin Qian said with a black face: “I don’t say dozens of miniature instruments in the body, the most important thing is the pharmaceutical ingredients you said.

It should have been caught in research from a semi-adult, and then it has been a powerful drug that has been injected with various genetic abilities. By now, those drugs have formed a pathological balance with the energy in it, but The end result is to cut its lifespan, and once this morbid balance is formed, it will be injected every half month. Otherwise, it will increase in size due to the drug’s drug eruption, but then it will be weakened by the drug. Restoring the body shape will cause the drug to reverse the nerves, which is the result of this embarrassing and unconsciousness.

“Is there a solution?” “Golden Yu Yue is more ugly to hear his face.”

“If there is, I will be the winner of the youngest Guhuayi Pharmacy Award.

“Jin Qian spread his hands and then smiled and said: “Really, I didn’t tell you that I have been studying the drug for eight years?” I tell you the results of my research? The conclusion is that the drug is devastating and irreversible.

Therefore, once this genetic power drug is injected, the body and longevity of the animal and even its own abilities are completely destroyed.

When I came to a conclusion three years ago, I have not heard of any research that has been successfully researched at a research base.

Now it seems that maybe this is the first semi-finished product in your store.

Hey, this is what kind of good luck ” but Jin Yu listened to Jin Qian’s words but did not feel a little happy.

Instead, his face became more and more gloomy.

According to Jin Qian’s words, the Tibetan mastiff in front of him can only let it go its own way without any help.

This kind of ending is definitely not what Jin Yu wants to see. He can endure the beasts who died normally because of serious injuries or aging, so that although he is sad, he will not feel unwilling; but he can’t stand it because of human beings. The normal beasts that have been hurt by their lusts have ended their lives in this absolutely abnormal situation.

The unwillingness and anger in my heart screamed and swelled, and the emotion that could not be vented made Jin Yu’s eyes gradually redden, and at the same time, there was a hint of light blue around Jinyu. The color of the water mist, as Jin Yu’s breath is more and more unstable, the body trembles violently, the pale blue water mist is getting more and more intense.

When Yu Qinglin noticed that it was wrong and he was alert for this moment and wanted to hold Jin Yu’s body, the pale blue water mist suddenly gathered! Just like a huge magic, in an instant, the pet shop is wrapped in dark blue water.

In the water wave, all the beasts in the store saw Jin Yu’s body radiating a little pale green light, and the latter one, dissolved in the water, disappeared.

! ! ! “Returning people!!” In this moment, Yan Qinglin became awkward, and the golden eyes became scarlet colors. They rushed to the place where Jin Yu disappeared, and disappeared in the following. At the same time, the human body has become an animal shape because of the skyrocketing energy.

“It turned out to be black unicorn!!” Jin Qian looked at the disappearing looks slightly surprised.

However, Jin Qian, who is now in the water at this moment, is more concerned about the whereabouts of the sudden disappearance of Jin Yu.

The water wrapped around it is pure and warm, not the temperature of the water, but the feeling of peace of mind.

Turning his head and looking to the side, the beasts in the house all showed a feeling of comfortable attachment, and the golden lion beast that had just been twitching was slowly quieting down.

“…I don’t believe in miracles or anything… But what is going on here?!” Looking at the illusion of a light blue beautiful planet slowly appearing in the place where Jin Yu disappeared, Jin Qian’s heart suddenly jumped up.

Even if the entity of the planet has never been seen, its appearance has been deeply imprinted in the blood of the bones. In the hearts of those who have been forced to leave because of their survival, this pale blue beauty Planet, is their most beautiful and most illusory. One author has something to say: cough, a matter of circumstances, do you have a guess? -0-Hide map open, plus 1000000 experience.

Nima jj smoked again! Pump your sister–.




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