CyberGene: Cybercrawling to Cyberwanderer of Cyberrunes of Cyberascension of Cybertoxin of Cybertabar

Blood and Steel C32: Meet your hero

Chapter 32: Meet your hero

Interview with NeoCore Enforcer: Archangel, a former Imperium NetStar and Actress known as Alisha Noori.

Host: So tell me Archangel, what is it like transitioning from stardom to becoming a hero of the people?

Archangel: Please, call me Alisha. And to be honest, it was totally-like mind boggling. You know me, girl, I do my own stunts and so when that MAL attack happened near the studio… I knew my shit. They didn’t know what hit them! So hearing from my agent that NeoCore called me up a few days later? I was amazed. But I also knew it was a calling, a responsibility to go from being a heroine on the screens to a real fighter for the people!

Host: Couldn’t agree more Alisha! You’re such a motivational figure, and you’ve talked about your past before… your family used to be Nomads?

Archangel: Yeah, on my dad’s side! They’re such lovely people and I spend each summer with them, they taught me all my spear moves! It was my mom’s side that helped me into showbiz but I couldn’t have done it without the people of the Noori clan! They’ve been fighting the MAL of for so long, I hope I’m making them proud!

Host: I’m sure you are Alisha. Tell me, what do you see yourself becoming in NeoCore?

Archangel: Michelle Silva is totes my role model. I really admire her mission to keep humanity safe from the MAL, I plan to work my ass off taking care of the scum until one day I’m a Herald standing by her side!

Host: I’m certainly rooting for you… and I’m curious, how will you bring your stardom into the NeoCore fold?

Archangel: Oh I’ve already got a whole team ready, don’t tell anyone but a new documentary starring yours truly is in the works. I plan to spill the tea on all NeoCore gossip too on my socials, who knows what those big grumpy Inquisitors are like under closed doors!

Host: Haha, can’t wait for that! So, if there was one piece of advice you want to give to all the other girls out there, what would it be?

Archangel: To be yourself! Don’t let any greaseball say who you can or cannot be! I know I won’t be kneeling to any of my NeoCore overlords… unless it’s Ruby. Have you seen how hot she is?!

10:27 PM

June 17th


A bar in the good old Pleasure Lanes, the last place I would expect to see a NeoCore Enforcer. Certainly not one like Alisha Noori, her constant online presence was drowned in product advertisements for a cleaner life within the Imperium states of Africa.

The Pleasure Lanes were, while clean on the surface, one of the most grime-infested lands in the whole world in the mental sense. Everywhere I went, it was one headache after the other as light, noise, smell and sound all hounded my attention. Especially those fucking brothels and their pheromone sprays, it boggled me how those weren’t illegal yet!

The bar itself was on the quieter side, an underground place that was chic with a nice wooden ambience accompanied by the pleasant tunes of a piano in the background. Not too busy either. Scanning my surroundings, I spotted quite a few people but no one held the bedazzling magnificence that was Archangel. So I sent out a message, maybe I was early… she had said to reach by 10:30 PM.

[I’m here.]

Archangel is typing…

[Turn around, I’m wearing glasses.]

I did so, spotting a gorgeous seated woman with straight black hair and bronzed skin raising up her cup at me. I approached, feeling nerves spitting goosebumps all over my body. A NeoCore Enforcer? I was actually having a private meeting with one of them?

As I neared the table I took in the image of the woman in front of me, she was as beautiful as she was in every poster or comic book they’d made on her. In them she’d been captured as the essence of feminine power, a striking and powerful pose radiating both her fierceness and sexuality out at the world. In a way, I admired her, she wasn’t all too older than me and had made quite the name for herself. In other ways, she was everything I didn’t want to be.

“Um.” God, I felt so awkward already as I took a chair opposite hers. “I’m uh… Diana and you’re-“

“Yes, yes.” She bashfully waved. “It’s me, Archangel in the flesh, but please call me Alisha. Besides, you’re quite the interesting person yourself, Diana Ulrich.”

“Jones.” The need to correct her overtook any sense of politeness at the moment. “Diana Jones.”

“Ah, forgive me, I’d read up on your file… god, your bio-dad’s nasty to do that isn’t he? I never got to work when he was around in NeoCore, but the people say plenty about who he used to be.” She offered me a glass of wine, which I wholeheartedly accepted.

“I’d rather not talk about him.” I sipped the wine and its pungency had a rather delicate aftertaste, not the kind of thing I had locked up in my cupboards. “I um… by the Founders, this is a lot.”

“I can imagine.” She flicked her glasses down so I could get a proper look into those hazel eyes, beautiful and sorrowful all the same. “A MAL attack is tough, I know firsthand. You were so strong to be able to kill it without the Inquisitor and I there, remarkable Ul- Jones. Absolutely remarkable.”

