Danmachi- Hell’s Forge


We chatted for a bit after that casually while those paying attention to me looked like I had suddenly grown three more heads and wings. It wasn't hard to figure out why either as I was talking to Freya like we were equals and Ottar hadn't ripped my head off yet. His devotion to her was a well known thing so the fact he seemed totally chill with me casually talking and laughing with Freya was making people question if I was real and if so how in the fuck I pulled it off.-

My answer? Get good fuckers! Nah it was just because I was likely the only person who was aware that she daylighted as a waitress and didn't give a shit. Everyone else who knew more likely than not treated her respectfully or kept their distance from her alter persona. Me though , I knew the chick as Syr first and Freya second and we were friends more or less. As for Ottar I was fairly certain he had been aware of this casual friendship for a while now and may even been told by Freya to pay it no mind which he did because he's just that devoted.-

The dudes the sort of guy that would see the world literally burning down and if Freya said to ignore it he would act like nothing was happening. He was the sort of pious that Christians had wet dreams about, absolute devotion to his goddess. Hype for Ottar aside I was at this point being listed as an anomaly by nearly everyone here and that A-Okay in my book. People tended to avoid stuff that they couldn't understand. There were exceptions to this rule of course but majority wise this held firm, at least in my experience.-

Soon enough it came time to dance and I decisively said absolutely not and moved away from the dancefloor. Freya also went to go socialize with the rest of the gods and their children while I found a nice wall and stayed there while keeping an eye on Hestia. After a few songs played and some people got a few dances in the room dimmed and a spotlight, no idea how they pulled it off to be honest, landed on a curly haired god with a very punchable face and fine golden and orange silk clothes.-

"Welcome one and all to my regularly held Helios ball, tonight we have an especially exciting announcement. I, Apollo challenge Hestia to a war game on grounds of her captain attacking one of my children and cruelly crippling them!" he said while dramatically pointing at something that the spotlight swiveled to reveal.

It was of course the dude a broke the arms and legs of wrapped in bandages while using crutches to walk with a single leg in a cast. The guy was loudly moaning about the pain and just all around playing the victim act.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I burst into laughter at the guys appearance which seemed to piss off Apollo who clearly didn't enjoy his show being upstaged.

"Who is that!? Who dares to laugh at the suffering of my child!?" the god roared.

"Tap, Tap, Tap Tap." the sound of my feet across the floor echoed in the silence of the room as I walked out of the dim light and into the spot light with a wide grin.

The guy acting injured paled at the sight of me as I approached.

"My oh my, I recall breaking both of your arms and legs and yet you only need one cast? And you have your head and chest wrapped in bandages as well? I'll give you a chance to walk away like you are obviously able to and end this farce on your own or I'll turn it into a reality." I said with a predatory smile.

"You would dare threaten my child in my presence!? In front of so many gods!?" Apollo scream in outrage but I ignored him to stare down the adventurer.

"Fuck! You lunatic!" the guy yelled fearfully as he retreated in fear when it became clear that I was not bluffing.

"See was that so hard? Now then I believe we shouldn't play around with pointless falsities don't you agree god Apollo?" I asked with a smile while the god in question had a hideous expression but held his tongue since even he seemed aware that if he said anything it would only play into my favor.

"Not going to answer? No matter. If I heard you correct you challenged us to a war game, I can accept on behalf of my goddess however there is a condition attached to this acceptance." I said casually as I walked over to a nearby snack table a plucked up a bit of skewered cheese.

"Well what is it mortal?" Apollo asked still clearly angry but at least pleased to see me walking into his "trap".

"Mm, that's some good cheese. Why are you looking at me like that? Oh right the condition! Well we will only agree if the "game" is a siege set in a week from now, with you as the defender of course." I said savoring the cheese as it really was quite good, sharp with a slight peppery note.

"Done! You won't back out now will you dearest Hestia?" the sun god questioned as a spotlight landed on her.

She shook her head and gave him a smug look "You're going to lose Apollo just wait!" she said confidently.

"Urg! How are we supposed to win against so many people!?" later when we returned to the church she was not so confident.

"Chill, you think I wanted a siege just because it will be a cool tale if we pull it off? I have a plan." I said reassuringly.

"Well what is it? Sabotage? Infiltration? Assassination?" she demanded while trying to guess.

"All good guesses but wrong. I'm going to walk right up to the front door and march straight to their captain." I said with a nod at my own genius.

"This is no time for jokes Alex!" Hestia screamed angrily.

"First I'm not joking and second you can seriously relax we have this in the bag I promise. And I NEVER break a promise." I said seriously enough that she actually paused to stare at me.

"That... wasn't a lie? You never break a promise, really?" she asked as if that was such a shocking thing.

I nodded "Nothing short of being physically unable to complete a promise has ever stopped me before, it's never been that bad but you get the idea. This is one of the reasons I don't make promises lightly." i said honestly.

"Fine but if you break that promise I'm giving you to Hephaestus!" the small goddess threatened but let the matter rest.

"All the more reason not to fail then, I rather value my freedom at the moment." i joked.

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