Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Ebunike III/Porsche 911 Turbo

Twenty minutes later...

An armored and highly customized Chevillon Emperor arrived at the address given by Okami. Entering the port and parking the car in the container area

The car had an extended rear-wheel flairs to accommodate the dual rear wheels, lower axles for better center of gravity, and a reinforced wedge-shaped bumper in case anything got in its way.

Transforming the Chevillon Emperor from Maine's crew into a small tank. When its engine shut off, and its two occupants got out, they were able to see the large number of Maelstrom corpses.

"Hey, Rebecca, did he do all this?" Sasha asked, impressed, looking at the two separate sections of a Colossus Maelstrom, wondering about the person who was able to tear them apart

"Surprised?" Rebecca calmly replied, walking among the corpses with her hands behind her head.

"A little. Based on your story, you talked about him as if he were our age. If we had to face so many Maelstroms with Maine and the crew, it wouldn't be a problem... but alone... I don't think we could... well, maybe I could, with planning and having the advantage since they're Maelstroms, but you definitely couldn't, rushing in like a madwoman shooting...," Sasha said, imagining herself facing so many Maelstroms while teasing Rebecca.

"Hey! I don't shoot like a madwoman, I do it... with love," Rebecca said with a big smile, before replacing it with a bitter one, adding; "Better that than being a backstabbing bitch like you, with your daemons and your strange Netrunner stuff."

"I prefer cats, Nya!" Sasha replied with a smile, not falling for Rebecca's provocation about Netrunners, while striking a playful pose to match her tone.

Observing Sasha's strange pose, Rebecca said, "Speaking of strange things, don't do anything weird around him, okay?"

"Wait, weird like what?" Sasha asked, stopping the joking.

"I don't know, like recording or being too curious and hacking something, you know, weird Netrunner stuff! Okami is very sensitive to that shit... as long as you don't do any of that, you won't have a problem," Rebecca explained.

As they advanced through the corpses and approached the completely darkened ship that was docked, its lights suddenly turned on, blinding Rebecca and Sasha, who could hear a synthetic voice speaking to them from the ship.

"I thought you would take less time with the bait I sent you!" Okami said, leaning against the railings of Ebunike.

"Tch! Turn off the fucking lights! I took longer because I had to convince them to let me have the car... and well, where are my- Hmpt, I mean, where are our 'little ones'?" Rebecca said, covering her face with her hand due to the annoying lights shining at her.

"Ours? Ahmm, Come on up" Sora said, shifting the spotlight of Ebunike that he was using to annoy Rebecca.

When Rebecca and Sasha boarded the Ebunike, they approached Okami, who was talking to a wounded man, with one hand, in front of the containers that the ship carried. Being able to overhear the end of their conversation "Take it out, you and I are going for a little ride in it"

When Okami finished speaking, He turned back to Rebecca and Sasha.

Without waiting for the injured man's passive response "O-okay."

Rebecca asked as Okami approached, "Who's that?" pointing to the wounded man.

"Nah, don't worry, just the ship's handler who's lending me a hand... heh," Okami replied, laughing under his breath at his unintentional joke.

"Whatever, let me introduce you. Okami, this is..." Rebecca said, trying to introduce the woman beside her, but being interrupted...

"Sasha, the new netrunner of Maine's crew, a pleasure," By Okami, who already knew the name of the beautiful netrunner in front of him.

Dressed in a tight black Netrunner suit, with revealing parts showing the skin of her thighs, slightly covered by the holster of her Militech M-76e Omaha. With hair slightly shorter than Sora expected and a short pink jacket that matched the rest of her outfit.

"Uhm, thank you... likewise," Sasha replied, feeling intrigued by the Merc in front of her, who already knew her name. She had heard of Okami before, but he hadn't caught her attention until Rebecca told her they were the same age, creating a certain rivalry within Sasha, considered a genius for her age by Maine and Dorio.

Suddenly, Eco "Waaf!" also introduced himself, peeking out from behind Sora's shoulder, catching the attention of both, but especially..."Eco! How did you become so small? You look just like me! How adorable!" exclaimed Rebecca, a big fan of Eco, opening her arms for him to happily jump into them.

"Tch, traitor... Let's stop wasting time, follow me," Sora said, seeing Eco happily in Rebecca's arms while Sasha stared at them intently, feeling a hint of envy.


When the three of them entered Smasher's private room, Sora had already taken control of his server, disabling the security on most of the display cases.