“Thank you, but please, both of you played a strong role in weakening it, and besides you actually saved my life at one point. I’m really grateful for that.” I rubbed the back of my neck, still not sure if this was even real. “I uh… I’m assuming you know about the Inquisitor and Missy thing?”

“Ah yes, I’d been informed. Not to worry, Emizren is being handled by the Herald herself… I’m here for a more on-the-ground purpose. That MAL is… was, quite the enemy. I’ve killed Silvers before but the speed at which your MAL adapted and overcame my strength was frightening, not to mention it’s aftereffects.”

“After… effects?” Worry grabbed me whole.

Archangel… Alisha tapped her waist which was strapped up in a metallic girdle that extended pistons and levers down the curves of her leg. A rehabilitator Exoskeleton, it was similar to what Choirmen was using right now but far more advanced.

“Oh…” My eyes went wide. “I’m uh, so sorry. How did-? I thought that NeoCore medical facilities could-“

“Don’t worry about it.” She laughed it off. “It made a spear out of two Silvers, remember? Not sure what Features they had, but something in that weapon severed my spinal cord’s connection to my Implant and yeah, it’s been worrying but progress is showing signs of improvement.”

“That’s good. I’m wishing you a quick recovery.” My eyes couldn’t detach from the sight of the metal clinging to her hips. “I um, sorry, is there any way I can help?”

Her breath stifled and tears welled in her eyes, I moved my arm in a manner to comfort her but stumbled midway as she spoke. “It’s um, certainly a change. Paralysis of this length hasn’t been recorded in Tier III Adapters, it’s a severe case. And they don’t know why, they can’t know why until they, you know-“

And then it dawned. “They can’t figure out the cause because they don’t have the MAL’s Implants… you want me to… give it up?”

She sniffed up but it didn’t quell the twin river streaming on the contours of her mouth. “I’m really sorry that this has to be done, but I’m ready to give you a contract for it. I just- I need the Implant for my recovery and it’ll be beneficial to all of NeoCore.”

Okay this was a whole lot, I was expecting something related to Missy or Dogwhistler… not an Enforcer bawling in front of me. “I- I don’t know. I’ve gotten pretty far into the Convergence process and wouldn’t that be dangerous to me? I mean-“

“But I’m a NeoCore Enforcer!” She was full-on bawling now. “I can save a thousand lives for every one that you save, besides the contract will give you a Silver and a placement in NeoCore as a Field Agent!”

Wait, I was getting recruited by NeoCore? That was… everything I needed. A place far enough that my father wouldn’t have his mittens on me anymore… but still lend me influence over him. It could work. Except it wouldn’t help me solve any of the impending crises here at Westbrook; Dogwhistler’s attack on the police, the origin of my Gold Implant or this new police boogeyman known as Soul Killer.

I was ready to decline it. “I ca-!“

A contract buzzed to view, it was all true. My starting salary would be huge, I would be relocated to a NeoCore Castle for training, I would be receiving a Silver Implant that was eerily similar to my current capabilities.

And it was already signed off by an Inquisitor at that.

Inquisitor Tusk. The very same man who was ready to kill me for my Implant. I should have leaped at the opportunity, but the memory of that man’s hands over my head — the glee in his face as my skull would slowly deform…

This was wrong, all of it.

“I can’t.” It dropped out with a finality. “I’m at a very high Convergence, several mutations have already finished developing… I’m almost there and, I’m sorry. But what does the Herald have to do with this? As far as I’m aware, Herald Ruby was supposed to contact me regarding the origins of the MAL. I get it. It’s all fucked up and I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart about everything that’s happened to you but-“

“My career will be ruined.” Archangel tried to stand up, a painful drawn-out whir slowly pushing her back to straighten up and her legs to crack in place. “I can’t feel anything below my legs, I should be healed, but I’m not.”

“We can find a way.” I pleaded. “If we figure out what that MAL truly is, I’m sure that we could find a way to solve your problem.”

“Tch.” Anger seethed between her teeth. “Will you just sign the contract, it’s a good deal. Take it or leave it.”

“I’m leaving it. I don’t trust Tusk, he tried to kill me and this is all too fishy now that I’m thinking about it. NeoCore has tech to bypass your spinal cord, you should be fine. This is- there’s something more isn’t there? This isn’t Ruby’s doing.”

Alisha’s face drained of all emotion in a moment to become blank, like the feelings had been vacuumed away. Then she sighed, long and exhaustive. “I told Tusk this wasn’t going to work considering your file. Yeah, congratulations, you got me. I was an actress before I was an agent and yeah- I’m paralyzed but even with these lousy prosthetics I’m more deadly than any Investigator here for miles.”

