CyberGene: Cybercrawling to Cyberwanderer of Cyberrunes of Cyberascension of Cybertoxin of Cybertabar

Blood and Steel C34: A Talk of Desire and Despair

Chapter 34: A Talk of Desire and Despair

Official statement from Professor Lewis Steadman, creator of the Genedeck and leading Imperium Geneticist. [On the topic of conflicting Mutations.]

Mutations are volatile. No way around it. They encapsulate the very randomness present throughout Warp Energy and we inject it into our very flesh. It is only with careful insight from Geneticists and Warp Researchers that we have learned to extract Mutagen and gain some semblance of control over them.

In the past, Mutations were earned through feasting on MAL flesh. Gruesome and vile, yes, but do not look against it for it is what the Founders had to do in order to protect us. That cacophony of genetic material in them caused a sickness when consuming their flesh, and upon recovering from it, the first Adapters would wake up stronger and often with new abilities.

Strangely, consuming MAL flesh has no lasting effects on Mutational capability. Current hypothesis concluded that by absorbing massive amounts of genetic information riddled in Warp Energy, an Adapter would only absorb what they found was suited for them. Unfortunately, this is not the case with Mutagen, which is a forceful concentration of MALflesh or SIM-derived Mutations that forcefully indoctrinates the human with its instructions.

I’ve seen firsthand, as will many of you, of what poor Mutation planning can do. Grotesque tumors, a body trying to kill itself, mental instability, any number of combinations could end in harm. Mutagen Overdosing is an endemic, one that is not being talked about as much as it should be. The power is addictive, and dangerous.

If you or anyone you know is under the threat of Gene-Overdosing, please contact the official Imperium Genetics Society. We will do what we can to help you.

7:32 AM June 18th

I’d woken up to an alert of two updates, the Mutagen had worked its way into my body. Both of them were altered.

You have acquired the Iron-Grade Mutation: Increased Keratin Stability.

You have acquired the Iron-Grade Mutation: Electrical Lipids

Integrity: [I] Increased Keratin Stability (1%): Increased stability of certain cytoskeletal elements, improving cellular cohesion in hair, nails and skin.

Metabolism: [I] Electrical Lipids (1%): Lipid distribution in your body will condense and shift, and now acts as a reserve for electrical energy when metabolized.

I was happy with the first one, for one it would pair extremely well with my Skin Hardening Mutation. Maybe after Convergence, I’d be resistant to puncture wounds. I wouldn’t place my money on bullets just yet, but there was also the issue with me not knowing how it would interact with my conduction.

I did notice a few times that channeling the Warp Energy to harden my skin made the electricity within more sluggish, but then a Meta-Mutation smoothed out the flow a few days in to counter that by improving conduction across my skin as a whole.

The second Mutation, Electrical Lipids, was far more confusing. Redistributing and condensing my fat? I patted my body all throughout, feeling no immediate changes but that was how they all started. A few days in, it would take hold and I had no idea how my body would look after that.

Also would metabolizing my fat… shrink me? (You know what parts I’m talking about). I decided not to put too much focus on it right now, I would know soon enough, for now it was time to get to my job. An endeavor I was dreading.

9:05 AM

My new Neuroframe didn’t buzz… instead I felt a tingle in my neck everytime it activated. I forgot what it was like to not have steel hugging my nape. Indra had helped me sync it to the police network and given it access to my old Frame’s access. From then on, we were assigned to dwell on whatever cases we had until further orders would be given out.

I’d been working on a small-gang’s delve into firearm dealing for the last few days, and word came in from the analysts on our squad that they’d breached one of the Neuroframe of a man I’d arrested. It led to further information about a much larger scale operation.

The Junipero’s were a crime family with no substantial holding in the District, but had recently struck out a deal with Crimson Soul for increased firepower in exchange for information about Muramasa’s dealings with the Snake Fang’s old territor. The Junipero’s were located close by and often dealt with Shaun and his gang, it was half the reason I took this case.

Around 10, we were all called in and Rorsche’s glance hovered over me like an executioner’s axe. Seated in, my hands clamored in sweat as he spoke.