Except for the one in the back, which was closed and turned off, making it impossible to see what was behind it, making the illuminated and open display cases filled with weapons stand out even more.

Rebecca, like a good weapons enthusiast, as soon as she entered the room and saw all the weapons neatly displayed in the cases... let Eco drop from her arms and ran off excitedly, grabbing the first one she saw and saying, "I'll take this one!" only to then catch sight of another weapon and drop the one she had just picked up, moving towards the new one and repeating, "No! This one is better!"

She repeated this process a few more times until she got tired of levitating the heavy weapons.

Sora, seeing Rebecca acting like a maniac and Eco on the ground, said, "Heh, you deserve it, traitor. This is the plan: I need to finish up some things on the ship, you two load the weapons into the car, and you can choose one as payment for helping me. They're all military-grade weapons, some even illegal for regular military use, so choose wisely."

"Hey, So-Okami... to convince Maine and Dorio to let me have the car, I showed them the photo you sent me, and they said that since they're letting us have the car, it would be nice if you gave them one too. Besides, my brother's birthday is coming up, so could you let me take one more... not for me! As a gift for Pilar," Rebecca said, making up whatever came to her mind in order to convince Sora to let her take the three weapons she was hugging and the one behind her feet as if she were trying to hide it.

Sora looked at Rebecca as if she was pulling his leg, but before he could refuse, the person next to him distracted him. "You can have mine, Becca. I don't need or use big guns," Sasha said kindly, not needing anything as payment for her help.

"Ohhhh! Yes!" Rebecca exclaimed, embracing the weapons in her arms, accepting Sasha's generous offer.

Sora looked at Sasha, in response to her "generous" offer and said.... "You will give your payment to "Becca". I will not give you anything else as payment. understood?" in a reproachful and stingy tone.

"Fine, I don't care..." Sasha replied, annoyed by Okami's tone and words. She folded her arms and asked spitefully, "Anyway, who owns all this stuff, who are we obviously stealing from?"

"That doesn't matter," Okami quickly responded, obviously avoiding the topic. He added "And what you said about not using big guns... maybe one day you'll regret not using them."

"Your saying it doesn't matter only makes it matter more. And about the guns... when exactly would that day be?" Sasha replied, wanting to know who they were stealing from and finding the mercenary's comment ridiculous, considering he had just met her and knew nothing about her.

"Do you ask those kinds of questions on all your Merc jobs? Because you won't have many," Okami said ironically, before smiling beneath his helmet and adding, "As for when you might need it... maybe during a hypothetical assault on the Biotechnica headquarters, just to throw a place out there."

Sasha was taken aback by the sudden mention of Biotechnica, a corporation she held great resentment towards, and because of that, she could lose her life in the future.

'For not being adequately armed... what a waste' Sora thought, looking at the annoyed woman in front of him, thinking it was absurd to go armed with just a pistol to assault a major corporation's headquarters, even if she was Netrunner.

"What are you talking about?!" Sasha exclaimed, bewildered by the sudden mention of Biotechnica in the conversation, not believing it was just thrown out there like that.

"Me? I'm not saying anything. Just speaking hypothetically, nothing more," Okami said, turning his back. "Take the weapons to the car and don't touch anything. I'll be right back," he added before leaving the room with Eco following him.


Shortly after he left...

"What the hell was he talking about?!" Sasha asked, somewhat indignant, expecting an explanation from Rebecca. Sasha didn't know how to explain it, but it was as if somehow he had violated the privacy of her mind.

"He tends to have that effect on some people. He says things that somehow disconcert, with some personal comment he shouldn't know or shit like that... you should see the arguments he has with Maine. So.... did he get to you too?" Rebecca asked as she began to carry the weapons to the room's entrance, noticing Sasha's angry and somewhat bewildered expression.

"No!... well, kind of, but it must be a coincidence. There can't be any other explanation," Sasha replied, not entirely sure.

"I would ask you; why? but... since I've known you from the highs, you don't usually talk about your past and always keep up a fake smile... What!? Don't look at me like that, I haven't said it before because we all have our pasts that we don't want to talk about," Rebecca said, surprising Sasha in the process with what she thought of her, and her considered attitude that she was hiding in her little body

Sasha hesitated on how to respond and said; "It's about what he said about Biotechnica."

"What about it?" Rebecca asked.