I fucking knew it. “If I can have one day without someone lying or trying to take advantage of me…”

“Wrong world, Diana.” She dribbled from her lips, for the first time it seemed like honesty was what was coming out. “From the moment we’re born, we’re resources to them. Manpower; brainpower; sexuality; emotions; genetics; Shardyne; they’ll never run out of things to take from us.”

“Yeah yeah…” I’d learned that too long ago. “So, what exactly is your deal? Alisha?”

She chuckled as she raised two fingers, the same eyes that were bawling a moment ago were now stone-cold. “Two directives, one from Tusk; one from Ruby. Neither can afford the time to deal with you directly with the upcoming Swarm right now, so they decided that even a faulty Enforcer like me could be of use. Tusk told me to deliver the Implants, either yours or Ripley Donovick’s. Yes, I know about him, and Ruby warned me not to touch him since he’s in Emizren’s care.

“And second, Ruby wants information about the MAL’s source. Seems like it was developed artificially to be a rapidly growing, constantly mutating, ever-learning version — could be weaponized. She’s researching on her own end, not sure what, but she has her own eyes and ears. Gold MALignants take around a day to get to the strength of the one in that club even if they’re left in a pool of organic and sharded treasure. Yours pulled up three Tiers in a matter of an hour.”

“And it was supposed to be delivered to the police station,” I added, to which her eyes opened up a bit wider. Finally, something she didn’t know.

I explained to her in brief what me and Ripley had discussed, and she nodded and hummed through the whole ordeal. I was briefly afraid that the location was not suitable for such a topic to be shared but then she confirmed that all the patrons here were on her payroll… turns out she owned the place.

“So that complicates things.” Alisha sighed. “This figure known as the Dogwhistler trying to commit an act of MALterrorism. Could’ve been worse than Asmodea’s bout with those cage-fuckers, don’t even want to know how bad things could have gotten if that thing decided to propagate more little spawnlings in a treasure trove like the police contraband depository. So, whoever they are has got friends in high places, maybe even the megacorps. Definitely works deep in the Voidnet layer. You’re looking for someone in Gold at the very least, maybe Titanium. BUG, though can’t deny the possibility they’re a Dual Adapter.”

Half the things she spewed didn’t make sense. “There’s a layer beneath the Abyssnet? And what the hell’s a Dual Adapter?”

“First of all, there’s four layers. You should know this stuff since there’s an exam after you sign the contract. SurfaceNet; AbyssNet; VoidNet; and OldNet. And as for a Dual Adapter, yeah that’s someone with both a BUG and a SIM… you’ll find some in NeoCore. Only way possible to do it without killing yourself is if the Adapter gets both Implants from the same MALignant. You know, you could kill Ripley and become one yourself.”

“Yeah, I don’t think I’ll stoop that low.” I laughed it off.

“Consider it, seriously.” She then took a more threatening tone. “I know he would. Dual Adapters are scary business, the synergy alone makes them worth nearly ten other Adapters of the same Grade. Hell, you should probably stop contacting him all together, maybe you trust him but I wouldn’t trust Missy or her pals.”

“How much you know about Missy’s friends?”

“Just the basics from the Herald’s report. Missy herself is an unstoppable force using her old skills from NeoCore to tear her victims a new one. There’s her second in command, Diamante — former Metal Heavens something turned into a killing machine according to rumors. Mirage is a ghost with several faces digging through the Abyssnet, she even brought down Los Diablos’ control over Little Requiem single-handedly. Topaz is just freaky, pops up out of nowhere and snaps your neck and his brother Quartz is a reclusive Esper with unknown abilities, just that once you look at him you can’t stop.”

Alright this was a lot all at once. But I kept up my hope. “Dogwhistler?”

“Nada.” Alisha shook her head. “Maybe one of the puppeteers knows something about them.”

“Puppeteers?” I was getting a headache.

“The big ones in Westbrook, those who have their fingers in all the pies. Mr. Skeleton’s the newest with a chokehold in Little Req; but you’ve also got older legends like Hammersmith though he’s gone AWOL. Then there’s the big leaders of the main gangs: Metal Heaven’s Archbishop; Crimson Soul’s Queen and Heart; Muramasa’s Bladefather; Los Diablos’ Luciente… and just a couple of older farts who have been around since the Fourth Swarm and the civil war.”

“So, all people who I should not be touching with a ten foot pole.” Great, just great… this was getting nowhere.

“There is also Soul Killer… but nah, that’s a different kind of crazy.”

I could have shot out of my chair at the name popping up. “Wait… no! Tell me about them!”

“Can’t say much honestly.” She shrugged, but for once I could hear nervousness tickling her voice. “They’re ancient. Have been doing their own thing since the early 2400s and are just mainly behind a whole lot of kidnappings and missing person’s reports. They like experimenting with genes from what I know.”

How on earth was someone like them still up and running? With barely a spark of intervention from the police? “Okay, okay, that’s a good lead.”