“First things first, all of you have met your quotas for the week. Good, I can’t deny that there have been specific standouts. In particular, Diana has meshed in well; acting decisively during the Tonguelasher and Junipero operations, and performing as well as anyone could during patrols and stakeouts. Another Investigator proving themselves useful…”

Rorsche looked to my left, where I noticed an equally nervous Investigator the same rank as me.

“Anthony Grazhe. It appears you’re finally living up to your family’s expectations. Good job with Tonguelasher and your hostage negotiation yesterday, for once you proved your Mutation’s use in your blood.”

The calm before the storm, I told myself. Something was bound to happen right now, some little jab at either of us that would be the start of a very long and arduous trial here at the squad.

Rorsche continued. “Choirmen’s back, as you can see, so we’ll be transferring a case over to him that he can lead over. You fine with the Juniperos?”

Choirmen, still with an awkward lean over the side of his body he’d been stabbed in, nodded. To my utter dismay, I wanted to speak back but someone else spoke for me. Indra Harmony piped up to my far right in the auditorium.

“Hey, with all due respect, this is Diana’s first big solo case? She’s been able to prove herself fine so far, why not let her continue?” She didn’t push out an air of anger, just wary confusion.

“What was your first major case, Harmony?” Rorsche’s focus fell on Indra like a hammer. “Don’t speak. I know what it is. It was a simple investigation on a pedophillic corporate. Made headline news, but there was never a big shootout other than that guard trying to bash Choirmen’s heads in. This case was simple enough until Crimson Soul, a major gang, pulled themselves into the fray. Choirmen’s experienced with The Souls, he can handle it better. Credit be damned, this is life-or-death.”

A small tear into my ego, but it was about as good as I could get. My only worry is if this trend would continue, and I would get stuck in middle-managing cases for the rest of my career.

A few more shifts in topics and reports from myself and the rest of the squad regarding our progress pulled the meeting to a close by 10:45. It was only while leaving that Anthony pulled me to the side as he motioned his fingers to follow him into the break-room.

“Archangel…” He whispered. “Any leads?”

“Maybe.” I was tensed throughout the whole meeting, and it still stuck in my voice. “Told me about the puppeteers of Westcrook, mostly the leaders of major gangs in the District. But there were a few independant players, thinking we could get more information from past cases involving them.”

“Puppeteers…” His eyes dawned open. “Hold on, you aren’t thinking of heading over to Little Requiem right? Even my grandfather hated heading over there, they tear cops open over an open-flame.”

“Why would I head to Little Requiem?” I saddled myself firmly on a chair, did he know something?

Anthony glanced around the room, making sure no prying eyes were spying on us before quietly whispering. “Mr. Skeleton… information broker and arms dealer. That’s who you were thinking of, right? Bad idea, trust me. My grandfather hated involving himself with that guy.”

“No.” My voice was equally hushed. “Soul Killer.”

Anthony blinked. “Who the fuck is that?”

“I don’t know, but Archangel said that whoever they are, they’re a deep rooted infestation in the city. Some sort of entity that kidnaps people without the police even bothering to deal with the cases, simply because we aren’t supposed to. Someone like them should have intricate knowledge about the city’s underworld. Might even know who Dogwhistler is.”

“It’s a risk.” He warned. “If they’re anywhere near what a goddamn NeoCore Enforcer said, then it’s bad news. How’re you even going to find anything about them?”

“Simon Jugosla. Tonguelasher was planning on hunting them down until Mr. Skeleton warned him that Soul Killer had something to do with Simon. He’s the head chef of a fancy hotel-restaurant called Spice Archipelago.”

“Oh shit.” Anthony’s eyes lit up. “Used to go there with my family a few times, place won a Haithama Star too. Pretty steep price and booking time is massive but… I think I could manage something.”

“Something like what?”

“My aunt’s birthday is coming up. July 13th. Could mention on the family group chat about the restaurant, our grandfather loved the place and maybe that would be enough to get me in there… but for you…”

“Yeah, unless you want me to sneak in there and pretend to be a waiter.” I half chuckled.