"I've thought more than once about hacking into the main server at Biotechnica's headquarters." Sasha added, revealing something she had never told anyone out loud... and it seemed like the Merc she had just met already knew.

"Hmm..." Rebecca thought for a second before responding, "If that's the case, he's right. You'll need more than one of these." Rebecca said, handing Sasha an L-69 Zhuo Smart Shotgun before leaving the room, taking the first batch of weapons to the car.

When Sasha was alone in the room, she stared at the weapon, taking Rebecca's advice and using the gun strap to sling it over her back.

Still annoyed by Okami's intrusion and lack of answers, Sasha took advantage of being alone and, contrary to what Rebecca had told her, approached the monitors connected to the room's server.

A few minutes later, Rebecca returned and upon seeing Sasha on the monitors, she exclaimed exasperatedly, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Rebecca, I need answers! Don't you want to know who we're stealing from?" Sasha confronted her defiantly.

"Fucking Netrunners!" Rebecca complained, realizing that Sasha was getting her into trouble with Sora. "I turn around for a damn minute, and look what happens! I told you not to do this kind of stuff..." Rebecca cursed, frustrated with Sasha's behavior.

"Don't be melodramatic. The server is clean, it looks like everything was erased except for a newly created folder that I can't open, but I managed to gain control of the room," Sasha explained, trying to justify her actions.

"Stop!" Rebecca, visibly disgusted to see Sasha behind the monitors, decided to intervene. However, before she could interrupt, Sasha quickly turned on the lights of the dim display case.

The sudden illumination caught both of their attention, leaving them perplexed as they read the message engraved on the glass meant for the owner and and seeing an imposing Exo-body, only lacking the head to be complete, with yellowish liquid dripping from the bottom of the suit, creating a circle on the floor

Faced with the unexpected scene, neither of them knew what to say, leaving them with more questions than answers.

Looking at the engraved message, Sasha broke the silence, when she asked, "Hey, Becca, who is Johnny?"

"I have no fucking idea, Sasha... Is that piss?" Rebecca replied, pointing at the yellowish liquid dripping from the suit.

"Yeah, it looks like it... Doesn't the suit look familiar to you? It's definitely a Samson full body conversion Exo-body," Sasha pondered, recognizing the type of technology. "It feels like I've seen it in some image or video, but I don't know where from."

"Oh fuck!... It can't be..." Alarms went off in Rebecca's head as she connected the dots in her mind. She remembered someone who used a Samson full Exo-body and would have so many weapons... "I think we're stealing from the fucking Adam Sma-"

She was interrupted by a clearly annoyed synthetic voice asking from the door, "What are you doing?"

Sasha and Rebecca turned towards the door, surprised by the culprit behind the state of the display case. Leaning against the frame, blocking the only entrance/exit to the room. With a serious expression beneath his helmet, successfully conveyed by the fixed gaze of the glowing lines as eyes of the helmet.

Rebecca hurried to explain, feeling uncomfortable and somewhat nervous under Sora's gaze. "I-It's my fault, I shouldn't have left her alone. Don't worry, you know I won't say anything, and neither will Sasha. She was just curious, I didn't think that-"

Sora raised his hand to stop her, interrupting her explanation. "It doesn't matter who's responsible" Said Sora, naively trusting Rebecca, hoping to prevent the knowledge of whom they were stealing from to avoid rumors that could cause trouble.

No longer looking at Rebecca and turning to Sasha, releasing some pressure on her, he asked, "You wanted to know who we're stealing from, right? As Rebecca was saying, is Adam Smasher. Happy now? Or maybe the opposite..."

Feeling Okami's gaze on her and the dangerous intentions behind it, Sasha's throat dried up and her pulse quickened, feeling the urge to reach for her thigh as her life suddenly felt in danger. But she stopped abruptly when she realized what she was doing, about to draw her weapon.

Rebecca, unaware of any danger or threat, looked at Sasha with surprise, causing her heart to skip a few beats when she witnessed Sasha's attempt to draw her weapon.

Feeling relieved that Sora, at least, didn't react and remained standing there, leaning against the doorframe, seemingly unaffected by Sasha's sudden and erratic actions, from Rebecca's perspective.

When Sasha realized her impulses and that the situation wasn't as threatening as she had felt, she quickly composed herself and lowered the hand that was about to draw her weapon. She looked at Okami, who continued to observe her with the lines of his helmet upon her.

