Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Paint It, Black

As the melody spread throughout the city and before Maine and company entered the building.....

"Close your eyes, okay? It'll all be over soon, I promised you, didn't I?" Sora said, smiling softly at Judy, taking responsibility for the promise his Soulcode made to her.

Judy, seeing Sora alive and relatively well, nodded her head as much as she could and closed her eyes as Sora had told her to.

As she did so, a change came over Sora's face, erasing the gentle smile and expression he had as he spoke to her and replacing it with a cold, emotionless stare as he looked at Ishii still holding Judy by the hair, causing her to bleed from their previous struggle.

Determined to change that, Sora began to move, step by step, towards Ishii, dragging his leg with his broken femur that his nanobots had not been able to heal in such a short time.

This made Ishii nervous, unable to understand how Sora was still alive... and how he had grown that strange black arm. Ishii took a step back involuntarily when he saw Sora's face and how he stared at him, with no smile or hatred, just a cold pressure emanating from him that made Ishii uncomfortable.

Creating an ironic scene when the heavy and imposing exoskeleton took a step back, inadvertently moving away from the injured human who was approaching him.

Sora shuffled his leg and raised his black arm, clenching his black fist tightly as he punched the air. At the same time the nanobots now able to interpret Sora's intentions moved accordingly, creating a solid block on his wrist, while half of his forearm turned into black smoke, in the last moments of Sora's punch. Generating an empty space between the physical block of the wrist and the other half of his forearm.

That did not take long to meet as it traveled through the free space gaining speed, creating a loud noise of metal hammering metal, ending with the wrist block being shot along with the rest of Sora's fist towards Ishii's face.

Ishii seeing Sora's attack heading towards him, mobilized his three arms, putting his worn ballistic shield in front of him. While releasing from one of his arms his useless weapon without ammunition. Extending the blade from inside his arm again, and moving his last arm grabbing Judy, as a first layer in his defense.

With the intending to use her to take the blow and as a shield to protect himself while charging towards Sora to end him and the strange pressure he was feeling coming from Sora.

However, unlike Ishii's plans, when Sora's fist was about to hit Judy's face, the nanobots dispersed into a black cloud that passed caressing her face. As a part of the nanobots starting to cut the part of the judy`s hair by which Ishii was holding her.

While the rest of the Nanobots passed Judy's head, crashing into Ishii's red ballistic shield. They scattered to the sides in an attempt to reach him, as other part of the nanobots got into the fractures of the shielding, increasing the damaged parts, widening the fractures.

Causing Ishii in panic, to start moving his shield, trying to disperse the black cloud that was approaching him, while he moved back trying to get away from it.

Taking advantage of the moment of panic, Sora ran the few meters/yards separating him from Judy, supporting his injured leg. Noticing how with each step he took on his broken femur, it dug into the muscles of his leg, making every step agonizing but worthwhile.

When Sora jumped forward at the same time the nanobots in Judy's hair had finished cutting the strand by which Ishii was grabbing her, causing her to fall from Ishii's exoskeleton onto Sora's healthy left arm.

Sora landed on his good leg and jumped backwards with it, getting away from the out-of-control Ishii, who was waving his Exoesqueleton arms trying to disperse the black cloud without realizing that he had lost the only thing keeping him alive.

"You can open your eyes now," said Sora, still looking at Ishii but turning briefly to Judy when she opened her eyes with fear, even though he had already let her go and was helping her to stand up.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? Where's all the confidence you had in me before, saying that if something happened, I would save you... well, I did, right?" said Sora, who, upon seeing her well and finally safe, changed his cold expression, laughing at Judy's as she looked at him as if she couldn't believe.

"Idiot!" Judy reacted again upon hearing Sora's joke, launching herself towards him as she burying her face in his neck, hiding her tearful face in it.

"Heh... I'm sorry for worrying you... but let's finish this, okay?" said Sora gently, feeling Judy's tears on his neck, while stroking her head with his healthy left arm.

"Hmm!" she replied, unable to speak, only letting out a slight noise to affirm.

Sora, with Judy still clinging to his neck like a koala, refocused on Ishii who had realized that he had lost his hostage. However, he was too busy trying to disperse the persistent black cloud that no matter how many times he scattered it with his shield, it just kept regrouping and attacking him, to be able to do something against

With some of the scattered nanobots reaching Ishii's face, starting to get small wounds on his face.

"You know Ishii, in the end, we're not so different. I also want to hear you scream!" Sora said, giving an order to his nanobots and causing a new black hand to grow on his right arm. This caused his right ear to bleed again and the white of his right eye to return, a consequence of taking more nanobots from his body to replace the ones lost in his arm.

Now that he didn't have to worry about anything happening to Judy, Sora mobilized not only the nanobots in his fist, but those in his entire arm.

Performing again a strike into the air, which dispersed the nanobots in his arm, losing their shape, heading towards Ishii as a large amount of black smoke.

With Sora remembering every blow Ishii had landed on him and every tear Judy had shed, strengthening his determination to kill him. He unconsciously mobilized the nanobots inside his body that kept his wounds closed.

Causing with each passing second, more nanobots emerged from Sora's severed shoulder, and more of his wounds began to bleed againg, making him even cough up blood. Worrying Judy watching him bleed and get worse again.

However, Sora was so obsessed with the idea of getting revenge on Ishii that even if he realized what was happening, he wouldn't stop until he had taken his life.