“I mean, I could get you in there but it would require me lying my ass off. We’d have to convince my aunt that you’re either like, my best friend or…” His cheeks slowly reddened. “That we’re… you know…”

“Okay.” I nodded, it wasn't all too bad honestly. Just pretend to be dating for a bit… but that would make things complicated back here in the squad until we ‘broke up’. Actually, maybe it would even spite Rorsche — honestly… fuck it. Let that bastard rot in jealousy.

He blinked, again. “Okay? Like, it’s going to be weird.”

“We’re not in highschool, Anthony. If that’s what it takes to get that filth in jail, then it’s a small thing.” Then I needed to put it out there, before he got any ideas like a certain First Investigator. “And I’m a professional. I wouldn’t actually date a coworker, just need to put on the air for a night.”

“Yeah.” Anthony nodded, a tight nod. “Completely understandable. So uh… I’ll tell you how it goes with my aunt. She’s been the tiniest bit nicer to me now that I’m actually doing my job but, honestly, that’s sort of because of you.”

My face settled firmly. “We did one mission together. You saw a chance to become what you want to be, even if it wasn’t a singer, but all that drive came from you. Thank you for helping me.”

“I uhh… maybe.” He awkwardly fiddled with his thumb. “You um, how was Archangel?”

“Mixed feelings.” I spoke honestly. “She knew a lot, but she wasn’t like how the media portrayed her. In a way, she was down to earth but in other perspectives she almost seemed… defeated? Like she’d given up being herself and become only what she needed to be.”

Anthony’s face fell disappointingly. “Shit, was really hoping she’d be different.”

I sighed, remembering that encounter. “She could switch her emotions up in an instant. Maybe she has a Psyche Feature or something, but it’s still freaky how I don’t know who she really is. What’s the boundary between Alisha Noori and Archangel?”

“NeoCore is tough. They need you to be desensitized yet stand as bastions of humanity, since the Fifth Swarm is coming up they’ll be upping their recruitment and media portrayal.”

I laughed. “Think you got a shot at joining them? Would be hilarious, you going from a reluctant Police Investigator to a reluctant NeoCore Agent.”

“Yeah, hilarious.” He said in a slow sarcastic tone. “You’ve honestly got a shot at it, why don’t you look it up? It’d be a hell of a good way to leave the city, this place is a dump.”

I did have a shot at it. That contract sat in the back of my head. “Maybe, but not until I’ve rooted out Dogwhistler.”

We sat in silence for a moment, and it wasn’t long until I returned to my workstation. There was a lot of work to be done.

4:27 PM

June 24th


Today was going to be the day. I jabbed the reinforced punching bag, beating my nerves. My muscles ached, my bones crunched but the metrics on the screen in front of me proved my punches were faster and harder than ever. My newest Meta-Mutation in Elastic Muscles improved the strength of my bones to withstand the force my muscles contracted over them.

Hardening my skin now left me resistant to puncture wounds from many blades except those reinforced with Warp Energy and an additional development left allowed me to focus my hardening on my knuckles and nails. My vision was sharp, a Meta-Mutation for coordinating my movement left me capable as one of the best sharpshooter’s among the squad.

Over the last five days, I’d managed to reach 90% in all of the police-issued mutations, and was well into 40% for both Increased Keratin Stability and Electrical Lipids, both harnessing Meta-Mutations that were general in their efficiency and concentration.

I’d noticed it today, there was more staring than usual. I’d always been… conventionally attractive. I’d known that since the day I left the Cradle, but the incremental changes were happening rapidly. My body was a tight weave of muscle with the fat only really accentuating my curves, palms and soles. A scan from my Genedeck notified me that it’d been relocated internally into something called the ‘mesentery’ covering my intestines.

A particular Meta-Mutation in Mental-Fatigue Recovery also noted that the insulatory layer over the nerves in my peripheral nervous system, called a myelin sheath, had been improved since they were made up of fat. My thoughts came quicker, smoother, a rapid back-and-forth of stimuli and response.

As for my keratin, the protein present in skin, hair and nails? I thought it would unnecessarily stiffen my body, but so far I was looking like I’d just left a relaxing spa. It was difficult to explain, but I felt compact rather than dense, like I could walk through fire without the smallest blister. But what had changed was my hair, it’d gone from silver colored to almost metallic with its shine. The admittedly frizzy locks of my ends were smoothing out with a shiny glow.

