Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

The song ends II

As we were leaving the bridge we arrived at Zero district Corporate Center, people were surprised by the music and looked at us worried about what was going on, from the top of the truck, I passed my sight without noticing anyone in the crowd watching us, but 2 figures caught my attention because one of them I recognized who it was...

I was surprised, but I looked at the other figure, still not believing myself, with all the people I had encountered today.

When I focused my attention. On the second, smaller figure, who seemed to be wearing an old hooded cloak hiding her face. She looked up curious about what was going on and our gazes met.

HeHeHe so you're already in Night City eh! ' I laughed in my mind while in my face a smile was drawn as I recognized her and it was erased as I remembered her tragic past, when she noticed how I kept looking at her, she seemed surprised, as if she realized that I knew who she was, making her look nervous, knowing why, I removed my sight from them two and focused on the annoying fucking sound that drones make when activated.




12 drones within 8s of entering corpo center, sure, that security is paid for


40 seconds before

Pov of Rogue

When the 3 of us got to the entrance of the alley we could see a barricade of Ncpd, pretty serious had a couple of armored trucks, along with handful of Ncpd cars to totally block the whole street, with all the Ncpd in palmed with their guns up behind their nice barricade.

To stop what looks like a fire truck with music coming out of its PA system, while a guy who looks like a teenager, was riding on the back of the truck in control of the water cannon, which looked tricked out, because of the force with which the water was being thrown, making the windshields of the Ncpd cars give way and flooded in seconds inside, causing the drivers to swerve, crashing into their partners....

All 3 of us had a smile on our faces, in a slightly better mood after witnessing this spectacle we were witnessing.

As the fire truck passed in front of us, I could see a young girl, somewhat nervous, but keeping her type, driving the truck... while the boy in the back wearing a leather jacket with a red ONI face on his back, the symbol of SAMURAI, his group.

The kid looked calm having a great time, when he looked at us, he seemed to recognize us instantly making the 3 of us surprised, but then he bowed like an old actor would do when there were still theaters at the end of his performance, the boy bowed in an almost proud way for a job well done by entertaining us with his show. 

As the boy took his bow I could hear Maine and Dario, who were ....



That they were laughing out loud, I also got a little smile on my face, but more than for the boy's actions it was for his jacket, I liked that the name of `Samurai' is still not forgotten even 50 years after his death, with the sudden memory of HIM, again in my head my eyes crossed with the boy's when he stood up again.

I could clearly see his slanted eyes showing his Asian descent, BUT those eyes made my heart race and my mouth instantly pulled out, even the smoke fell out of my fingers. THOSE EYES were like His, but at the same time different sharper almost like a bird of prey, but at the same time, almost like him.....IT CANNOT BE TRUE, IT CANNOT BE, HE HAS BEEN DEAD FOR 50 YEARS. ¡¡¡¡ IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

Unable to process what was going through my head, the truck pulled away, pulling onto the bridge heading towards Centro corp.

"Tch, what a shame. If it were me, I would have chosen to gamble against the barricade, better than going to the downtown to get shot by the drones....Pity were some kids with potential, maybe in a couple of years we would have met them at the Afterlife and I would have invited them for a drink".

"Tch don't say that, you pessimistic piece of shit, it's true that, even leveled up, now that they've taken the joke to the rich part of town, but, seeing how the kid was behaving on top of the truck maybe they'll surprise you Maine."

As they were starting to argue, 3 explosions could be heard, but unconventional, they reminded me of something, as if it was on the tip of my tongue.

YIII-EEE-OHHHHN(unidentified blast)

YIII-EEE-EEE-OHHHHN(unidentified blast)

YIII-EEE-EEE-OHHHHN(unidentified blast)

Realizing what those explosions were, Maine spoke up.

"Fuck that wasn't a pulse blast?"

"See how I told you that kid still had something up his sleeve, what a lad! , and to think he would even carry EMP grenades, FUhahah I wonder where he got them. They're not easy to come by."

Shortly after the EMP explosions, The 3 of us were speechless as we watched, as the Fire Truck, Returned over the Bridge back to Watson, only to launch itself off the top of the bridge into the water, while the two teenagers, were on top of the truck from which the last few verses of the song were still playing.

"[♪So who are you? ♪]"

"[♪Yeah, who are you? ♪]"

"[♪Yeah, who are you? ♪]"

As they looked as if they were surfing the truck, which was falling, to jump off when it was about to hit the water. When the truck hit the water, a large column of water was lifted by the impact and the kids fell a few seconds after the truck, in the same place where the large column of water had been lifted, losing track of them and softening their impact against the water as they fell from a great height. A few seconds after the collision, it was possible to see how a


Underwater explosion, possibly the truck exploding.

With all this I reacted again only with.


I was laughing so hard I was clutching my stomach even Maine and Dario were looking at me like something was wrong with me, but I couldn't hold back. I don't know how it had happened, or who was the woman smart enough to slow down or stop for years her pregnancy, but with what I had seen so far, I had no doubt.

Making me remember the last strophes of the song that was playing through the truck

I know who you are boy...'

`You're his son.....'

Johnny's son who somehow hit the fucking jackpot by knocking up a woman smart and determined enough to have his child on top of him, making it so that the child could grow up happy and free without prejudice or hatred towards him. Doing crazy things like the one he just did.

I didn't know who she was, but she only has my deepest respect as a woman, for even getting pregnant by that scumbag, I could almost call him a terrorist, what she has had to live through, that poor woman to keep the secret, to keep her child safe and in fear of Arasaka finding them, just to be able to ensure the well being of her child. Simply unbelievable.

What would Arasaka do if they found out that Johnny had a son, just thinking about it makes my skin crawl.

After all that and having calmed down a bit. I turned to Maine and Dorio, a little infected by the actions of Johnny's possible son, as it reminded me of the old days, almost taking out the old Rogue, taking the queen down from the ice throne.

And I said

"Maine, Dorio I will not stop sending jobs... today I have lost all the members of Ace Team. If in time your team delivers, we'll see what happens...."

"Another thing, don't get too married to that degenerate Faraday, that guy has sent more mercs to meet the `God of Chrome', than any of the NC Fixers."

Maine and Dorio just nodded their heads, thankfully thinking about what I said about Faraday.

Seeing this made me chuckle in my head at how I had changed what I was going to say in this conversation to how it actually ended up,

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