Ishii seeing the new, much larger cloud approach and merge with the one that was assaulting him, changing from a small black smoke cloud to a black mist that was getting closer to him. That he couldn't stop it, no matter how much he tried to disperse it with his battered shield, which was filled with more nanobots with each of Ishii's swings

Reaching a point of no return, when all the scattered fractures from Trauma Team bullet impacts on the shield came together, looking like a fractured pane of glass about to shatter into a thousand pieces.

And In one of the violent swings Ishii made with his shield, along with the pressure exerted by the nanobots inside the fractures, the shield broke into small pieces from its fractures, leaving the pale Ishii looking at the arm of his exoskeleton where he had his shield before, turning towards the black mist that was approaching him without having any way to defend himself.

As Ishii realized what was coming, he remembered Sora's words about wanting to hear him scream too, and he started to laugh "Hahahahah..." trying to escape from reality.

At the same time, the black mist of nanobots reached the smiling Ishii. They accumulated on his head, making him cough and take uncontrolled steps backwards, while the black mist of nanobots around his head began to enter him through the orifices of his face, from his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.

He fell into panic as he started to bleed from all of them, feeling like something was slowly eating him from the inside, not intending to kill him yet, but with the intention of making him...

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!" Scream in pain, as the crazed Ishii due to the unbearable pain he was feeling from inside him, began to move his arms of the exoskeleton as if he were trying to remove what was devouring him from the inside, causing himself gruesome wounds on his face and torso with them.

While the nanobots continued to rush into Ishii's body, making him bleed wherever they entered, as if billions of tiny insects were devouring him. Reaching a point where Ishii had more nanobots inside him than Sora himself.

Taking steps back out of the deceased Shigeo's office, unaware of how he was gradually approaching the hole in the facade created by the Trauma Team. Generating loud footsteps as he did so, capable of being heard from outside the building.

Trying to stop himself when he realized he was about to fall, but in his last step he stepped on the corpse of the Trauma team he had killed in front of his fleeing companions, crushing its head. As if the dead man himself was taking revenge on his murderer.

Causing him to lose what little balance he had left from his erratic movements. Precipitating into the void from the hole in the third floor facade with his body loaded with nanobots that devoured him from the inside. Feeling nothing but pain in his last moments, when his consciousness darkened as his spine broke upon impact with the ground.

Sora and Judy from Shigeo's office being able to see him fall. With a smile grewing on the pale Sora, who was bleeding from all his wounds as he leaned on Judy to stay upright.

Managing to say before fainting "Worth it" Falling onto the worried Judy, who hugged him, cushioning the fall of Sora`s injured body, grabbing one of the Nue that Sora had thrown to the ground, holding it tightly and determined to protect the unconscious Sora above her, waiting and praying for someone to come and help them.

While the remnants of the "black mist," which was barely 1/10th of what had come out of Sora's body, returned to enter his body.


A few moments before Sora lost consciousness in the cyberspace of the Tygers' server,

"Come on, Muse, why don't you come closer? I still want to keep playing with you. We're going to have so much fun! Hahehaheha," they laughed in unison, the Arc and the Soulcode's voices.

From the creepy smile-generated crack, the blue layer covering Sora's Soulcode began to break, revealing the true form with all his code in a being, even the code he used to save Arc's life, turning Arc into a part of himself.

The result of the union of Arc's blue code and the white code of the Soulcode, creating a black code that completely covered the white body of the Soulcode like a black armor made up of sharp white lines and blue details that ran all over the surface. With a pulsing light giving an almost conscious feeling in them.

With a black jacket open with Arc's face as a blue hologram on his back and blue fur on the upper part around the back of his neck, with the ends of his hands and feet looking like claws of white code.

From the top of the armor, two triangular ears emerged that seemed to be made of a mixture of blue and black codes of a smooth black mask, covering the Soulcode's face with two small blue horns emerging from the forehead of the same color as the two intimidating pulsing blue lines as the eyes of the mask.

The mask threw back his white code hair darkening it and tinting its code to an electric blue tone, which pulsated in sync with the rest of the parts made of blue code, almost seeming to merge with the fur on the back of the jacket.

In addition, the black code armor appeared to be constantly changing, with every interaction with the code of the cyberspace. With some parts of the armor appearing to move independently, as if they were tentacles of code that extended and contracted in response to stimuli in the environment.

Creating a presence that exuded an intimidating pressure that inspired both caution and doubt in Muse and their eight copies, who remained bewildered looking at the new being.

"What are you?" asked one of Muse's female copies.

"I don't need to tell a dead thing anything," Arc and the Soulcode's voices responded in unison, still staring at the androgynous original version of the two genders.

"Jojo! Big words, don't you think? do you really think you stand a chance against me, after having fallen so low as to unite with that .... human construct," said a male copy of Muse, thinking of the Soulcode as a simple product of the Soulkiller "don't make me laugh-" added the original version of Muse who had to interrupt himself.

When the Soulcode annoyed by their words disappeared in front of it, forcing itself to dodge the sudden horizontal slash it felt on his back, bending and jumping gracefully forward to separate itself from the Soulcode that had suddenly appeared behind it, attacking it with the white version of Getsuga in his hand that shone brightly at the moment he attacked with it.

Growing a smile on the theatrical mask of Muse when it successfully dodged the surprise attack of the Soulcode, without getting hit. "Too slow, for a second you made me doubt the end of my story, but the change is not that big."

"Are you sure?" mockingly asked the unison voices of Arc and the Soulcode pointing his white claw-like finger towards Muse's copies, growing from his black smooth mask a blue maw with lights like those on Sora's scarf, laughing mockingly at Muse.

When the remaining 8 copies that had not moved, split in half at different angles surprising Muse, who again created distance when it saw its copies destroyed without any of it having noticed or been able to react.

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