The glares were honestly distracting, and I’d even heard a comment or two from Rorsche loudly sighing something along the lines of me wasting my Mutations on cosmetics… which wasn’t too far from how I felt myself. Whatever. They were working in my favor and today was my second big case, one I’d played a role in from the start.

Tonguelasher wasn’t supposed to end the way it did, no one expected for there to be two of them and honestly speaking, we probably all were expecting the humble family-owned garage to be a dud. Not some hidden murder factory.

But today? A firearms dealing estimated to be worth roughly 200,000 sheds if Harmony’s intel was to be right? Her ‘intel’ just so happened to be a bagged Junipero kid who happily whistleblowed on his allies in return for just a year on his original half-a-decade long sentence.

I wasn’t too dismayed about it, if anything I was happy that the grunt wouldn’t stay incarcerated for long. He was pretty young, not even 18 yet and had a life ahead of him that he could turn around. With luck, he’d be shipped off to a low-security confinement and be back in the city before the twenty-fifth jubilee. Then it was just a matter of getting a job, and I prayed he wouldn’t fall back into crime.

My punches grew harder.

If that kid tried to get back into crime, he would have lost all trust among the more-organized gangs due to him being a whistleblower. He may even be killed over it. The only option would be with the Scrappers, a disorganized group of outcasts and crazies with no real leader.

I punched harder again, red flashing on my knuckle.

But then what choice was there? I’d read the file, the kid had no family. An orphan, where would he go once his stay was over? There was only one answer.

He would be used as fodder for the Swarm. Shipped to a Seige Capital, strapped with a weapon, and left to fend against the MAL.

Foam split from the punching bag, my fist had been stronger… only a trickle of blood spilt down.

Why was that the only choice we left them?

“Diana!” Harmony called out from somewhere outside the training room. “We leave in an hour!”

I turned myself towards her, wiping sweat from my forehead as I nodded. “Got it! I’ll get changed up and join you all in a moment!”

I was quick to pounce into a shower, feeling the residual sparks zapping into the rain of water leaving me cool and refreshed, yet wanting and hungry. Ever since I’d gotten the lipid Mutation, my appetite had increased manifold. Dr. Faltest said it might be a sign to upgrade my diet and buy some Warp-energized nutritional supplements, or to just hire a home cook from my father.

I guffawed with every bit of disrespect I could expel at that suggestion.

By the time I was changed and ready in the locker-room, I took a small moment at the sinks with a double-pair of pills in my hand. One from Missy, the other from Dr. Faltest. Gene-limiters, designed to reduce the effects of my mutations for a short period of time. I knew my role in this mission would be small, it was a decked team and I was a newbie expected to take rear and cover support rather than more risky maneuvers.

If anything, limiting my performance would be smart. It’d show progress but not to the unnatural extent of what Gold was. Dr. Faltest did have concerns, the limiters she had given were Bronze-grade and expected to reduce my output by 20% for half a day… until I explained a Meta-Mutation of Unstable Biology. That it would accelerate my progress in gene development, and believe me, it was tempting to just use these as a way to fast-track my progress.

Instead, I scarfed down the two Missy had given me. I didn’t know how she’d gotten them, but they were stronger than the ones Dr. Faltest had given me. Which could only mean they were Silver… and it was a mystery in itself as to why she would have had something like this on such short notice. Gene-limiters of this Grade could cost tens of thousands a pill, and the amount she’d given me was easily enough to cover half a million in worth.

She’d tossed them to me so easily… why?

I felt the electricity in my body slow from a rushing inferno into a calm candle, not quite sluggish but not the instant transmission I’d normally felt. A part of it was relieving, like returning to a nostalgic past-life, but on the other hand, it was constraining.

As I strolled into the main office area, there was a bustle as everyone was getting ready with reports and files dictating possible encounters. For a deal of this scale, there would be Tier Two Adapters, several of them at minimum and possibly even mercenaries on their side if they were expecting us.