"I'm sorry," Sasha said, trying to control her nervousness, returning to her usual tone even though she still felt an uncomfortable cold sweat on her back. "It was an instinctive reaction, I didn't want to cause trouble, about... Smasher, as Rebecca said, I won't say anything... I'm sorry."

Sora nodded, and without saying anything else, he took a few stacked weapons at the entrance and left, leaving Rebecca and Sasha alone again.

"Damn it... 'I trusted her', 'I'm sure she won't get me into any trouble', why would I think all that shit... FUCK!" Rebecca said when Sora left without even looking at her. Speaking her mind without filter, she added, ".... Thanks, Sasha."

"What! Don't you realize who we're robbing? Aren't you worried that it's the FUCKING Adam Smasher?" Sasha said, more concerned and scared of Smasher than of the angry little person at her side.

"Not if it leaves me without my new weapons!" Rebecca exclaimed.

"Don't be childish, Rebecca. Don't you care about what will happen if Smasher finds out we've set foot in this room?" Sasha added, emphasizing the dangerous consequences.

"How will he find out? Have you seen all the Maelstroms dead? Tch... turn that off and let's take the weapons... I hope he'll at least let me take one... damn it," Rebecca replied, exposing the reason why she didn't care too much about robbing someone like Adam Smasher.

'Everything will be fine... as long as he doesn't find out who has been here' Rebecca thought, not the first time she had done something like this, remembering her past and what she and her brother had to do to escape from the hole they were born into.


Fifteen minutes later.

As Rebecca, Sasha and Sora were unloading the last batch of weapons from the ship, two black SUVs with the Mealstroms' cybernetic spider symbol on their doors burst into the port at full speed.

Sora and the others dropped the weapons and quickly took cover. As the Sub zigzagged without stopping along the narrow road the port had. Seeing their fellow Mealstroms lying dead on the ground, without stopping, the SUVs sped out of the harbor as fast as they entered.

Sora cursed and asked Sasha and Rebecca, "Fuck! Did they see you?" Both nodded nervously, confirming that they had been spotted.

Sora picked up Eco from his shoulder and ordered, "Go back to your body and guide Rebecca to the apartment garage to unload the weapons there." After Sora finished, he put Eco on the ground, who ran off with his short legs towards the parked Yaiba.

Without wasting a second, Sora advanced toward the nervous Greyson. Seeing Sora approaching him directly, Greyson's anxiety skyrocketed. Without uttering a single word, knocked him unconscious with one blow.

Sora then proceeded to drag Greyson's limp body and threw him next to Wrench, positioning them against the newly unloaded container of the ship. Sora also placed a customized "Carnage" shotgun with a drum magazine next to them

Sora had chosen that particular shotgun for the excursion would do with Greyson, because of the fancy ammunition Smasher had in it—Flechette rounds. Each cartridge contained a series of highly reinforced tungsten flechettes capable of easily piercing hard materials like concrete, which caught Sora's attention.

Then, Sora turned to Rebecca and said, "Get out of here. Follow Eco and unload the weapons wherever he tells you to."

In a nervous tone, Rebecca asked, "Who the hell were they? More Maelstroms? Do you think they'll be able to contact Smasher?"

"Must be the rest of the men of the unconscious "Cyber-Noel" from "over there", who came to confirm why their boss was taking so long and..." Sora pointed his head at Wrench unconscious against the container, before turning the two line-like eyes in his helmet towards Rebecca, "As for them contacting Smasher... they won't"

Sora added, before making a display of skill. When he left the port using the hook on his black cybernetic arm, climbing up a nearby lamppost and using the parallel section to the ground, to drop down and when he was perpendicular to the ground, propelling himself with such force that he bent the metal structure of the lamppost as he was launched.

Sasha and Rebecca stood there, looking at the bent steel lamppost, unsure of what to say. Until Sasha broke the silence again, asking, "How are we supposed to follow the puppy?" Referring to Eco who had run off.

Rebecca, without a clear answer, said, "I have no idea..." before being interrupted by the roar of a motorcycle engine entering the port...


Outside, Sora used the hook of his cybernetic arm to quickly ascend to the nearby elevated highway, surprising the driver of the car he landed on the hood of.

He used the elevated position of the highway to reach the SUVs being followed by a Fool crow and sent their location. They were driving on the road, right beneath the highway where Sora was.