“It’s one that will get you killed.” She tossed out placidly. “I’m serious, we’re talking about someone so dangerous even the criminal underworld pretends that they don’t exist. I only know this because Ruby provided me with reports curated by our Founder herself. Only really read through this file because it was specifically labeled as: EXTREME DANGER FOR ANYONE BELOW TITANIUM. So naturally, I looked through it, more out of curiosity than anything else. What wasn’t redacted was extremely troubling, this is someone who killed hundreds, maybe thousands of people.”

“And that’s exactly why I need to look into them.” Resolve plastered over me, Rorsche saw me as just a pretty face — I’d prove him wrong. I’d prove them all wrong.

“Jesus, it’s your tombstone you’re thinking about.” Alisha rubbed her forehead, before taking something out from her pockets and placing it on a table. “Just do me a favor, alright, I’m going to leave a Datacube with you, install it onto your frame. You ever flatline, I’ll know your location and come for your Implant.”

I laughed. “You’re joking.”

“Very serious.” And her stern gaze reflected that. “I either need your Implant or I need information about it. That’s my terms of the deal with my bosses. The contract’s also staying with you, if you’re smart you’ll sign it. Shit’s only going to get harder from now on, you’ve got a gene-clinic appointment coming up so pray your father’s meddled in that but also… there’s already a price for the information about your Implant. That contract is a respite.”

My body grew colder. “What do you mean there’s information about my Implant?”

“Exactly what I mean, some people know that NeoCore didn’t kill the MAL. That the Implants are out there. It’s circulating in the webs of some high-paying mercs looking for a job. Been out there for days, just be glad your father’s name is attached to what they’re looking for. They could come for you any day, through your friends and family… not that you have many. The only shield you have is that you share a branch in the family tree with the Corporate Advisor of the New California Police State.”

I was frozen in place as she continued speaking. “The smart ones won’t get involved, can’t cash in your Implant if they’re going to die anyway. But the dumbasses are who you need to look after, the ones with a screw loose won’t care about your daddy. It’s not a matter of ‘if’, but ‘when’. That info will spread like a plague in time. They’ll come for both you and Ripley. That contract is the only way to get your name out of a death warrant. Bounties rarely go below the Implant value, meaning someone’s willing to pay more than 50 Million Shardyne for your head.”

“I still can’t do it.” Now the words choked out, like I’d lost a sense of my unwavering resolve. “It’s not worth it. Sacrificing my Implant.”

“You think I haven’t sacrificed bits of myself to get where I am?!” Alisha’s fists gripped the table. “You know you should have just done what Rorsche asked? Yeah, I saw a recording of you talking with your friend in the parking lot. It was an easy way out, could have made things a whole lot better in the long run, just be glad it was someone actually attractive and not a sleazebag producer with pounds of fat that consumed his cock. I’ve done worse, and it’s helped me get where I am — away from them. The only way for women like us to survive is if we have one hand down their pants and the other with a knife to their throat.”

My teeth clenched so tight I thought I would break them. “You think you know me so well, then you already know what I’d do if that contract was made of paper. Fuck you.”

“You’re a dumbass Diana.” Her cold glare burned. “The exact same kind who would go after your Implant, the kind that doesn’t care about death staring them in the face. And with you, you’d be lucky if death was all they had in store for you. You know what kinds of mail I get sent everyday, the ‘admirers’ I have? Be a good girl and go back to him on your knees, that’s how you survive.”

“I want to live!” I shouted with every speck of my soul meaning it. “Dammit, what the hell happened to you? I used to admire you, you know that? You were 23 when you became a NeoCore Enforcer, just a year older than I am now! And what? You said it in an interview about how no greaseball can say who you can and cannot be? What the hell happened?”

“I acted. Even then.” Her words cut through me, a flinch of sadness in her eyes. “You’d be wise to do the same.”

Now I got why they said to never meet your heroes, I stood up — done with the conversation. “Some fucking role model you ended up being.”

“Diana! The cube!”

“Keep it!”

“Take it or else I’ll make sure the dumbasses know who you are, I’ll make them know about Anthony, about Yvette, about Ripley.” Alisha growled. “Take it. Use it.”

Begrudgingly, I swiped up the small shimmering cube of gray up, leaving her with one last look of nasty eyes that I didn’t bother hiding anymore. Slamming the door on my way out, the rest of the walk and tram ride back home was a blur of rage-fueled methodical navigation.

“They want to come for me?” I set the training robot to activate.

Tier One. Maximum difficulty.

Before it could even make a single move, a shot from my weapon travelled through my leg as a bullet of pure vitality. The lightning-fueled, twisting kick shattered the robot and sent its pieces scattering through the room like thunder erupted through it.

“Fucking come for me!”

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