Leaning over Indra Harmony’s desk, my gaze fell upon her glazed eyes. Her Nueroframe had a thick cord plugging her into the police mainframe, I hoped she wasn’t delving too deep again. I whispered lightly. “Indra?”

“Ah!” Light returned to her gaze, blinking rapidly in my direction. “Oh Diana, yeah yeah just uh, was doing a couple of deep dives into Crimson Soul personalities. Hoping we don’t get any of the big ones.”

I adjusted my posture, my body bending so that my neck was right next to her face. “Okay I see… In order it’s the Crimson Queen, Crimson Heart, The Eyes, The Hands and then The Fingers…”

“The Heart and Queen are a no show. Too big to show up for any case like this, even a Hand is unlikely. Eyes never take the big stage, normally pulling the strings from the shadows but Fingers are a possibility.”

I followed through some names. Hinderance, Wrathful, Mimetic, Umbra, Lock and Key, Whiplash… “These guys all Tier Two?”

“Some are upper Tier Ones, like Umbra.” Indra spoke but her eyes didn’t follow the computer, instead they were focused on me and not on my face floating beside her head but what was below them. “Uh… Diana, did your tits get bigger?”

“Keep your eyes on the case, Harmony.” I sighed.


An hour later we were grouped up. Choirmen was leading with me, Indra and another Second Rank named Mohammed Ramish. Several other patrolling officers would be on standby. Rorsche would apparently be assisting off-field, whatever that meant, and Special Investigator Wickett was also on call if things went really south.

In the midst of everyone rushing into position, my focus fell on one person. Ramish carried a heavy black metallic sniper-rifle on his shoulder, one that made me ache for the Phoenix-rifle I’d taken from Shaun and given up to authorities as evidence.

“Um, is that a Mazhyr-brand rifle?” My eyes glittered staring at the tall hunk of metal. “I thought we couldn’t get those?”

A proud smile fell on the aged man, his shoulder-length hair and aged frame giving a particularly striking look. A thick voice melted out of him. “Mazhyr Orca-Carbine; last century tech they discarded during the last Swarm. Found it in an old arms deal a few years back, Scrappers sold it without a clue of knowing what it was. Managed to convince my commanding officer to let me keep it with a couple of merit transfers, a beaut ain’t she? Worth every extra hour of work.”

I nodded blankly, too encapsulated by the sight of the beautiful gun. While pistols were my favored firearm, there was something so satisfying about the push and recoil of a proper sniper. How one squeeze could have such powerful consequences.

Ramish chuckled at my wide-eyed staring. “Could let you have a try on the range soon if you’re curious. Nice Braceshocker too, those take real skill to use, small barrels means a lot of misfires but I’ve seen your records, never missed a shot.”

My voice failed to come through, I wasn’t sure whether to stare at the man or the rifle. “Um yeah, I’d uh love that! You um… don’t happen to-”

“He has a wife.” Indra suddenly dragged me by my uniform’s necksleeve into her car, a tight face on her the whole time. It was only when I was locked into the driver’s seat that she spoke further. “You have the weirdest type girl…”

“Hey, I like a man who knows his steel. Besides I was asking if he happened to have a spare sniper he could lend me.” I tried defending myself with a whisper, but my face only grew redder as she stared at me disbelieving. “Okay maybe I came a little strong, but come on did you see his gun?! I can’t let something like that go!”

“Was that the only barrel you were interested in.” She smirked which led me to whacking my fist into her arm. “Ow ow! You this violent in bed too?”

“I will gut you.” My face was practically steaming, tiny sparks threatening to expose my embarrassment.

The drive had silence concealed by the city’s nighttime radio shows, we weren’t in police-marked cars since this was a covert mission so there was something relaxing just driving amidst the wide city highways while no one ran away from the sight of your car.

“So… for real.” Indra started. “What is your type. I still don’t know much about the real you, Diana Jones.”

I debated answering, but I decided it was fine to do so. “I don’t know really, tend to go for the guys who seem like they know their shit.”

“No girls?” She puffed. “Boring. Men suck.”

“Tell me about it.” I carefully swerved my car into an open spot amidst the traffic before I felt the need to explain more. She really didn’t know much about me, not many people did. “Yvette, an officer buddy of mine, tried to get me into my whole experimental phase back in cadet school, didn’t really work out so well. Left a girl crying because I just wasn’t into it, felt shitty about it for weeks.”