Sora greeted the bewildered driver before jumping off the highway, synchronizing his descent with Fool's view and the passing SUVs below.

Activating the nanobots in his spine, slowing down his perception of time, aiming at the roof window of the first Maelstrom SUV. With a "Maximum effort" slipping out his mouth, as he entered the car with his legs first, shattering the glass as he landed, instantly knocking out the occupant under the window with a head kick.

Forcing the car's driver to make a violent swerve to regain control due to Sora's sudden entry.

The Maelstroms in the car were confused, not knowing what "the Hell" was happening due to the sudden commotion and the subsequent swerve.

As the occupant in the back, the one who was still conscious, was the first to realize there was an intruder in the car, not because he saw Sora but because he felt his arm around the back of his neck, supporting his opposite shoulder...

Okami, sitting in the middle seat, settled comfortably in the back between the two occupants before deactivating his slowed perception of time, placing his hands on the shoulders of both Maelstroms as if they were old friends, including the one with his head forward, unconscious.

All of this while...

♩ "Shoop shoop ba-doop" ♩

♩ "Shoop ba-doop" ♩

♩ "Shoop ba-doop ba-doop ba-doop" ♩

Humming a song, catching the attention of all the confused Mealstroms in the vehicle, who reacted in the same way, including the driver and the Mealstrom in the back with Sora's arm hanging over his shoulder.

Drawing their weapons and all aimed at the mercenary who had sneaked into the moving vehicle, silencing him.

The unstable atmosphere charged by the second as the Mealstroms aimed their weapons, waiting for one of them to be the first to shoot to unload their own weapon.

While they hesitated, and to break the ice in the tense situation, Sora said, "Hello, I know, right? What the hell am I doing inside the car! If I said it, the magic would be lost, but it rhymes with..." His pause caught the attention of the Mealstroms before he suddenly blurted out, "Cockshot," and as he said it he did so, slamming his fist into the crotch of the Mealstroms to his right.

At that moment officially unleashed chaos inside the car, when the Mealstrom who just got hit in his testicles, accidentally fired his weapon. The shot passed by the driver's ear, disorienting him and causing him to fire his weapon erratically inside the moving car.

Meanwhile, Sora grabbed and pushed the unconscious Mealstrom on his left towards the passenger seat, the only one that had a clean shot on him, making him miss, when his head collided with that of his unconscious companion that Sora threw.

Next, with more space in the back, Sora lay down and charged/contracted his two legs, delivering a powerful double kick to the head of the Mealstrom on his left who was still clutching his groin from the previous punch.

Dyeing the door red when the Mealstrom received the double kick and his head blew against the door, which ended up breaking from the impact and threw out of the car what was left of the headless body, but his leg got tied by the seat belt. Leaving the body hanging outside the car, hitting the road, and dyed it red.

Then, amidst the disorder, Sora lunged into the vehicle, lying down between the driver and the passenger. He said, "Hello there!" The passenger aimed his weapon at Sora, but before he could shoot, Sora briefly grabbed the steering wheel, making a slight swerve that jolted everyone inside the car enough to cause the passenger's shot to miss. Instead, it hit the unfortunate driver, who, startled by the sudden gunshot to his shoulder, let go of the steering wheel.

Sora extended a helping hand and placed his own hand back on the wheel, making another sharp turn that sent the vehicle zigzagging along the road until it lost control and flipped, violently tumbling and spinning at high speed.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" A synthetic sound of pain echoed as Sora's body collided with the seats and the bodies of the Mealstroms while everything spun inside the car.

In the last second, before the car crashed into one of the road exits, Sora slid his body through the roof window through which he had entered, when he catched a glimpse of the asphalt of the road momentarily.

He exited the vehicle, rolling down the asphalt at high speed, until he dug the fingers of his right cybernetic arm into the road, creating deep grooves in the hard asphalt with his fingers until he finally stopped.

Facing the second Mealstrom SUV, larger than the first one, which stopped in front of him, while behind him, the car from which he had just "get out" crashed and exploded against the road junction.

One of its occupants, whose leg was trapped by the seatbelt but without a head, managed to free himself during one of the violent spins of the car, but he was flung and ended up stuck against a large window of one of the nearby office buildings. It seemed like an early Christmas decoration, albeit a macabre one when one looked closely or peered through the window.

