Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

After Eve

When Sora finished checking everything he took a few breaths and prepared for the jump.

["Cortana do it!"]

[Taking control of the building's system]

[Since you're not there to choose music let me choose, Alright! I like this one, plus it's one of the songs I help you do. Even putting my voice!]

Without paying attention to Cortana's continuous messages, Sora threw himself hard on his board trying to get the highest speed, surprising Cortana by the speed that Sora was reaching on his board that was getting faster with every kick he made on the ground, while at times disconcerting her as Sora was crashing the edges of his board losing speed and damaging it.

Sora's heart was pounding as he approached the edge of the building. He knew the leap He was about to make was crazy, but Sora had no choice if he wanted to get there before they did something to judy.

As he prepared to jump, he could feel the heat rising from his AirB, reaching a critical point. "Forgive me for asking for more, baby, just a little more," Sora whispered to his AirB. That `HVzZH', made a sad magnetic noise, almost as if it was answering Sora's prayers.

Holding Sora's Airb the entire jump from the rooftop of a seventh floor, crossing an entire street with several lanes, holding the flip to lengthen the jump, while receiving direct contact from Sora for the last time, as he grabbed the burning edge of his Airb to facilitate the turn.

At the last second, before landing, Sora released his Airb, moments before it exploded, just before impacting against a barred window facing northwest.

Leaving Sora with no board to land on, ending up ``landing´´ heavily on his upper torso on the edge of the roof listening to the sound of his ribs cracking from the impact and vomiting some blood that fell on his mask, dyeing a part of the mask lights blood red. without Sora noticing it was not only the color of the lights that changed, but also the animation.

Leaving Sora hanging just above the hole that his beloved Airb had generated, entering through it.

Sora, not having missed anything when he entered the room, the first thing he did was to check Judy's condition with concern, feeling relieved when he saw that Judy was fine. And at the same time seeing her face full of tears and with blood from the wound on her head that was falling down her face....

Making Sora after seeing that, turned to the two Tygers, especially the one who had the belt open, with a small cut on his hand.... imagining what had happened....

When he finished shooting him several times in his crotch, Sora put more strength in his sword that was still stuck in the shoulder of the Tyger he was sitting on, nailing his sword to the ground immobilizing him.

Getting up, without looking at it again, moving towards the Tyger that just had fired THE one that had hit Judy, THE one that had made her bleed and THE one that was about to try to rape her.

Silencing the Tyger's screams of pain as he received a look full of hate and violent intentions from the young man who had just shot him, making him react again as he raised his hands, full of blood, from covering his wounds, towards the young man, trying "NO-No WaIT!-" nervously, to stop Sora who was approaching him, while from his mask grew a terrifying smile completely made of red light.

Sora without caring what he was trying to say, with his free hand grabbed him by the face, silencing and interrupting the Tyger's attempts to speak. And without holding back a bit. Sora began to 'BAM' banging the Tyger's head against the wall, just as Sora had assumed HE had done to Judy by hitting her.

Without stopping, to the Tyger's muffled screams, even as Sora could see its eyes wide open through the gaps in his grip and with his hands the Tyger struggled, trying to cling to life, grabbing and punching at Sora's arm trying desperately to stop him.

Indifferent, Sora continued to hammer the Tyger's head against the wall, staining it with each blow.... making him gradually only able to hear the 'BAM' of the Tyger's head smashing against the wall. letting himself be possessed by the feelings he had been holding back.

Making him look more like a beast than a human.... even to Judy who was witnessing it all

Sora in his current state was cut off from his surroundings, even unable to hear, between the blows, how someone seemed to cry his name with concern....

BAM!... "SO-"...BAM!... "RA"...BAM!... "STO-"...BAM!... "PLEA-"...BAM!... "ALREAD-".... BAM!... "DEAD!"...BAM!... "SORA!!!"




Sora only stopped when, there was barely anything left to hold in his blood stained hand to hit, aware that he had just killed someone by blowing his head off, but he didn't care, it didn't make him feel better either... nor did it calm him down, still immersed in that state he turned towards the voice that was shouting his name like a hungry predator he turned towards the next prey.

Realizing in the next instant that it was Judy, he changed his expression, but it was too late.

When Judy took a startled step back, by the current state of Sora.... who had blood on his hands and part of his face, with his sclera completely black and a cold blue iris staring at her with no humanity in them.

What Judy only saw for an instant before Sora noticed it, changing his expression and turning his head to avoid her, Sora being sadly aware of Judy's reaction, unable to help but think that `it's normal for her to be afraid of me or see me as a monster'.

One of the things that worried Sora, although he made jokes and didn't think much of it because of how useful it was.

Is his nanobot technology and the control he has over it, his mind is overwhelmed by anger and hatred, and he can't help but feel afraid of himself...was he still human? Why did his mother put something like an AI behind the BlackWall in him? What does Arc want inside him...?

all of these things freaked Sora out.

Wanting to come clean with someone.... especially Judy in the hope that she would simply tell him that "everything would be well," even if it was a lie..... but at the same time not wanted her to worry or be afraid of him and walk away from him, like she just did... with that little step back.

Knowing it was neither the time nor the place Sora focused regretfully, on the new change in his vision, as he looked at the door to the room as if he could see what was going on behind it.

Meanwhile in Judy's mind she is caught between fear and concern for Sora, not understanding what is happening to him and the reason for his state that Judy could only describe as monstrous. Unaware of her small step backwards, provoked by surprise and fear.

Coming to the answer to his questions, when he realized his step back, walking away from Sora, `The reason why Sora was in the state... is because of me...' feeling a sting in her heart at the realization. Being aware of what Sora was feeling, as he refused to look at her, afraid that he would scare her again, afraid that she would think of him as a monster....

"Judy... stay here okay! I promise you'll be fine-" Judy hearing Sora's somewhat distant and regretful tone, but still... full of concern for her.

Her legs moved, before she knew it.

Ending up on Sora's back hugging him tightly.....

"SORA I !!! I thought I was going to be raped that IShii was going to torture and kill me...I in those moments I could only think of you!, hoping that you would show up and at the same time that you wouldn't come! Sora... that son of a bitch Ishii destroyed Eco... he... he let himself be destroyed just to protect me, I hate them!...I don't know what you are hiding inside you, like with the cop, but...I'm not afraid and I don't want you to think that I see you as a monster or something like that. ...Sora you, all of you.... are my monster..... so ... 𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙩𝙖' 𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡, 𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡. 𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙖' 𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙣 𝙞𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙, 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙞𝙩 𝙗𝙪𝙧. "Judy said, as she continued to hug Sora's back tightly.

Leaving Sora totally unsuspecting when he heard Judy's final sentence, who turned to look at her with his all black eyes with his iris glowing as he pulled down his mask, revealing the rest of his bloodless face, starting...

"Ha... ha..ha.hahaha. Where did you get that, jud?" happy for her words of acceptance.

"Did you like it? I've seen you write it in class when you get bored and suddenly smile when you read it... I.... j-just remembered how much you like this psychotic phrase, well a bit like you" Jud answered with some embarrassment, while now Sora was the one who gave her a warm hug from the front, without hiding her face or her eyes.

"Yes, thank you Jud, I liked it, as for Eco, do you still have your pad?"

"My pad?, I think I have it in my bag, why do you need it?"

"Give it to me before I tell you anything"

Still not understanding Judy reached into her bag, pulling out a damaged Pad....

"Fuck....." Sora said sadly when he saw it

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