“Dang.” Indra seethed an awkward spell of air. “How was cadet school? Heard it’s both the best and worst period of your police life.”

“Joined in late.” I admitted. “Yvette pulled me into the Training Sergeant's office one day and forced him to let me in. They’re desperate for any capable person. My physical merits were good enough to get me started even with half a training period going by, but I was a quick learner. In theory classes, I caught up, and the rest of the two years flew by quickly.”

“You had fun?” She smirked, the type of smirk you only had when you talked about sex.

“Yeah.” I said curtly. “Quite a bit. Though none of them were my type.”

“Cus they didn’t know their shit? Just a couple of rookies whose pants were screaming in pain at the sight of you. No wonder you like older guys.” Indra laughed more openly.

“It’s more about looking for someone with a bit of stability.” I elaborated. “Who yeah, are capable, but also nice and gentle. Believe it or not, but I was actually the one to pursue my first boyfriend, asked him out on a date and everything.”

“Oooh someone’s breaking gender standards.” Indra clapped my shoulder. “I’m like a proud mother. But I’m also a strict one, who was the guy?”

“Eobard Hackridge, was on supervisory duty in the dorms. Helped me smuggle in alcohol one day and that night we just… yeah, you know.” I brushed it off aside. “He wasn’t the same as the others, he had this edge to him that wasn’t in the rest of the recruits. He’d had a personal hell a few years back, made him grow up quicker, I respected that… was what we talked about originally. Our childhoods, our dreams, he just had a way of pulling people out of their shells and letting them be true.”

Indra had a soft smile on her face. “Sounds like he was a great guy, why’d you two break up?”

“He dropped out.” My lips were tight, bitterness on my face plain as day. “Realized police wasn’t the way for him, decided to become a psychiatrist. Tried to make it work long-distance in my first year but it wasn’t working, a pretty natural end to it all. Happy with the memories but, honestly, haven’t had the time for a proper relationship outside of work since.”

Indra mused for a few seconds, carefully picking her words. “Sounds like what you guys had was nice, any idea what he’s up to now?”

“Studying to go to Med School, has a boyfriend now.” That was why I was bitter, not even a week and he found someone new? The nerve… and a guy at that? If he could see me no-

“Wish I had something like that happen to me.” Indra hummed as she sank deeper into her seat. “Sorry, didn’t mean to bring the mood down.”

“No-no!” I accidentally sped up for a second. “It’s okay, you really wish you didn’t. Pretty sure he cheated on me when we went long distance… but, I do want to learn more about you. What’s your type?”

Indra Harmony stared through the window for a few long seconds, her mask reflecting to my sideward glance. “Really, anyone who cares, and I mean genuinely cares. Doesn’t matter if it’s a guy or a girl, just someone who can look beyond me as a fucking fetish.”

My heart squeezed still for a few moments, I knew the feeling. “Because of your cybernetics? The mask?”

“Yeah.” The answer was sharp as she tapped her mask. “Behind this old thing is a suction tube that I eat from. You can imagine what everyone else thinks it can be used for. A fucked up spine’ll do that to you… and also, I lied. Yhe mask isn’t from the Implant, not really. My brother did that to me when I snitched, punched my jaw clean off when he tracked me down.”

“I’m…. I’m so sorry.” Guilt tore through me, I really hadn’t focused much when Indra first told me her story. “I’m- do you want to talk about it?”

“It’s all in the past.” She sounded like she wanted to end it, but once the gates were open her words flooded through. “He was an asshole, just out to use his little sister cus she knew math and he didn’t. I was useful, hacking into networks and being the source of half of his group’s success. It was tiring, so fucking tiring just seeing them eat fancy takeout each day while I got scraps. You’d think us both losing our parents would make him closer to me, no, instead it just made him worse…

“And you know what’s the worst part of a mouth like this? I can’t kiss anyone. Never have… it’s a small and stupid thing, but that intimacy it’s just… I crave it. Even if they’re a perfect match with me, I can see it in their eyes that I can’t give them one of the basic necessities of a proper romance. Not until I get the funds for a full jaw replacement with accurate nerve-endings, and that shit costs a fortune. I’m saving up for it so… one day.”