Upon seeing this gruesome sight, the remaining eight Mealstroms who emerged from the second SUV glared at Sora, who stood up and dusted himself off, while reaching into his jacket and irritably saying, "Tch, there are eight of you, and I have only six bullets left, so... you'll have to share!" As he finished speaking, he drew his new Malorian Arms 3516 and blew the head off the Maelstrom who led the group with his sixth 14mm caliber bullet.

The deafening blast of the shot echoed through the air, leaving a brief moment of silence between the remaining Mealstroms and Sora, which ended when the corpse of their leader fell to the ground. They opened fire on Sora, who remained in place, making small movements to dodge the few bullets that hit him while the rest of their shots scattered around him.

Firing three consecutive shots, hitting 2 out of 3, the first shot pierced the chest of a kneeling Maelstrom, opening his chest from the powerful shot. The second shot separated metal from flesh, blowing off the entire cybernetic shoulder of another Maelstrom, using his fourth 14mm bullet.

The third bullet missed when Sora barely managed to dodge a shot that grazed his right shoulder, creating a tear in his jacket that closed on its own after a few seconds.

The one responsible for the shot received retribution from the Fool crow hovering in the area, which dived, opening its chest section and releasing a thin, small metal cylinder of only 10cm/4in size onto the Maelstrom who had just shot at its creator.

The cylinder decompressed its sections in the air, revealing its true form as a javelin of half a meter or 5 feet, with an artificial diamond tip, made from an expensive machine of a certain robot pet company whose co-creator insisted on buying.

Piercing the neck of the Mealstrom from behind, with the first half of the javelin went unnoticed as it passed through his neck, due to the fine cut made by the diamond tip, until the own Maelstrom saw it appear in the lower part of his vision.

The javelin ended up impaling him on the ground, leaving the impaled Maelstrom in a panic, desperately moving his hands, trying to remove the javelin that pierced his neck, while he gurgled and drowned in his own blood.

Witnessing the horrible deaths of their comrades, three of the remaining five Mealstroms ran for cover behind the car they had just exited, while the other two continued shooting at Sora, who started running towards them, switching his Malorian Arms 3516 of hand. And aiming his free cybernetic black hand and the grapple on his wrist at one of the two Mealstroms, piercing his shoulder with the hook and pushing the injured Mealstrom toward him.

Using the injured Mealstrom as a shield from his companion's shots, Sora returned his Malorian Arms 3516 to his cybernetic right hand and fired a single shot at the lone Mealstrom in front of the car, killing him instantly.

Sora let go of the wounded Maelstrom, whom he had used as a shield, falling to his knees in front of him, and shot his second 14mm bullet point-blank into his head.

With blood spattered over his helmet, Sora lifted his gaze at the Suv and ran to it, using the hood to jump over it, spinning in the air until the heads of the three Mealstroms, behind the car, aligned. Extending his right arm and firing his last 14mm bullet, piercing the three heads, sharing the last bullet. With all four, including Sora, practically falling to the ground at the same time, but in different circumstances.

With the job done and knowing that none of the Mealstroms would be able to open their mouth about what they had witnessed at the Ebunike. Sora approached the impaled Maelstrom, grabbed the javelin with his hand, and twisted one of its sections, compressing it back into a small cylinder of 10cm/4in. Releasing the corpse and letting it fall

Sora took the cylinder and handed it to Fool, who landed on his shoulder. "Clean this before I use it again, okay? Thanks for the help. Don't tell Eco, he might get jealous," Fool cawed in response, grabbing the cylinder with its beak, and flew away again.


A few minutes later, Sora walked back to the port with his hands in his pockets, distancing himself from the apparent Maelstrom traffic accident as the sound of approaching fire truck sirens could be heard.

Having completed all his preparations on the ship and not needing anything else from it, Sora headed towards the container that Greyson had just unloaded from the ship. With Greyson and Wrench were leaning against it, both unconscious. Sora grabbed the "Carnage" shotgun that he had left leaning against too and used his leg to push the two sleeping beauties out of the container door.

With only the container door left to open, Sora paused with his hands on the container's latch, feeling a mix of anticipation and curiosity. He swung open the two doors in the next instant.

Smiling beneath his helmet, admired the magnificent Porsche 911 II (930) Turbo, Johnny Silverhand's car. The silver shine of the vehicle and the impeccable, unworn details despite the passage of time would make any car enthusiast smile at the sight of the perfectly preserved classic.

Sora slowly walked around the Porsche 911 II (930) Turbo, gently touching its body with his cybernetic hand, as if he were caressing Judy's naked body. feeling and appreciating the curves of the car.

Admiring the car's design, featuring wider fenders and its characteristic "whale tail" design to facilitate engine cooling, which set Johnny's car apart from the standard 911s of the time.

As Sora admired the car, he couldn't help but think of its owner, his supposed father... Recalling the first face-to-face meeting he had with his mother three years ago and how she, as she had mentioned in her messages long ago, told Sora the story of... Hana.

A brief tale of a relationship that lasted barely 7 days, in which Sora couldn't help but be surprised by the discrepancy between the John of Hana's story, the one she fell in love with, and the Johnny that Sora assumed.

Shaking his head to think about it another time, Sora got into the Porsche and retrieved the keys from the glove compartment, revving the flat-six engine. However, this was no ordinary engine. The Porsche's engine had been modified and rigged to run on CHOOH2.

With this enhancement, the engine's power increased to 350 horsepower, and the torque reached 450 Nm, providing impressive acceleration and speed.

The deafening sound of the engine reverberated through the port as the Porsche shot out of the container, coming to a stop with a drift in front of the unconscious Greyson and Wrench.


As the car continued along the road around the Night City landfill, Greyson suddenly woke up due to a bump in the dirt road, feeling disoriented and nervous as he didn't recognize his surroundings.

He looked around and realized he was inside a moving car. A bad feeling began to take hold of him when his gaze fell on the mercenary behind the wheel.

But, not because of seeing the person who hit him leaving him unconscious and had cut his hand, but.... because he was not wearing his helmet, and Greyson was able to see his young face with Asian features and black hair.

Seeing Sora's face and his oddly familiar eyes sent a strange unease through Greyson. With a trembling voice, he tried to conceal his anxiety as he asked, "Where are we?"

"In a car, duh. You should be grateful I let you sit inside. Wrench wasn't so lucky," replied Sora, nodding his head towards the back of the vehicle as he continued to drive.

Intrigued and concerned about what had happened to Wrench, Greyson turned his head to the back of the car, noticing Wrench's two metal legs and the lone remaining arm. Hearing Sora's voice, he added, "I had to make some RE-cuts on Wrench to fit him in the trunk; this car has a really small one!"

Feeling both unsettled and relieved that he didn't receive the same treatment as the Maelstrom leader, Greyson rephrased his question, not knowing why, unwilling to hear the answer. "I mean... where are we going?"

Sora kept his gaze fixed on the road, not answering immediately. An uncomfortable silence filled the car's interior as Greyson awaited a response. Finally, Sora broke the silence with a calm yet slightly unsettling voice. "I expect you're the one who can tell me that... Greyson."

"What do you mean?" Greyson asked, feeling his sense of foreboding grow.

"I want you to tell me..." Sora stopped looking at the road and stared directly into Greyson's eyes, adding, "Where you buried my father."

Greyson felt a knot in his stomach upon hearing Sora's words. For an instant, he saw a dead man's face overlaying the young mercenary's face before him.

Refusing to accept what he saw, Greyson stammered, "Wh-who are you talki-" Before Greyson could finish his sentence, Sora interrupted him, unable to believe that he was the son of...

"You know well, Greyson," said Sora, raising his black cybernetic right hand, turning his arm silver like "Silverhand" as he said it, right in front of the disbelieving Greyson's eyes. The revelation and the sight of Sora's silver arm, just like his father's, struck Greyson hard, leaving him breathless. Unable to believe what he was hearing, Greyson mumbled, "No... that can't be true," struggling to process what he had just heard.

Immediately, desperate to escape, Greyson tried to open the car door with his one remaining hand, ready to jump out, even if it meant fracturing every bone in his body. Anything was better than remaining in the same vehicle as Johnny Silverhand's son, he thought.

But, he was interrupted by the back of Sora's silver fist that broke his nose for attempting to open the door.

"Tch, tch, tch bad Greyson!" Said Sora growing a dangerous smile "If I were you I would start talking.... apparently according to my mother I have inherited my father's temper.... and you know how Johnny could be, right.... Greyson?" he added widening his dangerous smile and as he looked into Greyson's eyes he illuminated the circle around his pupils as the white sclera of his eyes blackened.

Creating a shocking image that made Greyson as he clutched his broken nose with his only hand begin to tremble imagining what the demonic son Silverhand would do to him.

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