I stayed silent for a few moments, as the car slowed behind a red-light I finally took a proper look at her. Tired eyes held back tears from flowing down the curves of her mask, mossy green hair in frizzles that had clearly been the sign of someone going through shit that I didn’t bother to notice.

I stared at her serpentine gaze for a few quiet seconds until she chuckled through. “I’m not asking for a kiss from you, Diana. Just… speaking, you know.”

“Yeah, I know but…” Courage swept through me, I leaned over and slowly planted my lips over her forehead in a quiet and soft peck. Only once I’d pulled back into my seat did I find myself able to speak. “You deserve someone who’d do something like that for you, just someone who could give you the love you deserve for all the fucked up shit you’ve gone through. So, I don’t know, if you ever feel like you want a kiss, I’ll be there. But just your forehead though. You’ll find someone to kiss every part of your body soon enough.”

She chortled, wiping the begginings of tears with her metallic fingers. “You’re sweet… you know that’s my type right? Don’t make me fall for you now, Diana. After all, you’re not into girls.”

“Maybe I’d make an exception.” I tried my best at a wink.


The loud beep startled me, and only now did I see the green light.

The rest of the drive was a bit more cheerful, us sharing gossip about boys, or — in her case — girls as well. And as we parked while staking out the complex the deal was supposed to take place in, we even began delving into our childhoods for a bit, a point in which I admitted that I’d been adopted since my parents were ‘dead’.

I talked about growing up in New Washington, the northernmost District of New California.

She laughed up in confusion. “It’s fucking weird, Diana. Washington used to be a whole state in Old America… but now it’s a District in a city named after another state?”

“I remember my dad explaining it to me. New California used to just be a small network of towns back in the Twenty-Third Century until Mazhyr united us, over time it grew to be larger than any of the old states of the USA. They just kept calling it a city because Mazhyr apparently didn’t bother coining us as The Free Nations instead of Free Cities. Stupid, I know, but it’s how shit’s been working for three centuries.”

“So fucking stupid.” Indra just repeated.

“Oh, Yvette would love you, I remember we had this exact same conversation in cadet school.” I pushed my seat back until I was lying down and she followed. “You should join us, we’re heading out tomorrow after duty. A girl’s night, you know.”

“Really?” Her eyes lit up a bit. “I’d love that… been a while since I’ve had this much fun-“

A loud beeping noise on her wrist jolted her up, her mask clenching up on her face. “Fuck, now?!”

“What do you mean?” I sat up as well.

“They’re getting ready, that means I need to start… do me a favor, can you… hold my hand?” Her voice betrayed a vulnerability and I took grasp without questioning it… except I did have a few questions.

“It’s Rorsche. He needs to link to my brain, act through it.” She said briefly as she opened up a briefcase sitting by her lap, revealing it to be a chunky computer with all sorts of wires that she hooked up to her neck and Neuroframe.

I figured out very quickly why her Neuroframe had messed up her growth. It was the opposite of my non-invasive model. Her entire neck was a buzzing mass of machinery that she exposed with a quick unzip of her suit exposing her shoulders and the top of her chest. It was all a Neuroframe.

“It’s rude to stare.” She glared half-jokingly.

“Says you.” I chided back, just trying to be supportive but still confused.

Then she contorted, the hand gripping mine transformed from cold metal into a wrathful claw aiming to gouge my flesh. Instinctively, a pulse of my own Warp Energy hardened the points her nails dug into my palm. Painfully, she tried to contain her wrenching towards her side of the car, scratching into the leather of her seat. A few seconds later, she breathed quickly through her mouth as control returned to her.

“Are you okay? Indra?!” I shook her arm, but it was stiff like stone.

Her head turned almost robotically, those green eyes staring into me like emotionless lasers. A foreign voice spoke through her. “When you’re on duty, Jones, please refer to her as Investigator Harmony.”

I recognized it, and I felt clamored up in moments. Speaking through Indra Harmony’s body was First Investigator Kendrick Rorsche.

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